WEATHER. North and Souh Caro lina: Fair tonight and mm EDMOK Friday. VOL. XXIV. NO. 155. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 13! 1918. y FIVE CENTSl . J W AV if r A e I m . n . v v -u oj. V V JLL1L- VBBSSV . -f- jstmssBsssBi . ACmSSyimFI RIVER; " ADAMmm'HECKEBM , ,t ! ' wii French Troops Halt March of Germans West of Oise TREMDOUS STRUGGLE Brilliant Counter Attack by French Swept Huns Back at Courcelles CHEERING ALLIED NEWS Progress Near Soissons Too SlowFor Germans Plan to Cut in Behind Compeigne Forest to Outflank French German forces which succeeded in crossing the Matz river, to the west of the Oise, on the battlefront south of Noyon, held their positions there for a brief period. French troops, counter attacking the enemy, have burled him back to the north bank of tie river and checked his advance to ward Compeigne. The news from the scene of the tremendous struggle as told in official statements, showg that on the field west of the Oise4he Ger mans have come to a halt for the'pres-ent-aHeast. The enemy has not renewed his at tacks on the line from Courcelles to Actheuil, where on Tuesday a bril liant counter attack of the French swept the invaders . back and re-ea- ablished the French lines on. the pla teau overlooking the centre of the German position. This position is Eost embarrassing to the Germans, for it places many of, their most im portant lines of communication under ie direct fire of the French artillery. Farther east, the Germans similarly ire not continuedtheir advance to rn! the Aronde rjter. Tub crossing of th Matz river by. oe Germans i-ueway. JUgt jCoasatnt id a very serious threat to Compeigne. It also tended to weaken the French positions on the east side of the Oise r.'"er. The French success in driving tie enemy back across the Matz, there fore, is cheering news for the allies. Tie French are now strongly posted oa the south bank of the Matz. East of the Oise, the French have withdrawn their lines south of the Ourscamp and Carlepont forests, but are protecting the Laigue forest along a line which is very strong. This change in the line was expected since the Germans occupied Ribecourt on the west bank of the Oise. The attack on the front southwest of Soissons is making ground but the progress is apparently too slow for the Germans to realize their plan to cut in behind Compeigne forest and out flank the French positons farther north. In the fighting so far the Ger mans have made less than a mile along a front about three miles in ex tent from south of Ambleny to St.-Pierre-Aigle. The Germans realize, evidently, the danger to them In the Chateau Thierry sector near the Marne, and have made a violent attack against the. line held by the American troops northwest of that city. The Americans have held their ground and have repulsed the enemy with heavy losses. In the Flanders salient the British a5d French have been active. The former have Improved their positions war Morris on the western angle of the battle line there, while the French have extended their lines near Ypres. South of the Aisne the jGermans have made some progress on the pia- (Continued from Page Nine) JB UP EMPLOYES Soldier Gags Clerks, Secures $150, But Leaves Dia monds in Window Spartanburg, S. C, June 13. An un nowu soldier this morning" entered lhe pawn shop of R. Skalowski, on ast Main street, in the heart of the iness section, held up 'the two em woyes at the point of a pistol, forced ti h to handcuff the manager, then ea and gagged the two clerks and lei the safe. He secured $150 in jj0ney and -at least one ring. Trays u windows contained diamonds rth at least $4,000, but the robber dT not molest them, claim .soldier entered the store and aski t0 be a military policemna, 1Dg to See SnmPL h5nrtr.iTffa Whan e handcuffs he suddenlv nro- a Pistol and held up the clerks. t the Pass "me dozens of people were mS along Main street. Military Polic, Ce anrl ii . Ml ROBS PAWNSHOP PREPARED TO MAKE i IS sm - OF HEROfSM GREAT SACRIFICES I Village Was ,-ost Surround ed, But French Held and Drove Huns Off With the French Army in France, Wednesday, June 12. The defense of Courcelles, oh the left wing of the bat tles front by the French against at tacks repeated day and night from June 9 to June 11, makesa wonderful story of heroism. ' The village whic his most impor tant, owing to Its commanding posi tion, was for 48 hours almost surround ed by the; enemy, but the French held on, and when a favorable opportunity came, sortied and counter atacked, re pulsing the Germans from the vicin ity. The Germans tried every possible ruse as-well as force to taxe the vil lage. The growing crops on the fer tile lands in. the vicinity were a source of considerable trouble to the defend ers, as the Germans could creep throughyffem until they reached the edge ofthe village. The enemy also covered their helmets with clumps of grass and weeds and crawled slowly forward. They could not, however, shake the determination of the French to retain possession of the village. The spirit of the offensive was so high among the allied troops that they continued their advance on the left today despite the fatigue they had undergone since the beginning of the week.. Another batch of several hun dred German prisoners wae brought in together with numerous machine guns. TEUJVVHYi Paris, June 13. Gustave Herve, in his newspaper, a Victoire, undertakes to answer the question, which he says reaches him from many readers, why should the remainder of tjtfe western front be inactive while the Germans are making the greatest efforts and why-should not the British make a strong attack whic would relieve the pressure on the French. ' The editor p'oints out that General Foch, as generalissimo, disposes of all the allied armies, British, American, French, Italian Belgian and Portu guese. If he does not move the Brit ish' forces, it is contended, it may be because there are still heavy concen tration of German reserves before the British front and that the front must be hekr' solidly. General. Foch may Lalso feel able with ' the French re serves to defeat the race toward Paris. Our generalissimo, M. Herve, con cludes, '.'knows too well the vital im portance, strategically and economical ly, of the capital to leave it to the mercy of any unfortunate chance." NOT CHANGE RULES ON COMPRESS COTTON Washington, June 13. No drastic changes in rules governing compres sion of cotton will be made this year by the railroad administration, it was said today, despite urgent suggestion of the war industries board that rules be established requiring compression to about 33 pounds per cubic foot. A conference on the subject of cot ton compression and transportation with producers, ginners and manufac turers will be held at Memphis June 26 by the railroad administration's cot ton traffic advisory committee -with Lincoln Green, vice-president of the Southern. Successful Raid. London, June 13. "A successful daylight raid was carried out by us yesterday southeast of Arras' says today's war office report. "Heavy cas ualties were inflicted upon the enemy. One hostile trench mortar was brought baoi to our lines and two others were destroyed. During the night local op erations weVe undertaken by us suc cessfully southwest of Merris and east of Dickebusch lake." Health Conditions Better. Washington, June 13- General health conditions An army camps con tinue satisfactory, . the surgeon gen eral's report issued today said. A slight increase in pneumonia and men ingitis is noted with a decrease in measles, scarlet fever and dysentery. Deaths, for the week numbered 94, aganst 113 the week before. ' 1 1 Convention Postponed. (Owing to delay in the arrival of the delegates, the Tri-State . Water and Light association's annual convention which was to hate opened ' at the Oceanic hotel at Wrightsville Beach, this afternoon, has been postponed un Americans Ready For More Than Brigading With Allies SPIRIT OF WHOLE ARMY Good Artillery Fire Cause of Capture of 400 Prison ers ly Marines CUT OFF FROM ESCAPE Germans Told to Avoid Being Captured by Americans, As They Would Suffer Great Tortures London, June 13. The American army is prepared," if necessary, to make a greater sacrifice than that in volved In the brigading of American troops with the French and British, declares the , correspondent of the Daily Mail with the American forctfs in France. After recording constantly and deep ly expressed regrets among the American troops that more trained Americans have not been available to assist the French and the willingness of the Americans to sacrifice them selves if need be, the correspondent says: "This Is the spirit of the whole army. I have already seen how the pcesident with, vevrea4Ineas,ill k wfttnid American troops with the French and British. This was a great sacrifice, greater, perhaps, than most people im agine, but I understand that if the eventff of the next few days and the plans of the allies should so demand the United States is prepared for an even much greater sacrifice and of a character much more dramtaic and startling. "I cannot give details and the nec essity may by good fortune never arise, but whatever, happens the allies will always carry a feeling of , grati tude for the magnificent spirit with which the United States is playing her part in the, war." Good Artillery Fire. With the American Army in France, Wednesday, June 12. The excellence of the American artillery Hre was largely responsible for the capture by American marines of approximately 400 prisoners in the fighting' whiich re sulted in the clearing out of the Bel leau wpod, northwest of Chateau Thierry. - . The Germans, who had been told to avoid capture because the Americans would torture them, started to' run af ter the American machine gunners had made the wood untenable, but the artillery barrage was so perfect that the Germans were cut off from escape. Among the prisoners are six officers, a major, a captain and four lieuten ants. All were poorly clad and some had pieces of bread tied to their uni forms with striiig. The prisoners said they were glad to be captured and sev eral expressed a desire to go to the United States after the war to live. All of Germany's plans, they added, called for ending the war next fall. The prisoners were told, they said, that among the Americans were many negroes. The scarcity of officers in the Ger man army is shown by the fact that one of the prisoners, a first sergeant,, commanded a company. He said this was a common Jiiing now. All the prisoners expressed admiration for the fighting qualities of the Americans. The barn in which the prisoners were confined today in the rear of the American lines held more prisoners of war than the United States nas had In one bulhiing at any time in ipore than 50 years. Comparative quiet prevailed,, along the Marne sector today. TYBEE ISLAND CLOSED TO ALL ALIEN ENEMIES Savannah, Ga., , June 13. Deputy United. States Marshal J. Ben Wilson, acting underMnstructions from the United States marshal for the south ern district of Georgia, today declared hall of Tybee island ciosea to aiien ene tfmiAH. This island, which is the site of a summer resort, has been open to these people in the past. It contains Fort Screven, a government reserva tion, and it is understood it -has re cently become a ; more important At- J lantfc -base than in-the past because THE REASON CL&MENCEAU SAID: "WE ARE STAKING THE GAME T UPON THE HELP OF AMERICA." . s : LONG LIST OF SOUTHERN BOYS'H Number -of North and South (Carolina and Georgia Lads Wounded Washington, June 13. The army casualty list today contained 168 names, divided as follow: Killed in action 1 Died Of wounds 9 Died of accident and other causes 3 Died of airplane accident 1 Died of diseases 4 Wdunded severely 137 Wounded, degree undetermined ... 11 Missing in action 4 Officers named: Killed in action: Lieutenant John W. Rhoades, Payette, Ind. Died of disease: Lieutenant' Jesse M. Robinson, Washington, D. C. Died of airplane: Lieutenant James A. Bayne, Grand Rapids, Mich. Severly wounded: Lieutenants Rich ard A. Newhall, Minneapolis; John W. Scott, Detroit, and Harold K. Simon, Marshall, Minn. Missing in action: Lieutenant Ray mond C. Burky, Philadelphia. The list Includes the .following from southern states: Died of wounds: .Private James Smith, Sergent,- Ga. Died of disease: Private A. R. Wynn, Griffin, Ga. Died of accident and other causes: Private Wentz Parks, Madison, Gar. Severly woundeH: Corporals Claude W. Bauknight,' 7 West Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga.; Joseph F. Cely, Easley, S. C; Preston ; Collins, Dublin, Ga.; .Herman F. Parker, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Mechanic Claude B. Robison, Athens, Ala.: Privates Frederick C. 'Allen, Portsmouth. Va.; Henry C. Burch, Walstonburg, N. C; William -E Burns, R. F. D No. 3, Greenville, S, C: William B. Grubb, German town, N. C; Morge iHayes, Starr, S. C; Rob ert Hines. Greenville, Gal; Samuel M Hodges, Concord, N. C.; Henry How ell. Lucedale, Miss. ; Luther JD. little, Montgomery. Ala.; Tommie Osborne, Mantes, Miss.; LInzie R. Pate, Rock ingham, N. C; Martin W. Porter? Hir man. Ga.; David A. Register, Grace- ville Fla.: Aaron Shell, Shell Creek, Tenn.: John M. Shields, Dozier, Ala.; Shellie B. Tucker, Columbus, Ga. ; Joe Wagner. Denver, Fla.; Oakley D Wilson. Lost Creek, Tenn.: William Yawn, Three Rivers, Miss. . Oates Closes Fruit Dealer. (Special to The Disnatch.) FayettSville, N. C, Juue 13. David Hairel, a local dealer in fruit and soft drinkri. was today clpsed by Food Ad ministrator John A. Oates for hoard ing sugar for non-essential purposes Harrel was made to close his place of business for the ctay and return the. UALTIES Ooiyriciit : ' 191 8 : By John T. MtOatcboon. TWO BIG AUSTRIAN Exploit by Rizzo on Dalmatian Coast Great Naval Battle TORPEDOED AND LOSTi Same Officer Who J Entered Trieste and Sank Wien in December, 1917 POLA RENDERED UNSAFE Austria Has Lost Three of Her Greatest Naval Units of v Virbis Unites Type One Left Rome, June 13. "The splendid ex ploit on the -Dalmatian coast is equiv alent to a . great naval battle won," says the Idea Nazionale, commenting on the achievement of Commander Rizzo. The newspaper believes that the two Austrian battleships torpedoed by' the two torpedo boats under his command were lost. ' Commander Rizzo is the same offi cer who entered the port Of Trieste and torpedoed the Austrian battle ship Wien on December 9, 1917. "This time," says the - newspaper "some of the largest ships . jot the Austrian fleet left Pola from which they had never issued since .the be ginning of the war, but which is now considered unsafe, after the audacious exploit of Commander Pellegrini, whp succeeded in entering that harbor and torpedoing a dreadnaught. , "The squadron, profiting by a moon less nignt, was trying, perhaps, to reach Sebenico or Cattaro, but could not escape the close watch of Rizzo, who was thus revenged for the infa mous plots by which at the beginning of the war the enemy succeeded (n blowing up the Italian battleships Benedetto Brin and Leonardo Da Vinci. Thus Austria has lost alto gether three of Her greatest naval units of the Viribis Unitls type and has only one left. "The Austrian destroyers which escorted the torpedoed dreadnaughts opened terrific fire against the two small Italian torpedo boats and pur sued them, but without results." A dispatoh received In Paris Wed nesday from Basel, Switzerland, said that official announcement had ' been made in Vienna that the Austrian battleship .Szent Istvan- had been tor- GERMANISM FAST BEING 0 Action of Wilson Is Complete Debacle, Says Volks Zeitung i Washington, June 13. In the crush ing out of Germanism in the United States, the Koelnische Volks Zeitung sees a disaster in a measure baalnciug the Teutonic military success. An of ficial dispatch from France today com menting on pessimistic discussion in the German press of events in. the United States, quotes the Volks Zei tung as follows: - "Mr. Wilson hopes to succeed in crushing the German ebsnfents. . He will succeed. The German press is already nearly crushed out of exist ence in America. The greater part of the German schools are closed. The German associations- jare having to strip themselves of all vestiges of Germanism. It is a complete debacle. "It is unnecessary, tcrhe pessimistic to realize that the consequences of our European victories are in a meas ure balanced by the sum total of the losses we have suffered in America. All this could have been foreseen. "Aff;erthe war Germans will no longer be able to enter America, the Hamburg-American ;and North Ger man Lloyd lines are, entered in the black book Shipbuilding yards and offices have been sold with the prohi bition of re-selling to Germany after the war. The American press speaks of forbidding Germans to buy ship building yards. It will be the end of German trans-Atlantic commerce. "Besides tkese maritime forces, Ger man estates representing millions of dollars, stocks of copper, nickel, cot ton, leather and chemical product have been seized and used to fabricate American war material." BOARD REFUSES TO r ORDER PRIMARY (Special to The Dispatch.) Raleigh, June 13. Declaring that it has no power to order a second pri mary in the ,Abernethy contest for congress against Dortch in the third district, the state board of elections this afternoon adjourned until June' 20, when it, will canvass the returns. With two democrats and two republi cans on the board today, Pass being absent, it was impossible to agree that the board cquld not go "behind the returns." The return of Pass will solve this embarrassment. .Aber nethy's attorneys made terrific attacks on ground of fraud. Clarence Call, republican, held against ,the opinion that abscond pri mary, could not be ordered, but Free man, republican, voted with Lamb, and Claywell; democrats: Abernethy. has more Affidavits en route alleging IN ' ; . ,-"--.vb i A Army of 3,000,000 American Soldiers Be Only Beginning CIVILIANS.BE OFFICERS Will Be Admitted to Training Camps For Lieutenants jp. and Captains BIGGEST ALLIED ARMY, Men Whose Wives Are Not Dependent On Them For Support Will Be placed ; in First Glass By FRANK P. MORSE. j Washington, D. G., June-13. Amer ica has settled down for a long war - in which unlimited millions of Uhite4 States soldiers will prove" the deciding' factor. This fact is made clear in the public statements made by govern ment officials this week and by the announcement today by the war de- ' partment that civilians ' would be ad mitted to the training camps for offi cers. Washington government announced last .summer that officers for the American army-would, after the be ginning of 1918, be -selected only from . thte ranks of men actually in the serr- ice. It was explained that enough good leadership material for the wax department's purposes culd be found in the army itself and thus no further opportunities would be -held : out; to civilians who desired commissions The expectations of the war depart ment have been justified. A great many officers are now being deyeloped every month from the ranks. But;tb,e process is not sufficiently rapid and the available material is not entirely, ample to meet the new plans. It was confidently believed, a year ago that an American army of 'three million men- would be a sufficient United States quota in the allied army. It has become obvious that an . Ameri can army of three million men will prove merely a beginning of hia country's military eft orts. oirthe number o soldiers, the United , States would put into the flrlngiine he gave a hint of the discussion that was begun at that time, and which has since been put into tangible plans. The war department is now working out all details of military ac- tlvlty with the definite Idea that thU country-eventually is to have the big gest army in the allied force pitted1 against the German war machine. American military experts realize that the first step in a scheme to build a big army is the development of a correspondingly big corps of offi cers. For that reason it. has now; been announced" that civilian catidl-" dates will be admitted to the fifth training camps, which are soon to be called. The only limitation on-applt"' cations is that no men of draft age ' will be considered. Candidates for' lieutenancies should be between 32 ' and 36 and those trying for captaincies should be between 36 and 42 year old. Graduates of these training camps, which will, of course, house even more candidates from army ranks than from ciVil life, will be given early oppor tunity to see actual service n France.1 . ' (9U1M 9St3JfUO peftUflUOQ) , E ASKS WILSON TAK OVER mm COMPANIES' 3 Labor Federation dn Record Against Western Union and Postal Operators St. Paul, Minn., June 13. A resolu tion asking President Wilson to take over Immediate control of the West-. ern Union and Postal Telegraph com- ; panies in view of the possibility of a -strike of union telegraphers was -adopted today at the annual conven tion of the American Federation of . Labor. , " " , Another resolution calling upon the federation to pledge its entire support : to the telegraphers of Seattle, Waslu who, according to the resolution, were ' discharged for Joining the union, was voted down. It was pointed out that 5 a strict interpretation would result in . a general strike all over the country. Officers of the telegraph companies and Postmaster General Burleson ' were attacked prior to adoption of the ; v . resolutions. E. B. Perham, of St -' ?; Louis, president of the Order of Rail . road Telegraphers, charged that labor i code messages were held up in tele ; graph offices until they were decoded. ;'f The attack on Postmaster GenerarJf ;i? Burlesorf was made by Delegate Thorn- . ; i; as'F. Fleharity of Washington. The advisability of organizing? thou- - : sands of new women workers who are , : taking the places of men ,-was set forth by three resolutions' offered by 4 h the committee on resolutions 'and A J l - . - i 5 f i a" A 1 -! ! :n- on tfc youee are ai worjc lIle case m tomorrow. . .-jj'-ki b&ui the sea tragic. v-a:iu -a suaax. : LBeaoeq in me Aarxauc JLfraud and Irregularities. V -!.. -' .. - :r: x,": v -v. -"v

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