I i- H ! I I f Sot Miss Annie Weaven of Goldston. wbo has been visltng friends nere, re L turned to her home yesterday even .'tog. r t: I Mrs. G. T. Bland and son, Master ; George, Jr., of Washington, N. C, are visiting here with Mrs. Bland's si3ter, ' Mrs. R. H. Orrell. w V, v ; Mrs. W. M. Shaw, of Southport, was In the city yesterday, coming to at tend the funeral services of Mrs. Vir V ginia G. Empie. Vv-" , ; -. ' '; Miss Margaret Royster returned to -' the city yesterday from Goldsboro, -where she spent a week with friends I - and relatives. V ! Mrs. H. H. Longley, of Ashevllle, I r who has been visiting friends here s and on the beach, returned to her home today, j . Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hunt, of War-j- ', saw, spent yesterday in the city, shopping, returning to their home in me aiiernoon. ;; Miss Annie McCabe returned to her home in Burgaw yesterday evening af ter & delightful stay here with friends and relatives . ; E - Miss Louise Taylor, of Wallace - spent yesterday in the city, shopping. I . returning to her home in the after r noon. - f , Out of town guests here for the t wedding were:. Mr, And Mrs. G. L. - Murphy, of Montgomery, Ala., and 1 -' Mrs. I. O. Wortman, of Charlotte. f Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Babson, of Ra- j leigh, who have been visiting friends here, and at Southport, returned to i their home this morning. 4c ; Miss Martha Thomason, of Raleigh, ! Is spending a period on the beach ' with friends. She will visit in South- rnrt ATirt at the fnrr hpfnrfi TfiturnfYi? i " home. .'4 . 1 , Mrs. and Mis Turner, recently of ; ; Southport, who are guests of Mrs. t Newkirk, North Second street, will 1 spend some time at Wrightsville r. ucabu ucLui m juiu llj xxxk. uuiuinaiu. 3f Mrs. E. Hengeveld, a graduate nurse v who is known to many here and who t has been stationed at Fort Sam Hous- ai ton for the past year, has volunteered for service in France, her friends will be Interested in knowing. A hay ride will be given by the women of the Church of the Ascen sion tonight. Cars will leave Third and Marstellar street at 8:30 o'clock r for a trip around the belt Refresh- $ ments will be served after the trip and all are assured a delightful time. GAY LOR-ED WARDS. Miss Lina Edwards and Sergeant W. K. Gaylor, stationed at Fort CaswcTl, were married last night at 9:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Edwards, 308 Church street,-the ceremony being performed by Rev. Dr. A. D. McClure. The home had been beautifully and appropriately decorated for the occa sion with patriotic colors and fern?. Miss Mae Landen played the "Bridal Chorus" from Lohengrin as the" bridal party entered the room and as the vows were spoken softly rendered "A Perfect Day." The wedding march hy Mendelssohn was played as reces- i? . sionai. . l Mrs. I. O. Wortman, of Charlotte, . y eister of the bride, was dame of hon j f or, and Sergeant W. L. Fisher, of the 4 i XJinth company, stationed at Fort Cas J ! well, was best man. V The bride is an accomplished young g 5 woman-with a oleasine nersonaUfv '-' A1. 1 I . . . . . uiat ?ua euuearea ner io a nost or friends. - Before answering the call to the colors, Sergeant Gaylor was em ployed with the cotton exporting firm of Alex- Sprunt & Son. He is a young man of strict integrity and is very f y popular with all who know him. WILL ENTERTAIN SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. A cordial invitation Is extended to the men in the service, soldiers sta tioned within the city and the visiting men from the fort and sailors to visit the local Y. M. C. A, on Saturday af ternoon, where they will e enter tained' by members of the Y. W. C. A. Irom 4:30 to 6:30. There will be music and refresh ments and it is hoped that a large nranoer wiu De m attendance. " Those, who will open their homes to the visiting men on Sunday are requested-to phone the Y. M. C. A., 177, before Saturday noon. In all of the states in which camps are . located the state council of na tional defense has appointed a wom an, who reports oh the recreational and social activities for the soldiers and sailors. At the recent meeting in Washington every chairman reported that each community near camp lo cations- was extending tne hospitality of homes and furnishing different 'forms of entertainment for the men in the service . ' Bestow- Croix de Guerre. . Roanoke, Va., June 20. Bestowal of the ' Croix de Guerre by the French government upon the entire .ambu lance unit of Washington and Lee uni veristy is announced in a letter from Wilson Cook, of Roanoke, a member of the unit, to his father, J. W. Cook, division superintendent of the Norfolk and Western railway. Committee Meeting Postponed Washington;: June 20. Because , of the rush of other business wnicn mem bers were interested, the meeting, of hm ; MArtaia agriculture committee scheduled for today, at which consid eratlon of ' the Jones prohibitoln amendment was ; to have been ' taken up, was postponed until tomorrow. Wrightsville Briexe With the mid-week crowd on Lumi na last evening the east pavilions wt)re crowded while the pictures were being? shown and seats' were at a premium. The pictures are of exceptionally high quality and a varied program Is pre;; sented each night. Tonight's bill of movies at Lumina will be headed by another one of the popular O. Henry features, "The Third Ingredient,'0 from one of the author's widest read stories. "The Detective," a Sparkler comedy, fur nishes a quarter of an hour's fun for the windup. Personal. An automobile party from Kinston, composed of the following ladies, is spending several days on the beach: Misses Lucile Collins, Margaret Mars deh, Martha Hood. Carrie Wooten and Mrs. R. C. Williams as chaperone. They are stopping at the Seashore hotel. AT PARIS COTTAGE.. . Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Marshall and sons, Humphrey, John and Allen, Mrs. G. F. Catlett, Mrs. W. L. Jones, or Wil mington; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown, of Winter Park, and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Marshall, of Washington, D. C, are spending some time on the beach, guests at the Paris Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lindsay, Cheraw, S. C, are spending their honeymoon on the beach, guests at the Paris Cot-J tage. Mrs. Thomas H. Shipman and chil dren, of Brevard, are guests at the Paris Cottage. Dr. and Mrs. Wilburt Jackson and Dr. Jackson's sister, Mrs. W. C. Thompson, and children, of Clinton, are guests at the Paris Cottage, Dr. Jackson is attending the dental asso ciation. Mrs. H. J. Hubbard and children, of Clinton, are spending the month of June on the beach, guests at the Paris Cottage. At Seahore Hotel. Seashore hotel arrivals, Wednesday, June lpth: Dr. F. R. Anders, Mrs. F. R. An ders, Dr. R. Anders. Jr., Robert An ders, Charlotte; W. R. McDonald,' At lanta; E. J. Mathews, W. W. Burke, W. Thomas, A. E. Steele, Mt. Airy; Edith E. Faison, Augusta E. Faison, Rosa Harper, P M. Draughan, E. Epstein, Garton Levy, Rocky Mount; Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Thomason, Gregg and Ruth Thomason, Gibsonville; N. T. Howard and daugh ter Smithfield; J. . Exum, Snow Hill; G. B. Snow, Atlanta, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Blue, Laurinburg; D. W. Wavis, Goldsboro; Dr. H. K. Foster, W. B. Jones, R. W. Jernigan, W. B. Cope, Norfolk; W. B. Post, Pikeville; J. B. Grimes, Raleigh; C. Y. Jones. Columbia; J .H. King, A. M. Maupin, xiaieign; wenry M. Campbell, Phila delphia, Pa.; J. D. Campbell, Wal lace; L. G. Caldwell, N. Wilkesboro; B. L. Frink, Lumberton; J. W. Rawl ings, Atlanta; Dr. H. Y. Williams, Whiteville; J. E. Dowde, Charlotte; J.. W. Herring, Spartanburg, S. C; Frank Gough, Lumberton; A. B. Johnson, Statesville; J. A. Gantt, Charlotte; P. D. Davis, Raleigh. Oceanic Arrivals. Oceanic arrivals for Wednesday in clude: I Dr. S. Hunt, North Carolina; Dr. and Mrs. F. R, Anders, Charlotte; C. N. Money, Charlotte; H. V. Hauton, Winston-Salem; W. C. Fitzgerald, North Carolina; V. W. Gwyer, Atlanta; J. A. Young, Raleigh; W. R. McDon ald, Atlanta; C. R. Hutchlns, North Carolina; R. A. Tuttle, North Carolina; R. G. Tuttle, North .Carolina; W. A. Ivory, Philadelphia; Chas. T. Wade, Piedmont; C. D. Armstrong, Rich mond; Dr. Chas. W. Culbertson, Washington; S. R. Horton, Raleigh; J. D. Carlton, North Carolina; R. N. Ellington, North Carolina; J. H. Shrier, Wendell; W. F. Jones, North Carolina; S. T. Cobbs, North Caro ma; E. L Travler, and wife, North Carolina ; J. H. Brooks, North Caro- ina; R, F. Hamilton, Norfolk; J. H. Davis, South Carolina; Dr. Williams, North Carolina; Lieut. H. E. Caste- vens, North Carolina; R, W. Crews, North Carolina; D. F. Harris, Vir ginia; Ayder Gaylord, Virginia; Jas. R. Bulks, Dunn; Dexter Blanchard, North Carolina; Dr. Stanley, city; Mr. and Mrs. John Swain, North Carolina; Mr. and Mrs. Marrow, North Carolina; Mrs. Parker, North Carolina; W. C, Taylor and wife, North Carolina; W. T. Martin, North Carolina; J. C. Wat- kins, North Carolina; W. H. Watkins, North Carolina; H. C. Daniels, North Carolina; C. H. Lannon, North Caro lina; R. F. Graham, North Carolina; Z. V. Parker, North Carolina; L. L. Damnen, North Carolina; Whitfield Cobb, North Carolina; H. C. Petts, North Carolina; , D. R. Petts, North Carolina; C. W. Farley, North Caro lina; W. D. Lazuly, North Carolina; R. Wethersbee, North Carolina; A, A'. Fleming, Raleigh; L. B. Ford, Rich mond; L. B. Hause, Richmond; O. J. Bender, North Carolina; L. M. Dan iels, Sandford; L. V. Henderson, North Carolina; J. T. Henderson, North Carolina; D. R. Juocitholl, North Carolina; C. L. Speght, North Caro lina; A. J. Harris, Richmond, Va.; Bret Latmer, JNonn Carolina; c. F Smith, North Carolina; W. J. Casteer. North Carolina. Home Canning. Yashington, June 20. Home can ning will preserve at least 1,500,000,- ooo quarts of looastuns tnis year as against' 850,600,000 quarts last year, according to.a statement today by the department of agriculture. NAPOLEAN ONCE SAID "A Footsore Army Is An Army Half Defeated." Men in training camps, in Cantonments, in the army and navy suiter from blisters and sore spots on their trtmt. Evirv "Comfort Kit"Bhonlrt contain one or more boxes of Allen's Foot-Ease.- the antiseptic powder to shake into the shoes. It freshens the training to make daily use of Foot- urea, aching, smarting ieetna.neaiB blisters ana sore spots. The Platts bnrr l;.mn Manual advises men in ACTION'ON DOUBLING THE - ; YARD'S CAPACITY POSTPONED Final action on doubling the ways at the yards of the Carolina Shipbuild ing company has been postponed, ac cording to telegrarv rweerved from Lorenzo 0 DilkB, president of the company, because of the transporta tion problem. A second conference will be held in Philadelphia during the coming week and in all probability acton will be taken at that tme. Gen eral Manager Raymond Hunt, of the traction company, returned to the city yesterday from Philadelphia, where he attended' the conference. ONE TAR HEEL IN ARMY CASUALTY LIST Washington, June 20. The army casualty ' list today contained 73 names, as follows: . Killed in action. 17 Died of wounds 9 Died of airplane accident ? Died of disease 7 Died of accident and other causes 1 Wounded severely , 32 Wounded, degree undetermined.... 4 Mining in action I The list includes the following from southern states:, Killed 1 naction, Private Marvin Williams, Collinsville, Ala; died of wounds, Lieut; Calvin L. Capps, Lu cama, N. C; Mechanic Jim Arnold, Belle Buckle, Tenn. Died of disease, Major Edward Shoultz, Alexandria, Va. Severely wounded, Corporal John Bennett, Jacksonville, Fla.; Privates Fred M. Reynolds, Delton, Va.; Wal ter S. Stewart, Lakeview, Miss.; Wil liam West, 23 Washington street Richmond, Va. Prisoner (previously reported miss ing). Private Clarence L. Massey, Co lumbus, Ga. Mr.vA. W. Watson. 612 Grace street, died this morning (Thursday). Funeral services to be announced later. 6-20-ltj DIED A. W. WATSON, AGED 73 years and eight months, after a lin gering illness of nearly a year. Funeral announcement later. MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed made by Virgie Stafford and her hus band, John Stafford, of Wilmington, N. C, to W. M. Cumming, bearing date 3rd November, 1915, and duly regis tered in the records of New Hanover county, in book 79 at page 442, the un dersigned will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, on Wednesday, July 24th, 1918, the fol- owing described property in the city of Wilmington, N. C: Beginning in the eastern line of Twelfth street sixty-six (66) feet north from Wooeter street, and run ning thence north thirty-three (33) feet on Twelfth street; thence east, parallel with Wooster street, one hun dred (100) feet; thence south, paral- el with Twelfth street, thirty-three (33) feet; thence west, parallel with Wooster street, one hundred (100) feet to the point of beginning In the eastern line of Twelfth street, the same being the southwest part of lot 5, in block 70, according to the pres ent official plan of the said city of Wilmington, N. C. 6-20-30t-x-sun W. M. CUMMING. TO BE GREY Society Ladies Everywhere Use "La Creole" Hair Dressing. The well known society leader's hair was prematurely gray, perhaps just like yours, but Mrs. J heard of "La Creole" Hair Dressingr how thousands of people everywhere had used it with perfect satisfaction. It is not a dye, but a preparation designed especially for the purpose of gradual ly restoring color to gray or faded hair, and which is easily applied by simply combing or brushing through the hair. "La Creole" Hair Dressing positively eradicates dandruff, keeps the scalp in a healthy condition and promotes the growth of new hair; brings back a natural, soft, even, dark shade to gray or faded hair, and makes it lustrous, full of life .and beau tiful. USE "LA CREOLE" HAIR DRESSING to prevent your hair from growing gray and to restore a beautiful dark color to gray or faded hair. Sold and recommended by Jarman & Futrelle, Wilmington, N. C. Mail orders promptly filled upon receipt regular price, $1-20. "La Creole" Hair Dress lng is sold on a money back guaran tee, (adv.) Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must take an internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts through the blood on the mucous sur faces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians In this country for years, it is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients in nairs catarrh Medicine is what pro duces suoh wonderful results in ca tarrhal conditions. Send for testimoni als, rree. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. -All druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. SH USED TQ) - tfliiiftg 22 1-2 Trained Dental Nurse leiepn one Connection They XHIS COUPON WORTH 50 CENTS DR. WEEKS, Dental Surgeon, Formerly BALTIMORE DENTAL, PARLORS Will Accept This Coupon As 50 Cents In Cash . . Dr. Weeks Just R Shipment Milans. Pretty, large shapes, in grey and sand. Blower, Feather. HOSE HOSE HOSE MISS ALMA BROWN MAKE YOUR SELECTION AND PHONE US. Nadine Face Powder Velvetina Face Powder Djer-KIss Face Powder From an .Face Powder Swan Down Face Powder LaBlanche Face Powder Banatol Face Powder Mavis Face Powder PAYNE 5 th and Red Cross Streets. PRINTING IS AN ART Printing denotes character. Your letter head should express individuality, Your business card be a barometer of your stability. When printing of this character is needed go no further, but phone 886. WILMINGTON PRINTING COMP'Y. "Masters in the Delectable Art of Printing" TAX LISTING! The'books for listing taxes close June 29th. No one ran 1if a ffrv tKaf rial j Delinquents are penalized 25 per cent. DR. , WEEKSy) Front St., Opposite Masonic Bldg. Seperate and Convenient Offices For Whites and Colored F or the Lead You to Apply on Dental Work Performed - BAITIMQRE DENTAL eceive Azurea Face Powder Carmen Face Powder Dagett & Ramdale Face Powder R. & G. Face Powder Melba Face Powder Our Soda Fount Menu la Complete. DRUG CO. Phone 520. B. F. KING, - - : H. K. NASH, Tax Listers. Foririerly: With .Mlilfairkrs In to Better Dentistry "GERMAN WAR PRACTICES" An official book of 96 Pages has been issued in Washington under the title of "German War Practice" A copy of this book will be sent free to any rea der of The Dispatch It sets forth the details of the system that has made Prussianism a word of reproach for generations to come. It describes specific instances, individual cases, as well as broad policies such as that of Belgian deporta tion. It is based on official sources: the archives of the State Department, G erman official proclamations, re ports of American officials, as well as the field diaries of German soldiers. It contains statements especially prepared by Her bert Hoover, Frederick C. .Walcott and Vernon Kel logg. ' To get a copy of this free book, fill in the attached coupon and mail with a two-cent stamp for return post age, to The Wilmington Dispatch Information Bureau, Frederic J. Haskin, Director, Washington, D. C. Write your name iand address plainly on this coupon. : THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH INFORMA- : ' TION BUREAU : Frederic J. Haskin, Director, : Wuhinffton, D. G , Encosed find two-cent stamp, for which please send me 'German War Practices," FREE. rame . , . . ... '. . . . J9 ...... . . V! " ; Street Address . . . . . . . I City. .-i .State , Attendance All Work Guaranteed PARLORS Signs 5 "