' - ' - fHE WTf :MINaTON DISPATCH, FRIDAY JUNE HTl 91 8: 50 UNDER MOF TRUCE Bodies Left Dead and Wound ed After Americans Broke Up Their Attacks REVIEWED BY GEN. HANS Bear Out Opinion That They Are As Physically Fit As Can Be i ' HUNS SURRE i AMERICAN TROOPS ARE r i if 8 . ' i, V - r. 1- S1 n V t. i if . ! i 'sT" :f.f J. ' ' E 'ffljll tfonu Q c o 3 London, July 14. A party of 50 Germans among the troops who at tacked the Americans northwest of Chateau Thierry on Thursday surren dered under a flag of truce, reports the correspondent of The Daily Mail, with the American forces In France All the German attacks failed and they left behind them dead and wounde. Describing the day's events, the corre spondent says: "The Germans are annoyed at losing Belleau wood. All night and early 'this morning guns of almost every calibre pounded the Americans at Bouresches and Belelau wood. "Local attacks, more or less feeble in strength, followed, and the Ger mans entered the streets of Boures ches. Nevertheless the attacks failed and the enemy left behind a number of dead, several wounded and many pris oners, 50 of whom surrenered under a flag of truce; machine guns and trench mortars. "About 400 enemy cavalry were dis covered south of Eterpilly (north of Bouresches) yesterday, but few re turned after the Americans had fired into them. "It is believed the Germans have ordered fresh divisions to the Ameri can sector near Busieares (west of Belleau wood). "The excellent relations between the French and American commands 1s shown by the fact that a regiment of Zouazes and a division of French ar tillery are now working under an American divisional commander." Ugly, Unsightly Pimples , Are Olgnaia . , r 7 t m nd contains no minerals I or chemicals to jnjuto cata skin, r I Go to your drugstore, ana gex bottle of S. S. S. today, and get rid of those unsignuy uu y : feT pimples, and other skin irritations. ougnlj. If you -vrisn special m.cal on can obtain it without I- ttj 4n WarninfiT. Pimples on the face and other , nmrninn from arts oieoy-Tri".b Mature xnat - irL mdtopovenshed.aSombS s ioreteu eczema, uw A Suptions and other skin disorders . , i in.. Anvnaa VT T1TP m Xl.,.4- trnini VilnnH TlP.edS 1 riOv TTIRan LLU&U " 5. S. S. to purify it and cleanse it oi aaji Viting to Medical Direc fliese impure accWations tause uniimiiea uuuujc v i -.,,: if tie Neatest vegetable blood lun-1 Georgia.. T1 . ine most popular hotel at the safest and most attractive resort on the South Atlantic Coast The SEASHORE HOTEL WRIGHTS VILLE BEACH, N. C. Opens June 1st for the Season Over 120.000 pree from flies and mosquitoes. Good water. aui'u oivu. vwttii uaning, sailing ana oaxiung. "VT " xrr . ... . o... write today tor nev illustrated vwwi. Qivuig jBics, recresraons ana cnoto- 2ui kji lujici amuaemenis, exc, sent vni request. E. L. HINTON, Manager WricbtSTill Beach, TAX LISTING! The undersigned will continue at courthouse during the month of June from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. daily, .except Saturdays, when the hours will be from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. and from 8 to 10 p. m. - H. K. NASH, B. F. KING, Tax Listers for Wilmington ownship. Milestones Along the Path of "Old Glory' 1777 First displayed over a mili tary post at Fort Schuyler, on the site of the present city of Rome, N. Y. 1777 First displayed by a vessel of war by the famous John Paul Jones, of the Ranger. 1777 First carried into battle on the banks of the Brandywine. 1777 First hoisted over a foreign stronghold, when Captain Rathbone, of the sloop of war Providence, captured Foft Nassau, in the Bahamas. 1783 First displayed in an Enelish port by the schooner Bedford of Mas sachusetts. 1790 First carried around the world by the American ship Columbia. 1824 First carried through the straits of Magellan by the merchant ship Endeavor, of Salem. Mass. 1829 First raised in California by Captain James P. Arther, a seafarer from Plymouth Mass. 1839 First carried far beyond the Antarctic circle by the pilot boat Fly ing Fish, of the Wilkes expedition. 1844 First carried around the world by an American steamshin. 1848 First displayed upon the sea of Galileo by the expedition of Lieu tenant Lynch. 1853 First disDlaved in Janan at the landing of Perry's party In the bay oi jeaao. 1861 First raised and kept flying on a public school by the high school of ew uearord. Mass. 1867 First raised in Alaska rm transfer of that territory from Russia to tne united -states. 1868 Raised "over the Midway isl- "us: m me -acinc ocean, the first acquisition ever made by our govern ment in this manner. 1868 Planted at the summit of ML Baker, 10,613 feet above sea level on the occasion of the first ascent of' the peak by man. 1871 Carried into the interior of Af- tion Stanley expedi- 1873 First raised the Andes by a party of American en- xt " f . in railway surveying. 1877 Unfurled for the first time in iar interior or China. 1317 Displayed on a European; bat tlefield for the first time by tie Jnier lean expeditionary force in France,. tfcfTVf E?c Erickson appears to be tne twiner for whom Hugh Jennin SJ' "Wo lias Pitched "r Wl vu tor tne Tigers this sea- BLAME UNITED STATES FOR COSTARICA S WAR Zeitung Says Country Will Have to Account to Ger many For Damages Amsterdam, June 14. The United States is blamed for Costa Rica's dec laration of war against eGrmany by the Koelnische Volks Zeitung, which says: v "President Wilson will find that at the final settlement the votes will not be counted but weighed, and Costa Rica wll have to account to us for all material damages, even when full al lowance Is made for its dependence on the United States. "With some more backbone Costa Rica could have resisted America's brutal pressure, as San Salvador has done up to this time, although San Salva4or is only one-third of Costa Rica's size." The Costa Rlcan congress declared war on Germany on May 25, 1918. The present Costa Rican government, headed by President Tinoco, has never been given official recognition by the American government despite at tempts to gain such recognition. TO PUT VOLUNTEERS ON GOOD SALARIES Washington, June 14 A survey has been undertaken by the government looking to putting its dollar-a-year volunteers on substantial salaries. These men heretofore have accepted nominal compensation under a law forbidding the government to accept services without pay. Information on the several hundred of these men now serving in the war industries board and other war agen cies, including their duties, connec tions with private interests and the value of their services has been gath ered by the house ways and means committee in response to urgent re quests of a number of government offi cials that the nominal pay system be abolished in the intreests of efficiency and of promoting direct responsibility to the government. Reports of department heads show, it is said, that most dollar-a-year vol uikteers heretofore hav ebeen paid much higher aslaries than the gov ernment could affard to give. Bureau Men Exempt. Washington, June 14 . Orders against the induction into military service of draft eligibles for duty with general staff bureaus were issued by the war department today. The or der excepts only men who are "tech nically qualified for such duty, physi cally disqualified for general military service and physically qualified for special and limited military service." Attack on Italian Lines. Rome June 14 AustroHungarian forces yesterday launched an attack against the Italian lines on Cady Sum mit and the Monticello ridge, the Ital ian war office announced today. The attack was broken by the Italians. British Lost 34,171 Men. London, June 14 . British casualties reported in the week ending today to talled 34,171 officers and men, of this number 4,447 being killed. Dode Paskert, who was traded by the Phils for Cy Williams,, of the Cubs, seems to have considerable on Cy In the batting averages this season. Council field by Staff. Tbkio, Friday, June 7 An Import ant council attended by Prince Fush imi. Field Marshals Yamagata and Terauchl (the premier). Lieutenant General Oshima, the war minister, and others, was held in the general staff office today. A Joint conference of the field marshals and the admirals has been summoned for June JLQ. American Headquarters on the Brit ish Front, Wednesday, June 12. Field Marshal Sir Douglas Halg, commander-in-chief of the British army in France, today reviewed the American troops on a wide plain in this area. The Americans filed past with an easy swinging step that bore out the opinion of many British experts that they are as fit physically as training can make them. Their alignment, step and carriage were excellent. The review opened impressively with a salute to the colors, while a squadron from the Royal Flying Corps flew over the field and did some acro batic stunts. Field Marshal Haig stopped several ' times to chat with officers. British officers present were im pressed by the physical condition of the men and by their high spirits. The medical officers have had little to do thus far in this zone. The health of the men, whether quartered in billets or camping in the open, has been far above the average. The eagerness of the Americans in getting at their work has made a hit with the British, who find them quite ready as far as physical training yoes. British officers believe that a short period of study of the fine points, of modern warfare will make the Ameri cans ready in every respect. i5creetrenrth of delicate, errut, radown people in two weeks' time m many instinct. It has been ned an en dorsed by auch men at Hon. Lewie M. Shaw, former Secretary otke Treasury and Ex-Gorernor of Iowa; Former United States Senator Richard Rolland Kenney of Delaware at present Major of the U. S. Army; General John L. Clem (Re tired) the drummer boy of Shiloa who waa sergeant in the U. S. Army jwhen only 18 years of age; also United States Judge G. W. Atkinson of the Court of O aims of Washington and others. Ask Tour doctor or droggitt about it. Therrs something about there youlllike- JT)T f mm m THAT ANNOYING, PERSISTENT COUGH may lead to chronic lung trouble, or mean that the chronic stag already U reached. In. either Ca try . ECKMAN'S ALTERATIVE This tonle and tlssue-repalrer anp pUee the acknowledged benefits of Cal cium treatment without elaturtlag the stomach. Contains no Alcohol. Nax eotio or Hablt-rormlax Drug. $2 size, bow $1.50. $1 size, new Stc Price Include war tax. All drufgUta. Kclcmaii Laboratory, Philadelphia It's Wasteful isms to let bar soap he around in water. Ex travagant too. Use GRANDMA'S Wna Soap. Measure it oat with no waste. ane' Larger Packages rnvrfthtntf nynres nothing. Try it. GRANDMA'S Borax Powdered Soap Ask Your Grocer For It I Men Welcome Mother's Friend A Dttty&ftl Every Man Owes toTboae who Perpctohto & Race It Is just as Important that men should enow of proper? methods In advance of moth erhood. Suffering, pain and distress inci lent to childbirth can be avoided by having it hand a bottle of the time-honored prepa--atlon. Mother's Friend. This is a pene r a ting external application that relieres the fusion upon the muscles and enables them xi expand without painful strain upon the igaments and nerreg. Thousands of women fof c-fer half a cen tury who have used Mother's Friend tell bow they entirely avoided nervous spells and nausea and preserved a bright, happy disposition that reflects wonderfully upon the character and disposition of the little one soon to open its eyes in bewilderment at the joy of his arrival. By regular use of Mother's Friend daring the period the muscles are made and kept pliable and elastic. They expand easier when baby arrives and pain and danger at the crisis is naturally less. Ton can bblafaf Mother's Friend at any drug store. It Is for external use only, is absolutely safe and wonderfully effective. Write to the firadfield Regulator Co, Lamar Bldg, Atlanta, Oa., for their val uable and Instructive "Motherhood Book" of guidance for expectant mothers., aad reaseot ber to get a bottle of Mother's Friend at the draggist's today. It is the greatest kin of help to Datura ia Cm glgrtena SEprk Un fet performed y ealiD a x A Better Athletic Undrw Sold in'a Qcaneriy You are entitled to a better athletic underwear for your money. You're entitled to'an underwear fresh from the laundry in a sealed container, clean and refreshing, ready to put on. Ask for and insist upon Sealpax Sealpax is a new "Freer-Cut" Style, giving extra comfort and freedom. It is made of fine cool, airy nainsook fabrics carefully sewn together. It's the coolest underwear in all the world. Buy Sealpax. Break the seal and slip into a fine fresh gav meut. Union. Suits SI. 00 up Separate Garments, 50c up. Dealers Supplied by the Following Wholesale Distributors: I. SHRIER & SONS S. E. Corner Front and Princess Streets. The Strong Withatand the Kent of Summer Better Than the Weak Old people who are feeble and younger people who are weak, will be strengthened and enabled to go through the depressing heat of Summer by taking Tonic It purifies and enriches the blood and makes you Strong. You can soon feel its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC is an ex ceptionally good general strengthening tonic for pale, sickly children, for delicate Mothers, for Old Folks or any one of the family who has poor blood. It is pleasant to take. Price 60c Perfectly Harmless. Contains no Nux-Vomica or other Poisonous Drugs. EVE MASTIC 'RUBBER' Do You Own a Factory? IF YOUR buildings have steep roofs, cover them with Banett s Everlastic "Rubber" Roofing. A Barrett's Everlastic Roof will pay 70a because it lasts for many, many years. Don t take chances on poor tooting. Even a small defect may caue much damage. Barrett Rcon&gs are good all over We have a full stock of one-, two- or tLree-pIy- AH ready to lay. ROOFING N. JACOBI HARDWARE CO.

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