THE WILMlNCi 1 ON DISPATCH, SATURDAY," JUNE 29, 1918. Society Miss Mattie Sabiston, of New York, is here visiting Mrs. N. G. Shaw, 308 North Front street. Miss Mary S. Duke has returned to her home in the city after a trip of 10 days, during which she visited friends in Norfolk, Williamsburg and Richmond, Va. . Friends will be interested in the an nouncement of the marriage of Miss Katherine Rooche and Daniel Meier, both of this city. The ceremony was performed June 20 by Father Christo pher Dennen. Mrs. John C. Springer, of this city, with her daughter, Mrs. Andrew J. Gray, and grandson, John Springer Gray, of Richmond, also Miss Mary Hewlett, of the city, are at Southport for a while during the summer. K Friends will be glad to learn of the improvement of Hiram Albertson, 211 Castle street, who after a recent ill ness is expected to be out in a few days. -X- SOLDIERS AND SAILORS A committee from the Young Wom en's Christian association will enter tain the men in the service this after noon from 4 to 6:30 at the Young Men's Christian association. ST. MATTHEWS' SERVICES The usual service will be held in St. Matthews' English Evangelical Luther an church tomorrow by the pastor, Rev. G. W. McClanahan. A most cor dial welcome is extended to everyone. 4fr 4e Miss Bessie Craig, of Wilmington, will arrive in the city today to attend the wedding of Miss Nancy Anderson and J. J. Akers, which will take place tomorrow evening. Miss Craig will be the guest of Miss Sara Tanner at her home on East avenue. Miss Tanner also has as her guest for the wedding Miss Cammie Rodman, of Norfolk. Charlotte Observer. Mrs. J. W. Orrell is in Baltimore vis iting her brother, Capt. J. B. Everett, who is stationed at Camp Meade, Md. Mrs. Orrell was accompanied to Balti more by her husband, who returned home yesterday. Captain Everett se cured his commission at the first offi cers' training camp. Previous to his departure he lived with his parents in Wilmington. Miss Dolores Vaughn and Sergeht Major Goodman were selected as the best dancing couple at the Breakers Monday evening. Miss Vaughn in spite of her youth is a splendid little dancer and when the spotlight was thrown she and her partner were unan imously roted the best dancers in the room. Charleston American. Miss Vaughn is the daughter of Mrs. R. S. Vaughn and was formerly ol Wilmington. CAMERON-RICE Announcement is made of the mar riage of Miss Lillian Rice, of Lum berton, and Frederick C. Cameron, which took place yesterday . afternoon at the "district, parsonage, the ceremony being performed by Rev. J. H. Shore, presiding elder of the district. Mrs. Cameron has been taking a commer cial course here and Mr. Cameron is a clerk at the Orton hotel. ? -K-TO ENTERTAIN SOLDIERS The members of the Christian En deavor society will entertain the enlist ed men of the army and navy in the city tonight at the First Presbyterian church from 8 to 10:30 o'clock. It will be a social hour for the men in uni form, who will be made to feel at home. The entertainment was held at St. Andrews last Saturday evening, but will be held this evening at the First Presbyterian, corner Third and Orange streets. Visiting soldiers in the city from Caswell are cordially in vited as well as those stationed in the city. Games will be played, a mu sical program given and refreshments served. Wrightsville Breezes Late arrivals at the Seashore hotel include: J. W. Holmes and wife, Farm Till, N. C; Mrs. J. W. Griffith, Mrs. Ray Johnson, Mrs. D. S. Reid, Jr., Winston-Salem; Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ogburn, Farmville; Miss N. Hannan, Atlanta; John W. Giffith, Fort Cas well; M. C. Garleych, F. L. Stephen son, Atlanta; Miss Mary Wallace, An derson, S. C; Hooper Johnson, Knox ville, Knoxviile, Tenn.; S. A. Gayle, Atlanta; J. R. Wofford, South Caro lina; J. W. Mexdaud, K. C. Barrett, N. C; JPaul E. Graves, Massachusetts. Guests at the Oceanic today with the Pine association include: Z W. Whitehead, Wilmington; H. P. Wood son, Lynchburg; Wm. Conway, Phila delphia; J. U. Bryant, Wilmington; H. M. Frankfort, Franklin; J. Y. Camp, Franklin; Geo. T. Leach, Washington; John M. Camp, Wallace; Thos. O'Ber ry, Mt. Olive; L. C. Blades, Elizabeth City; R. A. Parsley, Wilmington; W. S. Campbell, Lawn Creek; A. W Campbell, Lawn-Creek; P. R. Camp, Franklin; A. R. Turnbull, Norfolk; W B. McNeill, Hardeeville, S. C; J. V. Blade, New Bern; W B. Roper, Nor folk; T. C. Flynn, Norfolk; W. F. Montague, Charleston; J. R. Rice, Wil mington; Carey J. Hunter, Raleigh. Other guests at the Oceanic include: V. J. Masters, Atlanta; G. A. Doyle, Miss Nellie Doyle, S. Melynecollex Georgetown; W. W. Becket, Board man; J. G. McNeil and wife, Burgaw; J. O. Walker and family, Charlotte' I'iss Zadie -Gullidge; H. A. Jones' Wake Forest; J. C. Graham, Durham-' Mrs. S. E. Proctor. Mrs. R. R. r.ariviJ Lumbertpn; Misses Ruth and Lizzie fnl J 11 If .H. T-1 i . vaiuwca, iuia jritinan and. Mr Willia mCaldwell, Lumberton : H. Herring, Mount Olive: Mlsa Carroll, Raleigh; L. C. Blades, Eliza beth City; ,H. E. Miller, Harrisburg K. E. Hamgaond, New York; Edward LAST TWO DAYS OF THE SALE Friday and Saturday mark the closing days of this biggest sale of the season. If you have not profited by the whole- ' i 1 -1 1 J 1 c .1 1 I il 1 . J V . sale prices we have put on these gooas, you snouiu oe very sure to get in on me aeai mese iasi two aays. i uu wuu v be able to get those prices after Saturday night. Domestics At Wholesale Prices 25c yard wide Bleaching at 18c 30c yard wide Bleaching at 23c 36-in. Unbleached Domestic, light weight, at 17c 36-in. Medium Weight Unbleached Do mestics 22c 27-in. Medium Weight Unbleached Do mestics, at 122C 36-in. Pure White Embroidery Cloth at.. 29c 27-in. Cannon Middy Twill at 29c 42-in. Pillow Tubing, 45c value, at 29c $2.50 Bird Eye Diapers, 27 ins. wide, at $1.98 27x27 Hemmed Diapers, $2.50 value, at $1.98 24x24 Hemmed Diapers, $2.25 value, at $1.79 No. 225 Longcloth, 12 yds. to bolt, at $2.69 35c Mamsutta Lingerie Cloth, 10 yds. to bolt, at $2.39 No. 300 Longcloth, 10 yds. to bolt, at. .$2.79 12-yd. bolt Nainsook, 27 ins, $3.50 value $2.98 10-yd. bolt Imperial $4.50 value ta $3.48 10-yd. bolt Colonial Dame 36-in. $4.50 value $3.48 10-yd. bolt Oyama 42 in. $4.75 value $3.98 30c 36-in. Pajama Check 19c 35c 36-in. Androscoggin Bleachings 29c 200 36-in. Longcloth, 10-yd. bolt $2.19 10-yd. bolt Chimosa Check, 39 ins. $4.75 value $3.90 40-in. Cinderella Pink, 39 in. $5 value $4..00 Fnday Is Remnant Day , We are going to make Friday a well-remembered day by putting on very special sale a large lot of Ro senmann remnants at pef ectly ridic ulous prices. You'll want to be here to get your share of the big bar gains offered then. Special Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Fine Ribbed Silk Taped Un dervest, without shoulder straps, regular price 50c, Rosenmann Sale price 25c Ladies' Fine Ribbed Undervest, with narrow shoulder straps, regu lar price 50c, Rosenmann Sale Price , .. . 25c 35c Quality Ribbed Vest for. .19c 19c Quality Ribbed Vest for... 10c Bed Linens Towels, etc. 72x90 New Era Sheets.v.Fair quality, at $1.29 1x90 New Era Sheets, Fair quality, at $1.59 1x90 Wear Well Sheets, best grade, at $1.79 72x90 Wear Well Sheets, best grade, at $1.65 63x90 Pepperell Sheets, good quality, at $1..63 $2.50 full size Crochet Counterpanes at $1.89 $2.50 full size Crochet Counterpanes at $1.89 25c Turkish Bath Towels at 19o 35c Turkish Bath Towels at 25c 25c Cotton Huck Towels at 19c 20c Cotton Huck Towels at 15c 15c Cotton Huck Towels at 9c $4.00 Cotton Blankets, pair, at $3.39 63x90 Dimity Spreads $1.98 72x90 Dimity Spreads $2.29 50c Fancy Blue and Pink Plaid Turkish Towels 39c 98c Fancy Plaid Turkish Towels 69c Last Two Day's Sale BELK-WILLIAMS CO Friday and Saturday Midsummer Hats GEORGETTES, MILANS, LEGHORNS HORSEHAIR, POMPONS OSTRICH BONDS, SILK HOSE MISS ALMA BROWN TAX LISTING! The books for listing taxes close June 29th. No one can list after that date. Delinquents are penalized 25 per cent. B. F. KING, H. K. NASH, Tax Listers. Clark, Charlotte; E. B. Comfort, Wash ington, D. C.; W. L Poteat; Mr and Mrs. R. H Breese, Raleigh A DAILY LESSON IN HISTORY One Hundred Years Ago Today. 1818 Angelo Secchi, a famous Ital ian astronomer who lived for some time in the United States, born at Reggio, Italy. Died at Rome, Feb. 26, 1878. Seventy-Five Years Ago Today. 1843 Opening of the South Eastern Railway, connecting JJondon with Folkstone. . , Fifty Years Ago Today. 1868 Hole-in-the-Day, a noted In dian chief, head of the Chippewas, was assassinated by Indians at Crow Wing, Minn. Twenty-five Years Ago Today. 1893 The clearing house banks of New York prevented a money panic by the loan of $6,000,000. One Year Ago Today In the War. June 29, 1917 House of Represen tatives gave the President the power to designate priority shipments in in terstate commerce; Premier Lloyd George, in a speeclfat Glasgow, de clared the war would not end until the entente allies had attained their objects. III v " " J 0 jr a i -J1 if ' H h m ' 'wf if A LATEST FASHION HINT For early fall wear, rumor has u that black satin wll be very popular. This snug httmg bodice and peg top skirt could be made to see one through irom DreaKtast. to dinner. Beads sug gestive of the Northern Indian com pose the' girdle. Copyright, Underwood & Underwood, OUR DAILY BIRTHDAY PARTY Maj. Gen. George W. Goethals. now serving as acting quartermaster-gen eral of the United States army, born in Brooklyn, N, Y., 60 years ago today. Maj. Gen. James. W. McAndrew, chief of staff of the American exne- ditionary forces, born in Pennsylvan ia, 56 years ago today. Congressman William Schley How ard of Georgia, candidate for the sena torial nomination, born at Kirkwood, Ga., 43 years ag5 today. George W. Stevens, federal manager of the Chesapeake & Ohio railway, born at Utica, O., 67 years ago today. Wllbert Robinson, manager of the Brooklyn National league liaseball club, born at Hudson, Mass., 54 years ago today. Robert H. Veach, outfielder of the Detroit American league baseball team, born at St. Charles, Ky., 30 years ago today. Lieut. McCllntock Kills Self. .New York, June 29. Lieutenant Al exander McCllntock, U. S. A., of Lexington, Ky., attached to Camp Dix, N. J., shot and killed himself today in his room at the Murray Hill baths here, according to a police report. Boat Load of 8ailors Landed Halifax, N. S., June 29. A boat load of sailors from an American vessel sunk by a submarine off the Atlantic coast, has been landed from a ship ping vessel at Shelbourne, N. S.f says a message from that port. The men were picked up 60 miles south of Seal island, in the gulf of St Law rence. They had been drifting for eight days, surviving on a small quan tity of bread and water. Will Acept Resignation. Washington, June 29. President Wilson has decided to accept the res ignation of Frederic A. Delano, of Chi cago, who was a member of the fed eral reserve board, to permit him to take a commisison with the army en gineers for railway work in France. Mr. Delano, who has been a member of the reserve board since its crea tion, formerly was a railroad president. Pitcher May of the St. Louis Nation als, and Pitcher Mays, of the Boston Americans are among the leading twirlers of their respective' leagues. English working women as a class have been among the most liberal sub scribers to the national war bonds of their country. Service to the Advertiser is the big idea on the Wilmington Dispatch staff To assist the advertiser get big returns on his money, to make his announce ment attractive, to lighten the actual work of preparing his publicity and give him conscientious advice is SERVICE and service we give. Trained Advertising Experts are at the disposal of THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH advertisers. These men will give you the benefit of their years of metropolitan newspaper experience, put the selling power in your copy, make your advertising a trade pulling magnet.' We have modern illustrating service of a high type to fit every business. Cuts at your disposal that will make your advertising distinctive, appealing, and multiply your ScllCS A Great Shipbuilding Program is going to make Wilmington business boom. It will bring thousands of added resi dents, artisans of a good type. They are not familiar with our shops, our stores Acquaint them through the Wilmingtdn Dispatch WHEN YOU BUY SPACE IN THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH YOU GFT REAL SERVICE WITH IT atch MAKE YOUR SELECTION AND PHONE US. Nadine Face Powder Velvetina Face Powder DJer-Kiss Face Powder Fruman Face Powder Swan Down Face Powder LaBlanche Face Powder Sanatol Face Powder Mavis Face Powder $ Azurea Face Powder Carmen Face Powder 1 Dagett & Ramdale Face Powdei R. & G. Face Powder Melba Face Powder Our Soda Fount Menu la Complete. PAYNE DRUG CO. 5 th and Red Cross Streets. Phone 520. The most nonular hotel at the safest and most attractive rsnrf the South Atlantic Coast The SEASHORE 3 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N. C.I it Opens June 1st for the Season Over 120.000 beinff scent on lmrrrovpmpnfo Free from flies and mosquitoes. Good water. oound and Ocean risking, sailing and bathins. .ciectric trains connect beach vnth W llminrton j.. v. w iius ioaay ior new illustrated oooiuei giving rates, recreations and photo- grapns or notei amusements, etc, sent tree on request. P.!. HtNTnv jlt 1 - . a w.y tTjwnugcr OCEANIC .-. HOTEL . WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH Now Open Write For Reservation Unexcelled Cuisine Famous Seafood Dinners '4 Supper 6:30 P. M. to 8:40 P. M. FIRST STOP THE BEACH EAT BESIDE THE SEA THE HOTEL OF SERVICE AND COMFORT C. E. HOOPER, Manager R

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