' a ,....k.V'f ' i - - . S . J-f::i'.l-.' Mr. :! V- V: I FOUR THE WILf.llliGTOn DISPATCH 1 IT PUBLISHED ' Air,Y AND 8TW BY DISPATCH PUBLISHING feCO. -r- BARKER K. ANDERSON. Pres. SndMtt&r ! V CATES :. City editor ." Telephonist Inep?? Manager's Office . 'Afwtlain Department .. Mreulatjon Department . . . ........ 44 ::::f. My Mail. . V UailT unit Snnito rjaily;and Sunday, six months .. . pally and Sunday, three months. Snnday Only. One Tear ,6.00 00 .$150 Delivered by Carrier. Dally and Sunday. One "Week . . I50 -Of When Paid-in Advance at, Office- Dally and SnnH.Tr St-r Mnnttia. . : . . .3.f5? Dally and Sunday. Three Month zhTSL Snnday Only. One Year .,,,.. Kntared at the Posvof9ce In "wUmin-ten. N. C. as Second-Class Matter. 'been MKMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESSi The Associated, Press Is exclusively enti Hpd to the use for republication of all? news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper, and also -thja. local hews published herein, .,- Bnteredas second -class "toattemt'tne Postofflce. Wilmington. N. C, .?r For el k- Representatives, f 1 irost. Landis and Kohn. inc., 225 Fifth Avenue. ' New York. Advertising, Bulld .tne. Chicago. y --v- 1 THABSH&fficOUHCil f 4- , .si GET THIS VIAPOF EUftOPl T?TIT717 ;V It-shows the tracks of the Cod of War'left upon that continent Vhich, for two thousand years, has irect ed the destiny of the world. It shows the literal trimming that has "been eiven German ' Ttishnwa tha manner in which Aoistriar Hungary has gone to pieces nH p-au.fl to-exist as a seoersephic unit. ItKiviesJaie flrstAuthentio picture , nii.if ozenSbaby nations toat hav been born from the great co ISflict. It ia.a.maDiOlmany colors which "liidicwbeSrtDldand neW boundaries, plebiscite: areas, . unaeternunea zones. Itistt oot and ahalf wide ; aadi twolfeeJ long must the Jight sizeiitovjfcaxac.aboTe your aesK or ou ther"waTlat home. ATCiniinCIAIi AND ACTHORITA TIVE 3AP. nniia.Tnn-n.nf the New Europewas mw.da-.'bvtlia'Unrted States Geologi- oarBn?wey. It is being used by the 'Savings Division; of the Treasury irtATtartTnAnt in its camnaigii ox thrift. It 'r is given away tn9 4 the - Washington -Information bu reau of this paperl.;together with a "pamphlet on HOW OTHER JfiSOf WlAny .reader of this paper ma f ?t Vit by-fljltog out-the attached? $du poh; enclosing a twocent stamp for -return postage,, and mailing asTn-" Licated. Send for it today. WEWIINGTON DISPATCH, IN FOR3HATION BUREAU. Frederic J. Haslrtn, Direcfor, Washington, D. C. Enclosed find . a two-qent stamp, for -which you will please send me, entirely free, the map of the New Europe. Name . Street Address . . City . . -v. . - .State Uoealheaith, "department strictly on the "job. If sanitation had "been getting in -a .bad way Jon the beaQh the county neatly uperyjsor should, hay.a knoj of it and should have' taken the nec essary steps to have corrected the evil before it reached proportions sufficiently serious to have warranted the state health board in turning th liglit of publicity east and holding up the state's principal beach resort as a horrid example of what negligence may be expected to result in. sv,No particular hotel is mentioned in the news items appearing in the state papers but it would have been next to impossible to h wrong. Later developments have shown the hotel management anxious and willing to carry out any and al suggestions advanced by the local health department with th ntswr of remedying these conditions that were alleged to exist. But why couldn't this condition have beearujoveredy jthe local health authorities? Hurtful news stories, published under authority of ther state- bbardv of health, appeared in upstete papers -last week while Wilmfngten,apparently, slept on in blissful ignorance of conditions that were alleged Ato exist and which the hotel -management has since insist ed would be cheerfully remedied. The city and county are paying for a health department ; al have beet led to believe was jthe last word in efficiency and yet we find a condition of this nature in our midst,1 known throughout the" -state long before w at home had an inkling of the mat ter. The local board of health is spending sufficient money to produce results. Its head draws a respectable salary and the supervisor is to be given an assistant the first of the month who will also draw $3,000 per year. The department has inspectors at its disposal .whose duties should have carried them to ' Wrightsville Beach and if the conditions alleged by the state board of health existed they should have been known to the health department and steps taken to remedy 'them before the extreme was reach ech v The state board of health knows the. value of publicity and it was not the least "backward in throwing its searchlight on the beach. The news items Accomplished .their purpose but they hurt Wxightsvilie :' Beach and what hurts the beach, hurts Wilming ton, And-there was no excuse for the interference ; of thurtaei?boarv"TET matter should have been handled from a local.' standpoints Sanitary conditions should never have been permitted to get in a bad way and in our opinion this regrettable condition, would not have arisen had the health department been awake and func tioning properly. THE WtLMlpTQNJD JULY 25, 1919. ' T1 Rockies! Just to say the word is enough,., PSM The "RoUmffs of Wilmington it The Rockies! Just to say the word is enough, when summer comes. ' You think of peaks, more than two miles high scores of them and. all snow-cappqly You think of mountain streams and lakcs ice cold and clear as crystal. . You tbjnlj of campbg out in a glorious wiWerhess, next door , to great cities with all their comforts? of the winding trail and the long dimb j of delicate wild floArs, blooming right up to snow line, and the stillness of the deep woods. Let the dream come true, this summer, for you! 1 United States spirit exceedingly "bitter. Th a.-Mexican has -little to lose but his life in most cases and-taking his life is about the only way to make a Incident of Itself Small. Vorwaerts calls the peace terms a greater crime than the war. The terms are merely crime's progeny, come home to, roost. ' Germany will be permitted to keep her gold reserve, and there "is general agreement that her reserve of brass is intact. Every time European socialists say something-good about the Reds, American socialists hang their heads in shame. . Our record in the war causes us less pride than the convictjoj that native-born Americans have! top much commno sense to be interested in Red propaganda. " , - The view of the eouth is that the Fordney bill will save our infant jot ash' Industry at the expense of our ancient cotton industry. , r. . M. Vansnee lost tnirceen sons the war, and was himself murdered by the Huns. An that sort4 of thing explains why France wants guarantee for the future. some Dr.Renner inofrtn us from Vlen na that German-Austria will form an Alsace-Lorraine "without defense. Well, it won't need defense against . Qermany, and nobody else will violate fthat guarantee of territorial integrity, We aifc for a wnall navjr in at&et to ehow our faith In, the league and uric for a great appropriation forth ,air service because battle of tfceXu isture waile fought in the air. Off the Job; ' - The -act Jon of the rffct board ; heAHh in causing to be published cet t- - -ewe storiee aileglnr- taxi conditions on WrtgfctVte , Js to ,be regretted d to our mJadf One obvious comment in respect to the trouble between Mexicans and American sailors in the Tampico dis trict is that the Americarss used poor judgment in ' picking a fishing hole. The hold-ip and robbery of ,the lit tle group of Americans bent upon a day of sport may become the straw . J m 1 J 1 M At. . mm. .mrn mmm. wnicn DreaKs me oacK oj. mo u-in m tervention policy of the United States, but It Is hardly likely. Although hailed bv many as a reason ror a sterner attitude toward Mexico, as an overt act of Mexican hostility to pro vpke war It is a failure. There exist reasons enough why the United States should be intoler ant of Carranza's lack .of effectiveness In policing Mexico. Jf It were not for the strained relations aireaay exist' ing, the incident of the attack on the fishing vsailormen would be relatively trfjing, easily Innocuous. The lose or Wcpatr:rofhOesj,a pocket knife, or whatever the booty of the pilfering vr-s-tna.nji hannened to be, was not accompanied by viciousness of atteek such as that displayed in the clash between, Japaneieahd Americane In China, Although the picnic crowd of sail ors carried the ti&tlvn with them, there is nothing in a fracas with criminal nationalise described in the newspapers to cauee two countries to go to war. The sufficient caus&'Hes in the general disorder of MfXieo and the consequent -violation of Ameariean rights in more important instances, Carrama might easily maki the re-, bery the deciding-element in fhe ae by ill-considered response to the state department, but faiantieipftted apow gy and promiee of punilhment doubt less wiB smooth out the eituatton, " It will' ieulP0 a worse manifestation than this attack to move Vnte- to war againtTexteo-r-ad' there is n awuranee tht the mantfeetation wW be delayed Jo. , tt may? heeome neeeeear?; for th country to reetpre WdeT 'In" Many Anerieane think it if hifh ttm the taelr wa ns4 tunatelf, the harden pettie . H would -net be military subjugation, but the etorwoa Of vfv ' '-4 "'-SS ' ' '2b ii Go to the Colorado and Utah Rockies and cool off rest up get a coat or tan torget worries 'growyoung again. Be a mountaineer,- and learn to Jove the high places of the everlasting; bills. Summer Excursion Fares Ask the local ticket agent to help plan your trip, or apply to the nearest Consolidated Ticket Office or address nearest Travel Bureau, U S. Railroad Administration, 646 Transportation Eidg., New York City 5 602 Healey BldgM Atlanta, Ga. god-citizen "br. bin. -et ar.ace may not beslatnattllpiign' a country b shbduef- olicingwMexlco Woui b about the most gigantic task any na tion ever undertook. Handling the Hitidus Would be child's p lay in' cum parisonl It "may be Uncle SanTs duty; but who can doubt that ha dreads it? W HEN little folks are -cross and peevish, it's only nature's signal that little bodies need more nourishment. Giyerthem DIX-E BRE4D iWitKJjutterj'ennA see how quickly the tears van ish Mp? : - A MINIATURE TIRE FACTORY complete in every necessary detail, is maintained " by us to furnish quick, durable repairs to tubes and casings, for auto owners demand ing guaranteed work at fair prices. A little attention and preventative .care lengthens a fire's life as well ' est.:; man's prolonsre-.- "life'' ries?. curtailed expenses. Let us doctor your tires. T. D. PINER 113-115 N. Second St. WHjMDfQTON, N. C. The Strariiij Meat ofSuBTsmcr Better Thdis the Westk Old people who are feeble and youngef people who are weak, will be strengthened and enabled to go through the depressing beat of Summer by taking T&stGBBS offsiSS Tons Eg It purifies and enriches the blood and makes you Strong. You can soon feel its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC is an ex ceptionally good general strengthening tonic for pale, sickly children, for delicate Mothers, for Old Folks or any one of the family who has poor blood. It is pleasant to take. Price 60c. Perfectfy Harmiessm Gonial no no Uux-Vomfca or other Poisonous Drugs, IMfSmm VtR -tablets m i larafX- Brea$IsEiIdKoodnatural f ood. cHildrmwouldineyeigrowmr I Without bread, BufctanusfeKere Bread Ask foirDixE Bread by name American Baking Company ROBEftf R. BELLAMY, Druggist. is to be regrets 7 V. sk ebeiIioas would nycrhve bees necesacr h&A temvsfamjft fWJWW V M ; V ' ' ' ! THE DEMAND FOR fififi Cmi T. V -W VUV'VAAUIM 1 AND FEVER TONIC IS FAR GREATER THAN THE SUPPLY (For the Past Twelve Months the Demand for 666 Has Been Greater Than the Supply, But We Have Increased Our PI and from Now on We Hope to Fill Orders More Promptly. b666 is the most speedy remedy we tills and Fever. Bilious Fever, Colds and LaOrlppe. It kills the parasite Ithat causes the fever. ; 666 si the most, speedy remedy we know. A few doses will break the fever and if then taken as a tonic the if ever will not return. You can take 1666 while the fever is on or off. ; 666 is a fine tonic for pale people. Xt WIPff MP tb blood ccgpuaclea to a red, healthy condition, gr urai, neaitny complexion. 666 quickly relieves Cor Biliousness. - Loss of Annet Bi-eath and Headaches, duel I4ver. We especially recommei those exposed to the weathc can take it, eat anything and go right on with their no Xtax pt being aaiiyated. JF, 3. SuHlvajo, O. IP A' ' , . JSIJIiJVAN & CO., C BLPublic Accountants ' is Vrf;at? -V?iiuron;fian3t - ' .

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