J ' THE imiN TUNE I3,H9J8. v BASEBALL i, ..iT v, , a rwallv i .VI . : i rr ' YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. American League. rhicago 3; Boston 7. rieveland 7; New York 5. , 9ftroit 3; Philadelphia 4. St Louis 4; Washington 6. National League. Boston 1; Pittsburg 0. ' ?e" York l; Chicago 0. , Brooklvn-Cincinnati, rain. philadelphia-St. Louis, rain. fi ,3 League. Newport 9-2; Norfolk 6-0. Petersburg-1 tichmond 1. Southrn Association. Mobile 6; Little Rock 12. Se-K Orleans 3; Memphis 2. Va,bvil!e 12; Atlanta 5. Birmingham 2; Chattanooga 2 (call- end ?th, darkness). American Association. . Indianapolis 12; Milwaukee 7. Toledo 7; Kansas City 5. Columbus 4; Minneapolis 9. Louisville 11; St. Paul 5. international League. Baltimore 3; Jersey City 3 (called d9tli. darkness). Vngnampton 6; Newark 1. Toronto 12-1; Rochester 2-3. Buffalo-Syracuse, wet grounds. WHERE THEY 3 LAY TODAY. American League. Boston at Chicago. Washington at St. Louis. Sew York at Cleveland. Philadelphia at Detroit. National League. Pittsburg at Boston. Cincinnati at Brooklyn. Chicago at New York. St. Louis at Philadelphia, STANDING OF THE CLUBS. American League Won. Lost. Pet. Boston ..31 20 " .608 yew York 27 31, .563 Chicago 24 20 .545 Cleveland 27 24 .529 Washington 25 26 .490 An a i Mwtr St Louis a z . TMadelphia 19 27 .413 Detroit .15 26 .366 National League. Won. Lost. Pet: Ciicago 31 13 .705 VerYork 30 14 .682 Cincinnati .... . . . . 23 - 23 .500 toston 21 25 .457 Pittsburgh 19 24 .442 St Louis ..18 25 .419 I POTATOES ARE nun nun in nmuni urn uub m UKAvm Wis and Horton Both Con- r fident of Being the Next Solicitor (Special to The Dispatch.) New Bern, June 13. Digging of &h potatoes in Craven and adjoin- ij counties continues with unabated icanty and, in consequence, many srioads of those are each day going the north from this section and 'k growers continue to receive good prices for them. While every effort is being made get the potatoes out of the ground FJckly, the shipments to the north ce not being rushed to the limit, the shippers knowing that if this is done He bottom will fall out of the prices The digging will continue for at &st two weeks or more and by that it is believed that the crop will ie been moved. farmers all over this and adjoining ties are calling r laborers and is no need for any man to be at the present or any other e, for that mtater. One farmer "to came to New Bern yesterday ton Pamlico county stated that there 'is work there for at least 500 col men and women and that the toners would be glad to employ n at high wages. ong the visitors ' in New Bern Merday was Hon. Z. V. Rawls, of boro, Pamlico county, and who Is candidata for thf snliritorshiD Of 3 fifth judicial district. Mr. Rawls been down in Carteret county. aeetin? the people and looking over Situation, and n an interview 5Tea out stated that he had been as fed of 90 per cent of the votes in 41 countv. flTTft wtrk6 T TTTl 1 1 C r fCk A yuoiLlC ULLX If J. Will DUVUl V- je Place," stated Mr. Rawls, and add- wat he wa.s hpine' p-ivpn fiven .jjter support in the campaign pre- us tne second primary than was ,7U mm in the first. ,reel that I will be the winner," waa Statemenf rnaI Vir T T.lnvH TTni-- or Farmville, Pitt county, and toumuaie ior me buuuiiui P in tho fiT, that the conditions as he finds m in regard to the support which given to him in the second ne very encouraging; i And. uu vmns uerman sessions L and missionaries from all rVfrai vj uiLtjQ oiates ana rrom r9 tnH are gaiuermg tai ... ay 10 attend the annual gen v mbly of the Church of God. Bess will be opened at the 'epi ?v,anJ wlU continue an entire P ha "man branch meetings I. 09 Omitted ,v "WITH THE LAW' The New York Tribune has the fol lowing as a part of their criticism of Vitagraph's film version of "Within the Law," coming to the Grand next Monday and Tuesday: " 'Within the Law,' which had its screen premiere at the Broadway the atre last night, involuntarily sets itself the task of proving that the silent drama is a better medium for telling a story than the Spoken drama. "Every one in the audience was bound to contrast the screen version witht the play, and if the rest of the audience agreed with the writer, they decided in favor of the silent drama. "It is possible on the screen to breach that gap which came between the time when Mary Turner left hei employer's office, a convicted thief, and the time she appeared, resplen dent, in her own home, three years later. In the play the events were, of necessity, only talked about, and in the, picture they form some of -. the most interesting scenes. Mary's release from prison, her sub sequent search for honest employ ment, her attempted suicide, from which she is saved by Joe Garson, and her first dishonest deal with a land agent, which nets her $30,000, and is still within' the law, make wonder ful material for the scenario writer. Alice Joyce is charming as. Mary Turner, and in many of her scenes she is not unlike Janet Cowl, who created the part. But in the scenes where she denounces her employer, who has sent her to prison, her man ner suggests despair rather than an ger or vindictiveness. She is not a self-reliant Mary Turner, for, although she is the' brains of the combination, she does not seem really tb enter into the spirit of the wrongdoing. RAPID CHANGES IN APPAREL. Wearing apparel changes mighty fast during the progress of "The Fight ing Grin," coming to the Grand the atre tomorrow with Franklyn Farnum, the star of this Bluebird farce-comedy. Theng is the hero, a bandit, a tramp and a clergyman engaging in forced. exchanges of raiment under the most ridiculous circumstances. In these compulsory disguises the tramp be comes a well-fed guest of honor; the bandit turns clergyman and performs a "marriage"; the hero is forced to hide behind hedges and underbrush while the girl he loves has visions of her ideal gone mad; the clergyman1 be comes a prisoner and the tangle is not raveled out until' five acts of hila rious farce comes to a "surprise fin ish" in a climax of astonishing revela tions. The rivalry for the hand of a girl who lets duty govern iter decis ions, the enmity that has long 'existed between two staid old business men and the determination or a venture some chap to win a $10,000 bet are undercurrents that keep the complica tions stirring and the comedy situa tions multiplying. "The Fighting Grin" promises great fun for the 'fans." ' Northfield Student Conference.., East Northfield, Mass., June 13. The student conference, one of the most Important In the annual series of religious gatherings established here by the late Dwight L. Moody, was opened today with college men present from most of the leading in stitutions of the Eastern States and Canada. The conference meets, un der the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. John H. Mott, international secretary of that organization, whose work in the last few years has resulted in his visits to all the European battle fronts, will act as presiding officer throughout the period of the confer ence. He will also address the mem bers concerning his recent varied ex perience abroad. Electric, Light Association. Atlantic City, N. J., June 13. The Electric Light association, which met here today an dopened a two-day ses sion, will be devoted entirely to tho consideration of war problems. Ex ecutive officers and engineers of elec tric lighting companies in all parts of the country are in atendance. "Dutch" Leonard, the Red Sox hurler, duplicated his no-hit no-run game against the Browns in 1916 in his great exhibition at Detroit- the other day even to allowing one player to reach first base on four wide ones. Severeid, of the Bfowns, and Veach, the Detroit outfielders, were the play ers given passes to first. Baby's Second Summer GROVE'S BABY BOWEL MEDICINE will correct the stomach and bowel troubles and it is absolutely harmless. Can be given to infants with perfect safety. See directions on the bottle. Adv. NOTICE Hot supper rolls, hot bread every evening at 6 o'efock. Call at bakery. No delivery of hot bread. 6-13-7t FARRIS BAKERY. Md SUN GLASSES We have In stock a very large assortment of 8UN GLA8SES In, all shades and sizes, at the very lowest prices. WHY PAY MORE? Come in and, see us about your eyes. Eyes tested and glasses fitted from $1.00 UP. DR. VINEBERG (MASONIC TEMPLE ENABLES YOU TO BID YOURSELF OF STOMACH. WDNEVANDLIVEQ TROUBLES SOLD Ml? cNDOIPSEu 5Y ML GOOD DRUG STOI?S NEW SOCIAL LECTURE LEAGUE "It reads like a story book," is the way one ef America's most happily married society leaders opened the subject of her remarks on Hair Cul ture at the first annual lecture of her newly inaugurated Course on Timely Topics at her home oa the Hudson Just outside of New York city. "I have been a great outdoor enthusiast all my life and I make it a rule to do without my hat whenever possible, both in the daytime as welt as everiing. Jack, my husband, some years ago remarked that I would have to probably give up my running about bareheaded now that I was getting a bit gray. But I am not to be outdone simply by a few or many gray hairs. I went right to the most reliable authority I could get on the subject. The result was I avoided putting a lot of harmful dyes on my hair and I began using a Hair Color Restorer called Q-Ban and in no time Jack had to con fess he didn'Jt understand how my hair got so beautiful. Was I dressing it different, or what? N "You may rest assured I haven't told him anything about" it, although he very often remarks my hair certainly does look fine. Q-Ban is - our little secret." . CD ! . S EM I y j New York Commercial Travelers. Onconta, N. Y., June 13. War ser vice is to be the leading topic of dis cussion among the members of the United Commercial Travelers of New York, who have assembled here for the annual convention of their state organization. Today was" devoted - to premilinary work and the reception of the visitors. Business- sessions of the convention will occupy tomorrow and Saturday. oyai NAT FERBER'S AIERICAN EAUTIES MUSICAL COMEDY COMPANY In Miniature Musical Comedy. Matinee Daily, J5C 20c Nights, 20c 30c HJJ TOMORROW ii-i' Bluebird Photoplays Present FRANKLYN FARNUM The Youngest and Most Viva cious of the Farnum Boys, in "THE FIGHTING GRIN TWO GROOMS TO ONE BRIDE High Speed Farce Comedy Cotton Manufacturer of Two States. New Orlears, La., une 13. Coopera tion wit hthe government in furnishing supplies and the adjustment of busi ness to meet the new wartime con ditions are subjects to be considered at a joint convention opened here to day by the tate associations of cotton manufacturers of Georgia and Ala bama. The convention sessions will continue until the end of the week. To Mobolize Nation's Man-Power. Washington, D. C, une 13. Mobili zation of -the nation's man-power for war production is the subject of a conference of federal employment di rectors which was opened at the de partment of labor today and will be continued over tomorrow and Satur day. The conference will give its attention to plans for carrying out the "fight or work" program already an nounced by the federal authorities. increase strength ct delicate nervous. run-down people m xwo WCCI , r ' many instance. It has been used and en dorsed by such men as Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, former Secretary of the Treasury and Ex-Goyernor of Iowa; Former United States Senator Richard Rolland Kenney of Delaware at present Major of the U. S. Army; General John L. Clem (Re tired) the drummer boy of Shiloh who was sergeant in the U. S. Army when only 13 ye.ars ct age; also United States Judge G. W. Atkinson of the Court of Claims of Washington and others. Ask your doctor or drqggitabogtit1 Stop Corn Agony In Four Seconds Use "Get-It"-See Corns Feel Off! The relief that "Gets-It" givea from corn-pains the "way it makes corns and calluses peel off painless ly in one piece is one of the won ders of the world. The woman in "Gt M 'Gets-It Quick! It Easvs Corn Pains and Makes Corns Peel Right Off!" Gas Stove Kitchen Comfort V at Kerosene Cost There's no sweltering over a red hot stove, no work and dirt with coal, "wood, ashes and soot, when a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove brings gas stove comfortinto the kitchen. The long blue chimney converts every atom of fuel into intense, clean heat directectagainst the cooking utensils only. You get a big penny's worth of heat out of every penny s worth of Aladdin Security Oil. Turns on and off -like gas. Like gas you can regulate it in stantly and accurately. No smoke, smut or odor a cool, clean kitchen and inexpensive, always available fuel. Made in 1-2-3-4 burner sizes, with or without cabinet top and oven. - STANDARD OIL 'COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) j Baltimore, Md. AA yottr dealer about the New Perfection Kero sene Water Heater. ALADDIN SEOMTYOIl 7T-. - Washington D. C Norfolk. Va. tuenmona. va. Charlotte, N. C Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C ! tmmmr i 1 1 "BLUE BONNETS" Jl New Pabric with New Features. Blue Bonnets" meeti the needs el the woman who wants a beautiful, durable fabric that wean without wrinklmg, repeli dust and-launder, perfectly. Admirably adapted foe tailor-made dresses, sport coats and skirts, childrens garments, petticpats. etc Also drap eries,' furniture covering, etc. Guaranteed dye fast and durable. Wads variety of cx cjuisita fr"Tn If your dealer doesn't carry "Blue Bonnets" send us this ad with name ef dealer and We wul send him samples and notify him of your request. LESHER WHITMAN & CO. Inc., 81 Broadway. N.wYork ! n DMINA Motion Pictures Every Night Except Sunday Tonight's Bill "THE LAW NORTH OF 65" A Thrilling Story of the Frozen North "on the love une;" Another One of Those Big Sparkler Comedies DANCING Claude Elam's Orchestra the ho'me; the shopper, the dancer, the foot traveler, the man in the of fice, the clerk in the store, the worker in the shop, have today, in this great discovery, "Gets-It," the one sure, quick relief fromall corn and callus pains the one sure, pain less remover that makes corns come oft! as easily as you -would peel a banana. It takes 2 seconds to ap ply "Gets-It"; it dries at once. Then" walk with painless joy. even with, tight shoes. You know your corn will loosen from your toe peel it off with your fingers. Try it, com suf ferers, and you'ir smile! "Gets-It," the guaranteed, money back corn-remover, the only sure way, costs but a tpifle at any drug store. MTdbyE. Lawrence & Co.,Chicago, I1L Sold in Wilmington and recommend ed as the world's best corn remedy by R. R. Bellamy, Green's Prug Store, Elvlngton Pharmacy, Smith's Drug Store and the Payne Drug Co. Ady UNION PASSENGER STATION Arrival and Departure of Trains February 1st. 1918. SEABOARD AIR LINE DEPART 8:45 P.M.. DAILY . Charlotte . Parlor Car. AB&irB 1:10 P.M. 5:15 A.M........ Charlotte 12:30 A.M. ' Sleeper opened 10:00 P. M. For Information Phono 178. ATLANTIC COAST UNE DEPART D-AJLT ARSIVB 5:46 A.M.... South and. West.. 12:45 A.M. Sleeper to Columbia, (Open 10:00 P. M. 7:45 A.M.. .North .............. tt:05 PJd. Parlor Car to Norfolk 8:45 A.M...FayettevlUe 8: 100 PJ 3:05 P.M... New Bern 12:30 P.M. 8:80 P.M... South and West....l:00 P.M. AlAonera tn Ansraita. Atlanta C45 P.M...Nortk ,...t. ....... 10:15 Pleepera to Washtnjrton, Norfolk For Information Fbootx -160, MAKE YOUR SELECTION AND PHONE US. Nadine Face Powder Velvetina Face Powder Djer-Kiss Face Powder Fruman Face Powder Swan Down Face Powder LaBlanche Face Powder 'Sanatol Face Powder Mavis Face Powder Azurea Face Powder Carmen Face Powder Dagett & Ramdale Face Powder R. & G. Face Powder Melba Face Powder Our Soda Fount Menu I Complete. . PAYNE DRUG 5th and Fled Cross Streets. CO. Phone 520. OCEANIC HOTEL .-. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH Now Open Write For Reservation Unexcelled Cuisine Famous Seafood Dinners Supper 6:30 P. M. to 8:40 P. M. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., of New YorkJ A. B. Croom, Jr., Manager Wilmington District. ' 301 Southern Building Phonee 489-1505 (Life Insurance Only) Thafs All." tte Steamer Wilmington Jdfl. S liimnn? Steamer Wilmington leaves every to day at 9:30 a. m. for Southport, Fort,. Caswell and Intermediate stops. DOUBLE TRIPS SUNDAYS, 9: SO a., m., 3:00 P. M., returning last trip 8:00 p. m. Adv. i . i ji si m i tsaasaBBBsaaaiU r Manhattan Square Hotel i SO to SS West 77tb Sti. New York mmE 300 Rooms, 225 witn Bath and Showtr Opposite Museum of NatnrsJ History mmm. Sorronnded by parks. HIf a Block of entraaw k m i Central Park. Conreaicnt to ererytbinf II Room, with nse of bath .... $1-50 per day Parlor, bedroom aad bath, with shower, for one or two persooi. (3.00 per day Par! or, two bedrooms and batbs. abgwer. three or fou persons JS.00 to S8.N per day Excellent Restaurant. Moderate Prices. I FSOBMANN. Pres. GEO. W, O'HARE. Heft. FIRST STOP O THE BEACH EAT BESIDE THE SEA THE HOTELOF SERVICE AND COMFORT C. E. HOOPER, Manager r-t ' 1 w ' s -IN NEW YORK CITY- A Good Room with Bath tt 2.00 to 3.00 Pier Day Is Hard to Find, Bat the Editor of this Paper will tell' you "You can get , them" at the Hotel Gregorian 35th Street Bet 5 th Ave. and Broadway. eke, Mod are, glraproot Can M4f THaaU BJ SJro EBOps. Bet of 9m t FaOf TTrlta fm XsveUot to , StAKIKl P. MKMKI. Prep. 3s v4 'Ill 1 1i tii' 4 w. '-Hi -I ft'! I fill i -8. i - P 4 I