While the Cardinals, are not fyet in the championship Glass the St. , Louis crew does show quite an improvement over its pastimihg in the . earlier, part of the, season. ? ' ' Nomination Coupon ; Good for 5,000 Votes in Wilmington Dispatch New Era Circulation Campaign. EVER NOT IT HDIWN FROM RACE FOR SENATE I nominate Address .St No. Nominated by NOTE Only the first nomination blank received when properly filled out, will count 5,000 votes. The management reserves the right t o reject any objectionable nominations. Those who make the nominations can upon request, have their names withheld by The Wilmington Dispatch, who will under no cir cumstances divulge same. Any one can make nominations. Nominate yourself or a friend. ' Not Good After June 15, 1918. Special Voting Coupon Wilmington Dispatch New Era Circulation. Good For 200 Votes Address District For. Good for 200 votes when filled out and sent or mailed to' the Cam paign Department of The Wilmington Dispatch on or before expira tion date. Trim carefully and not roll or mli and fasten togethsr and write name on first coupon. MANY ON FIRING LINE NONE ARE RETREATING EVERYBODY IS ACTIVE Securing Subscriptions to The Dispatch Every Participant Anxious to Secure 250,000 Extra Votes For Each Club of $25 in New or Renewal Subscriptions By 10 P. M., Saturday, Junel5th Tomorrow night at 10 the first lap of the journey for the 250,000 extra votes for each club of $25.00 secured in new or renewal subscriptions will expire. Each candidate, and especial ly the candidates that are entering each day, should try and secure just as many clubs of $25.00 in subscrip tions as possible, and there is a rea son for this, and the reason is very plain because never again during the life of the New Era Circulation Cam paign of The Dispatch wjll as many votes, both regular and special, be is sued for the securing of subscriptions either in new or renewal, as now. Therefore each cndiadtae desires to receive as many votes as possible upon the subscriptions they secure, while more votes are issued . .upon subscriptions,and that is now. It nat urally should behoove each and every candidate to thoroughly realize the fact and send to The Dispatch by 10 p. m. on tomorrow, Saturday, June 15th, every possible subscription that is within her power to secure The candidates that are entering each day should also send every possible sub scription to The Dispatch by 10 p. m., Saturday, June 15th, so they will be in position to receive many extra votes in addition to the regular votes for their first amount of subscriptions. Vote Standings Appear Sunday. The vote standings of the different participants of The Dispatch Cam paign will appear in the edition on Sunday of The Dispatcu, and there will be noticed that the votes for the various candidates are beginning to soar skyward, and this naturally de notes the interest that the different candidates and their friends are dis playing, and also the liberal co-operation they are meeting with from every source in their efforts to se cure subscriptions to the Tidewater section's great daily. New Series of Coupons Sunday. There will appear in -fne Dispatch on Sunday in connection with the an nouncement of the various partici pants and the votes they have a new series of special voting coupons. These coupons will be good for 250 votes each, nd awill be good for that amount if sent to The Dispatch on or before June 22nd. Every candidate should clip these coupons. They are valuable, and they will materially as sist any young lady in her desires to secure one of the very valuable awards on August 17th. There re mains only a few hours of the specila vote offer and let the few hours that remain of the presen t special vote offer be ones of great activity all along the line in both divisions. Friends of Congressman Say That He Is Expecting Fully to Win (Special to The, Dispatch. Columbia, S. C, June 14. There is absolutely no truth in the report that Congressman A. F. Lever is contem plating withdrawing from the race for the United States senate, it is de clared here today. Friends of the congressman say that he is in ten race to the finish and that he expects to be a winner when the votes are counted. A. report was printed in a Charles ton paper to the effect that he was expected to withdraw but it is de clared here today that, the report is without foundation in fact. Congressman Lever is expected to arrive here today or tomorrow and it is probable that a statement will be issued by him on his ctrrival. There is considerable specualtion as to who will make the race for com missioner of agriculture. It had been generally thought that .Dr. A. C. Summers would seek to retain the place but he has not yet filed his pledge. W. D. Garrison is the only avowed candidate for the place thus far. There will be no annual convention of the South Carolina State Fireman's association held this year, because of war conditions. Chief Behrens, of the Charleston fire department, president of the association, has written a letter to each fire chief in the association, setting forth the reason for postponing the meeting to 1919. The association is patriotic and has purchased $1,500 worth of liberty bonds. The members feel they can further serve their coun try by deferring their convention to next year, at Bishopville. Acting on the suggestion of Gov. R. G. Pleasants, of Louisiana, Gov Manning today wired President Wil son requesting that the president, "through municipal authorities and the press, urge greater consumption of Irish potatoes as a substitute for wheat bread." "At the suggestion of Gov. Pleasant, of Louisiana," said the South Carolina executive's telegram, "I beg to re quest that you, through municipal au thorities and the Dress. ure greater consumption of Irish potatoes for wheat bread, along the line of Gov. Pleasant's recommendation. I also endorse his suggestion that for the next 60 days hotels and restaurants discontinue serving bread free with orders and substituting potatoes therefor. I should suggest that the food administration also act on this matter." Thfi daw - vinri - of calomel, known as Calotab. retain all of the good medicinal virtues of the old style calomel, yet is entirely purified from ; all of the nauseating, disagreeable ' and dangerous qualities. You can, therefore, eat what you please and go where you please, with no loss of time from your work. Ohe Calotab at bedtime, with a swallow of water that's all. Next morning you awake feeling fine, your liver cleansed, your system purified and with a hearty appetite for break fast. Calotabs are sold only in orig inal, sealed packages, price thirty-five cents. Your druggist recommends them and will refund your money if you are not delighted. Adv. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having- qualified as Kxeeutrlx of the will of Henry Mumford, deceased, notice is hereby siren to all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to pre sent tke same to the undersigned, on or before .he 18th day of May, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re- New York Letter By O. O. MclNTYRE. (Special Correspondence of The Dis patch.) New York, June 14. When you come to New York looking for an eat ing place with atmosphere do not fail to visit "No. 340 West 39th street." I do not know-the name of the proprie tors and they do not seem to be par ticular about the public knowing any thing about them. So far as I know it is the only restaurant remaining with the "atmosphere" reminiscent of Semprini or Laloy's in the days before the white tiled, one armed eateries catapaulted into public favor. "No. 340" is in a street where race suicide is unknown. The restaurant is in the back of bar-room and one must pass through the bar to reach the low ceiling room which looks out upon a slum areaway an areaway crisscrossed with clothes lines, smudgy faced children and rusty fire escapes. The bilLot fare is painted on a blackboard and a dinner for three with wine totaled $2.40. The waiters are of the strangest type f have ever seen and are unknown to Broadway. They are the cringing servile sort like rare flowers that a harsh word would wither. There are only four waiters to wait on a seating capacity of about to. service Is an unknown quantity but what is lacking in service is made up in splendid food. All the Broadway types were there. The fragile Nazimova like person with a companion red of neck and noisy of collar were there. Opposite was Creatore, the band master, and at another table Irma Deremeaux, the artist; and an erminied movie star sat in the corner allowing those who wish ed to gaze upon her collection of jew els. At still another, table was a sprink ling of untamed femininities known in the Broadway vernacular as "wild women.' The newly made widow swathed in black puffed languidly at innumerable cigarettes. Three Span ish gentlemen chattered about the glo ries of America. The menu contained filet mignon War Conference of Building Industry New York, June 14. A general con ference of architects, building material societies, building employers associa tions and organizations of building and allied interests was begun here today with the object of finding some plane upon which the construction and build ing material interests of the entire country can meet to lend complete co-ordinated assistance to the govern ment in helping to fix the complex building material and construction in terests of the country into the war winning program. with stuffed tomatoes at 25 cents. On Broadway It is $1.25. The coffee is of a Turkish variety and is served in glasses like they do on the Paris bQule vards and sells for five cents a glass. "No. 340" has been running for ten years and yet it is never crowded. Famous In a Day For Her Beautiful Complexion, Oatmeal Combination Does It Benjamin De Casseres, psalmist of night and Nietchemism, has dedicated his new book of poefns to his journal- j istic associates, Carlo Fornaro and j Marius de Zayas. The three fiery ! young publicists first got together I years ago to plot to overthrow Porfirio I Diaz, of Mexico. The "revolutionists I table" around which they gathered in the Tenderloin chile con carne resort conducted by Joel Rinaldo, greaser, is still pointed out to sight-seers. They are never seen during the day but at night they appaer, serene, cynical and smiling. They are born radicals, the foe of industrialism and prescribed morality, opposed intoto to the pres ent order of things economical, polit ical, aesthetic and social. When De Casseres first appeared in New York he wrote a letter to the World in which he said: "I am organ izing a society for the promoton of of ficial and private hypocrisy. It will be composed of pink-tea zanies, nis zies, witlings, boobies, jolterheads, candidates for re-election, Chadbands, Pecksniffs, jobbernowls, doddards, moon-calves, dunderpates and a few of the Wise Men of Gotham." A Free Prescription Does Its Work Over night. You Can Prepare It At Your Home New York: It is my own discovery and it takes Just one nieht to stft siirh mar velous results, says Mae Edna Wilder, when her friends ask her about her won derful complexion and the improved ap pearance of her hands and arms. You can do the same thing if you follow my ad vice, she says: I feel it my duty to tell every girl and woman what this wonder ful prescription did for me. Just think of it! All this change in a single night. I never tire of telling others just what brought about such remarkable results. Here is the identical prescription that re moved every defect from my face, neck, hands and arms. Until you try it you can form oo idea of the marvelous change it will make in Just one application. The pre scription which you can prepare at your own home is as follows : Go to any grocery and get ten cents worth of ordinary oat meal, and from any drug store a bottle of derwillo. Prepare the oatmeal as directed in every package of derwillo and apply night and morning. The first application will astonish you. It makes the skin ap pear transparent, smooth and velvety. I especially recommend it for freckles, tan, sun spots, coarse pores, rough ekin, ruddi ness, wrinkles, and, in fact, every blemish the face, hands and arms are heirs to. If your neck or chest is discolored from exposure, apply this combination there 411(1 the objectionable defect will disappear , ujaic. n is aosoiuteiy harmless w"l not produce or stimulate a growth nr hair M i . , i . . -,v "twsr uow rouga ana un- fro 1 n I tt 4- w V m ?iT v ue uanQs ana arms, or what abuses tney have had through hard work and !?11,re t0 ?un and ind, this oatmeal- uerwillo rnmhlnoH. n.m j. L?nfom?tion ln 12 hu at the most. .7 w 5 save used it have had the Bame result I have had. 2he c,omPlet . directions contained wV7 pa.ck?e of derwillo. You have whft' d?rwill nd oatmeal. You need nothing else and it is so simnle that tbart0anvCaKnirroer 4i; and is " inexpensive that any girl or woman can afford it The that thevV drnggi.t? guarantee ment 'sfter thl first a&ffi. tT' will refund the money P It is ,eiy city under a moneyrefunduaMntee by all department stores anil .,,Vr,ilZ eluding K. K. Bellamy g! ' "BLUE BONNETS" Jl New Fabfic with New Ftatmtt. 1 Blue Bcoaeto mcc the ee& f &e wcou wU wan beautiful, Ju. eY. that wear without wmkW reU 4U4n f dy . AjitlT" ait, furakra wcriu etc. Gurutced 4r b u4 ajTWiciVSiSrrf Si quisle pattens. . ' -!..' If roar iaiet doem'l tarry "Hoe Bwet" teai n thk with bub. of cWcr LE3HER WHITMAN A CO. Imc SSI Brodwmy, NtwYoA Seen around the town: A white whiskered messenger "boy" delivering messages on roller skates. A group of college girls pummeling a male flirt on Broadway. A woman wearing a bonnet made to resemble a steel hel met. A Serbian artist selling news papers for a living. A dramatic critic admirng hs name ln electric lights en dorsng a play over a Broadway play house. A group of weeping stage folk in the lobby of the Cavoy waiting for news from the bedside of Anna Held. A DAILY LESSON IN HISTORY. One Hundred Years Ago Today.. 1818 Daniel W. Powers, banker and philanthropist, whose faith in govern-, ment securities in the civil war gain ed him immense wealth, born in Gene see county, N. Y. Died in Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1897. Seventy-five Years Ago Today. 1843 President Tyler and party left New York to attend the Bunker Hill Monument dedication. Fifty Years Ago Today. -1868 Maj. Gen. Adelbert Ames be came provisional governor of Missis sippi. Twenty-five Years Ago Today. 1893 Rev. John McKim was conse crated Protestant Episcopal mission ary bishop of Japan. WHAT PRUSSIANISM MEANS The actions of the German armies in Belgium, in Poland and in north ern France have blotted the record of humanity. This policy of Prussianism this deliberately adopted "frightfulness" with it saftermath of blood and tears, Is one of the great wrongs against which America fights today. The evidence in the case is set forth in an official book just pub lished by the United States gov ernment. A copy of this book will be sent free to any reader of The Dispatch. It is based on the reports of American diplomats and relief workers, on the protests of high church authorities, on official Ger man proclamations, on the field diaries of German soldiers. To secure a copy of this free book send your name and address with a 2-cent stamp for return post age to The Wilmington Dispach Information Bureau, Frederic J. Haskin. Director, Washington. D. C. Ask for "German War Practices." Miller's Antiseptic Oil, Known as Snake Oil Will Limber You Up A New Creation, Pain Killer and Antiseptic. For rheumatism, neuralgia, lumbago, stiff and swollen joints, corns, bunions, or whatever the pain may be it is saw to be without an equal- For cut, burls, bruises, sore throat, croup, diph theria and tonsilitis it has been founa most effective. Accept no substitute. TTJ great oil is golden red color oniy. There is nothing like it. Every 'bot tle guaranteed. 26c, 50c and $1 o money refunded, by Robert R. Bellamy Drug Co. adv. tjXl HAUnA CtfT C7 TO SYSTEJ r . - t F& K Ot all iWHORTENIfH You Save Fat for Our Soldiers foods, none are so important to our Army and our Allies animal fats and chief among them is lard In using Armour's VEGETOLE for baking ana frying, ytu are practicing both patriotism and thrift. VEGETOLE is a purely vegetable product. It makes awst tsmptiiif , light, flaky pie crusts, cakes and biscuits. In frying , hf quickly forming a rich, golden brown crust, it permits thorough digestible cook ing. As it can be used many times, it is most ecenemkaL You get full value, real dependability in all Armour Oval Label prod ucts meats, fish, fruits, resectables, condiments. ity, marks ky the Oval E Package Foods Label, definitely assured. Oleomargarine Ask your dealer. Af Frankfurt Sausage CUrerbUom Butter f&& Grape Juice ARMOUDA COMPANY Star Ham SJSTCoffee Star Bacon 2K3TEKs R. F. CAMPBELL, MGR., Wilmlnftsn, N. C. Phone 85 UtmUr tf Vkilti SUU Ffi Administrtlim. MHniWl 1 A M X. Iff! II If X THE HOUSE OF KEEP-KOOL Men who buy and wear KEEP-KOOL Summer Clothing made of honest, reliable, serviceable American fabrics, give their personal aid and active influence to the splendid national team work that (is the basis ef patriotic citizenship. KEEP-KOOL tll Sold by progressive and successful clothiers throughout the world. Prove jur faith in Araencan enterprise, stability and power, and help protect and develop American cloth .industries. Am S N U dn? is $g$sf THE 2XELLENBUKG CLOTHING COMPANY J. M. SOLKY & COMPANY PHILADELPHIA ce us o p (L Buy a Good Refrigerator McGrav Einoire s -LL iritan New Y All sizes, all prices, for all purposes. Latest im provements. Largest stock in Wilmington. Good Refrigerators are scarce BUY YOURS TODAY AT TTTT 11 mm lniwww WILMINGTON tfv if

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