' Behind The "SceheSM', : WAR W OF TURKEY I :THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, .TUESDAY. JUNE 251 91 8. y "VrrV 7, TAe Nation's Capital PUBLISHED IN BERLIN ' "I t- SBBBMSBM . . 1 'It Uncle Sam 1 akes a f Iyer m the Theatrical Game, and There urrender A Occupied ruu"s " - nTuikwuug nuuui juioeriy ineatres - jraris or jraiesune ana ouian t rooi Mrs. JLongworth. Irak Hold Sea By THOMAS F. LOGAN. Washington, June 25.War has for ced the Washington government into pore new activities than various agi sted members of the ruling organi tftlon had even heard about prior to April. 1917- Considered as a wholes list, the government has gotten along very nicely as B boM 931 appalling number of new Industries. It has fall en down a bit on aeroplane construc tion, but even that difficult mannfae wring business has began ta look up; T1e administration's really spectacu lar troubles began to. pile upi however, ,Den the biggest democracy, In the ,nrld decided to take a flyer In the theatrical game. If the powers that ad known as much about . ' the trials and tribulations of the .amuse ment purveyor wnen. mey took on-tne b of entertaining, soldiers as they joow now. it is just posible that cer tain officials would have finiched xra- jr commands to rusn m wnere a long line theatrical "angels' learned to tread with fear. It sounded quite simple at first. As one optimist pointed out. Uncle Sam, imDressario, would never be bothered hv the first problem of the purely com- mercial proaucer. - uur auaiences are drafted for us," observed this cheerful nhilosopner with a complacency born of utter ignorance. "When we put on vil lhave absolutely no opposition. a show at one of the cantonments It is sure to prove a riot; .because we The boys will be grateful for 'almost any form of amusement. Therefore, Then they observe the very high qual ity of dramatic productions we propose to present, it will be merely a question of the capacity of the cantonment theaters. The undertaking is really ouite simple!" It was a beautiful dream, of course, hat a fiction of the subconscious imag inatio ndomed to a rude awaken- in?. Do the dear boys applaud the judgment exemplified In alL. forms of drama that get past the government censors? No, gentle reader, they do not! There was, for example, the case of Meliere. Some enthusiast re called the fact that the celebrated French dramatist did rather well as a writer of comedy in earlier days. I would be a brilian tidea, he figured to revive a Meliere play for America's light-hearteq. soldiers, it was easy enough to revive one, but not quite as easy to "put it across," as they say in the vernacular of the theater The revival inaugurated an' indefinite run on the training camp circuit at exact 8:15 o'clock on propitious Monday rening It ended its run, shortlyhe fort 11 o'clock that same night. Why? Well the verdict of the . audience waa unanimous, but not in the anticipated direction. There was no disorder,, no bloodshed, no comments and no "boo- ig." But, after a half hour or so, th audience arose with great dignity and decorum and onducte dan orderly exit from the theater. "If your audience walks out on you," as the sage, ex perienced manager of the cantonment theater tersely commented, "it's the storehouse for you!" Meliere attain ed success when he was a living play wright, but his delivery is not auita speedy enough for a Liberty theater clientele. It may shock high-brow lovers of classic drama to hear this bitter truth, but it is an unalterable fact that the discriminating art lovers in army can tonments fall naturally and easily. In to the ranks of theatrical patrons known to fame as "tired business men." Shakespeare, Ibsen and Pinere nay be all right in their proper sphere, but they are out of their class when drafted for an effective offensive, in the Liberty theaters. The drama's only reliable shoe ktrops on the train ing camp circuit must be recruited from the "merry-merry." The boys in khaki perceive more art in peppy songs and dances Interpreted by rea sonably prepossessing coryphees to the accompaniment of jazz melodies than a delegation of studio graduates tould extract from an elaborate, new exhibit at the Louvre. By the time Ine war is over.the UniteLStates gov ernment will regard Flo, Ziegfeld and Jake Shubert as intellectual giants. And the admiration will not be con- Bned to one side of the partnership be tween Uncle Sam and the gentlemen who specialize . on "revues" and "fol lies." The eyes of theatrical advance agents and company managers begin to hang out on their cheeks when they observe the efficiency which the gov ernment has applied to the staging of flrama. Minor details, such as orches tras of forty pieces that do not bother about union rules, small armies of stage-hands who are not interested in the standing: of visiting "crews" with their "locals," and billposters who neither indulge in strong drink nor inaugurate "Daoer" ghts. are but pre liminaries in the list of innovations that startle and amaze the visiting showmen. The managers of the Liberty theater n the various army cantonments were borrowed from the theatrical busi ness. Thev retain their nrofessional knowledge and supplement it with a new knowledge of undreamed of pow er. A few days ao, for example, the Manager of a New England canton- "rnt playhouse was entertaining an advance agent. The visitor after 'ar- rr-5s? "outine details, mentioned the fa"f ths-.t a printed sign for the lobby, Tnat. emphasized a special feature of "i- attratcion, might be helpful. The tn'.:rnfrer yawned, but reached for his "esk telephone. "Gimme the Adiu nn. he commanded. "How are you I!ed on sign painters,"-he 'inquired hen the proper connection was made. e listened languidly for a moment ana men issued a "reauest-" "sun Amsterdam. Jnno 25. TnrTrRv'ii war Bid four of t.h bAsf ..i w --7. f"'0 eu'. tteraims, according to tne Turkish, news- - a iew miuuxes iatr fnnr VKo. kt-clfcd experts snapped a salute re- Paper' as re-Putlished in the jotvwa instructions and delivered ant wwaerw, are as iouowb: aruatttauiy painted "lobby display" Mni Surrender of all occupied parts of jorouas raaer as minutes TJnfor- Palestine and Drak (an extensive dis Jjrawly. there wasn't, a drop Of whis- trict in west central Persia, corre- ZLZZi. "w,r wmcn to re- spondent to ancient Media) recently, m a Marvlanrt rti-ntn-nm c-nt 1 1n Eervtit uiBaw, a wg musical production that Independence of Persia and the requires dlfCUlt lightine effects arrir. Wit)Ing out of British influence tbere to wr a mree-aiflita "stand.: When Domination of the Black sea by the work of settng the stage was be- Placing-an Ottoman prince in Crimea. gun, Someone dfBtXVVarad ortA TG-nnraA I a German -nrinre in fiercia arA an w vao manager of the theater the fact Austrian prince In Armenia, as re- vnai tne master electrician the house gents was laglOrtOUSly confined in the enmrrl. I Austria tn kfifin th nccnnieil nnr. nOU8e -for a Violation of snme n.rmv I tlons of northern Ttnlv until TrfnoH rule. The theater manager -promptly Dedecunese and Cyrenaica are return- aaa -nimseir conected wit hthe com- ed to Turkey. manaing orcer. "We can't put on nis : snow without our Toss electrl- cliti, he mailed. "Don't get excited." advised the C. O. in soothing tones wnen pie situation ; was explahed. "If mars your only trouble, I'll release Mm for the evening and send him up to you unaer guard." And that is ex actly what was done. The prisoner was marched to the . theater, handled tne light effects under the grinning observation of sentinels stationed in the "wings" and, at the fall of the fin al curtain; was marched back to the guardhouse until the hour for the. next night's performance arrived.. "Holy Mackerel," commented the traveling manager, "It we could pull that rough London, Juner 25. Preliminary nego- stuff on the outside show-game, life nations presumably regarding the Do- on the road would be one grand, sweet Druaja nave been begun between Bul- song!" garia ana TurKey and Germany only it. wnniif to mutovo T,.a learned of them through its espionage that visiting theatrical men are at the 8enice' ne Da?y ,M,ail cespfnieilt wmaffrlnr aa f nil nita i,af at the Hague is informed. Austria from Uncle Sam's plunge into the p"Jly will participate in these sep- theatriojil hnainoBfl- ncrasfnmlW rto I ueguuduuiis in tne coarse oi a - - i rniir flnva T Coop ALSSTRIANS WILL IN IN NEGOTIATIONS LATER Germany Learned of Bulgar- Turk Dealings Only by Espionage Service. er's Kenosha-Klosed -Krotch Union Suits Keep You Cool the Hottest Days Cool Cloth Suits Ed. Weaver 121 Princess St Lift Qflf Corns! "Freezone" is Magic l-Lift any Corn or Callus right off with fingers2 No pain ! technical talk and peculiar idiosyn crasies of the traveling experts bewil der the commissioned officers and oth era in authority at the army canton ments. There are, for example, num- The recent speech in the reichstag of Dr. von Kuehlmann, the foreign sec retary, it is added, resulted from con versations between Bulgaria and Tur- erous 'recruits from American ' social ey which were begun on the initiative Ufa ,hn i.w n.o,Mv f,Q mv of King Ferdinand of Bulgaria. vineyard. It happens, infrequently, M Malinoff the new Bulgarian that these patriotic women encounter Pmier, is said to agree entirely with stftn rnrent.tlves .of the ,nm. th P Ferdinand to exact fulfillment of Bulgaria's demands whatever cost. at GERMANY LOOKING FOR stremious representatives of the com xnerciai theater with consequences that are bewildering to both sides. ' One theatrical expert made his de but on the training camp circuit a short time ago at Camp Meade, near Washington. When he concluded his conference with the manager of the Camp Mead liberty theater the noon hour had arived and he felt the need of refreshment. "Where, ; he inquired ' can - a guy get-eats- ta this point?" Why not take a shot at the Hostess House?" the manager suggested. "What the Klaw-and-Erlanger is that?" asked the visitor. "It s a men-brow cafeteria." ex- tolained the manager. "It's very much wasmngton, June o. ine uermans tin., i t. -l i, , ara said tn fe thnrnnclilv Awaba tn 1IH.H L11B UHBU-UUUBI9H YUU VB lllUUe ILL I " Los Angeles and other western towns, the probability of- a complete collapse only it's rim under the auspices of the ot the Austro-Hungarian government, Y. M. C. A. on a cost basis. Come alone already struggling with a half-starved HAPSE OF AUSTRIA - t . ... ; - Half Starved and Riotious People Will Break Under Italian Rout. TO Dogs and Horses Die for Jheir Country! ITHRILXING storie3 of 1 1 J- the brave deeds of the four-footed heroes of the war are told by Mrs. ESphinstone Maitland of the Blue Cross Society in an article on "The Animals of the Army in THE PEOPLE'S HOME JOURNAL . For July s The People's Homs ffl Journal is The xrjagazins for everv member nf th family. It has won that en viable distinction by thirty- three years of steady growth. until it is now a monthly ana 4 welcome visitor in more than 900,000 American homes. ptfHfr THE PEOPLE'S HOME JOURNAL U i NEWYORK Id at aUvNewtstands lOCenta Aft Forty tfoited 1 ProHt Sbarine Coapona (2 eoopoms eaeh de Bominstka BO) ara packed in every ease. t-Jxrnange-Bbie for vakiaMo premhnas. When you want the one best drink for good-ta$te and good health " . 5 Bear" In Mind $Mm and Sairors &ef Cniiftrf Tfiat inates tlwm ct icort&e lard m, oaisp sad trene&ieB, fft sfed or oo Ciaiche2 by tiaiHg- AQcn' Pbo-fcaea, f&e ffijQsecOq fte fte AJWa FoqMSase baa beeo tbtf t EiMlQard renwdy txw fcj yefflfsjf relief Jl VpxSdomBrtspe theose fWXt3 Ml, Drop a little Freezone on an aching crn, inttaatly that corn stops hurting, tken you lift it right out. It doesn't kfcrt One bif. Yes,: magic! Why wait? Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of Freezone for a few cents, sufficient to rid your feef of every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and calluses without soreness or irritation. Freezone it the much talked of ether discovery- of a Cincinnati genius. . Enjoy fhe good taste of hops, the foam and the sparkle. Drink all you want ifs non-intoxicating. At grocer8, at druggists,' in fact at all places where good drinks are sold. W. J. WILKINS &XO. Architects -i Rooms 9-10 Masonic Temple Bldg. .Supervising Architects Victory Home Co, If m: LEMP Manufacturers ST. LOUIS Suburban Schedule and I'll stack you up against it." The visitor armed himself with a tray and started down the line. He got along swimmingly until he reach ed a display of asparagus, marked down to 10 cents a portion. He order ed a supply and received three stalks. "Is that all I draw for a dime?" he inquired in injured tones. He was told that it was. "Well, gimme five more orders," he observed, apparently with entire resig nation. En route to the cashier's stand, how ever, he assembled the six drders of asparagus on one dish, palmed the five "empties", and proceeded to settle his account on a one-asparagus-order basis. His strategy did not, however, escape the attention of the alert dispensor of asparagus. She follow ed up the transaction and instructed the cashier to collect 60 cents for her denartment. A. battle royal ensuied, but, after much heated argument; the advance agent grudgingly paid the bill and joined the mangager at a table. "Say," commented that gentleman, ''do you happen to know who that was you were scrapping with about the as paragus you pinched?" "No," replied the visitor, "Til bite. Who was it?" "Nobody in particular," observed the manager with elaborate sarcasm, "ex cept that she happens to be Mrs. Nich olas Longworth, formerly Miss Alice Roosevelt, and the oldest daughter of the scrappiest president the United States has ever produced!". However, the liberty theater circuit is gradually settling down to the rou tine of an established institution. But when the kaiser and his gang finally realize that they are up against a los ing proposition, the American govern ment will know a whole lot more about producing plays than it did when Washington first took on the less , amusing task of beating sense into several million thick German skulls. and riotous people, in the event of a complete Austrian route at the hands of the Italians. .Realization of this fact, Rome believes, has caused the German general staff practically not to abandon its great .offensive in France and has been evidenced by the com parative lull there for the past week. German soldiers are being rushed by rail to the northern end of the Austro-Italian battle lines with the purpose of restoring Austrian morale and not only checking the Italian counter attack, but by force of num bers breaking through the mountain passes jfnto the plains of yenetia. Wltl Jch help as the entente arm ies can 'give immediately supplement ed as rapidly as transportation can be had by troops directly from Amer ica and, even more important by am ple military supplies and food for the army, the Italian general staff, is re ported to be convinced that the vic torious sweep of the Italian army will traverse the famous Bainsi2za plateau the scene of the great battles of last fall and will not stop until the Ital ians have reclaimed all of the country up to the right bank of the Izonso, which marked the extreme of General Cadorna's advance. The next time you buy calomel ask for 0 The Strong Withstand the Heat ot Summer Better Than the Weak Old (people who are feeble and ybunger people who are weak tUll-be strengthened and enabled to go through the depressing heat of sum mer by taking GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC: It purifies .and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. You can soon feel its strength ening, .invigorating effect. 60c Adv. Fred Luderua, of the Phils, achieved a fond desire of every pastimer the other day, when he banged - out a home run with the bases filled in a game with the Cardinals. The purified calomel tab lets that are entirely free of all sickening and sali- vating effects. Mediciaal virtue vasdy imprtved. Gnaraateed hj your druggist. Sold only b sealed packages. Price 35c When listing star catchers don't overlook O'Neil, the Cleveland back stop. He is one of the bright spots in the Indian lineup. FOR THROAT AKR LUNOS rji Calcium compound that wilj Tbrlng T Ffovids in handiest trrti. blo m 3y bUfrlr recommended, hy science. Gtm m T harmful drug Try them today. SO cents a box, including war tax Kill The Flies They Are Dangerous The fly deserves nothing, but fteatlb at is ntveriy useless, ex tckmo i-afcotry. FUilA1U We specialize in the man ufacture of Rubber Stamps and Good Printing Carolina Printingand Stamp Works No. 8 Grace St ..mivtfinr and dfl.ncenra&i lS1tk tM free vonr home and com-' jowuty of this nasty pest. This can to fate with little trouble or ex pose by uainr BEE BKAJMU UN-1 SBCT rvWDSK. It is harmless ft't injure the emiaren or xneir Bee Brand Insect Powder fan It Into tho air Flies and moagnitoes die in a few minates. Will till ants, fleas, roaches, bed-bugs, lice,, sad bugs of nearly every kind. Directions on package. ' Look for the Bee Bsand Trade Mark. re fifes Ski Evenrw&ei Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must take an internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts through the blood on the mucous sur faces of the system. , Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years. It is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. "The perfect combination of the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medicine is what pro duces such wonderful results in ca tarrhal conditions. Send for testimoni slIs fr P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. All druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Roofing Time IgS Now is the time to look over your roofs. If they need renewing, use Barrett a Everlaatic "Rubber" Roofing. Barrett's Everlaatic is the ideal roofing for any steep roofed building. EVEULASTIC RUBBir ROOFIRG will save you many dollars in the future. For over half a century Barrett's Roofings have been known all over , the world for their high quality. The name "Barrett" is your guarantee. We carry a full fine in one-, two-and three ply. Nails and cement in each' roll. N. Jacobi Hardware Co. Perrol Davis ' a colored girl of Tampa, Florida. use fnnnrl notKinff to comoare with 1 H NELSON'S. The picture tells the story. NELSON'S is the original and genuine Hair Dressing that is recommended and sold by drug gists, and used by colored girls all over the United States. NELSON'S makes curly, stub bora hair soft, glossy and easy to manage. $ Take this advertisement to the drug store and be sure to get the genuine NELSON'S the price is still '25 cents. NELSON MFG. CO., Inc. RICHMOND, VA. "Nelson's will make you proud of your hair. BSf EFFECT SATURDAY, fi rMTC Q 1Q1Q . 1 mim WEEK-DAYS Lv. Center Lv. Beachl 5:40 A.M4 6:15 A.M. 6:10A.M4 i 6:55 A.M. 7:10A.M & 7:25 A.M. - 7:40 A.M4' 8:00 A.M. 8:15 A.M4 and every half .and every halfi hour thereafter hour thereartei until 5:30 P.M. 6:10P.M. 6:30 P.M. and every half hour thereafter and every half! until hour thereafter , ; 11:00 P.M. untar 12: 0A.M. :45 PM Local trains stopping at all stations j (on request) may be expected to leave tne Center and Lumina at the time$ . ' indicated- The 6:10 express leaves daily exc-. cept Saturdays and Sundays, stopping! , . at Fifth, Ninth, Seventeenth and Mar-, y ket streets, Wilmington; Winter Parl .. . Gardens, Sea Gate, Wrtghtsvllle an( . all stations on beach. i? FREIGHT: lev. Wilmington Lv. BeacH until 5:45 P.M 6:20P.M c 6:50 P.M M 7:15 P.Mc- BSE PRETTY, SILKY HAIR BY USING PLOUGH'S Hair Dressing! vn 1i.1v mm Ions' and I .t..i.ht likn nirtnre aHd s soft you can eaaUy arraare it' as you wisa. rwaiu rnr.nfr Vflilns- Hair and Witching Scalp, making your wntirni. arraj ma.. unK w maa-iar avwaMaa - .: iTC0-infc u tah desire it. I BIG GREEN CAN 25C I PLOUGHCHEMICAL COmm. 5:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:30 P.M. 7:05 A.M4 12:15 P.M 6:I5RM4: Freight depot open daily except Sun i day, from 7.30 a. m. until 1:00 p. m and from 2:00 p. m. until 6:00 p. m. t vf Freight depot telephone -No. 98. ' ir - SUNDAYS: v: Lv. Center Lv. BeacH ;1 7:00 A.M. 6:40 A.MH 8:30 A.M. 7:45 A.MC and every half 9:15 A.M hour thereafter and every hah until hour thereafter 11:00 P.M. until ; 12:1 a AM. 11:45 RMt 5 Local trains stopping at all stations' fon request) may be expected to learo ; the Center and Lumina at the timet indicated. " yr: FREIGHT: :Il -Lv. Wilmington Lv. BeacH 11:00 A.M. 12:15 P.M Freight jiepot open 10 to 11 a. m.. . ' Freight depot telephone No., 95. ' During periods of heavy travel x press trains will be operated , between Wilmington and Lumina, stopping only . at Fifth, Ninth, Seventeenth and Mary ket streets, Wilmington; Oceanic: Ho tel, Seashore Hotel, Carolina Yacht Club and Lumina, on the beach,"",':'.:'-' il . s- f. t

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