-X' - - - - - i i . i He's a Different Man Then Thin the One' Public Usually Sees. (By WanOTONBRONNER). WASHINGTON, July 25 The read er of the Evening Dispatch sees In his favorite 'newspaper that President Wilson talked to the newspaper correspondents-at the white house and that the president thinks thus and so. Perhaps it would be interesting for him to know just how these confer ences are- held. To the right of the white house and annexed to "It is a low-lying white building . wherein are the offices of - the overrbasy J; p. Tumulty, secre tary to thte chief executive. ; i On the ilayytfre president is to. see ie newspaper taen, they gather i?i room near Tumulty's and are given the careful once over by secret ser vice men and white house attaches to see that none but bona fide newspa per men are in the crowd. If the hour for conference is 10:15 in the morning, promptly to1 the min ute thetword is conveyed- to the waiting' scribes and they are ushered through a door guarded by secret ser vice men into-a circular room papered green and. carpeted likewise in dark green. Here the president is- await ing them standing in front of a fiat topped desk, upon which he some times half-leans, half sits. The newspaper men form in a semi-circle around him. Back of him are Tumulty and some of his assist ants. At the desk sits a white house stenoeranher who takes a record of everything said by those present. The president opens the ball by making a statement of what he particularly wishes to say. When he has evidently concluded and pauses for questions, the quizzing begins: "Mr. President, has the itinerary for your trip been worked out yet?" "Mr. President, will you explain more in detail the treaty to go to , the assistance of France?" Here the president quickly explains it is not a treaty, but an understanding. And so the questions are put and answered swiftly and in a business like manner. The newspaper men see a diffeernt Woodrow Wilson than his more formal audiences behold. He is in high spirits. He laughs with them. He dismisses some of their questions with a Jest. He illustrates a point with a little story He becomes epi -raiffmatie, as- w!.en he says that some Sftdnmacl&y 'PHone your grocer or druggist for a dozen bottles of this delicious digestant, a glass with meals gives delightful relief, or no charge for-the first dozen used. Shivar Ale PURE DIGESTIVE AROMATICS WITH SH1VAR MINERAL WATER AND G1IGEB Nothing like it for renovating old worn-out stomachs, converting food into rich blood and sound flesh. Bottled and guaranteed by the cele brated Shivar Mineral Spring, Snel ton, S. C If your regular dealer cannot supply you telephone tu patot IN THE HEART OF WALLACE, N. G. l He r AISLE Y BONE Y Property right back of Depot, the best business property in the town; also 40 residence lots at Auction. July 26, at lOiOO-A. M. The Fastest Growing town between Goldsboro and Wilmington, large Tobacco Warehouse now being built. A good location for a new business. Co me and investigate. Saturdav. ATL Petersburg, Va. ANTIC COAST REALTY CO. Office Greenville, N. C. government boards have passed away ror iacK or tne oreatn of life, that is to say. money. There is only one strict rule at such meetings. The newspaper men are not to quote his words. They con vey what he says by writing that the president thinks tnus and so or the president indicated that this was the case. In the Datty News. Today Js the fete day of the Queen of the Belgians, the day when all Bel gium will pay honor to Elizabeth, the woman so brave, so tender and so true, who was as one of her adopted people throughout the war and who did everything possible to sustain their spirit and relieve their suffering. The great conflict furnished no finer example of fidelity and devotion to duty than that of. this Bavarian princess, breaking the ties of birth and defying the Bavarian assault on Belgium. Quietly, sadly and simply the little queen bore her trials and helped others to bear the burdens im posed by German cruelty.. With the memory of her bravery and devotion still f esh in the public mind, of her days and nights spent in caring for the ill and wounded near the battle front, the Belgian people will cele brate Queen Elizabeth's day . with more than ordinary feeling. The men and women of Lapland dress exactly alike in tunica, wrin kled r stockings, leather breeebjes and pointed shoes. ' . , ,v Daily Lesson in History. One Hundred Tears Ago Today. 18J 9 Fifth anniversary of the bat tle of Lundy's Lane was observed with exercises on the battlefield, near "Ni agara Falls. Seventy-five Years Ago Today. 1844 Lyman T3. Humphrey, gover- nor oi ivansas, doto in oiarK county, Ohio. Died Sept. 12, 1915. . Fifty Years Ago Today. 1869 Visitors gathered at Dux bury, Mass:, to celebrate the landing of the "French Atlantic cable. Twenty-five Years Ago Today. 1894 Hostilities broke out between the Japanese -and Chinese naval forces. Safe Milk For Infants & Invalid ftCoskat A Nutritious "Diet for All Ages Quick Lrunch at Home or Office Aroft Imitations and Substitutes Daily Birthday Party. Rt. Hon. Arthur JV-Balfour,' British foreign secretary and former premier, born in Scotland, 71 years ago today. Duke of Roxburghe, who married Miss May Goelet of New York City, born 43 years ago today. David Belasco, famous as a dra matist and theatrical producer, born in San Francisco, 40 years -ago today. Rear Admiral Albert P. Nibloack, XL' S. N., born at Vincennes, Ind., 60 years ago today. John K. Tener, former governor of Pennsylvania, born in Ireland, 56 years ago today. TODAY'S EVENTS. the Belgium today will celebrate fete day of Queen Elizabeth. Rt. Rev. F. X. Cloutier today com pletes his 20th year as bishop of Trois-Rivieres, Quebec. David Belasco, one of the foremost figures among American theatrical producers, will celebrate his 60th birthday today. Rt. Rev. Joseph G. Anderson today celebrates the 10th anniversary of his consecration as auxiliary bishop of the Catholic diocese of Boston. Ten years ago today the world hail ed the feat of Louis Bleriot, who was the first to cross the English channel in an airplane. Tired Business ffleir Hav4 Congested Lower Bowels It mu n willinr to invest 2Se la box BURTONS. It trill touch tb "SPOT In th lower bowels where all your hesdaohe. IimIW Mlt r geation, no-account, fajrged out comes from. Try it and: if it i eelinc . comes from. 1 ry It ana it it. rail your onif g-iat wiU refund to yon double tboretail price. Burton i made in Ravonswoodv W. Va., by the United Store Company. WILL USE BURTONE IN USE FOR 35 YEARS.. B A BE K -The Quick and Sure Cure -for MALARIA CHILLS, FEVER and LA GRIPPE It is a Powerful Tonic and Appetizer "Will cure that tired feeling, pains in f-back, limbs and head. Contains no quinine, arsenic or habit-forming: in gredient. At All Stores. Ctoir pr r V Overlooldnr Central Parks Ji4?,!1UvW. f a JUL eecraelaxe. ADOoalinsiiT attractiv JBtfWjfyfe ented Te-idential pationege. W$SA TnrtjtSkelEi' Otmmklp Management fth a Dtiibtct- i Abnotphtn CRESCENT CANDY CO., Distributors for Wflminjton, 1 BLOOD IS YOUR LIFE; YOU 1ST IT PURE All Impurities Must Be Eliminated. rlootinf most pietaie ito tzmass EDMUMD M. BRENNAIf 1 jraw YORK FOUNDED IN 1838. CHARTERED IN 1859. XR1NI 1 Y COLLEGE DURHAM, N. C. A well endowed old college with handsome new buildings, a large, beau tiful campus, first-class special and general equipment, and a nation-wide rep utation for high, standards and progressive policies. Fees and expenses low. Classical and scientific courses leading to Bachelor's degree. Graduate courses in all departments. Schools of Engineering, Education, and Law. For catalogue and illustrated booklet, address . R. Ii. FLOWERS, i ' Secretary to the Corporation. When the blood becomes foul front the presence of poisonous substances, which the body is unable to throw on?, it can no longer supply the nerve brain and muscles with nourishment and strength. The result is that yo .are-miserable, half sick and feel tired all the time. If you will cleanse the blood of all .lmp-jrities, you will find that youi fork will be a pleasure, you will eal md sleep well and enjoy good lealth. - ' kOne of the best blood cleansers oi Jfiers kjiown today is the prescrip- of a successful physician. H it for years in his practice foi satment of disorders of th ian still get this same splen iription, ready prepared, from luggist. Just call for Prescrip J223, or the C-2223 Labora- "mphis, Tenn., will mail you kottie , on receipt oi price. ttion C-2223 contains nc plum. morphine, chloral or While sold In concen ; and is to be taken in he its use will not harm the kate stomach." Write for lit V-223 Laboratory, Memphi-; ripfion V J 1 f- 5 Cool Shoes FOB HOT SUMMER DAYS AT Peteirson & Wilijciington's Largest and Best SJioetpre tm mvf y v way mm -. HIMI Coca-Cola is a perfect answer to thirst that no imitation can satisfy. Coca-Cola quality, recorded 'in the public taste, is what holds it above imitations. Demand the genuine by full name nicknames encourage substitution. The Coca-Cola Co. ATLANTA, GA. w mm TO AT EAST A Hair Eemedy has been dis coyered that will tot FALLING hair. Clean DANDRUFF and make Short. KINKY hair grow Colored girla everywhere are arettinsr Lone Prettv Straight Hair by vmnz thla wonderful discoTerv. Ka natter what kind yon are nsincw STOP IT and ret a box of the greatest ( all HAIR GROWERS Qoeeo av Dressing1 AGENTS WANTF.l Write for Terms te V NEWBRO MFG. CO. ATLANTA. OA. All Hats Reduced New Shipment of Ostrich Hose, Hose, Hose. Silk Fibre Cotton. ' Miss Alma Brown Royal Theatre Building. Bee our InviaiMe Stfoesis, near jknd Car via! on in one pair of gl&sr a. They keep your eyes young" tn look as treU aa la liaefulneaa. We eazv are:7oti money. Try uc DR V1NEBERG . . ' MASCRBTO TEMPLlE. I IT" aiiiiEiiiiiiifiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit FOR SALE 50fi00 Lbs. Nitrate of Soda, Government Test, in stock. Can make immedi ate , shipment also plenty Land Plaster for immediate ship ment D. L. GORE CO. Strletly ''Wboleeale, Vmmliictoiw K. o. ftuiiiiiitiiiuiiuitiiiixnmnimimiiiiiE afjgMMWPMWa" eneeaeaM P N,s i " r - . ... , ; sir fir. 'fv.N.v s V

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