THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 19U i. ii : : : rr ; , - . . - -1 Society iuiooca au auu vui iu v - Acme, where they will spend several "Uajd ntui.iivuuo a a w An icecream social will be given at the Advent Christian church tonight by the women of the congregation. All are invitea. . Misses Dorothy. Oldham and Nellie TtnfirfAllnw are in Charlotte as guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. StefihenS at the New Central hotel. Miss Marion- Dunn has gone to Ral eigh, where she will spend several days with Mrs. C. A. Dillon, on Mor gan street . Mrs M. B. Schloss, of Baltimore, is Visiting here with her sister, Mrs. Re bacca Sternberger, at her beach cot tage. . . Miss Estelle Wicker, of Magnolia, who has been visiting friends here and in Southport, returned to her home today. Mrs. Kate D. Woodcock left yester day for a visit to relatives at Rocky Point. Seh was accompanied by her daughter, little Miss Louise. Miss Mary C. Bennett has returned m H i A. -i. from xvaieign, wnere .sue spent Lea days at the summer meeting of the state home demonstration agents. The Audubon demonstration ana i- thrift club willmeet tomorrow after noon at 4 o'clock with Mrs. Edward Campbell and an members are urged to attend. The program will be of a na.trint.fa naturp and verv interesting. The regular monthly business meet ing of the Susannah Wesley Bible nlom rt if tinHiet rVmrfh will be held this evening at 8 o'colck at the home of Mrs. W. K. Stewart, 708 v Orange street. - A relic sale will be conducted in .. Brooklyn Saturday afternoon in be half of the milk station and anyone having articles they are willing to give are urged to send them to Mrs. Thomas E. Cooper, 208 North Fourth street or telephone 618 and they will be sent for. v . Mrs. George Grant, jrf South Wil mington, succeeds Mrs. Annie P. Pret low, resigned, as county home demon stration agent for the summer and has already entered upon her duties. The fcew appointee has had wide experi- i ence in canning and other food con cervation work and is qualifed to fill - the position in a capable manner. TO WNES R UTL.AN D. William Armistead Townes and Miss Louise Rutland were married yesterday evening at o ciock in at. , T71 i i i v. n TT Hsnckel Taylor, rector, in charge of S John's church, officiating. The caxwsaeay, beautiful in its simplicity, . was pervOTmea unaer me weaaing Den used at t& golden wedding of the bride's grai- grandparents and under which all tke brides in the family have beep married. Dressed in white with tulle veil and -ain the bride pre-. - Bented a picture of loveliness. She was attended by Miss May Ella Ran kin and Miss Theodosia vantwell and little Misses Louise DeR. Dick and Elizabeth Parsley were flower girls. Mrs. Armand DeR. Harriss, Mer of the bride, was dame of honor. The flowers were lilies. George B. El liott, general counsel for the Atlau3c Coast Line, was best man and William M. Parsley and Dr. Quillen were ush- - ers. The bride is the charming and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rutland and the groom a native of Richmond. He has been in the legal department at the Coast Line for a number of years. Out-of- , town guests included Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Townes, Richmond; Mrs. Armand DeR. Harriss, New York; Mrs. Hen ry Parsley, Fayette ville; W. M. Pars - ley, Spindale, N. C. Wrightsville Breezes A goodly percentage of Lumina visi tors last night adjourned to the east verandas when the pictures were shown. The service being presented is Of an exceptionally high calibre and the pictures are rapidly taking their place as one of the chief Lumina at tractions. A big story of the frozen north, "The Law North of 65," is the season able headliner on . the Lumina over-the-waves screen tonight. "On the Love Line," a Sparkler comedy starr ing Billy Ruge, the noted legitimate comedian, is another offering for this evening. Mrs. W. H. Schrbeder and a num ber of friends, of Atlanta, are on the beach; for several days, guests at the Seashore hotel. Mrs. J. T. Martin, of Greensboro, is a Seashore hotel guest. She expects to be on the beach for several days. Miss Virginia Bugg, of Chase City, Va., is a beach visitor, a guest at the Seashore hotel. Mrs. E. R. Landis, of Toledo, O., is a beach visitor, a guest at the Sea shore. Miss Florence Davison, of Honolulu, Hawaii, is on the beach for the sea son, a guest at the Seashore. Seashore . hote Iguests include Thomas Tomer, Atlanta; C. J. Lawn, Washington; R. B, Brien, Hamlet; W. E. Spier, Sumter; R. K. Schuman, Hamlet; F. J. VanLoaner, Green Bay, Wis., and A. W. Gorchlon and John Latesen, Omaha. The , Elam orchestra will be at the Seashore hotel tomorrow at noon and will render a grand concert, the Oceanic being without music at mid day. Director Elam assembled his ar tists at the Oceanic Tuesday at noon and the guests enjoyed the music immensely. COL. TAYLOR ADDRESSES INSURANCE MEN TODAY Colonel Walker Taylor is in Char lotte today attending the sessions of the annual gathering of the state in surance men and will deliver an ad dress before this body this afternoon, and H. F. Wilder is in Gastonia, meet ing with the State B. & L. associa tion. Both associations were in con vention here last year. Besides his brilliant work in the field and at bat George Sisler, the star of the Browns, is going at a fast clip toward the base-stealing championship of the American league. One of the most successful of busi ness women in England is Miss Ethel M. Sayer, who, has just been elected to the freedom of the city of ..London in recognition of her ywar relief work. Twenty-one years ago Misa; Sayer be gan her business career as private sec retary to the head of a large firm of advertising contractors. In January of last year she was made a director of tho firm. WE'VE HEARD ENOUGH OF v THE MAN WITH THE HOE He'd IwW tret a mn. f ports to tbe National War Garden Commission,, of Washington, show tne women or this town are going to produce some food this year. SATURDAY Specials BELK-WflXIAMS' FRIDAY and With everything advancing in price it behoove the wise buyer to take advantage of our week-end specials every week." We always have specials that will make you stop, look and loosen! It will pay you to get into the regular habit of coming to Belk-Williams every Friday or Saturday certainly. This week you will find the numbers below in the different departments. - ' Men's and Boys' Department Roly-Poly Play Suits, just the very thing for that Roly-Poly young un, from 2 to 8 years. Specially priced from 98c to $1.19 Men's Balbriggan Underwear, worth 50c a garment today. Shirt and drawers, special, 39c each. Palm Beach Suits for this warm a weather; be comfortable in one at the special price, $8.95 to $9.95. Main Floor Right Aisle. TOILET GOODS . Pebeco Tooth Paste 45c 30c antiseptic Tooth Brushes 19c 1 0c size Buttermilk Toilet Soap, 3 cakes in box, per box, only 15c Main Floor Between Front Doors READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. All wool slipover sleeveless Sweaters,- genuine bargains for $3.98, week-end price, $2.98 Ladies' Skirts, shirred on band, with belt and two pretty pockets, made of combination silk and cot ton goods, worth $3.95. Special Friday and Saturday price, $2.69 Children's and Misses Gingham, Percale and White Lawn Dresses, slightly soiled, dresses that sold from 98c, $1 .25 and $1 .50. Week end price, 79c Dainty Shirtwaist, made of splen did white voile in stripes and cross bar, $1 .25 value, 98c 40c Turkish Towels, fancy pink and blue plaid patterns, 28c Tan needle weave Knitting Bags made - up values 75c and 85c Week-end price, 59c Stamped all linen pieces, Table Runners, Centers, Pillow Tops, $1 quality, for 50c, 75c for 35c and 50c for 25c Second Floor Front Second Floor Directly Opposite Elevator MILLINERY DEPARTMENT f. . Children's Trimmed Hats, in all Colors and shapes, regular value $1.95, reduced to $1.45. Ladies" White Hemp Hats, in sailor, poke, drooping or roll brim, special value from $1.75 to $3.95, in trimmed and untrimmed styles. Second Floor Main what? NOTIONS AND DRESS GOODS 200 English Longcloth, 12-yard bolts, $3.00 value ...... .$2.19 25c 36-inch Fearless Bleach. . .19c 50c Ladies Lisle Hose, white and black 28c 29c and 35c Plain White Voile, 40 inches 23c 25c and 50c Ladies Collars, slightly soiled 15c Main Floor Left what? The Dept. Store BELK-WELLIAMS COMPANY The Dept. Store Eighty thousand American women are now employed in Industries sup plying canned goods to the -war and navy departments. illlMlliifi ililliiiiiiyiliiiiiilili HOUSE DRESSES AND BUNGALOW APRONS OF THE BETTER GRADE PUT ON SALE TODAY :-:::-:-:iS:::::i:::!::Jt:jii ::!n 5:i-H::5:::::-:::S:N Plaid Percale House Dresses, neatly trimmed and belted, well made; each .$2.25 Bungalow Aprons in Percale and Amoskeg Checks, new styles, each $2.25 New style House Dresses, light and dark patterns of fast color, in gingham or percales, each. ...'.... r ' $2.25 Gingham Dresses for street wear, big range of styles, prettily tailored models, with neat trimmings, in plain and plaited styles, each priced from . ..$6.50 to $9.50 Big display of Voile Dresses in white and figured styles; no two alike. These are priced from ........... $7.50 to $15.00 MILLINERY DEPARTMENT This is the bargain department in this store. If you need anything in the millin ery line we can sell you for less money. Our Mail Order Department is at your service. All orders filled same day received. All unsatisfactory purchases can be returned and money refunded. J. W. H. FUCHS' DEPT. STORE The Store For Bargains 28 TO 30 SOUTH FRONT STREET A DAILY LESON IN HISTORY. One Hundred Years Ago Today. 1 1818 The American printing press first introduced in England by George Clymer of Philadelphia. Seventy-five Years Ago Today. 1863 Adolph Neuendorff, the sue-' cessor of Theodore Thomas, conduc-' tor of the Philharmonic society of New York, born in Germany. Died in New York, December 4, 1897. Fifty Years Ago Today. 1868 Reverdy Johnson, of Mary land, was appointed United States minister to England. Twenty-five Years Ago Today. 1893 General Alexander W. Camp bell, noted Confederate soldier, died at Jackson, Tenn. Born at Nashville, Tenn., June 4, 1828. OUR DAILY BIRTHDAY PARTY. 1 T if) O00ONICKT .He DUNi.y Rear Admiral Bradley A. Flske, TJ. S. N., retired, born at Lyons, N. Y., 64 years ago today. Sir Ernest George, famous English architect and painter, born in London, 79 years ago today. Henry P. Davison, New York bank- er, head of the war council of the American Red Cross, born at Troy, Pa., 31 years ago today. : Dr. Samuel Plantz, for many years president of Lawrence nolle ee. born at Johnstown, N. Y 59 years ago today.' Martin ICavanagh, outfielder of the St. Louis National league baseball team, born . at Harrison, N. X, 27 - years ago today. . ONE YEAR AGO TODAY IN WAR. June 13, 1917.. Paris enthusiastic ally welcomed Major General Pershing and staff. More than 100 lives lost in a German aeroplane raid over London, the fourth within three weeks. Y SPEEDWAY I WiDICAPj , J m I . - mm I HElS SWING SDU'TOrtKrfi ALTUQUGH HES GST A BfATURO!t - 4 ("TrKfcT ) QIEQUEBI.QUEPJ5. ggiP otm j OlONtHURTJ 'ABIT .I GUESS. When You Give A Box of Candy You Should Give HER hitman's Because She is Worthy of the Best J MAN & FUTRELLE Phone 21 1-212 1 07 Princess Street State f Nrth Carolina, County of New Hanover, In the Superior Court NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SIMMONS W. T. Justice vs Wilmington Christo-Cola Bottling Worki. Inc. The defendant above named win tsi notice tkat an action entitled as above ha. been commenced in the Superior Court nt New .Hanover county to place the above named defendant in th hands of a receive on the ground of insolvancy, that j' fairs may be wound up and the corporation dissolved, and the said defendant win fn, ther take notice that it is required to an pear at the next term of the Superior Cou?t of said county to be held on the 4th W day in June, 1918, at the court house of mm county in WUmington, N. C., and 2.S or sdemur to the complaint filed in uJ action, or the plaintiff will applv to th. court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. um" This 8th day of May. 1918. W. N. HARBISS. Clerk of the Supterior Court 5-7-oaw 4w wed " MORTGAGE SALE ?y.Vrtue of Pwer of sale con. talned in a certain mortgaee deed mado h, Lottie Dinkins, oX Wilmington, NP c t JT,-M-' Cumming, bearing date 1st of Mav 1916, and duly registered on the records or New Hanover county in book 80 at page 824, the undersigned will sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder, for cash on Tuesday, July 9th, 1918, at 12 o'clock' m., the following described property in the city of Wilmington, N. C. : Beginning in the eastern line of Ninth street at a point 69 feet north from Castlt street and running thence north alone said lllne 6f Ninth street 33 feet; thence east, parallel with Castle street, 87 feet; thence ituth, parallel with Ninth street, 33 feef thence west, parallel with Castle street, 87 feet to the point of beginning in the east, era line of Ninth street, the same being part f It 5 in block 95, according to the present eftcial plan of the said city of Wilmington, N. C. W. M. CUMMINS. MORTGAGE SALE By Tirtne of the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed made by Lottie Diakins, of Wilmington, N. C, to W. M. Cnmaiiigs, bearing date March 12th, 1916, and laly registered on the records of Kew Hanover county in book SO, at page 146, the undersigned will sell at public a notion t the highest bidder, for cash, on Tuei day, July tth, 1918, at 12 o'clock, m., the Mowing described property in tne city t Wilmington, N. C : Beginning the eastern line of Ninth itreet at a point 102 feet north from the northern line f Castle street and running thence along the said eastern line of Ninth street rthwardly 80 feet; thence eastwardly, parallel with Castle street, 87 feet; thence southwardly, parallel with Ninth street, 30 feet; thence westwardly, parallel with OaStle street. 87 feet to the beginning, th same being the northwestern part of lot S la hleck 95, accerding to the present offi cial plan of the said city of Wilmington, N. C. W. M. CUMMING. FORECLOSURE SALE By Ttrtue of the power of sale con taiaed in a certain mortgage made by 8tacy Adams to the Wilmington Home stead and Iioan Association and registered in book 9S, page 389 of the records pi New Hanover county, the undersigned wiU ell, to the highest bidder, at public auc tion, for cash, at the courthouse door in the city of Wilmington, on Friday, the 12th day of July, 1918, at 12 o'clock m, the follewing described property situate in the city of Wilmington: . That lot beginning! at the intersection of the western l&e of Eighth street with the northern line of Nixon street; runs thence northwardly along the western line pi Eighth street 60 feet; thence westwardly and parallel with Nixon street 150 feet, thence southwardly and parallel with Eighth street 60 feet to the northern une of Nixon street; thence eastwardly along the northern line of Nixon street 150 feet to the beginning, and being part of lot 5, block 838, and the same as conveyed to T. J. Quinlivan to S. A. Adams on the 0 of November, 1917, to which deed refer ence Is made for a more particular de scription, said deed being registered in book 98, page 103. MO This 11th day of June, 1918. WILMINGTON HOMESTEAD AND LOAN ASSOCIATION . By John D. Bellamy. Attorney. FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue and in pursuance of the power of sale contained in a certain chattel mon gage from J. H. Johnson and J. P. CreiW duly recorded in the records of New Han over -county, North Carolina, in at page 383. tho undersigned mortgagee wtuf 5n Friday, Juno 28th, 1918, at U o'clock, m., at the courthouse door in u city of Wilmington, N. C , offer for saw by public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following personal property, tT" steel Mullen rowboats, pant'dh?J color, trimmed in blue; seven Mhw towboats, painted lead color, trimmed a blue; two Old Town canoes, manufaeturta by tie Old Town Canoe Co., Maine, l jwj long; painted dark green; one gasoUM lauich, named Dixie, and also . all oar oar locks and fixtures to said bj at s. of which said property can now be sew at Greenfield lake. Dated this May 3b. lr nPMEN; GREENFIELD PARK DEVELOPMW COMPANY. " COMMISSIONER'S SALE lor By virtue of a decree of the court, made on the 30th day of April w in the case therein pendtog of Alice kins and husband, John L"kmsWi Thomas Harriss, John J. Forio?' W Pearce, Thomas Pearce, Henry r Pearce, . Pearce, Rebecca Bar' Thelma Pearce, Clarence Pearce, Edward Harriss, William A. u"0tai Frances Harriss, Rflpb H"i' Harris". Harrissj. Nicholas Harriss, Lola e5. J. M. Woolard. Jessie T. Harpei ana j fie Harper," tie undersigned jfor the highest bidder at public nctl' clty cash, at the ceurtWe door m we M of Wilmington, on Thursday, the of July, 1918, at 12 o'clock M., the w rf ing described lot of land in aaid c m Wilmington: Beginning at a poiny , northern line of Queen street 80 fen from northeast intersection of u7flrdlf Second streets; runs thence fa t along the northern line of Qu nel f eet thence rthwardly and pau Becond street 66 feet; theBceweg . and parallel with Queen street thence southwardly d Parallel S jDd end -street t feet to Srd being part .of lot 6, block 74, acco to tho official plan of the said ckj Wilmington. This 10th day of Jane, 1918. T 7 f ".A

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