r t - ) - the newfieldS, they wouw proDamy ?Ir v ...... , 'fgy H 13110 A 00 ; - - '" '. , -rey -& Published DAILY AND SUNDAY BY DISPATCH PUBLISHING CO. PARKER R. ANDERSON President nd General Mntr FRANK P. MORSE Vlc-rrldnt SIDNEY BIEBER gecretary-Traeurer TELEPHONES; ( JGeneral Manager's Oflce J 44 Advertising Department 11 76 Circulation Department ... 1 176 Managing Editor. 44 kJity Editor ...... ..205 FULL LEASED WIRE SERVICE. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively enti tled to the use for renublicatiou of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise (credited in this paper aad also the local bews oublished herein. All riicbts of re. rtyiDHcattoa ot special aispatcnet nerein are jaiso rservea. BY MAIL: SDally and Sunday... $6.00 gaily and Sunday, Six Mouths. . .$3.00 pally and Sunday, 3 Month $1.50 Sunday Only, One Year $2.00 DELIVERED BY CARRIER: Dally and Sunday, per week 15c Cr Whfen Paid in Advance at Office Daily and Sunday, One Year $7.00 Daily and Sunday, Six Months $3.50 aily and Sunday, 3 Months $1.75 Sunday Only, One Year $2.00 Entered at the Postoffice in Wilming. ton, N. C, as Second Class Matter. Foreign Representatives: lErost, Green and Kohn, Inc., 225 Fifth Avenue, New York, Advertising Building, Chicago. THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1918. WILMINGTON AND SHIPBUILDING approximately 1,000,000 tons of new construction to American shipping In the last ten months, for it was not un-. til August 3 of last yea that our com mandeering orderwent into effect. We have also added 118 German and Aus trian vessels, with a total dead weight tonnage of 730,176. We have requisitioned from the Dutch under the order of the president 86 vessels, with a total dead-weight tonnage of 526,532. In addition we have charter ed from neutral countries 215 vessels, with an aggregate dead-weight ton nage of 953,661. This tonnage, togeth er with the vessels which we have been obliged to leave in the coast-wise and Great Lakes trade, gives us a to tal of more than 1,400 ships, with an approximate total deadweight tonnage of 7,000,000 tons now under the con trol of the United States shipping board." To this information Mr. Hurley adds a concise statement of the shipping board's program, It calls for 1,856 passenger, cargo, refrigerator ships and tankers with an aggregate dead weight tonnage of 13,000,000; 200 wood en barges, 50 concrete barges, 100 con crete oil-carrying barges and 150 steel, wood and concrete tugs, with a com bined dead-weight tonnage of 850,000. There have been commandeered on the ways 245 vessels, with an aggre gate dead-weight-tonnage of 1,715,000. "Five billion dollars," said Mr. Hur ley, "will be required to finish our program for 1918, 1919 and 1920, but the expenditure of this enormous sum will give to the American people the greatest merchant fleet ever assem bled in the history of the world a fleet which I predict will serve all humanity loyally and unselfishly upon the same principles of liberty and jus tice which brought about the estab lishment of this free republic. The ex penditure of the enormous sum will give America a merchant fleet aggre gating 25,000,000 tons of shipping." have been content to run along ift the old rut. Now their products are rec ognized aa peer of any in the, coun try and the world is their market place. Verily, the dawn is Just break ing upon the vsouth's furniture city, and the whole state rejoices with it over Its merited recognition. FARMERS' OPPORTUNITY The concrete shipyard of the gov ernment which is located at Wilming- Iton, expects to complete its first way I Jin early July, according to announce ment made in-Washington. There are five government concrete shipyards in the country, the others being at Jack sonville, Fla.; Mobile, Ala.; San Diego, Cal., and San Francisco, Cal. The yard at San Francisco is already in opera tion, and the construction of the other three yards is well under way. The government has just let con tracts to these yards for the construc tion of forty ships of 7,500 tons each, sach yard to build eight ships. This work 'will be watched with the keen est of interest, not only by officials 3f the American -government, but of. foreign governments as well. The con crete ship is at the stage where it now may be said to be beyond an experi nent, the first big vessel of this class, the Faith, having already completed a nost successful voyage from San Francisco to Vancouver, and has sail 3d for Seattle to take on cargo for the return trip to San Francisco. The ship ehaved in a most splendid manner nder all kinds of conditions, accord- ng toHhe report i of the government xperts who accompanied her on her aiden trip, and even surpassed the. laims that had been made for her. Wilmington Is already engaged in urning out wooden vessels, and with e operation of the concrete yard to egin early next month, to be followed mmediately by operations at the steel ards, this city will be engaged in urning out three classes of ships, ana s destined to take front rank as a hipbuilding center. The nation is apidly speeding toward the maritime eadership of the world, according to hairman Hurley of the shipping oard, s,nd in this great scheme Wil- ington is to play an important part. In an addreffs delivered this week t Notre Dame university, at South end, Ind., Chairman Hurley lifted the jveil from the plans of the shipping board, and for the first time let the ?ublic gaze upon what has been accomplished.- He further revealed the ambitious program the board has mapped out for the next two years. "In the month of May," he said, "we roduced 53,000 tons more than were roduced in the entire year 1915. Dur- ng the year ended July 1, 1916, 281,- 00 dead-weight tons of steel vessels ere delivered. Adding the 1915 ton- age with the 1916 tonnage gives a otal of 468,100 tons. With a tonnage or the first five months of this year of 805,000 tons, we delivered in five months 336,900 tons of shipping more than was built in American shipyards in the years 1915 and 1916. I do not believe I am overoptimistic in saying that our tonnage output will continue to increase until before this year closes we will be turning out 500,000 tons each month." r Concerning the present strength of the American merchant marine, Mr. Hurley said: "On the 1st of June of this year we had increased the American-built tonnage to more than 3,500, 000 dead-weight tons of shipping. In the eleven months from July 1, 1917, to June'l 1918, we constructed in American shipyards a tonnage equal jto the total output of American yards jduring the entire previous four years. 2a- short, the shipping hoard lias Added WINS RECOGNITION A High Point factory has received an order to furnish a number of desks for use in the white house at Washing ton, and it is said that one desk in- eluded in the order is for the presi dent's use. Naturally High Point is elated over this official recognition of its manufactured goods. For some time the city has had the reputation of turning out as much or more furni ture than any other in the world, and it is generally spoken of as the Grand Rapids pf the south. While its many factories have turned out great vol umes of furniture, up until a few years ago more attention was devoted to quantity of output than to quality. This was due to a certain extent be cause the High Point market was largely south of the Mason and Dixon line, and the demand for the higher grade of furniture was comparatively small. This left the north and middle west to the manufacturers of Grand Rapids and other centers. Along came the world war, the open ing attended by a serious financial de pression in America .especially in the south, where the price of cotton tum bled down to seven cents, robbing that section of its means of securing available cash. The whole country was hard hit along in 1914 and 1915, and none was hit harder than the manufacturers of furniture. In High Point, the manufacturers faced a crisis, as did others everywhere. Mills operated only part of the time, and the number of employes was reduced to the minimum. It was a serious time for the furniture men. But they did not give up. They, immediately began to take steps to open up new markets markets not dependent upon cotton or any single crop. Their rep resentatives raided the jiorthern field. At first they met With but poor en couragement, as the grade of goods they had been manufacturing did not fit the demands of the trade. The southerners promptly decided that if their goods did not comply with the requirements of the northern and eastern trade they would make their furniture meet the requirements. They raised the standard of their products, and soon the salesmen were armed with goods that would meet the test of the most critical. Orders began to come to High Point, at first slowly, but in a steadily increasing stream, and in 1916 the factories began to run on full time and With full force of em ployes, their output going to the new markets. Business conditions brought on by the outbreak of the war began to Im prove all over the country, and the southern trade returned to normal. To meet the old trade and the newly ac quired, the Higli Point manufacturers put their plants running at ful Ispeed, never losing sight of the newly acquir ed trade tha,t had pulled them through the trying days of a year or two be fore, and at the same time taking Care of the! rold southern customers. One result of 'that period of stress which forced the High Pointers .to seek the eastern markets in order to keep going, is no doubt, the order for furnlturej for the nation's executive offices . Had they not been forced br The market quotatons on potatoes, I now furnishes interesting figures for farmers, especially is eastern! North, Carolina, the more interesting at this time because it is the season for put ting out sweet potato crop. A .recent report. by a leading northern dealer quotes sweet potatoes at from $2.50 to $2.75 per bushel, fifty cents and more above the price of the standard white potato, which has been the ob ject of a great deal of attention ny truckers In this section of the state. As The Dispatch in a former article stated, there is an unlimited field of opportunity in growing sweet pota toes. The-expense and labor of culti vation is not as much as many other crops, and the yield is heavy, ranging from one hundred and fifty to four hundred bushels the acre, the lower figure being for poor land and little attention, and the higher being the record under exceptionally favorable conditions. The average, it is stated by ihose in position to know, is at least two hundred bushels per acre. At the prevailing price, the income from an acre of sweet potatoes would approximate $500, and the cost of se curing this return is comparatively small, which should leave a handsome profit. This can easily be multiplied, as the average farmer can readily cultivate a number of acres. The sweet potato as an article of food value stands high, and there are known cases where people deprived of most of the other foodstuffs have livfid several months on sweet potatoes as their principal food; not only living, but having good health and taking on solid flesh. Farmers do not take ad vantage of this crop as they should. It is not only a source of large profit, but is a valuable foodstuff and Its im portance will grow as the war condi tions increase. The farmer who puts over a big crop of sweet potatoes is preparing himself for a rich harvest. Those Mexican editors now visiting the United States will get a lot of real information, but will they be permit ted to publish it when they get back home Russia, in the pit she digged herself, is now looking to America to help her out. She should show a more repent ant spirit before too much aid Is rendered. By FREDERIC J. HASKIN Washington. D. C June 13- What eileet Is the tremendous development of aeronautic; going to have 'upon American industries and ways of life during peace time? This is a faseinating question which is being much discussed among the few men who realize how great a thing our progress In the air has be come. They are agreed that the work of 50 years of peace time has been done in three or four of war; that the modern airplane is the highest achievement of man's mechanical genius; that in our aeronautical train ing school thousands of young men, tfho will be the leaders of the rising generation, are gaining a conscious mastery of the air; and tnat a great Industry, with varied ramifications, has been created. . The peace time uses of the airplane can be as yet only vaguely foreseen; but it is certain that none of these things will perish, that the technical knowledge, the industrial develop ment, and the human sense of con quest over a new element are all per- J- it. s Whether it is cleaning np hotels over here or cleanig out boches in Europe, the American soldier does a thorough job of it. The Washington Post considers the U-boat activities off the American coast only annoying, just as the Jersey mosquito is. "Blease to conduct a private cam paign" Headline in Charlotte Ob server. Please elucidate. manent thing. Our new system of aerial coast guard patrols, for which provision has been made in the current appropria tion measures, will absorb a large number of the machines and the skill ed aviatirs which the government is now developing. It is not probable that any great number of government planes will be placed upon the mar ket, but oipe will, and these will be eagerly bought up by enterprising men, and used for pleasure and indus trial purposes. , t The greatest force In the developing of peace time flying will be thousands of airplane pilots and mechanics who will be reelased from service after the war. These men will demand employ ment in their new and asCinating pro fession, and the demand will surely create its own opportunities, for the force of a widely felt human desire is after all one of the most irresistible forces in the world. The. carrying of mails by air, which has just begun in this country, will doubtless see a rapd develoDment There are hundreds of out-of-the-way places where air mail service is far more needed than it is between Wash ington and New York. Aerial mail service, and passenger service, too, could do wonders for Alaska. The government once asked for bids on a contract to carry mail by air in Alas ka, and no bids were made. After the war, with the country full of ambitious young aviators, and many used planes on the market, no such offer will go begging. There are many places in the west which need airplane mail service as badly as Alaska does. The men who are close to modern airplane work expect a much more rapid development of passenger traffic in the air than the laymen can imag ine. This latter cannot get away from the idea that flying is very dangerous He reads continually of accidents at the aviation schools, without realizing what a very small percentage of chance they represent when the num. ber of men in training is taken into account. He never thinks about the automobile accidents which are .ro- counted In every aper, because he has become accustomed to these and accepts them as a matter of course He will probably be surprised to learn that 3.950 cadets in our flying schools flew 261.300 miles, which is ten times around the world, in one day, without a fatality. Do you think that an. equal number of beginning motorists could run that many miles without a serious smash up? The "ace aviator of the newspaper stories, with his tiny wasp ,of an air plane and his daring rair-raising stunts, has also prejudiced the con servatlve landlubber against flying. He likes to read about those things, but he cannot Imagine himself doing them But as a matter of fact, this line scout in his cranky little speed plane is a passing phase of the great air game. The coming type of air craft Ut the heavy battle plane, which is as stable as a, horse and buggy, carries several men, and is as easily controlled as a limousine. Our Havlland plane Is of this type. These great airships in squadrons of IS to 20 are fighting the war in- the air today, and their devel opment means the development of a stabel plane which will carry several passengers the kind of a plane we will use In peace time. The experts say that the thing really needed to make civilian flying safe is a system of landing fields . Most of the accidents are landing accidents, and many of them are due to the fact that the aviator has no good place to land. Of course, there is also danger of falling if the engine goes wrong, just as there is danger of going into the ditch if the steering gear of an automobile goes wrong; but that dan ger Is small in both cases. If it is somewhat greater in the airplane, that is offset by the fact that theer Is nothing to collide with up in the air no telegraph, poles, pedestrans, nor curves. In the near future, It is confidently predicted, the map of the country will be dotted with landing fields. Every municipality will probably be compell ed to maintain one and there will doubtless be many others in connec tion with private and commercial hangars. These will go a long way toward making mail and passenger traffic in the air as safe as on the land. The only other step necessary to bring it Into its own is the reduction of the expense of flying, and that is sure to come. There is no reason why the expense of the production and operation of airplanes should not be reduced as rapidly as it was in the case of automobiles. The place of the airplane in our national life is further assured by the number of industries which are grow ing up around it. Nearly .all of these will, after the war, find other uses for their, products, but they will also try in every way to encourage the use of airplanes. A large amount of money and brains is now engaged in these industries, and moaey and brains al ways get results. One of these industries is the mak ing of cotton cloth for the planes. Before we entered the war, the allies were using nothing but linen for the purpose. We could not possibly get enough of that material for our own needs. Accordingly the Bureau of Standards was put to work upon the problem, and it devised a cotton cloth made from long staple cotton which seemed to answer the purpose. Per ceiving that this cloth wa sits "best chance" the airplane production board invested several millions in the long staple cotton and set mills to work making the cloth. It proved a great success, and we are now supplying our allies as well as ourselves. The castor oil industry is another. Castor oil is the only lubricant that can be relied upon for use in air planes. When we started out building airplanes, a large drug firm was com missioned to supply the need for cas tor oil. It could not get a fraction of the necessar yamount. Accordingly the board sent to India for a shipload of astor bean seed, farmers were en couraged to plant it by the offer of a fixed price for all they could raise, and now there are 80,000 acres of the beans growing in three states. Mil lions have been invested in the plants for the extraction of the oil. Much the same might be said of the cellulose-acetate wit hwhich the wings of the planes are Impregnated to make them "drum head tight;" and of the spruce which is used for the wooden frame work. In each case a new ih dustry has been created. And in each case this industry will find other mar kets for its product when the war is over, but will nevertheless remain a jvl CHAPTER XLI An Incentive to YVbrk Carrie did as she said and took Jack Holmes that was the litle hunchback name to the hospital. The surgeon told her that he could be greatly help ed, if not cured. But that it would be a long and tedious process, and even if done thru a charitable society It would be rather expensive that is expensive for us. Carrie had told the lipndly surgeon that we Jfyere just working girls. But we agreed to pay so much a month for him, and he was taken Into a sort of hospital home for crippled children. , You wouldn't have known Carrie. All her Ustlessness was gone. She was planning,, talking of what we must do for our little protege and do ing all things that before she had re fused to do. Studying, reading, and best of all, investigating her work to see if she could better herself In the position sne now held; or if she had better do as I did and leave. I had learned something more. Girls alone in a big city, working girls, need an interest in life to make them happy. Carrie could not feel an interest in her work until she bad found this other interest, one that made her work necessary. She had created a real interest for her work because of her desire to help little Jack. And she had done another thing also. She had improved her self immeasurably. She had taken the first step toward her business suc cess by showing that she was in earn est to make the most of her job. Another thing I had also learned. That responsibility and promotion come oftenest to those who are ready for them. That if we were to succeed we must be dependable: tnen we must make ourselves, necessary. George Harkness Again "It isn't fair to you, Mary," George Harkness said to me as we sat in the little restaurant having our usual sup per after having been to the moYles; "What isn't fair, GeoTge " My voice wasn't quite steady: "For me to keep coming to see you when oh, Mary, I'm keepirg other fellows away, perhaps nice fellows who could ask you to marry them when I can't. "No, you're not, George!" I ex claimed.embarrassed so that I scarely knew what I was saying, and a little hurt, too. Why had he said any thing? "But I may, Mary, and you are too sweet too nice a girl to fooled. T can't marry for years, never, maybe I have an invalid father, a dear kind mother who because of the care she has given dad and hard work she did so that I might amount to something is -going blind. She sees a little, but not much. A relative, a cousin of mother's poor like ourselves, is living with us. So you see, dear, why I said it wasn't ialr to you." I remembered that I had heard that men sometimes had their prob lems to race as well as girls ana women. But I never had it brought home to me before. How could George keep so bright and cheery with so much care and trouble? I put the thought into words and he said: "Care, yes, Mary. But no trouble And for keeping cheerful, it would be a poor return for mother's kindness her love, if I went around with a long face. She was bright and cherry al ways," then, "I wanted you to know. force behind the development of the airplane and Its use for civilian pur poses. The war has brought on the Flying Age. the Somebody Is Always Taking the Joy Out of Life By Briggs .).. i nTir nr" ir 1 1 " "T i i - r Jzxi ,-f r - " i Z it I yNjnlALuA&g - with tw vwoklj MygSt TO Bur FOOD FOR fwCOMC TAVxWiLt 1JN TS KlS1 i Twice -r you; 1 e T6u3Le, I If YOU feel nnv Hm iu.r"' drop me, don't hesitate." sll0ull ..w A Bit 0f Human Heart Thank you George, for n' of your father and mother. Bm , ouns men frie- aS! What did you think. Ma?.. stopped embarrassed. 'vnt 1 was the kind of fellow thar 1 on taking up a girl's time and T0 ing nothing, I hope. I know that 7C?"' lots of such felloe 91T! wouldn't have blamed you if vou t 1 mougnt me one, too." u No, George, I thoueht Nellie Rand." ' It was out at last, I had Rw v. my heart; that I cared enough tAm jealous of another girl. V Never! She's pretty and whole cheese. And we sort of Hke ? run arouna witn tnat sort Harv But I never talked to her, onlv'foow and I never told her what I have iu-t told you about father and motW I'm glad," and I was. It ' feel that there was something rf v ' umerenc peiween ueorge and That we were on a more intim basis. But, too, there was with ths feeling another. I wished he had ask ed me to marry him and let me hel ium take care of his parents. I waJ of course, ed to tell him so, but, couldn't, so I only said: "Please don't be any different George. As I told you, I have nr steady young man. Of course. I go oai occasionally but not often. And I ikt you better than any," I finish haltingly. "Thank you, Mary." he returae; very soberly, then went on talking o" things. But I noticed that night ht held my hand all the time we stood talking on the steps and that hi seemed sorry to leave me. So ahlu I wept a little after I went to bed i was not entirely unhappy. Tomorrow BETTY HAS A PECU LIAR EXPERIENCE. (Copyright, 1918, by Dale DrummiiJ Travelette "'T' jrp, Arona. Arona is best known to travelers as the station on the railroad from Milan where Lake Maggiore first bursts into view.- To Italians it is best known foi its plantations of American corn, a novelty in Europe. Today, Arona is an industrial cen ter, but off in the northeast corner the castle of Angera adds a touch to tie landscape which bespeaks Mediaeval importance. The famous Borromecs they who produced the Cardinal de Medici who became Pope Pius IV dwelt in ancestral halls on the out skirts of the village. At the Hotel Reale, a tablet cal attention to the fact that Garibal was a guest there in 1848. That "Arona, Lago Maggiore," Tur ner's wonderful canvas, was not mad j from photographs, can be gathered from Ruskin's letter, in which he say "No such hills are, or ever were. : sight from Arona. They are gathere. , together, hill by hill, partly from the Battes of Oleggio, partly from above the town here, partly from half-way ut the " lake near Baveno, and then all thrown together in one grand izag inary chain." The scenery at Arona is so satisfy ing it needs no artist's license to add to the beauty of its fertile plains, its wooded hills and famous lakes. A Hero Every Day The splendid seamanship of Uncle Sam's men is always in evidence. Hers 'is an instance of splendid ship team work that earned the commendation of Secretary Daniels. Ensign W. S. Hactor, George F. Schad, coxskain ot the Hancock, and G. C. Legg, chie, boatswain's mate of the Potomac, tow ed the steamship President from San Juan, P. R., to Philadelphia. Penn. Ensign Hactor was commended for his excellent seamanship, and for his action in standing by the anchor er gine, risking death in order to prever the broken end of the cable from pass ing through the chain pipe. B won praise for getting the starboara anchor ready for lettin go after u port anchor had been lost and the snip was drffting without steam and neaa Ing for the beach. NAMES IN THE NEWS. "Will to War" is a phrase frequent ly used by the German militarists maintain that the will to war maw unscrupulous offensive a necessity is considered justifiable for the sa of winning. In the News Dr. Kenneth W. Sills, who is to J rnrmiiiiT installed today as presid of Bowdoin college, has been dean that institution since mu- f ' Scotian by birth he came w Ti-n',A States a a child, grew up Portland, Me., and graduated froo high school and later from Bo college. After pursuing POf1' studies at Harvard ana "",. versities he returned to Bodoln , ii on pducator, oegin iuh oaiow o as an instructor, and finally as fessor of the Latin language ana ature. Two years ago Dr , the choice of the democrats i for United States senator, xj y,aa hAP.n prominent umocLoui o ... nw rna. various war activities, especww of the Red Cross. Person Withdraws. June H-"' W, M. Person, of 'ran uu - i has announced that he w 11 not as a second primary to aeu- - nation for judge in inw Clf, leaves the nomination to Juas Tart, who led the neia w - firrt primary lit . rS 4 - ' 1 '

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