r . v ..-...... ... 'Till .viv) 7 .if ii iLyiL vi.S.-, A - V j s . " ' ,f f!"-'" .ii...t t'iU. i' fcm 1 - . f DR. K W. fUQII, POLITICAL. AKD LITERARY EDITOR. V :fi ? - OU MOTTO: 1 DIEtT ET MOi( 'fclRClT - -BENJ. 11. SWAIN, OWNER AND EDITOR, VOL.11. - Bi. 1 WPDSQR BERTIE .... i I I . ,1 X h A. A i ; . 3 r 1 . . t I ! 1 ft I I II III -..' Jfl i . ' 1.-. J i aW i. A 1 ; - .. 1087 LARGE -STOCICi OF FINE DRESS I S1STING OF NUN'S VEILING, ; ALBATROSS, . CASHMERES, '1 . ALBA CAS, ETCv -LAWNS ALL "SHADES '& STYLES. O weary JiaiiI& that all the y ' TIT - , I Weet.ld labof har3 and lon fs y PSTow softly.faiViha shadows cray:- iue oeus are rung xov even song . i An9uiaoftHeide ' ; Sank slowly down mtb the west; . I r Jqpr,;wearyjian4s,! your toU iailone. i "I INDIA LINE.Nr, ; : VICTORIA LAWNS, CABLE CORDS, CRADLE CHECKS, And various other W!nte Goods .iu Dress Style3,. ' Notions: SUMMER VEILINGS, f TRIMMINGS, 'v. SILK GLOVES, HID ViLUViib, BLACK GLOVES, COLORED GLOVES excellent line lisle thrad hose 'Tcry larc etock of tike cotton hose. ; O wea'ry feet that many;a mile - Iaye fudged alorig a stony way, A At lastye:riaeh;the trysluig stile; :: y n No lonrjeio: asiiay. I ' The gentler betiding nistling trees - Rock the, young birds within the nest, And softly sings the quiet.breeze: ,r ?TU time for rest His time fortest." p .weary e3res from which the tears v ; -V Fell many a timelike thunder rain; O weary hearts that through ; the years --Beat with such bitter restless pain'; Tonight foi-gethe s tormy. strife, V . auu Know wnat Heaven snail sena is best; " - - ' .' . - Lay down ;he tangled web of lifefj I Tis time for rest--'tis time for rest. rharaber's Magazine.' caititheeperienftQ - and t ;fate, Vpt that5'-4ommusiori,iiIttV wounded onl y -1 tis Waaf strangled tn::jth i iiboase- of.utH soalled friends. - Not contented withb fee- cretv d isappro vai, the . Kepttb kican; majority, in Congress cnt off : 4 the suppnes, f.aua it - uiea a naiurai aeatn. iv asliiugton rost. .p ? 1 ; rbWiln tho nightlyew; n SenatoV Vobrhee of ! Ihdiand, Uu-tt-m'., ; ; f .7- But ,.Pemocrats;: aro - tired( .pf hearing the expediency men,: the political whisper of - tBe party, say 'fhusb!! TBey are not ctl& ren ; tor be kept still by, either threats or commands. .They .npw that their views on public . jjues tionsare Democratic, nptJ only because they ar6 a part t the Democratic history of this coun- try, but for the very reason that they clash with the ideas of those upholding monopolies " and de- who watf in Kansas City;recently, being asked as" to : pbHtScs, paid his compliments';to: i'Blatne- acd Tuttle as follows:' ;fuIt is "difficult to forecast the ftoliticaZ situation with nirv'deVrno of -accuracy..' To - . V d . 1 tny'mmd it' is pretty "plain ' that Blain, if hewants it, can have the nomination ofihe next RepabHcan convention. .;The little booms for Sherman and, other aspirants -y al ways boom up" just before the cdyehtion strata how weak.a"nd shaPOw their claims are. The action of the Pen nsyl vania S tate : con Yen tion A disordered ' condition of 'Use stomachy' or malaria in the system will produce sick headache,: you can remove this trouble by . tak- ingDr J. U.MeLoan's.Little Liver and Kidney PiUeta. 25 ccnls per vial - -: - - . . guavel was his Diet. An extraordinary cne, such as U not recorded iii nny ofjho. medi caZ books,' ig reported from .Unionj S. C, and.the trulhibf Ihe story is vouched fon bj Dr; :M; W. Culp,r one of the leading5 physitv ians of that town j iiv thofol lour ing written fitat04nent: iOn; the has undoubtedly struck the key- night of Septomber 19; 18S7. I note "of ;'tbe .Republican, shibbo- was called: to see a n(gro boy IptliR fnr t.h'ft nnxt p.amnaipih " The named Sum Stftith liviiir .iKmif ..... . nil - t o." i . - --, ......i itv ui, vw. rv -s- feuei flag incident and the intant four miles from Union. . The boy Judt;Vwillbe:the ibat ii tor b stated that- the in all other callings, men who are st0CK 111 trade xjf the campaign sic c boy was iu,a critical Condi, determined that they will have orators. By the way, speaking of tion, that he had . been ;ci tin 5 thAir rio-hfu Vttfi itUn will mneAnt the flaff incident reminds me of ffraveL and was full of it. T was nvjuuk.yr; WISUOM. FllOM vUB - "J'" " ".,iVJr:l 1 :.T:J1.4.T1 1 the man who had a neighbor who Zwan' w',fK contemforarys. i iu iugv iu uu in, "'jucr o, fjfiMf . . ,;o n timoQ y""1 ai4,t' ' With lif Anno neaft year to prove that theDem- niaice these protests, and making that ot the owuer. 1 he accommo- He is about 7-years old, of aver bcratic party of this State is op- these Protests because' thsv are datin&owncr grow tired ot main- arG intelligence for a colored bov. i , : I Vv ! L .,i . .i . famine tliA nAfiat fnr thft hftllfiilt. I A ft-. . . u t ii . con I " " I " ' 1 1 iii ai uiu iiiiiise me " and wrong merely to conciliate used, to enter his .bam ;uraii times seqaently did not gefto sec the ith this arrav of facts in ex-:th perpetrators. But these Dem and,borrow,hi8 -horjo.- Ho used boy until the following day. Ik 11 - ocrats, meu Democratic to the bo horse so much that he thought When I saw him lie looked like a ice it will be - an . eastask cQre i'Democratio' because! they he had a, right to.tt superior to boy in usual health, in. the face. Dosed to the riassaie of the ! Blair nonirkArolfin will tUw , bilL Bad: 'Organ. We should teSts within' the Democratic party. 9f h18 neighbor, and one night father of the boy showed me 50 say so,-and it is a mighty sorry They have no need to revolt. They went over , to that gentleman s or 65 gravel stones that he had P. 1. WINSTON". ,J W. I. WlIjJjAM S ; : ;;rwiNSTc? will r AAis, ; ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT ,. v; LAWi . : Practice in llcilic and adjoining coun ties. . ' ... : . .. Mil tin r l). d Winston, " 7 ATTORNEY-AT-LAI'S, WINDSOR, X. C. " Practices in B ettic and adjo!niacr coud tei. . . - - felStfn . - HENRY P. PUQH; C ATTORNEY' AT'LAlVf ' - : -WIKDSUU,. C. ' Pmctlccs iu all the courts -of Iknlio niatyl', c -; ' . ". " .' r OlTiCr., fascniic buildinir. Kins; street.' Uir.ce houra 9. a. ni. 1 5. p.m." r.:h2 WMV DRUG EMPORIUM, ;: WINDSOR, N.J). Ulicrc yoilcau find,' choke lVmt?, Bnis au'IOils, Drvjgi?ts SuimVIc?, ';VPhvorin Extrjittsrap., I'cr 1 :. fuirierj-. & Ficliinij'Tttckle'. . ; Joha.F Slrai tori's 3huical .Instrj mcuts anl Straps. . . . - ' Robert 13u:.5 ts'y:c:?l antt Gxtfrii SocJ." Full jirc rij-e Stationery aluny? on tin-tvl. ',; fVJ8 thy Q. vr. stMi-suN. ' - v.-1 iAi!Ki:i:. ' SI M P S ON A, P ATR K K It, : - ' - : - 11 I)IALKI3 IN - J - ' . - - Grocer's Tr:y.1ov Toe cvb : - -bleats, Vr-iriahlos and ProvIioiH. ' General JIarkc t Store. felB tfn WJ-ND?()U; N. C. man who does favor itTarboro ouuiuiuer, r . tnev th IUpoks as if it was doubtful if the New York Star ever raised 10,000; of the-l,000 .000 wanted to erect a grand j monument to uenerai urant. in tne mean time the Vuginians- are getting ready to erect a monum ertx to the great Coiifederate leader, the iru- mortal Liee. Wilmington fetar. would ony weaken their caise if bouse to get the animal. He was extracted from him. I then ex they did revolt. Tbcy would lose met b the neighbor, shotgun m traded from him 46 graveU of all gest weighing 36 now navo at mv bov. has. boon mg around my ejithij th Dry CTODa.. Groceries, Toiacco, Ci- bt. Gome i..the 300 harp tean ex-tractbd ' from Lr?(. i - j i iiiiiiii. wiiu i suiHCU tu Live u u iuv shnnnc tim or e the enemies of the verv au,l'm, ov'i- . grains, wnicn 1 nfiinW for ivKirrh thfiv; nrft horse is yours, but it s very.impo- drug store. The 'ff-C; BAZEAfO'RE, -IEAL!iK IN r pn fightiiig. Richmond State, lite of vou nosing around house in the uigl ;i ' v ' r - . i i Hortimn rwl nc:r fnr thn hnrSA .1 1 rnn . -t 1 b A ueauurur woman must oe 1:.". ' " ... V. . u un uuu uuu more passeu voiun-ilrps. . : , and to Nremain healthy anci perhaps 1 will Jet you nave it. tarily. , His intestines : are now fjth-fnest piku paid Tcr protlace V 1 - t j 1. T-V I lanil I Hi !M I ll kM II . V 1 " I V I Ml 1 II ! I i- - 1 . - - mi. . a - f - I i eauinuf sne snoma taKe ur. rvv v luuwujem. inc nrxi uay. 11 vindsoi:. n. c. frixirii ; ' H. Mclean's Strengthening te of the rre.sitlent to issue an cnt to see the boy accompanied y : THoraer lor tne return. or-me uags hv:Drs..Rm t h .... - - - - ...... '--u' . healthy and J . iKiii f. ifiil.l lia it.ii-riiit I tr . tvivtitiit- I 'p TT : t lmnsir r fnnn iim ik h Hia uu-i. 14. nwum v, p"J : rnn. or union. Ann ftmrtfr 11 a ivr The maintenance of Democratic skin; Rtrnncrth. vio-nr nnd rmr if Congress should grant it on the extracted 40 more Vmvela . Imr 2if4i principles, and the ; unity of its blood; is equally adapted, for : all PV"tive requests ot .the various ha(1 to chloroform iho boy. Thc faith must be preserved, and we es, from the babe to the aged, Southern States., ;heso.Lmen, boy has some fever. Untie other at lowest cash prices t 4 F i e y & f like Tutt e, are not abreast ot the wiso doinir verv well " , i must so actas never to drivAfrnm o eitner sex. - - i wao uomg very yeii.. must so act as never to drive from our ranks the laboring classes. wuicu ure, ui un empnanc sense, tne. tno A JULES VERNE. SCHEME. times, and their utterancesaro of no significance. The adniiuistra- Unsuspected disorders of the iiuii wi vioYuiftim uno i,,v j Kianeys are respoiidiuie lor many anrl l ii . r-j -scJ 1 DEALS It IS DIB9 AND -GE2TrLEMEN'8 TIKE ' DURABLE.-V-''jf- COUntrV 8 reliance. Ill .ll t-t. TT T: -xr'' I nn,-,,aA onnnao V?tl HlovAlnnd I ..fii - . : , i 1 : ti i V... . .... . ... a .! KB I a a. u fIUk ai.BISIl I . . t A k 1 a a ajaja.ua. ' B a a a a , wa a a J a m a a a a a B I a Ilia aa ra V P fl u Fir B . B B . B B .... B B" r B BIBB V B B IB IB . I BJhtlltB.l! B .III I B - I V . I v I T 1 K . . 1 j iirfiy times Ot trial the rnnkr Rtiri filo nfl i : - ' . J-.ttvu T.AmA.M;n i . . . . . . i i1,..,.,. v.i aiTr...... he social army W th cultivated sacnusetft ISan lm3 maae tiok-Pt ho will in all orobabilitv .0,0 Jlwf r 1 1 tural Implements and -J.tr.nbcrmca and noble men to cuido them some reputation as a journalist f k?; InLw '?? S S prions and perhaps fatal mal- i)mt3. v&nUi W!fl ralnt oi!s. A mll ryews and inventor Dronoses to lav be put there-success is assured, ady. .. Experience would suggest !mc of Machbcry Oils. ; tT.23tfu KoanoiieJNevvs. . ana inventor, proposes to.,laj . - . . ... the use of Dr. J. II. Mclean's Liv- VINDOI::n. C. We have mg public i been reading the lead- Pneumatic tubes across across thv . if ;tbe stoimich ; performs its journals o Nbrtb'tiar- .vf Afof transit functions actively and regularly ''T -if f 2 aa T - . . ! . . "" A 1. .aaa. aaaaa .a a-a aaa aa aa. B a W 4. aal alh - A a af BbB"b. er and Kidney Balm. alitja regujilnd.cretully over of maife and passengers. . the food of which it is the ricep' FORGOT HIMSELF. i ; . ' LAllGE STOCK OF tf EATS, j COFFEES, t TEAS, SUGARS, ETC., ETC. I have for sale 800 bushels! of I CORN, very low. Large lot North Carolina CORKED HERRING. iOOD FAMILY' FLOUR AT $5 PER 33ARREL, CASH. 4 noted BALTIMORE MILLINERY- MI LIZZIE BRIDGE, : . ' I'TnrtiiPrl v with .Trtl. 1. T -imli eightarS. There iB nH a sVn- . .W1SDSOH. M. C. - ' . , WippP!fil?fa1 ooub scajeme may oe, 01 .interest. rfih .vigorand ..warmth to the for tho mildnees of hu manners MU, Klzzis BrUaW fc wno North -.to advocates a protective tariff, on rrv luueB r'r0 " U,J : ,aiu- whole body, the remedy to give knd tho gentleness of his roproofs af "o.ue-vvin couidi:i3 - nusmcss - . . . . 7 I fl-.t. . . 1- ! 1. - . . 1 . . ' a I a' . ' - . .. XjC I A 1 Willi Tl 1 P STTT III TlPl fllWPni'O t! ttOTl.'Tlil'r tne contrary, every paper in the xney wiii do operaiea py currents tone to the stomach u Dr. J. HAtn th lim. wboBometimMad- ",,7 ut?: fn 7X3? 3 oiuic ijuiMS ur uui, wiiu six ex i ox air, (no current iu one tUDe picuean s oxreuinemug yorum i dressed each other in lanwc her stock crMilImcrysuid Fancy OoihU ceptions, iavors a low tarm. The moTing in an opposite direction aed Ulood Funtier. w . n . , , . only protection daily in the State frtm i,rt0 ; i tu ' . lw,Jlcl1 coulc not : oe passea Dy r tj jaiL r . trom the one in the other. The . rvnmi nunc-r Uwwnnf frAm'ttiA nrf VVaS: BUIU IUr UUUl a JtJW WcCKB I . ... - r I -tX' vr CaiVJLVVrXA VriAVOai. . I mi.uvu uv.iww ttuiif mw vyuni ago. Ualeigh Chronicle. . . tuberwiir be large enough to ac- ' One day two lawyers who were ai.it i i m rx commoaate passengers, but they a strange sioryis torn ai aw-pioaw acaSQ pas3e(i beyond Ah! Look;ou Ihe Democratic Vmt ; Wd; n .mall a noaaiadni Qr whicli is firmlv believed the stai of bantering and be?an committee reported to tbe Demo kiGShA fhr tlf rAAi hw names. One of cratic State Convention ofMassa-lrm fw nhtWo whilea wo2f known them sa:d: - - - - chusetts that there J were 4,614 ?V7V " 7 X : T t : "The attorney on the other side WU W al VlAb UI UUUblJ I.a Xti IV i I 1 VlaaaVl awaaiaav V . . aa. M w w i.uw a . SI . I n A a. M A. aa.fc m order to reopen her store by the lt of October, which i3 now closed, for the Summer. Remember, will i cojeu '.h tho- 1st of October. . . - - - AMGPJOM II011SB, ' WINDSOR C.; be "the easiest ? Table sdrmlied with the bct the mar-. is. mav it nleasa vour honor. " not! krl. aft'onla. , , r- " thins: in the world mg along the public road leading onlv the ugliest but the stUDidest ivir snivSlicd wiiii. choice Whics,' - - ...... - r ' - mM & Republicans. Not less than $5 to auain a speeu 01 xyu miies- an uy uiu tiiiiuuvo upvi uuui 0 u aiic 000.000 are drawn from the Un hour,, and with a polished steel upon n earing the church a white "You forget yourself,Mr Smith ;l,uicomfo: Federal officials in that State. Of these, 3,828? or 83 per cent., are CLOTHING. entire stock of c' veryjow for cash. ited States Treasury - each year, lining a speed of 1,000 Put that in your pipes and smoke "hour may be reached, ; 1 1 i.Mtu ivt wiui wvi.iivu uewitu. oiin" travelers Threo cheers min gton Star. a -- -" . mites an 1 shadowy - object appeared - near thus ena- him in the road, having tho shape tO breakfast in I A n wnmnn nnfl -MiSntinrr :TiitViAr Threo cheers and a tiger! Wil- "New York and lunch in Liver- " i x -n " - ;i,rt, stnr . - I . m I " : i and thithea as if borne on invisi- pool, xeraperaiure in ine xuoeai, , . -.v ' T4. r i.u ij u ble spirit wings. It crave forth no u.rs, JiTaAr3 siiitl Tobacco; y lirst-ch:-- honiv-uke, - iroo taWtf hotel m the city. . you forget yourself!" said the lvnt forget the "Cat Killer. judce, rapping "gently with hia Roor.A HcenUy: reriov:t:l n'.sd oJ:,i : . .. : - ' dow3 cut dowu to iloor. l.ubl-i niuja ELECTRIC RAILltO ADS: In Montgomery, Ala.j electric! .m ntir .took of ilothme late centeniiial in Philadelphia. h lT",!. ""-..t ,Vl": arma-in the air as if in ereat dis- W U8ca evOT.iau ,n jvin ..b wBawBo-v m i r i m i i 1 i w u i - mmt u r . - i b u . around Uiev'.olel. ' Private tilttiii ' r;o:n stairs- J free Hack to mcst JSlr-am-ii-s. . siif Telcgrapli oH5ce atKclKjf. J. R. HOOD y;, l'rop. fe IStfa' Mr. Pace is not . a man and the cost is reported by "the GRAND E1IPOUIUM OF FASHION I easilv tricrbteued. and is not t?iven I froneral manager to bo onlv one-1 St o n 'wfnm nave looKeu xnio ine .i . t o o i au.s o v that the nroieet ia fpa- to lllasious, and though almost half the coat of :horse "power, from Xcw York witlwm eleraot line of -that the projea la fea paralyze4 with 8S,oni8bment,he .;. 'titntJ wASS-fScUucT all innchi, rne iaic3t novelties vi t7Mtff PLOPS. Xh'e largest and best -assortment iu tie county, win oiuer anything in the way or raounting tor plows. i ornwd Rnr rnn tided the President I u- " -.-.-- M:tM. -0- I tress. ' iuau sir uiuiuaiY lainvuy.. jua ana msuueu mm uy cueenug lur peris -wno "Blaine pur next President." If matter say a Kepub ican Jf resident haa re pujr; . 4' determined to investigate thel uw , ,imv r.ww.w.v. . , "r:" . . .rJ Of course all this : appears. too aeie;raVi," ceiveu u u reaui m , vu w5ld for anything but, as Colouel .a"ur ,UI ,UV7. Baltimore, Los Angeles,Port IIu- South that factwoud:have;been Pierce so Jd: tbe eubmarine s buggynd ,aomced , toward VonDetroit, Scranton, Appleton, heralded from one end ; of - the cable wh4'it wa8 fir8t aHv6(iated. the apparation which retreated Wlonsin and Denver;1 Electric North to the other as proof as - slowly as he .advanced. Finally, .., n., v,uu. s .tioiy wnr, not omy 01 q , Arn fihPf.nfiafllliv tl reacmng ine auempteu.o lay . n6trr ti stronsr - . .. v v fa. a a aa ' r- a w. a a. a. a . : a a a a a a . r a a a. a a a r . a am a a i n a a a a a . a a a a a a a am ac a at a. a, . a the 'existence of a "rebellious'' 1 his; . . band . on but at once the rT T" . ZAr pirn iu iu uutu, uu.. Yx "- 0f the most notable is the one in fa4rtlV Ueveii; companies " have; .been Full line of Clark's O. N. T. spool 1 cotton, w men must oe soia. J II AY AT LOW .PRICES ; owitzky's Indian Tea and Victorine. 1 Before ' purchasing: elsewhere call and see me. iwiNDSOR, N. C. ; coarseness and grossness of bouth. London from EQaton .6quar0 to g a while for. he . epook s re- forincd. ol; Jtucr .1 taken fur em manners. Sueh.rnde discour- MverahdU. street; bat as the dis- ,urn in, .'tetefe the boildiugof such roadsKlec. tesy ana aisrespec. nnr. rm.a- viivtM.yjfe,. fiway, nis nuu.uu 10 urn , un.n ttica, rovie; deipbia more than he Prewdent. U i5 t0o ali to be of much com- "S? "i008' 8 - .v'r- Alexandria Gazette. .. .. .. . . .. .;.i. .i...i;...i.. a..i..i. 1 bones. The ehost has been seen . JByery one can recall tne iirae uaj, """"B" K- several times since, always in the when President Giant, with an They are bUtbironone and :Mi in t'hta 8amo weird horiest desire-to test the value of Sffl" lee V' the reform ideas, which .were then rife, appointed commission, of which George Wm. Curtis was the head,-to design and carry out a plan qf practical Civil ' Service Reform. Every one can also re- case and rafified air in the other. Several eminent Engineers have pronounced in favor of .the prac ticability of -the, plan on a large, scale for lonsr distances. Atlauta Constitution. among ihem Mr. . Burgess,- wife and daughter report having seen the unearthly visitant, and the entire neighborhood is" aroused. They think it Borne unhappy spir it which, .freed from her tenement Undue exposure to cold winde. rain, bright fight or malaria,- mav bring on . muammation and sore ness of the eyes. Dr. J.H.McLeans Strengthening Eye Salve Yill sub due the inflammation,' cool and soothe the nerves, and strengthen weak and tailing Eye Sight: 25 cents a box. -, ; . r season in IIat ami Uot-ncU. FANCY" GOOD?? Her Notions nn3 v.usuriiiii'scd, . DltCSS.GOOD.S Tl:o Sal est novelties hi styl-JS and slialcs. Tiini)in'4S t'i cor- -respond. Eleg'.mt line of Kc.i'l:.! Tr:m mingsantl L'anells for Silks. Fiuc Hat Silks in pntttmis, h.anc-30iiie VclvcU. Everythir. that pertains to oeauttry Uio ladies, .tiivo- nic a cull, will guintnttc prices nntl jtylc 'ljall suii t!ic iaoat fa.c tiilioua. . I llinuk tny t "r'w,-u!s f( r p : t palnmage sml I.opc to st c my oMcihLo men and a number ot new. Conic one, come all; ati.l jc5 the. lnuUoiucst line oi Kooil iu V indoor liATCUELOn. t. p. guuli:y, WINDSOR N. C. ' . VV - . "a Dealer iu Candies, CaVat finery, Toilet Arty -is. Ci-nr) Suir, Cof.cc Hams. 31 it: Caaneti FraiJ?, L'leklis kept in a ilrotchua jrroccry tioaeiT store.'-huppliC" lor l ch tnipetre rvnd Wc.'Mii Subiicrib'o to the LkiyaEK." short n jit'.':' a v. : a rt-i'.-' r. 1 ... V . .'-i" A a- .-"VT.T-,Vl T Va" . .;. T.

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