C la its 1 h 4! ' : t - - - ' i f 1 i noN-T Thikk I SOMETIMES I -THINK t I THINK - r- f ' r uMNfWn nOLLARC HAKES "" BACKWARD SOMETIMES I THINK I J THE MATTER JLUlI S-jSi CCKWARO . WITH- VATHIT1S .ifb WW- aV f WH HER . f jj H ' v THE NEKSHBOS I MY MOttfC? I J V - 1 7 . TEMPER!: I ,' f L ' V ' 1 I 1 1 I m ' ST. JOKN'S LODGE NO. 1, A. F. AND A. M. Emergent commu nication tonight (Friday) at 7:45 o'clock, for the pur pose of considering a matter or impor tance to the mem bers of the lodge. and to confer the degree of Entered Apprentice. (Five candidates.) All members and Master Masons are ! cordially invited to meet with us. By order of the Master. ArSTHOLDEN, Secretary. BUSINESS SPECIALS MENBSENGEB SEBVlCE. For this rTlc we use the Postal Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They will call for your ''ads. In the same manner and quick time as they now cover the city for telegrams, night lettergrams, cables, etc. For further information as to "ads.." call 176, but for telegraph service call "Postal Telegraph." INSURE YOUR FUTURE BY TAK- ing necessary training now The important thing is action. Don't put it aff. Phone 706 or write for catalogue.- The Motte Business College. tf WANTED LINOTYPE OPERATOR, stoneman, stock cutter and forward er. Apply "Competent," care Dis ' patch. 6-7-7t .ERUIT JARS, JELLY GLASSES, JAR rubbers, ealvamzed tubs, brooms, 7 curtain stretchers, clothes baskets, flower pots and enamelware at C. H. Bornemann Department Store, Seventh and Orange sts. 6-7-tf WANTED TWO-SEATED USED car. Must be in good mechanical order. Prefer Dodge, Overland or Buick 4. "Car," Box 415. 6-7-tf HORSE FORSALE ON ACCOUNT of method of delivery will sell a ' good horse. City Laundry, 26 North ; Second st. 6-74f MECHANICS' HOME ASSOCIATION I opened its 56th series B. and L. 'u stock June 1st, but the series is still y open. Take some investment stock C ,and help build new homes for ship ; builders. Walker Taylor, President; r;- W. M. Cumming, Secretary. 208 Princess st. 6-5-tf HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ATTEN X tion. A few months of specialized ' training with ns may easily double ; the value of ywir genral education. . he Motte Business College. t tf .TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS OF all descriptions. You will find it ' Ctas. Finkelstein's place. Guaran V tee you to save money. 6 So. Front ; St, Phone 642. 4-18-tf ' FURNITURE! FURNITURE! BEDS, springs, mattresses, feather pillows, oil cook stoves refrigerators, ' . swings, art squares," all kinds house r hold furniture. Our prices are low est in Wilmington. Call, look . around, be convinced. Castle St. rFurniture Co., 705 Castle st., phone 198. 6-ll-7t MOVING DAYCALL UP TELE- phone 124 and get experienced men to handle our furniture Big wag ons, reasonable prices. Schloaa, , Bear and Davis Co., 15 South Second. WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of Issue when so requested. Phone your order to 745. Gordon's News Stand. 10-7-tf. WARM WEATHER SPECIALS: Wascot ginger ale, . concentrated syrups, all flavors ; crushed fruits, straws, Hershey's,. ' Hooten's, Run kel's ' and Greenfield chocolates, - Campfire marshmallows, ice cream cones, dishers, Pennant peanuts, Welch's grape juice, Cracker Jack. chewing gum and cherry smash. We also carry complete line produce - In season. Bear Produce & Mdse Cor (Wholesale), No. 14 Market St. Phone 452-453. 6-12-tt CASH FOR OLD FALSE TEETH Don't matter if broken. We pay up . . to $15.00 per set; we also buy - crowns, bridgework and platinum. f Will send cefeh by return mail and hold goods 10 ..days for sender's ap proval of our price. Mail to Mazer's Tooth Specialty, 2007 S. 5th St.. Phil adelphia, Pa,. 5-31-21tj WANTED TO BUY SOME CHEAP Second-handed Bicycles. Apply Queen City Cycle Co., 209 Market St. Phone 862. 4-29-tf i(jT FIVE "- PASSENGER FORD FOR i j sale cheap. 207 Princess St. 6-13-tl i 1 1 ri t ism- nr aiaiiiii II ? ;i ATTENTION, ELKS! The annual Flag Day exercises will be held at the Elks' Temple Friday evening, June 14, 1918, at 8:30. The members are requested to meet at the Temple at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to be present. JAMES O. REILLY, Secretary. FOR RENT COTTAGE ACROSS across street from hotel at Carolina Beach; completely furnished, Includ ing lights and water; suitable for house party. Phone No. 4003. 6-13-7t IF YOUR HOUSE li INSURED, when the fire comes all you suffer Is inconvenience. Otherwise you must add to inconvenience dead loss. Let us assume the risk of that loss by insuring your house today. H. F. Wilder, 207 Princess St." 6-13-tf 1ST THAT HOUSE WITH ME IF you really want to sell or rent it. Whether it be a big or a little house. Every day you. hold back you lose a chance. H. F. Wilder, 207 Princess St. 6-13-tf WE HAVE FOR RENT AN EIGHT- room house on Market St., a six room furnished house on Grace S... a cottage and two good apartments. H. F. Wilder, 207 Princess St. 6-13-tf NOTICE HOT SUPPER ROLLS, hot bread, every evening at 6 o'clock. Call at Bakery. No delivery of hot bread. Farris Bakery. . 6-13-7t FRESH PURE MILK DELIVERED twice a day, 20c per quart. Try a quart. E. S. Bannerman & Son, Ninth and Market. Phone 895-J. 6-12-14-16 3t Do not forget that Dr. SETH AR NOLD'S BALSAM is the best known remedy for all bowel complaints. Warranted by J. H. Hardin. Adv. FOR SALE THIRTY-FOOT GASO- line cabin launch; can be seen out of ; water until Monday, foot of Chest nut street. L. B. Pearce. 6-14-3t YOUR LIFE FORETOLD BY ENG- land and America's foremost as trologer and psychics, the Stanleys, whose beautiful parlors are located at Wrightsville Beach, adjoining Sea View Inn. Open daily from 1 to 9. Consult them now. 6-14-ltJ AUTOMOBILE RIDE TO WRIGHTS- vllle Sound tonight by Grace Ep worth League. Public Invited. Come and bring your friends. Cars leave Grace church at 8:30. 6-14-1 tj STOLENFROM RESIDENCE, 713 Princess street, last night, June 13, 1918, one (Princeton) bicycle, No. 1146, .painted blue; number under sprocket. Reward for return of same. J. D. Kelley, 713 Princess St. 6-14-ltj SPEND YOUR VACATION AND week-ends at Seaside Cottage, Sta tion 5. Large rooms, attractive for families and parties. Mrs, D. B. Jordan, Wrightsville Beach. 6-14-2t THE DU PONT COMPANY At HOPEWELL, VIRGINIA Needs Skilled Tradesmen At Once. Shop Machinists, Welders, Sheet Metal Workers, Boiler Makers, Carpenters. Eight-hour day and trans portation refunded after thirty days' satisfactory service. Don't write; come prepared for work, with tools. Work for an essential war industry and so help Uncle Sam win the war 1 ' 6-4-tf AUVANUt Ul- UKUWN PRINCE VERY SLOW Critics in London View Situa tion on Front as Satisfactory FACE SUPERIOR FORCES Spirit of Confidence and Trust in Foch's Handling of the Situation AMERICANS SHOW GRIT Crown Prince Has Been Forced to Draw Upon Rupprecht For Reserves, As Men Are Identified London, June 14. The German crown prince continues his desperate attempts to overcome the difficult for est regions barring his way into the Oise valley, and although by heavy fighting he gets a little nearer to Com plegne, his progress is very slow. Thursday's reports are considered satisfactory on the whole by observ ers here. The enemy has progressed about a mile on a very narrow front, northeast of Villers Cottereta, but the French troops are showing such de termination and valor in counter at tacks that although reports (rom Paris intimate it may be necessary to give further ground in the face of superior numbers, there exists a spirit of quiet confidence and" trust in General Foch's prudent handing of the situation. Both the French and German com muniques indicate the terrible nature of the struggle that Is proceeding, the Germans having to admit the loss of some guns. It i3 clear, too, that the American forces in the region of Bour esches are showing grit in holding off te German attacks, which gives the enemy great and unexpected trouble. The battle is regarded here as a contest between opposing reserves. It is known that the crown prince has been compelled to draw slightly upon the reserves of Crown Prince Rup precht of Bavaria, as some of Rup precht's men have been identified among the 20 divisions the Germans have employed since June 9. The en emy losses have been far heavier after five days of bitter fighting during which he only advanced about six miles than during any previous en gagement on the Alsne. The view of military experts still is that the en emy's last main attack has not been delivered. There Is much speculation whether the attack will be with the aim of reachin Paris, or what is re garded as mote likely, with the ob ject of dividing the allied armies by a drive for the coast. BOARD REFUSES TO ORDER PRIMARY (Special to The Dispatch.) Raleigh, June 14. Declaring that it has no power to order a second pri mary in the Abernethy contest for congress against Dortch in the third district, the state board of- elections yesterday adjourned until June 20, when it will canvass the returns. With two democrats -and two republi cans on the board today, Pass being aDsent, it was Impossible to agree that the board could not go '"behind the returns." The return of Pass will solve this embarrassment. ' Aber nethy's attorneys made terrific attacks on ground of fraud. Clarence Call, republican, held against the opinion that a second pri mary could not be ordered,, but Free man, republican, voted wiili Lamb and Claywell. democrats. Aberhethy has more Affidavits en route alleging fraud and irregularities. Regular Monthly . Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Y. W. A. of the First Baptist church will be held tomorrow night at the church at 7:30 o'clock and all members are expected to attend. With so many professional pastim ers working in shipyards on the At lantic coast an eastern shipbuilders' league should prove as successful as has the shipbuilders league of the Pacific northwest. Frank Corridon, who used to pitch for the PhHUAa ioto .u. I ."v mvci aui U1C VjUUS, is coach of the second naval district voamai .Newport. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., of New York. A. B. Croom, Jr., Manager Wilmington District. 301 Southern Building Phonee 489-1505 (Life Insurance Only) "That's All." A NEW CAR FOR YOUIl v0LD 0NE It-. is -the FINISH that makes the machine as far as . appearanc a goes What about let ting usSrepainVyour automobile? Jffe agree 1 togiveT you av quick handsome dur able Job, at the low. eoV possible price'. r.-WagreT toause throughout Vplbntlne h Company o'Jvarniehesj ;cplors andtbther-materials which arew THE' UOSELPIflSITCi in titaX Joost. but stand ardtf or ezoeilenceUhe irorldjover. Valentin ft Company'guarantee Quality J. E. LEWIS & SON Corner Fourth and Princess Phone 898-J KENNY'S CHEON TEA The Best Tea V on Earth Kenny's High Grade Cof fee 25c lb. Baking Powder. RICE A Cut Price. Buy W. S. S. G. D. Kenny Go. Phone 67916 So. Front Put your money in 2 in 1 Tires and get more mileage FAIR 2 in 1 901 N. Fourth Phone 738 For 30 000 Franklin cigars 20,000 "44" cigars 10,000 San Felice 10,000 Cinco 10,000 El Rees So Complete line of cigarettes and groceries. Orders solicited. Samuel Bear Sr. & Sons 311 North Frrnt Street For Sale 500 bu. North Carolina peanuts 200 cases tall Serv-Us milk 500 caseB tomatoes 600 cases oysters i BOO cases canned corn 1 FT 879 cases fat herring 800 cases salmon 600 bags peanut and cocoanut feed meal. Also other goods In our line. D.L.GORE CO. Wilmington, N. C. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiuiiuimimimmiuiiMnninnmimniB Builders' i Supplies ( We Carry High Grade 1 Material and offer our best g services. j W. 8. THORPE & GO. i Phone 789. 3 3C lnHIIII!ll!!lil!!l!iJSir:in!imil!llllllilllIHII!lll!ll!ll!lllli Join Y. M. C. A. war secretaries. Act immediately, we beg. W. B. Cooper & Co. Wilmington, N. C. Y. i.C.A. iimmnmn?nnimHimmnnimmmiimm Interest Period Our regular interest period June Deposits made now and throueh H June 2nd" draw Interest from June 1st and your ac- count will receive 3 S full months' inter- est Sept. 1st. iO"" 1 Vv a. INTENTIONS DO liHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiim SECURITY AGAINST WANT IN OLD AGE OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT ioiur Per Cent . Interest Commercial and Trust Accounts Solicited lr This Bank welcomes new depositors, no matter fiow small the account. .We encourage the starting of a small account. Begin the day right by opening an account to day. A little put away each week a steady, well planned method of saving is the best habit that can be formed. ' 4 SAVE AND BE SAFE American Bank & Trust Co. A Record to Be Proud Of In 1917 this Bank had about 1,500 Customers, Today our deposi tors are nearly 3,000. Our commercial business has doubled. Our savings business has doubled. Is that not proof in itself that we take care of our customers and give prompt and efficient service at all times? If you are contemplating changing your account or opening an account, your business will be welcome at the Citizens, whether it be commercial or savings. THE CITIZENS BANK, Corner Second and Princess Sts. Wilmington, N. C. Subscribers to Third Liberty Loan We can now make deliveries of bonds $50.00 and $1 00.00 denominations. Please call and make settlement. MurcLison National Bank WILMINGTON, N. C EVERY WOMAN Should have a Bank Account, and as the woman of today is entering more into the business affairs of our com munity, our Bank wishes to extend to them an invitation to make use of our Banking Facilities and to assure them of every courtesy and attention to their business. SPECIAL LADIES' DEPARTMENT THE PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK CORNER FRONT AND PRINCESS STREETS F. W. Dick President J. HOLMES DAVIS, Cashier 1st mat AfPOTTNT Today! .m.'vs vr a. i jl NOT EARN OR DRAW INTEREST 1 ;.:..'. f r .