, THE WI LMINGTOJS - UlBf ATCH.: . FRIDAY; 'fEIBRUARY 14., I319, I. TV i' 71 V NEWEINDSOP FISH TO SERVE ON FRIDAYS , , By BIDDY BYE. ?One way to save on meat bills is to at more fish! - .For health and economy's sake the food administration has long advised that American housewives' put "two Fridays in every week" th&t is, serve fish at least twice a week. .Americans eat less - fish' than any other civilized nation less fish and more meat Yet meat is the most ex pensive form of protein food Itnown; and fish is one of the cheapest.. It is also one of the most digestible foods . and there is practically no waste. f In two pounds of sirloin steak the bone and trimmings will weigh from . 1-2 to 3-4 of a pound, but in two pounds -.,--Vol" 5ody salmon, or halibut there will not be more than six ounces of waste. It is' estimated that the saving of money" in substituting fish for meat will, range from lO1 to 20 cents a pound. -. Learn the fish native to- your vicin ity then use them freely. The United States government fisheries " $e.fcartr -meat hus issued thjs list of the fish easily obtained .in different localities. Be sure to ask for each variety and rive them all fa try in the weekly menus. . , In the New England states: the fish most easilv'nhtftiriprf. ar nlc-wif onr? . -v. cusk, flounder, goosefish, haddock. V . hake, halibut herring, mackereU mul ; v let, salmon, scup, sea-trout, shadj v smelt, swordfish, tilefish, whiting. 2- -"ae- Auantic states,; can get ale: j elfe, bass,' bluefish butterfish, catfish, , - - ' cod, flounder, goosefishft halibut, - -" mackerel. perch.salmbiC shad, smelt, v .i, spot,- tilefish, .weakfish, .whiting, v'j-- Pacific coast fish' markets furnish - .arracuda, bass, flounder, grayfish, ' v- v halibut,-herring, pike, rockfish, sable- fish salmon, trout, smelt. - Jr "Mississippi valley markets have -.Wak, bass, bo wfin,' burbot, carp, buf- l alo" catfish, crappie, drumfish, pike, t 'reaV. snapper, sturgeon,, sucker. - Great- Liakea water supply bass, , " .- v -bowfhV .carp, catfish," drumfish, lake . .herring,, lake trout, perch, pike, stur- "V-'v"- "TJwB,Gulfsof Mexico furnishes barra K ptida J)iiffaIo carp, catfish, drumfish, mulIetj-Spanish,. mackerel, sturgeon, j?. .. IniJcookJng large. fish cut into steaks J. - r fdisig,-which. may be boiled, baked, -vi ;MMueu. i-; iouti.:,ouueu a piece V; 3Scyleal,and a tablespoonf ul of lem on. jiiice. or vinegar added to the water f;;intDrpyea;the flavor. If strong flav oref)share i boilea,tdQd cooks have V discqVeTfeI ; the:; flavor is' Improved by I , bottifla whole potato with the fish. " TO READERS: This Is the first of six articles for women on Dressing to Dodge Disease, written especially for i The . Dispatch by Dr. Martha McGlynn, famous woman's health expert. Dr. McGlynn wUt write about the Pneumonia Neck in an early issue of The Dispatch. - Watch for it! , (By DR. MARTHA McGIiYNN) NEW YORK,1 Feb: 1A. Until we know something definite about the nature of the germ which causes in fluenza and the method of its trans mission the, best, advice that can be giyen on the avoidance of influenza, and its twin ' danger, pneumonia, is this: , ' - KEEP, THE fiODY-IN GOOD CON DITION, SO THAT THE RESIST ANCE TO ANY AND ALL DISEASE WILL BE HIGH. To women, young or old, I would say: Dress sensibly :and in accord ance , with the weather. , One of the principal things I would warn against is the foolish . .fashion or habit of young girls v who think it is necessary to wear thin-soled, low cut shpes and thin' silk-cstOfiaBgi, in "the middle of winter.. Most "colds" are caught by exposure of -the. surface skin to low temperatures. .Low shoes and thin hosiery-in winter .are a positive dan ger. " No "girl, for fashion's sake, or because she . thinks her ankles are pretty, should wear anything but stout, high shoes ija winter and in extreme-weather, woolen stockings. The ankles and feet are one of, .the main sources of danger in-, lowering vital ity "and resistance to dis&ase. OM Folk's Best Friend, , That's what many call it, " for it puts vim and vigor into old stomachs; rich, red blood into old veins; sound flesh on old bones. Drink a glass ofbis delicious, .- diges- taut with each ieaL SMvar Ale PURE DIGESTIVE AROMATICS WITH SHIVAR MINERAL WATER AMD GINGER . Your grocer or druggist will refund - yottr.money on first dozen if youre not pleased with results. Bottled and guaranteed by the cele brated Shivar Mineral Spring, Shel ton, S. C If your regular dealer . cannot supply you telephone CRESCENT CANDY. CO., Distributors for Wilmington. 7?' Beautify the Complexion v. IN TEN DAYS Nadinola CREAM The Uneqoaled Beautificr USED AND ENDORSED T THOUSAIV Guaranteed- to remove tan- freckles, pimples, liver-spots, etc. .Extremt cases twenty cays. Rids pores and tissues of impurides. the skin clear, soft, healthy. Two sizes. Sold by leading toilet coun ts or mail. - ' . - iATranAt. TOILET COMPAJ'TV. Peris, 7mm. piHiiiiniHiiHuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiniiii I New Crene ' de I I Chine Handker- I ; 1 ' chiefs I New Collars for i X I Spring 1 Still Getting New r Hats P Miss Alma Brown i II 'Millinery and Notions E S Royal Theatre Building. - - S TIPSfTO THE 1PNEIY I am 18 years old and ask you to t tell me how t W .'find, the name of try and explain iny lack of interest In j some ranch out in the west, or the name of snnip one on a ranch. As I have always wanted to he on a ranch, Famous New York beauty posed es pecially to show how NOT to wear 'em in winter. , Miss Annie Lee Moore, of Hamp- stead, is visiting friends and relatives n the city. Miss Mary Miller Johnson has re turned from BurgaWy where she Visit ed friends and relatives. O.- "J. Monroe, o'f '''Gbld'sboro, ;re- turned home this moriilng -after a short business stay in the city. : . i .... , .-. ,. ... . ' Mr . and Mrs"4 C r lr Thotrlpson, or Pli1oQTir nrVtA Vintrk Kaati TriaiHifV 44 tlA i A UlbUTT) ITUU tiM V v3 UUU VlOillUg 111 Illy city, have returned to their honfe." Miss Louise Maclteyr of Tarboro, has returned to her home after a pleasant stay in the city with friends. Mrs. J. B. Croom, of JIaysville, spent yesterday in the city shopping. She returned home in the afternoon. Miss Minnie Newland, of Folkstone, has returned to her home after a pleasant stay in the city with friends. m m - - Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Walker, of Shallotte, returned to their home yes terday after a pleasant stay here with friends. - - Mrs. G. C. Bennett, of Columbians visiting in the city with friend. She will go to SOuthporttomorrow for the week-end. Dance that was scheduled for-to night at Fort GasweU has been called off because or tne, demobilizing pr xne post band. ' ''' .- Mr. "and Mrs. B. Meredith, of Faison, returned home yesterday eve nine after a short stay here with friends and relatives. Meeting of the La.dy Maccabees will be held tonlghtat 8 o'clock in their hall. Officers will be installed and all members are expected to be 'present. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Lamhe, Jr., of Garland, . passed through the city yesr terday They were en route to Swansboro, where they will visit friends. . . . , Ladies of Bladen Street Methodist church will entertain , tonight at the parsonage, 815 -North Fifth street. Refreshments-Will be served and the proceeds devoted to the paint fund. .-.'...' l.Epworth Leagueers of- the city are Invited to attend tonight's valentine party to. be .given at 8 o'clock at,Grace Methodist chureh by the Epworth league of that church. Refreshments will be served. - : Dr. J. S. Hood, of King's Moun tain, has joined Mrs. Hood here, who Came here to be with her father, L. K. Tayor, who was struck and Injured by an automobile on Front street-several nights ago. . , . . Miss . Sophia Beery, who has -been rtninir nursine at Sumter and Florence "during the recent influenza epidemic, is now at bome'with her tainer, j. w. Beery, 208 North Seventh street. She wilIgo to Richmond later. Mrs. Louise Grimmer, of Roanoke Rapids, reached the city yesterday to be present this afternoon at the' wed ding of her son, Charles L. Grimmer, who is to be married to Miss Mildred Wadham, the ceremony to take place.! at the home of Bishop Thomas C Darst. K . - SECOND TERM OPENS f Schedule -for the second term of Y. W. 1C. A. gym classes will open Monday, and all are invited to enroll" Afbr Jhis work. Tiie. schedule is: ; ' High school girls Mondays - and Thursdays, 4 to B c'clock. " . Grade school - boys Tuesdays and Fridays, 4 to 5, Business women Mondays and Thursdays, 6:30 to 7:30 and 8 to 9 o'clock. Morning class Tuesdays and Fri days, 10 to 11 o'clock. Children Saturday 10 to 11. Free tuition is fdven to any girl se curing 10 membe Doctors' certifi cate is required shaving condition of heart and lungs. Further information may be had from the Y. "W. C. A., phone 201. HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED. John DeVine, Jr., U. S. N.", who has been stationed at Charleston, has been transferred to Seattle, Wash., and will do duty aboard submarine chaser No. 29-B. He will leave Charleston tomorrow, according to advices received by his mother. James DeVine, a brother, is still overseas, being stationed at Plymouth, England. Miss Edith Compton, of New Bernt has returned to her home after a pleasant stay in the, city with friends. J 1. - A 'y. ls!3L'?S, Jfi iissf5ss. "Ay ' .1 IU.T (Treat mutm- - - urnlf due - - tor ' Nitxated Iron", says Vomer Health Corn- Tniioner VVm. R. Kerr, of' the City of Chicago. From my .own experience with Mux ated Iron I feel it- is such a valuable blood and body build. .ing preparation that it ought ' tr Kj itcoyl irt rverv hosnital and prescribed by every phy- aSc-ian in the country." Nuxated Iron helps tn make healthier women and stronger, Stut-j dier men. , Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. At all good druggists. i 1'. .. ; men. X Know tms is very unusual from observing other girls. My father criticizes me for not wanting to marry, but my mother never does. She never says-anything to Influence me against, the at tention of gentlemen either. I am called independent, too. I am careful appearance, and be cause of it some times called "stuck up." Do youtlunk this is right? C C. R. won't you please' try and help me to ftnd the name of some ranch? - I love horses and I want to gex on a ranch, also my brother, too. There is no one hut we two, and we want to stay to gether. - C. M. B. A wish to marry is not necessary to one's life happiness. By all means, keep your spirit of independence so long as you do not infringe upon the rights of others. Evidently you. are a person with interests centered in something' or other worth while And by and by. if you are really interest ing, you will be. sought by others both by women and men. I would like tq know you can In answer to your inquiry concern ing a ranch, write' to the Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C. I am a sirl of 15 years and very of my : much like a boy here in town. He is i. We meet at snows ana suan places. I have been properly intro duced to him and I want mother to know him. In what way could I bring him in contact with mother? A. L. I would suggest that you have youi mother write the man you like a little note, saying that she has heard you speak of him so often, and she would be delighted if he would come to- din ner on a certain evening or drop in to tea. If that does not appeal to you just tell him that you .want him to know your mother and wish him to come to the house to call on her on a certain night. Any man who cares for a girl should be willing and" glad to meet her mother.' ' " ' Spring Suits Sh Lines and Lines Copyrighted IQIO V the I Learn About Brain Cells j and Scheme to Make One Grow! . So I snitched. Miss Dennis' admirer away from her, although at. first I didn't want to talk with Dr. Kramer at all. But when I found that he intend ed to make my acquaintance, I de cided to get "some information from him about ' shell-shock. I explained the peculiarities of Bob's condition, not mentioning names. "And "this soldier seems normal in every things but. the memory of his bride. Do you think he ever really loved her?" I concluded. My voice must have trembled for Dr. Kramer looked at me long and hard. -. -"'He ""loved - the efirl very much, I should say, mademoiselle," he replied. "Perhaps the thought of her hurt him so terribly that it interfered with his soldiering. That was not unusual in the war. Certainly, the man must have a powerful will, he must have formed the habit of erasing the girl from consciousness. The shock simply locked up the brain cells wher she was registered." His theory was like that of other ex perts. I put my big question to him: "Will anything restore his memory of her?" y . , "It is like this," Kramer, explained. "A brain cell is like a grape, mad emoiselleit has1 a. skin and a "pulp. The pulp may dwindle from overwork, or perhaps fright, or worry or shell shock, a nd the cell may wither up and dry like a grape. But if a little pulp is left in the skin of the cell, jt may in crease under the right conditions, and the brain may become normal again. But if the pulp is all destroy.ed-r-weil, the cell will stay dead forever." This new theory about brain cells fascinated me. "Oh!" I gasped. "You mean, that if I if if the wife could stir a single thought of love once yrtOre in .the-man J the cells might swell and grow, and all the old love might come back sometime?" "That's one way of putting it, cer tainly," Dr. Kramer Answered with a laugh of genuine enjoyment. "But oi course, this man's condition is most unusual. The desire to love and be loved is about the last thing which could be shocked out of a human be ing, I should say.. But nothing was impossible in the wan Under pres sure of exploding T. N.T. almost any thing might i happen to even a normal brain. You understand, Mademoir selle, that insanity isn't the same thing as shell shock. But if I were treating 'the case-I'd try to wake up the need to be loved in that man. Why, I'd place temptation in his path show girls! "'Yes, honestly, I'd get right down to the primitive instinct " BY BETTY BROWN, It is extremely easy "to get a line on the spring suits" because "lines" are their chief reason for Deing. uoais are nnger-tip length, unfitted, but usually belted at the normal waistline or a little above Skirts are long and very narrow with a remarkable shift in the lo cation of the necessary fullnesa about the hips. The newest models fit tight across the back and full across the front but all agree on narrow hems. 'This is a gray tri cotine model with smartly cut coat, and silk embroidered arrow points for its tailored ornamentation. For a moment Dr. Kramer appeare to forget me, so wrapped up was he 1; a new psychological puzzle. "Oh-h-h-h!"- I whispered to taj- self. "It's a poor day that doesn'' bring me some bit of valuable know- f ledge?" The plan to win my own hue-; v band back which had evaded m through days and days of hard think-? ing, came to me in a flash. Jane Lorimer must-retpain SeadJ That was the first detail o'f it ' I counted ' the only persons in the worM who knew that I wdLl not dead: Chester, the .chauffeur, wh Eloise on the train; he had disappear- ' ed, but he might at any time return , to tell the truth to the Larimers. Tommy knew but I could manaf : Tommy. And Certeis would know when he ; called on his patient, Mile. Vanderlyn, -: Plainly, I must make my escape iwn the nlace before Certeis arrived. And Dr. (Kramer should help me! ooonoonoonnnonooonDoonoononnnnnonoiiononnnnnnnonnnnnonnnnnng Mint Jell Try Mint Jiffy-Jell with roast lamb or cold meats. It is vastly better than mint sauce. Try Jiffy-Jell desserts with their real fruit flavors in essence form, in vials. Each is so rich in condensed fruit juice that it makes a real fruit dainty. Yet they cost , no more than old-style gelatine desserts. "1T 10 Flavor, at Your Grocer'a 2 Packages for 23 Cent el FLAT SILVER For Home Use New and Staple Patterns. A Number of New Pieces Recently Added. GEOi W. HUGGINS, Inc. 105 MARKET STREET. D a n a a a a n a a a a D n a D a a a n p a of Men's Suits and Coats v-The time lias come for affinal clean-up of all remaining winter clothing. Stocks must be brought down to the lowest Jevel before the new goods arrive, so that for this j Week-end Special We offer our entire stock of men's winter weight Suits and Coats at a a a a a a a at 1-3 off We believe this price is lower than they will be again for many seasons, and we think it wise for you to buy not only for your present need, but for next season. Also come, in today, Belk-Williams Company mil""'!1 "jiiyiniiiiiifliiiiiniHiniiiinJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 7 ' ' -. .... . - r -.ir