8 THE WILMINGTON DISPATCH, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1915. BRINGING UP FATHER BY McMANUs o . r 11 111 1 JUST THINK 1 r- s I I I HS WHLW I I I I jT L A ffi 1 fig MY THIRTIETH 6A1N - J Pll V MVXir ; f l- WT&A 1 ' ' . ea i ! . il, 111 .1 BUSINESS SPECIALS MEM8SENGEB SERVICE. For this service we use the Postal Telegraph Cable Company's messengers. They will call for your 'ads." in the game manner and quick time as they now coTer the city for telegrams, night lettergrams, cables, etc. For further information as to "ads." call 116, but for telegraph service call 'Tostal Telegraph." ! MOVING DAY CALL UP TELE- phone 124 and get experienced men to handle your umiture Big wag ons, reasonable prices. Schloss, Bear and Davis Co., 15 South Second. HORSE FOR SALE ON ACCOUNT of method of delivery will sell a good horse. City Laundry, 26 North Second st. e-7-tf 'WANTED REGISTERED DENTIST; North. Carolina; good proposition to right man. Address Dentist, Dis patch. 6-19-tf FURNITURE! FURNITURE! BEDS, springs, mattresses, refrigerators, oil cook stoves, feather pillows. See us. Our prices are lowest in Wil mington. Castle St. Furniture Co., 705 Castle St. Phone 198. 6-22-7t TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS OF all descriptions. Tou will find at Chas. Finkelstein'3 place. Guaran tee you to save money. 6 So. Front St Phone 642. 4-19-tf WE DELIVER ALL MAGAZINES ON date of issue when so requested. Phone your order to 745. Gordon's News Stand. 10-7-tt WANTED TO BUY SOME CHEAP Second-handed Bicycles. Apply Queen City Cycle Co, 209 Market St. Phone 862. 4-29-tf MECHANICS' HOME ASSOCIATION opened its 56th series B. and L. stock June 1st, but the series is still open. Take some investment stock and help build new homes for ship builders. Walker Taylor, President; W. M. Cumming, Secretary. 208 Princess st 6-5-tf IEMONS! LEMONS! LEMONS! WAS- cott ginger ale, concentrated syrups, all flavors; crushed fruits, straws, Hershey's, Hooten's, Runkel's and Greenfield chocolates; Campfire marshmallows, ice cream con'es, dishers, Pennant peanuts, Welch's grape juice, Cracker Jack, chewing gum and cherry smash. We also carry complete line produce in sea son. Bear Produce & Mdse. Co. (wholesale), No. 14 Market St., phones 452-453. 6-12-tf PORTO RICO, NANCY HALL AND Queen Potato Plants. Prompt de livery. $1.50 per thousand. Oaklin Farm, Salisbury, N. C. . 6-28-4tj LIBERTY SERIES CAROLINA B. & Li. Ass'n still open. Get your shares tomorrow at 123 Princess. Also can get shares in new 50c weekly stock, maturity about 31-2 years. E. T. Taylor, president. L. W.l Moore, secretary-treasurer. 6-28-lt Churches METHODIST. Bladen Street, Fifth and Bladen Streets. Rev. E. C. Sells, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Morn ing subject, "Effectual, Fervent Pray er." Evening topic, "Loyalty to God and the Church." Sunday school at 3:30 in the afternoon. The public is cordially invited and all will be wel comed. Fifth Avenue. Rev. J. H. Mc Cracken, pastor. Regular services Sunday at 1 a. m. and 8 p. m., conduct ed by the pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 in the morning. Mid-week pray er service Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Epworth league meets Tues day evening. A cordial welcome to all. A STOCK AND BOND - DEPARTMENT OPENED BAPTIST. Southsde, corner Fifth avenue and Wooster street. Rev. R. P. Walker, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. by the pastor, anl at 8 p. .m. by Rev. A. J. Taylor, of Albemarle. Sunday school at 11 a. m. Young people's prayer service at 7 p. m. Prayer service at 8 Wednesday evening and B. Y. P. U. Thursday evening at 8. Public is cor dially invited to all services. Calvary. J, A. Sullivan, pastor. Sunday worship 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sermon subjects: morning, 'What About Life's Problems;" night, "The Bible Beer." Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; J. W. Hollis, superintendent. Ju nior B. Y. P. U., 7 p. m. Sunbeams, Monlay, 4:30 p. m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday night. Teachers' meeting and senior B. Y. P. U. Thursday night. Home prayer meeting Friday night. A cordial welcome to all services. Franklin B. Green, formerly of the well-known banking house of George H. Burr & Co., of New York city, has arrived in Charlotte to take charge of a new department which the Ameri can Trust company is to open at once a department of stocks, bonds and securities. The American Trust company, by opening this department, becomes a pioneer in this field of banking activ ity in the Carolinas, as ' no other banking institution In either of the states has such a department at pres ent. With the opening of this depart ment anyone may call in person or by telephone and learn the status of the highest class stocks on the New York market. The department will list all the highest class stocks and a patron will be enabled to keep in touch with the market almost as if he were on the curb in New York. Mr. Green is a native of Maryland but has been connected with George H. Burr & Co. for a number of years and is thoroughly versed in every phase of the stocks, bonds and securi ties market. SWEET POTATO PLANTS NOR- ton Yams and Porto Rica plants, at C. H. Bornemann Store, Seventh and Orange Sts. PRESBYTYERIAN. Immanuel, corner of Front and Queen streets. Revr. D. F. Caldwell, pastor. Preaching services at 8 p. m. Sabbath school in the morning at 11 o'clock. S. A. Matthews, superinten dent Christian Endeavor at 7:15 p. m. Junior Christian Endeavor Wed nesday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Mid week prayer service Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Brotherhood and ladies' auxiliary Tuesday evening at 8. All are welcome. First, Third and Orange streets. Rev. John M. Wels, D. D., pastor. Sunday school at 9:.45 a. m. Morning worship at 11, conducted by Dr Wells. Sacrament of the Lord's supper. Chris tian Endeavor at 7:15 p. m. Evening worship at 8 o'clock. Sermon subject "A Failure Who Made Good." Our pews are free and all are corlially in vited to attend. Winter Park. Rev. Andrew J. How ell, pastor. Services Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock, conducted by the pastor. Services Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, conducted by the pastor. Sunlay school at 9:45 a. m. Christian Endeavor societies at 7 p. m. Midweek service Wednesday at 8 p. m. Visitors cordially invited to attend. Delgado. Rev. Andrew J Howell, pastor. Services Sabbath evening at 8. Sunday school at 10 a. m. The public earnestly invited to attend the services. Church of the Covenant, Market and Fifteenth streets. Rev. Marion S. BOATS AND LIGHTERS FOR SALE Having gone out of the lumber : business, we offer for sale 1 gaso-i line freight boat 30 tons capacity, pilot house control 3 1-2 draft, 37 1-2 automatic engine. 1 gasoline tug 37 1-2 h. p. automatic engine with pilot house control. 1 gasoline tug 20 h. p; Fairbanks-Morse engine. 2 lumber scows or lighters docked 40 M ft. capacity. Swansboro Land & Lumber Cmpany, Swansboro, N. C. ju-27 3t. OUR JUNE SERIES, B. & L. STOCK, is still open. Mechanics' Home As sociation. Walker Taylor, presi dent; L. Stein, vice president; W. M. . Cumming, secretary. 208 Princess St. 6-18-tf.ex. sun WHITE GIRLS WANTED WE want several intelligent girls of good character, to work at laundry. City Laundry Co., 26 No. Second St ' 6-26-tf GOVERNMENT NEEDS 20,000 clerks at Washington. Examinations everywhere in July; Experience un necessary. Men and women desir ing government positions write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard (former Civil Service Examiner) 842 .Xenois Bldg., Washington. . - 6-28-3tj THE DU PONT COMPANY At HOPEWELL, VIRGINIA Needs Skilled Tradesmen At Once. Shop Machinists, Welders, Sheet Metal Workers, Boiler Makers, Carpenters. Eight-hour day and trans portation refunded after thirty days satisfactory service. Don't write; come prepared for work, with tools. Work for an essential war industry and so help Uncle Sam win the war! 6-4-tf Huske, pastor. Services: Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Sunday night services at 8:15 o'clock. Mil-week prayer meeting, Wednesday evening at 8:15 o'clock. Strangers and visitors are cordially invited to attend services at this church. St. Andrew's, Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. A. D. McClure, D. D., pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. Sabbath school at 4:30 p. m. Intermediate Christian Endeavor after the Sabbath school. Joint con gregation and Christian Endeavor ser vice led by the pastor at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. Seats free. All welcome to these services. EPISCOPAL. St. Paul's, Sixteenth anl Market streets, Rev. D. L. Gwathmey, rector. Fifth Sunday after Trinity. Holy communion, 7:30. Sunday school, 9:45; morning prayer and sermon, 11. No evening service as the rector will officiate at Wrightsville Beach. Serv ice of intercession every Friday, 6:15 p. m. Visitors and strangers cordial ly welcome at every service. Wrightsville Beach chapel, Wrights ville Beach. Sunday, June 30th, serv ice and address by Rev. D. L. Gwath mey, rector St. Paul's church, Wil mington. St. John's, Third and Red Cross streets. Rev. J. Hanckel Taylor, rec tor in charge. Fifth Sunday after Trinity, June 30th. Holy communion, 7:30 a. m. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11. Even ing prayer and address, 8:30. The public is cordially invited to all services. CHRISTIAN. Advent, Church and Fourth streets. Rev. J. T. Johnson, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 o'clock, conducted by Elder Clarence J. Kirby, a stulent at Aurora Alvent Christian college. Subject of sermon, 'Sacrifice." Evening service at 7:45, conductel by Evangelist J. F. Sher ouse, of Jacksonville, Fla. Subject, "Hell." Corlial invitation is extended the public; special attention paid strangers. LUTHERAN. St. Paul's, Sixth anl Market streets. Morning services at 11 o'clock, con ducted by Kenneth Otten. Sunday school at 10 a. m. ADVENT. . , Sixth Street. Morning service at 11 o'clock will be conducted by Elder Jo seph Sherouse, of Jacksonville, Fla., who is a speaker of pleasing person ality and rare ability. The evening service at 7:45 will be conlucted by Elder C. L. Kirby, a student of Au rora college, now traveling ih the in terests of this Institution. The public is cordially invited. CATHOLIC. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Fifth and Ann streets. First mass at 8 a.- m. Last mass at 10:30 a. m. No evening service. Star of Sea Chapel, Wrightsville Beach Mass at 9 a.m. "THE WAY OF GOD IN THE WORLD WAR At St. Andrew's Presbyterian church the pastor continues at the morning hour his studies of the way of God in the world war. His subject will be "God's Purpose Concerning Israel." At night the male quartette will lead the singing, using popular Gospel Hymns. The interest in these services grows steadily. CRACKERLESS FOURTH OF JULY BEENPROMISED No Fireworks Sold For Next Week Bickett Goes to Ashe to Speak Raleigh, June 29. Flrecrackerless fourth of July in almost every North Carolina place of celebration is prom ised the state insurance commission er who sees the first approximation to a sane fourth since the first one that made Great Britain hot. From reports all over the state he learns that no fireworks will be sold and Mr. Young Is highly set up that local authorities have had nerve enough to taboo the cannon cracker and the Roman candle. Few or no dealers have been tempted to sell fire works on the sly and violations through explosives surreptitiously pro cured will be many times less this year than ever. This kind of cele brating has done more than its share of devilment Mr. Young declares that the munici pal authorities have readily agreed to stop the old-time fourth. The fire losses will be much smaller as a result of it, he thinks while the government will get the benefit of the explosives and put them into action against Ger many. The suppression of the fire works evil would be a long step in fire prevention the commissioner thinks. Five candidates for judge made a hot race recently but when Senator Person of Franklin stood up with Judge Calvert, the senator declined to encumber the district with another race. It will cost $500 to hold the second primary and the emoluments of a county commissioner are pretty well understood. L. B. Woodall, hind most man in the race, demands the election with R. Paul Jones, the lead er by more than 200 votes. There is a general disposition to lay M. Wood all low. Adjutant General Laurence W. Young, who has been In Ashe county working on the deserters' case, is in Raleigh again and Governor Bickett has gone to Ashe to speak. ' General Young's report to Governor Bickett discourages the employment of state and federal troops to bring in deserters and it is very improbable that such methods will be used in putting down the Ashe trouble. Th general, however, does not agree with the diagnosis of chairman Frank A. Linney that the men who have refus ed to report for service are almost entirely outsiders. He thinks, basing his opinion on the statements of friends of these boys, that they are native young fellows who have not compehended the seriousness of their conduct and remain away largely be cause they don't understand, politics has had something to do with politics has had dsomething to do with it, but that few and perhaps none of the boys are wilfully attempting to interfere with the government's plans of raising an army. They come ot stock that naturally likes a fight and once trained will make the best of soldiers. Governor Bickett left on the morn ing train for North Wilkesboro and from there he expected to drive to West Jefferson to speak today. Pla carding of the county from tip to tip has advertised his speaking date in great fashion. When Governor Bickett spoke in Green county a week ago, the oldest Inhabitant declared that no such crowd had been seen since the last public hanging which was highwater mark for rubberjieckism. What is the big crowd record in Ashe has not been vouchsafed here, but the governor doubtless has a chance to match the best there. In view - of his absence without leave, Mrs. H. A. Hayes, wife of the absconding steward of the Methodist orphanage, urges Governor Efckett to pardon Hayes since he must be gone for good. The request is tyical of the influence which the very bad fellow has had. That Hayes has Mrs. Hayes hypnotiz ed, all hands seem to agree. There Is a tendency to excuse the fellow's runaway by pleading insanity. He has had a chance to get out on that plea, but that meant detention else where and insanity pleas are inter posed generally to save somebody's neck. Governor Bickett and his whole force are mystified at the whole busi ness. They think Hayes undoubtedly has been financed in his getaway, but by whom the office here does not position to believe that announce ment of a pardon would somehow catch-up with a gentleman who led a very fast life until he came here to take up a very sedentary and confin ing position, and now travels at a fair rate of speed. Judge George P. Pell of the corpor ation commission was able to return to his office Friday after absence of three weeks which was spent in bed, not in Washington, occasional resort for public officials. The judge has been quite ill to which a paralytic affliction added made work uptown impossible. He seems much improved though shy much flesh which he carried home when stricken anew. All the import ant hearings had bee"h held and no public matters had been delayed by reason of his trouble. The Southern Bell Telephone hear ing which was to have taken place July 2, has been moved to July 9 at which time it is expected that the big New York officials, the final and infallible proof of th edesperate finan cial condition of this terribly perse cuted company, will be here to pro duce figures. French Ace Wounded. Paris, June 29. Lieutenant Mezer gues, of the air service, one of the noted French aces who escaped from prison in Germany and resumed his flights, has been seriously wounded in a fight with an enemy airplane, the Havas Agency reports. The bomb thrower on Mezergues' machine was killed in the encounter. Y. H. C. A. Join Y. M. C. A. war secretaries. Act immediately, we beg. W. B. Cooper & Co. Wilmington, N. C. JUNE 23RD TO 28TH W. S. S. WEEK Pledge yourself to save and buy War Savings Stamps. Let your dollars fight for those who are fight ing for you. Home Savings Bank Security and Service Every War Savings Certificate purchased by you sends Uncle Sam one step nearer Berlin. J For Sale 150 Rolls 34-in. Wire Fencing, 4 Elwood. 100 Rolls 26-in. Wire Fencing, Elwood. 90 Rolls 42-in. Wire Fencing, Elwood. 75 Rolls 50-in. Wire Fencing, 150 Kegs 414-in. Staples. 3,000 Kegs Nails. 3,000 Bushels Oats. 10 Cars of Hay. D.L. GORE CO. Wilmington, N. C. llll!ll!IIIIIIIIIIil!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII(IIIIllll!llIHHl CM Jul I Builders' I supplies 1 I We Carry High Grade 1 I Material and offer our best 1 H services. I W. B. THORPE & GO, I 1 Phone 789. j imiiiiiiiiiiiiiHaiiraiiniirainiiiiiHHnHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilHi SECURITY AGAINST WANT IN OLD AGE OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT Four Per Cent Interest Commercial and Trust Accounts Solicited This Bank welcomes new depositors, no matter how small the account. We encourage the starting of a small account. Begin the day right by opening an account to day. A little put away each week a steady, well planned method of saving is the best habit that can be formed. SAVE AND BE SAFE American Bank & Trust Co. TO ALL NEWCOMERS i mm.- As much as we would like to, it is impossible to meet each one of you personally. We are therefore using this medium to extend a most hearty welcome to our city. If you are looking for a safe, convenient and accommodating bank to open a checking account, or to deposit your savings, where they will draw interest, you will find the Citizens' will answer all these requirements and welcome any business you may favor us with. THE CITIZENS' BANK Corner Second and Princess Sts. Wilmington, N. C. A Helping Hand to the Boys "Over There" Do Your BitMore If You Can BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Every time you make a purchase invest your change in WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. Deprive yourself of some little unnecessary luxury BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. SMOKE A CIGAR LESS A DAY BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS DRINK ONE LESS SODA A DAY BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS- MURCHISON BANK EVERY WOMAN Should have a Bank Account, and as the woman of today is entering more into the business affairs of our com munity, our Bank wishes to extend to them an invitation to make use of our Banking Facilities and to assure them of every courtesy and attention to their business. SPECIAL LADIES' DEPARTMENT THE PEOPLES SAVINGS Bit CORNER FRONT AND PRINCESS STREETS F. W. Dick, President J. HOLMES DAVIS, Cashier

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