Society Miss Thelma Suggs returned to her home In Norfolk yesterday, after a pleasant stay here with friends. it Mrs. John Jennings, of Knoxvllle, Tenn., is visiting here with Mrs. Rosa N. Shaw, 308 North Front street. Mr. and Mfs. G. K. Weathershee, of Kinston, who have been visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. L. TV. Basgett has returned to her home in Roseboro, after a delifeht ful stay here wtth friends and relatives. TVeathersbee, been visiting to their home Mr. and Mrs. G. K. nf Kinston. who have friends here, returned this morning. The regular monthly meeting of the Y. TV. A. of the First Baptist church will be held at the church this even ing at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Britt, of Savan nah, who have been here with Mrs. Britt's sister, Mrs. J. C. King, Orange street, have returned home. Sergeant Major Marvin Capps, of the field artillery, has arrived safely overseas, according to information re ceived by relatives here. Miss May C. Kinloch, of Charleston, a sister of Mrs. Frank Kinioch, night clerk at the Qrton hotel, has reached the city and will take up her duties here as trained nurse. Members of the Epworth Bible class of Fifth Avenue Methodist church will meet with the Sunoay school of the church tomorrow morning at 9:45 o'clock. Strangers in the city are cor diallv invited. Mrs. Julius Wright and Miss Ber nice Owen, of TVaycross, Ga., who have been visiting for several days on the sound -with Mrs. Harry Payne, are now in the city as the guests of Mrs. O. E. McCraw, 505 Walnut street. AN APPROACH I NG WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Beery an nounce the approaching marriage of their daughter. Elizabeth Hedrick, to Mr. Frank Quinby Winfield, of Rich mond, Va. The marriage will take place at the home of the bride's pa rents, 401 Market street, Wednesday evening, June 26, at 6 o'clock. H 5 j DANCE AT LUMINA. j A special dance wil be given tonight at Lumina complimentary to the sol diers and sailors in the city, and will mark the first of the social events ar ranged in honor of the soldiers from the fort whose week-end visits to Wil mington are jto he resumed today. Dancing begins at 9 o'clock, and all soldiers and sailors in uniform will be admitted to Lumina free. FLAG DAY PARTY. A Flag Day party was given last night at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Biddle, in honor of their son, Ttob ert J. Biddle, who is now serving his country in the United States navy. Mrs. G. A. Moore received the guests at the door and welcomed them in the parlor, which was beautifully decorat ed with American flags and colors. After games and music delightful re freshments were served by Miss Lu cille and Mary Biddle. Mr. Biddle left this morning--fer Norfolk, Va., where he will continue his service on the U. S. S. Aniston. ARE YOU READY? If you wish to be of some service to your community or your government with the degree of efficiency that the world demands and have not had the proper training, tSe place to go is to Blue Ridge, where the summer con ferences of the Y. W. C. A. is held. The time is July 19-29 and delegates are expected to attend from all the' states within the South Atlantic field. The board for two in a room for the full time will be $15; for one in a room $20. The summons to leadership which heretofore was undreamed of Is so imperative thatthe call seems a challenge from the suffering world for its young womanhood as well as its young manhood, to prepare to face the issues and to be ready, trained for the things that must be done. The national board of the Y. W. C. A. has put within the reach of all the oppor-l tunity to obtain training along the lines needed by those who desire to engage in war work, and to equip for those positions now open to young women for which the demand Ib great er than the supply. The mornings will be given over to study, the afternoons for recreation, and the evenings for high class enter tainments which are to be instructive. There is no place where more value can be received for the outlay than at Blue Ridge. Beside the delightful climate and -health-giving air, the course offered is well worth amount charged. Will you go? the Be One of the Crowd at Lumina tonight. Big dance com plimentary to the soldiers. Adv. PANTRY FOOD HOARDS FEED MICE; REVERSES OLD PLAN OF BUYING ,-nni-- . .i -.--.--a---v.arnvv mi VUUI --J J 1 ' A complete reversal of thrift methods of our grandfathers time in matter of household buying, one designed to check food hoarding in family larders, will undergo public test in Washington soon. Right un der the observation of Food Ad ministrator Hoover, who asserted ;that "the food' hoarder is working -against the common good and even ! a gainst the very safety of the coun try,' a number of public gantries on the "picrgly wigjfiv" plan will lie opened to demonstrate that one of tee wasteful ways of the housewife is the purchase of quantities of groceries. However much of a shock it might jbe to eur ancestors who were wentj to lay in stocks of sugars, soaps, 'flour and other groceries in quanti ties, for which the mice and weevil : would compete, he new Hoover dicta have called tor and found a plan to lessen waste of food through; overstock on private pantry sneives,; The public pantry plan, with pigglyi wiggly aisles is said to reduce the cost a fifth at least below the time honored "general grocery," reduce' the time required in marjeet basket' buying according to the govern ment's wishes, and particularly re duce the wasteful hoarding and ac cumulation of things and individual investment in groceries to an entire- 57 new leveL Thanks for this are tie an unorthodox grocer of Mem phis, Tennessee, Cl&rance Saunders, who originated the new plan and has proved it in many cities to be notable success. BELK-WILLIAMS' FRIDAY and SATURDAY Specials With everything advancing in price it behooves the wise buyer to take advantage of our week-end specials eve week. We always have specials that will make you stop, look and loosen! It will pay you to get into the regul habit of coming to Belk-WUliams"every Friday or Saturday certainly. This week you will find the numbers below in the different departments. Men's and Boys' Department Roly-Poly Play Suits, just the very thing for that Roly-Poly young un, from 2 to 8 years. Specially priced from 98c to $1.19 Men's Balbriggan Underwear, worth 50c a garment today. Shirt and Drawers, special, each. . . ,39c Palm Beach Suits for this warm weather; be comfortable in one at the special price, $8.95 to $9.95. Main Floor Right Aisle. TOILET GOODS Pebeco Tooth Paste 45c 30c antiseptic Tooth Brushes 19a 10c size Buttermilk Toilet Soap, 3 cakes in box, per box, only 15c Main Floor Between Front Doors READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. All wool slipover sleeveless Sweaters, genuine bargains for $3.98, week-end price, $2.98 Ladies Skirts, shirred on band, with belt and two pretty pockets, made of combination silk and cot ton goods, worth $3.95. Special Friday and Saturday price, $2.69 Children's and Misses Gingham, Percale and White Lawn Dresses, slightly soiled, dresses that sold from 98c, $1 .25 and $1 .50. Week end price, 79c Dainty Shirtwaist, made of splen did white voile in stripes and cross bar, $1.25 value, 98c 40c Turkish Towels, fancy pink and blue plaid patterns, 28c Tan needle weave Knitting Bags made up values 75c and 85c. Week-end price, 59c Stamped all linen pieces, Table Runners, Centers, Pillow Tops, $1 quality, for 50c, 75c for 35c and 50c for 25c Second Floor Directly Opposite Elevator MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Children's Trimmed Hats, in ail colors and Shanes. rpmila $1.95, reduced to $1.45. Ladies White Hemp Hats, in sailor, poke, drooping or roll brim special value from $1.75 to $3.95' in trimmed and untrimmed styles' Second Floor Main Rear NOTIONS AND DRESS GOODS 200 English Longcloth, 12-yard bolts, $3.00 value $2.19 25c 36-inch Fearless Bleach. . .19c 50c Ladies Lisle Hose, white and bIack 28c 29c and 35c Plain White Voile, 40 inches 23c 25c and 50c Ladies' Collars, slightly soiled 15C Main Floor Left Aisle Thb Dept. Store BELK-WILLIAMS COMPANY The Dept Store Attend the Week-End Dance at Lumina tonight and welcome soldier boys. Adv. the Wrightsville Breezes Mrs. McLaurin, ,of Bennettsville, S. C, is registered at the Seashore ho tel. Captain and Mrs. E. Sligh, of Co lumbia, are attractive guests at the Seashore hotel. The latter will be very pleasantly remembered here for several seasons as Miss Sarah McLau rin, of Bennettsville, S. C. Little Mary McAllister, the fasci nating child star who made such a hit at Lumina last Saturday night, ap pears again tonight in "A Place in the Sun," another charming human inter est drama with mingled pathos and laughs. "Stealing a Sweetheart," a roaring comedy scream,- is an added attraction on the screen over the waves for the week-end. Seashore Arrivals, Friday June 14: W. W. Holman, Norfolk, Va.; F. C. Spier, Anderson, S. C; Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Charlotte, S. C; W. H. Sin gleton, Atlanta; R. W. Richmond, Providence, R. I.; G. S. Haskins, Balti more, Md.; L. L. Braswell, Florence, S. C; Miss Eula Lee Braswell, Flor ence, S. C; Wm. E. Blount, Florence, S. C; Mis3 Lucy Fussell, Rose Hill, N. C; Miss Tiny Fussell, Rose Hill, N. C; W. F. Norton, Mulims, S. C; Herbert Rountree and wife, Oxford, N. C; Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, New York City. OVER THE GARDEN WALL -ft- "H8 some tomatoes, KH." "Hot ohm lettuce, John." That's the way the home food producers here are -in to it "fifty-fifty" with their tables, says the National War Gardes Commission, of Washington. ; WHEEL OUT BIG GUNS On e rainy day the National War Cardan Commission, of Washington, urge that 70a get oat the jars and mo they are in ship-shape for the crop that rain is producing. Send a 'rwo-ceat stamp for the free canning book. Be One of the Crowd at Lumina tonight. Big dance com plimentary to the soldiers. Adv. No doubt American league pitchers were greatly surprised when they heard that Babe Ruth, the Red Sox walloper, wasn't feeling very well this season. Dance With the Boys in khaki at Lumina tonight. Adv. Teams of pitchers and catchers with names of the same initial letter are unusually common this season. Eleven of the big show teams have alliterative batteries, the Athletics heading the list with two such outfits. The list of "allits" follows: Hearn and Henry of the Braves, Marquard and Miller of the Dodgers, Ayers and Ainsmith of ' the Senators, Schneider and Smith of the Reds, Perry and Perkins and My ers and McAvoy of the Athletics, Schellenback and Schalk of the White Sox. Douglas and Daly of the Cubs, Davis and Dilhoefer of the Phillies, Steele and Schmidt of the Pirates, Sherdell and Snyder of the Cardinals and Shnc.ker and Severeid of the Browns. Dance With the Boys in khaki at Lumina tonight. Adv. U1INA Motion Pictures Every Night Except Sunday Tonight's Bill 'A PLACE IN THE SUN' Another One of Those Charm ing Little Mary McAllist-r Pictures. "STEALING A SWEETHEART A Roaring Comedy Hit DANCING Claude Oam's Orchestra n "GERMAN WAR PRACTICES" An official book of 96 Pages has been issued in Washington under the title of "German War Practice" A copy of this book will be sent free to any rea der of The Dispatch It sets forth the details of the system that has made Prussianism a word of reproach for generations to come. It describes specific instances, individual cases, as well as broad policies such as that of Belgian deporta tion. It is based on -official sources: the archives of the State 'Department, German official proclamations, re ports of American officials, as well as the field diaries of German soldiers. It contains statements especially prepared by Her bert Hoover, Frederick C. Walcott and, Vernon Kel logg. To get a copy of this free book, fill in the attached coupon and mail with a two-cent stamp for return post age, to The Wilmington Dispatch Information Bureau, Frederic J. Haskin, Director, Washington, D. C. Write your name and address plainly on this coupon. THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH INFORMA- : TION BUREAU Frederic J. Haskin, Director, : Washington, D. C. Encosed find two-cent stamp, for which please send me The Garden Insect Book FREE of charge. ; " Name I Street Address City. . . . . State Lumina Tonight Big week-end dance complimentary to the soldier boys. Adv. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, 6s they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions, and In order to cure it you must take an internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken internally and acts through the blood on the mucous sur faces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians In this country for years. It is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients In Hall's Catarrh Medicine is what pro duces such wonderful results in ca tarrhal conditions. Send for testimonl- &1 S f J F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. All druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. University Summer Schools FOR TEACHERS. LAW, MILITARY CAMP, (Asheville, N. C.) Jurje 11 July 26 June 13 August 23 June 1 4 July 26 i FOR INFORMATION WRITE The University of North Carolina CHAPEL HILL, N. C V Loving Rivals They share the secrets that help the younger to add to her youthful charm and the older to keep hers. Tonight it b the secret of Pompeian BEAUTY Powder, the powder that adheres so smoothly to the face and neck, imparting an exquisite pearly luster and fragrance to the skin. Thethree new Pompeian preparations shown here have met with great success in New York. They can be used separately, or to getheras a "Complete Complexion Toilette. They are guaranteed pure and safe by the makers, of Pompeian MASSAGE Cream. beauty poiyder Adds a pearly clearness Stays on unusually on Pompeian BEA UTY Powder Imparts a pearlr clearness to the akin. Stays on unostK nas a aeiignung iragrance. nam. nosn, aoa ul purple and gold box. wc at we allv Ions. brunette. In a bea Stores. Pompeian BLOOM A rouge that adds the final touch of youthful bloom. Im perceptible when properly applied. Do you know that a touch of color in the cheeks beautifies the eyes, making them darker and more lustrous? Comes in three shades, light, dark, and medium (the popular shade), and exqui sitely perfumed. Made in a cake that won't break. Sold in vanity box with French puff and oftrrar.50c at the store. Pompeian DA Y Cream Powder. SOc jars at the stores. THE POMPEIAN MANUFACTURING CO. 80 SuPERioa Avxw Clbvxlaicq, Oeqo Protects be UTY - I - - " l

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