Uz2 the Want Adz Classified advertisements in The Franklin Press bring results. If you have something to sell or trade, try a ilasnified ad. The cost is small only one cent a word with a mini mum charge of Z'j cents (or each insertion. 4 ( i urns li A Brief Survey of Cur rent Events in State, Nation and Abroad the Facts-Boiled Down to a Few Pithy Lines. anil PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. XLVII1, NO. 25 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1933 SUM PER YEAR t." v " . - ' 7 III I . f ill jsJ "X m lit U 0 ii EASTMAN HAS HIGH POST Joseph B Eastman, long the most tiberal member of the interstate commerce commission, was on Fri day named by the president as the co-ordin.ator to effect wideflung cqnsolidations and economies in the nations railroad system. , VIRGINIA TO GET NEGRO The federal circuit court of ap peals overrode District Judge James A. Lowell in a Friday decision and ordered him to vacate the writ of habeas corpus he had granted to George Crawford, sought for the inurder-oftwo-women in -Middle-burg, Va.i in 1932. Lowell had granted the writ on grounds that no negroes are permitted to serve on Virginia juries and that this would nullify any conviction if ap pealed to the Supreme court. OFFERS AID TO BANKS The federal farm credit ad ministration is prepared to aid closed bank in securing cash on farm mortgages by full pay ment and converting the mort gage into the new long-term and low-interest loans by the department of agriculture. Some , $50,000,000 is to be so paid to Wisconsin banks at early date. EUROPE PAYS 8 PER CENT On June 15 the European nations paid only 8 per cent -on the $144, 180,000 due in war debt install ments. Finland, was the only one to pay in full. Great Britain paid $10,000,000, Italy $1,000,000 while France, Poland, Belgium and others defaulted. $150,000,000 FOR CROP CUTS The department of agriculture; is planning to pay cotton and wheat farmers $150,000,000 in bonuses and rentals for acreage reduction ,of the present crops. FOREST GETS 5 NEW CAMPS Each To Have Assignment Of 200 Conservation Recruits SUPERVISORS NAMED Old Electric Rates Remain In Effect Pending Sale of Plant To Nantahala Co. 4 DIE IN MORGANTON FIRE Fire swept rapidly through a Morganton mill home early Sun day, taking the life of Bill Smith, 72, Bill Smith, 27, Bill Smith, Jr., five, and Alice Smith, 45. WILKES COUNTY AROUSED lSeYeralhundredWilkescounty citizens have organized to.. end a wave-of violence af ter-Noah B rown, -33 farmer, was-shot to death by - Rom Dancv. also -a - farmer, - at -i)ancy's home Sunday afternoon. Dancy surrendered. It was the -fifth homicide-in-the countywith- in a month.' One of New Camps Locat ed Near Rainbow . Springs hive new civilian conservation camps, each to have an assignment of 200 men, have been allocated to the Nantahala national forest, with headquarters in Franklin. Sites for the new camps have already been selected and work on the necessary buildings is expected to start soon. With establishment of the new camps, in addition to the five al ready in operation, the number of civilian conservation recruits in'Mhe Nantahala forest area will be brought to 2,000. One in Macon One of the new camps will be in Macon county about six miles southwest of Rainbow Springs on highway-- No. 28. Another camp will-be-Jocated about- three miles southwest of Topton. Two will be situated in Georgia, one on Lake Rabun and the other oh Lake Bur ton. The fifth new camp will be on the Winding Stair, near Turn pike road, in the vicinity of Wal halla, S. C. The five camps now established are located at Franklin, Aquone, near Walhalla and two in Rabun county, Ga. Project Supervisors Project supervisors have been chosen for four of the new camps. Stanley H. Wright, formerly city engineer of Asheville, has been as signed to the Topton camp; T. M. Howerton, Asheville contractor, to the Lake Rabun camp; N. S. Ror ison, Asheville contractor, to Lake Burton camp; and William M. Welch, of Greenville, S, C, to the new South Carolina camp. Several of the project supervisors reported for duty this week and have been getting acquainted-with -their work. .Twojiigh. officials injhe forestry The Nantahala Power and Light company, which has taken over temporary operation of Franklin's municipal power system, will con tinue to use the same rate sched ulcs that have been iivcftect for several years, pending definite transfer of the property, it was announced this week by Nantahala officials. '. , It was explained that the com pany is not in position to alter the present rates because it has not yet obtained title to the power plant. It has announced that it intends to adopt' a new rate scale if and when the voters approve the sale of the property by the tpwn and after the title has been legally transferred. The election is scheduled to be held July 11. In (he meanwhile, the rate schedules maintained by the Northwest Caro lina Utilities, which forfeited the CUT N. C. COTTON HEAVILY I2DZScahub.extensiorQ 'State , college, has been designated state chief for action in the week beginning June 26, to' retire 400,000 acres of cotton m the state, in line with the federal farm credit administration's plan to retire 10,- iOOO.OOO acres in the cotton states, SALISBURY OFFICE The chief office of the federal Home Owners Loan corporation in North Carolina has been awarded Salisbury with branches at Ashe ville and Raleigh, says Chairman Stevenson of the national board. service arrived here from Washing ton Mondays to inspect " the work already done by the- conservation corps and-to discuss plans for fu ture work with officials of the Nantahala forest, They are R. M. Evans, assistant regional forester, Who "is directingtimbef stand 1m provement activities, and J. A. Pitz water, forest inspector. They are expected to remain here the rest of the .week. bond payments, will continue in ef fect. ' Only 100 Qualified voters have registered for the special 'election called to pass on the proposal to sell the hydro-electric system. Al-th6uRhitV.illbean-T"hetiiiii oi major importance to the whole town, there does not seem to be a great deal of interest in it. The generalfeeling is that there is little doubt the election will carry, so why . bother with registering and voting? John W. Edwards, who has been appointed registrar for the election, will be in the town hall Saturday of this week and every day next week through Friday to receive new registrations. Saturday, July 1, will be challenge' day. Previous registrations will not be counted in this election and the voting will be against the registration; or, in oth jer words, failure to vote will be PROVEMENTS MADE AT CAMP Work under Way on Sports Field and Of ficers' Quarters PLAN BOXING BOUTS Big Celebration, Open To Huge Road Fund Revives Hope of Work on No. 286 Vxxhl ic L io Be Jul 4 Held plant on April 1 by defaulting on counted as a negative vote Two Mass Meetings Planned Sunday for Union Revival Canning Expert To Give Demonstration Mis Irma P. Wallace can ning expert employed by the state, is scheduled to hold a demonstration in Franklin Thurs day, J'une 29, it was announced this week by Mis Amanda Slagle, county home demonstra tion agent. Mis Wallace will show how to can frluits and vegetables and put up preserves in the most modern manner. She will con duct her demonstration at the home of Mrs. F. L. Siler. All women who are interested are invited .to attend. The coutity welfareoffice has received a car-load of jars to be distributed amongthose on the relief 7 list Eachfamily -which has ben receiving emer gency assistance will be requir ed to put up sufficient quan tities of fruits andvegetables to carrv them through next win ter.-The iars -will be sold at -a -minimum- cost - and - those re- t-ceivinsr" them will be given an opportunity to pay for them by workins on emergency relief projects. LOBBY COST $82,006 A total of $82,(X)6 was s)ent for lobbying activities in the last sit ting of the general assembly, with 453,696 .paid, jQjf)7js)edalYrnpoy ed lobbyists and expenses of $28, 310 paid to 94 persons. ' ODELL BOYLES SENTENCED Convicted of attempt to extort '$20,000 from Joseph F. Cannon, of Concord, by threats to kidnap Can non'.s sons and granddaughter, Odcll C. Boyles was last week sentenced by Judge Ackerman, in Atlanta federal court to' serve 15 years in prison. . Raleigh Students Honor Miss Laura Jones The 193J edition of "The Oak Leaf," student annual of the Hugh Morson high school in Raleigh, was dedicated to ' tiss Laura J ones, of Franklin and Raleigh. Miss Jones has been on the fac ulty ofuhe.Jialeigh-JbighschQol.Ior a nui nber Zof .-y eafsT-ZAsT3ean- of students she has endeared herself to many- thousands of - boys - and girls in Raleigh.. . Miss Jones, who owns Camp Nik- wasi,-spcnds'4tfrsttmmerff"hv Frank lin. MARTIAL LAW IN GEORGIA Governor Eugene Talmadgc has nut-the ' Georgia capitol, the high way department and other state property in control of the national guard in a state of martial law, pending settlement of the disnute over his orders removing five high way engineers from their posts and holding up $2,000,000 in highway funds. . - , Highlands Visitor Injured in Auto Crash W. K. Stringer, summer resident of Highlands, suffered a broken rib Friday as a result ,of an auto mobile accident. The car t .Mr. Stringer was driving--was knocked outof - -t he road and over on -its side by another automobile which did not stop. The accident occur red on highway No. 28 near Mirr' ,ror Lake. Mr. Stringer was taken to Anderson, S. C. FLOVERSHOV PRIZK LISTED Annual Floral Event To Be Held During Last . . . Week in July Large Crowds Attending Services Held by Dr. B. C. Bell Announcement has been made by the Rev. J. A; Flanagan, pastor of the Presbyterian church and co chairman of the committee ' in charge of the union revival meet ings being held in the Franklin Methodist church, that two mass meetings will be 'held next Sunday afternoon . at 3 o Clock a men s meetinc in the Methodist .church and a woman' meeting in th Franklin Baptist church. Or-.- II. Cr Bell, evangelistan nharpe-tif- the- union meetings, will address the men and boys on th atbiect, ... ?'..WhaL. js. - M afl.M. Thy women and tfiris- will have - -the treasure of heannn Mrs. beorge BY GRANVILLE L1LES (Special Representative of The Franklin Press in C. C. Camp 9) Much to the satisfaction of the C. C C. boys, camp- construction work has been-'completed, with the exception of the showers, which are practically finished. The tents in which the boys live have been moved' to. new locations with the added comfort of wooden floors. The bovs were surelv -clad when moving day arrived. The ground .for the sports field has been worked down to a level and courts for different games, such as tennis and basketball, will Soon be laid off. .We are hoping shortly to have some interesting sports and exercises,:: for the camp boys cerFamly Tall into the fecrea- ion hour with great vim. Plan Boxing Program An ideal spot has been selected for a boxing arena; it is large notfgh to seat many outsiders as well as the boys in the camp. Ar rangements are being made for a special boxing program on July 4. Waynesville has an enthusiastic combatant who desires a . match with one of the camp pugilists. This will add greatly to the big Fourth of July Parade of Sports which we are planning. Captain Mcllwaine is in charge of athletics and all recreational activities at the camp. Besides ber ing a good spectator and. leader, he is a iooa participant in us sports himself and the bov.-. him fine. We are very proud of the fact that we have Mr.. Reed, formerly of "Asheville, as our project super visor. He is a man of ' ability and Inebriate Highlander Asks To Be Jailed Chief of Police Ed Rogers had r. mosl unusual coll Sunday iiiu'ht. Answering a knock on his door, he found a Highlands man quite evidently under the influence of liquor. "Listem, Ed," said the man between hies, "1 want you to lock me up for the night. ,1 al ways 'get in trouble when I'm di'L-nk and 1 want you to put me in jail right now before 1 dc something 1 shouldn't." The chief, always anxious to please, obligingly put the con scientious drunk in the cala boose, locked the door and left him there foi the night. Next morning the chief unlocked the dooi tnd the occupant thanked him, walked out, and went on his way. ART SCHOOL TO OPEN ON JULY 1 Max Bernd Cohen, Re nowned Artist, To Teach At Highlands $11,000,000 Available to State lor Highway Projects MEANS NEW JOBS Jef tress Estimates Pro gram Will Give Work To 10,000 is doing a tine job'Tn'recflnirihe I cuiisrTTJtton work to which he camp boys have been assigned. A The Franklin Garden Club, which sponsors the-annual- Macon -county flower show, has announced that the show this year will . be held sometime during the last week in July. The exact date Will be an nounced in The Press later. The sponsors of the show wish to stress the fact that anyone in Macon county who exhibits is el igible to any of the prizes and they lvope to have more entrains from all over, the county this year than they have had any preceding year. The- besrofTex,liibi.tTonswitli. -the prizes offered for --each -4s as follows : 1. Finest collection of dahlias, $1.50. - 2. Best delphiniums, $1. -(Continued on page six) - "LEGION COMMANDER DIES C. L. Bodenhamer. former na tional commander Vif the American legion, died in - a Shreveport, La., hospital. Monday, from burns sus tained in an oilfield gas explosion. Confederate Veterans and Widows Receive $5,000 Stuart and Mrs. J. Dale, Stentz .of Lake Junaluska, widow and daugh ter' respectively of the late Ih George R. Stuart. Both of thest ladies are well known to the people of Macon county and will be wel comed on this occasion. Special music A3 special feature of these meet ings will be the singing ot some special .music by the Sunshine Four, a rauartet composed of the children of Mr. Stentz, who directing the song services in the union revival meetings. Every man and woman, boy and girl in , the community is given a cordial in vitation and urged to be presen for these meetings, .Mr. rlanagan said. jtA- special -children s-- service-,- wa I held last Saturday morning in the Methodist church, and a similar Service will be held tm -next Satur day morning at 10 o'clock. Mr. Stentz will have charge of the sbhe service." which will be a - fea ture of the meeting; Dr. Bell will bring a special message for the children. The public is cordially invited.. . Meetings Well Attended Large congregations and' splen did interest . have marked these meetings. Capacity audiences have filled the church on several oc casions. 1 r. ttell is preaenmg the GospeFln al1bfitsTsimplicily and power and hts mes sages -a re bei its received with interest and apprecia tion. The song services under the capable direction of Mr. . Stentz 'are proving to be an' enjoyable feature of the meetings. The revival will continue through Sunday evening, June 25, with morning services at 10 o'clock' and evening services at 8 o clock. comfortable house has been erected on the camp hill, where Mr. Reed win live Building Cabin Near Mr. Reed's quarters a large log cabin, to be -used- as .officers' tpi arters,-4s -xm 1 er -constr u c t io rtr-A u other addition to the camp is a flag pole,' a long straight timber carefully selected by our foresters. This will be erected as soon as a flag is procured. It - will surely add a touch of national spirit. We are looking forward to hav ing the people ot rranklin join our big Fourth of July sports cele bration. The public will be invited and we expect to have a large crowd of spectators and an eyefull of fun and fighting. A more de tailed announcement of the pro gram will be made in next week's The $11,(KHI,000 road building pro urani soon to be undertaken in North Carolina with federal funds made available by the industrial recovery act will furnish jobs to approximate)' 10,000 men, according to an estimate announced at Ral eigh by E. B. Jeffress, state high way chairman. The first letting of contract's under this program will probably take place, early in July, Mr. Jef fress stated. Hope Revived for 288 Announcement of this "extensive"-" road construction program has re vived hope here for relocation and surfacing of highway No. 286 from Franklin to Bryson City. The highway commission had this pro ject in mind two years ago, but was unable to start work on it for lack of funds. Now that the state has such a large sum at its disposal, it is telt that prospects .are cood for an early undertaking Another addition has Deen ma.te ,of tnis j0b Local business men to the cosmopolitan group lounu already are planning to push action in Iliihiands each summer. To on this route, one of the most im the scientists, the golfers, and tin-pleasure-seekers an. artists' group has been added. . The director of the Summer Art C ..U .- r. Awictc r r.lrtn ii-tll(-tl A 111 Uleil JU1Y , uvmxi . . , , . , . i ' 1 J ..... I iinrfnr nrAvieinnc c Ihp inrllictnal vii i"- , . 4J . ,r;:...i: c.i I r i-. . rccuvny -i aic uaifciicu wu, linUlulK .it u i Ul m l, ttiiivivu uu ,, . . t r f i 'J-,1','t. ' 1 1 T.rt 'thai psfAint IffFmce efllrf , . ..j.... ne -Will -tall -a-iiiccunu-ui iuc-ihku Professor Cohen, since the found- r . -. tiik -l .... U.. f tlr. andDublicworks commission to portant approaches to the Great Smoky Mountains national park. Regulations for expenditure of the new road funds $9,500,000 of which will be available as a direct tutt r:r: C.V.I An a 1 in: iviui:iiiit: .jtuuui .nii. . . . , . , .ra ,i u-- ..c ciirftctfir htfl.hlcrhu;3V iiKTsIItiiijRTftanf ' :hn'litences in tht advancement of art in the South Studied . In l'rofessor Cohen. Europe atter receiyim.' his A. B. and I..L. B. degrees from Columbia University, spent six years in Europe studying at the leading" art schools - and - traveling extensively. Fefore his refufn America he exhibited his paintings in the leading galleries of Pans where thev were enthusiastically received and on invitation of the Spanish government exhibited Snanish landscapes, portraits, and compositions in The National Mu scum of Modern -Art, Madrid. On his return to America, Pro- fescnr Cohen exhibited at the Du attend and begin acquainting them selves with the work of the -de partment they will direct after this month: " "" ... " "r In addition to the federal grant. there is $?00,0(X) of emergency fed eral aid funds which have mot been spent - in -the ..highway IT. program "Z"., launched last summer, while the remaining $1,000,000 is regular fed eral aid now available to this state but heretofore withheld because North Carolina was unable tot match the sum with a like amount. Surveys Under Way Completed surveys now in the highway department cover approx imately 500 miles of construction projects, some of which, Jeffress " All engineering r and construction work at the camp is under the di reel ion of " Lieu tenant Plckell, of the reserves, who comes from Co lumbia, S. C. He is a graduate, of the Citadel at Charleston and also of the University of South Caro lina at Columbia. . . The Franklin Rotary club held its regular weekly meeting Wed nesday noon in the camp mess hall and the Rotarians had an oppor tunity to get a glimpse of camp life at first hand. They were en tertained with several musical se lections by the camp boys. KIDNAPED BREWER RETURNED ' William Hamm 39,- rich St. Paul, Minn., brewer, was released by kid nnners on Monday aftei- a ransom State .pension checks, totalling nearly $5,000, for veterans of . the Confederate army and their wid ows, both of Class A and Class B, were received here last week and distributed by the clerk of superior court, Frank 1. Murray. There are ten living Confederate veterans in Macon county each of whom receives a check for $182.50 every six monins. liiey are: jonn """" " ' " A ..." t J T . 1 . T 01- I.U T had been paid. A fund of $50,000 .V" w r if c w has been subscribed for the W. of the kidnapers.' Pickles.mer, , Sam Ramsey, T. W. Rhodes, William E. Roper and A. M. ShoiU'. Two have died within ihe po-st six months. They were i J, If. Deweese a,nd William Greg ory. The Class A widows, . each of whom receives a check for $150.00 every six months., are: Mrs.. S. L, Cunningham, Mrs. S. J. Dowdle, Mrs. Mary Katherinc Downs, Mrs Eliza Kelly, Mrs. Sallie Passtnore, Mrs. H. E. Satvlers and Mrs. Sallie Tippett. . There are 37 Class B. W'ilows who recitivc $50 each every six, months. 1 n..l .,n,:,. Vrvrl- rilllfl IL l 1 Miiuil lea i Min. t v., . . -1 , . i T' and soon afterwards was invited C ".t " to head the fresco department of I : , . l.t. . t i i -mki . p;rri;., A "c ' people mieresiea in tic Tnhii and Mab e - Kinglincl r. r ..!...' .t r:.. .,t:,t nn ways and prospective roads may ' , . '..,-, ' .;j,il rest assured that manv of the pro- whcrc ihis year he--wasappointed --z::,z:xZ'::JTrzr-Z1': , , ... ,.-i.. :... ulJc.i diicauv sunryru uir im ne;i( unaster, in . wmc i t.i win mi- . , ----- , ,- ,i i . :i i:; course of development of III! I I II U till MilllllMIL, III oi, ... (lrawingr and gave" lectures " in art appreciation. This spring, in open competition. Professor Cohen was selected to naint one of the murals to be the course ot development ot the plansLJeffress-said ."Other work will be taken up in an orderly way and attention will be given to the- needs of the-various commun ities." v. ti n ennnnn .n.-.: XT i i i it. r-i iv 'u i I i"c a?.juu,uuu diiuLdiioii lu rvuriii p aced in the Florida building erect- . Y . ' . , , . . '.i - .u n,;mm rnt. nf .Carolina is figured on a basis of I'll ,11 int. V v-viiiwi " I 1 -J 'I- - On rf hisl ' t,uln"'lllJ11 u rouu luucagr. FINCH ON INDUSTRY BOARD Austin Finch, Thomasville indus trialist, has been appointed a mem ber of the national industrial ad visory board to work in connection with the industrial irecovery 'pro ago Progress exposition. landscapes was chosen to repre sent Florida in the all-state land scape exhibition, held under the ."insniccs of the John Heron Art Institute, Indianapolis. Knows Carolina Mountains For two summers Professor Co- hiiTiTis painted -hi the-rrimmtams of North (leorgia' and 'North 'Caro lina. He knows the country and its people. ihe beauty ot the countryside makes Highlands most inviting to those- who wish to do creative work. Escaped Convict If Captured 7ero Webb, who. escaped from the convict camp near Andrews .Thursday, June 8, was captured last Thursday near the Georgia state line by Sheriff Bob, Long, of (Clay county, and Deputy Sheriff John Dills, of Macon county. Webb, who received 18 months on a larceny count, has several months yet to serve on his sen tence. After the capture he was returned to the camp in. Cherokee county. Rev. and Mrs. Griffith Visiting Franklin Tne many friends of the Rev. and Mrs. John H. Griffith,, of Bris tol, Va are glad to welcome them again in Franklin, ' where they are spending a few weeks at Tiverside with Mrs. W. H. Sellars As Archdeacon "of the Episcopal church in . Wrestcrn North Carolina, .wi. uriiuui was ui one nine hi charge of St. Agnes church. Since leaving North Carolina he has serv ed important parishes in Norfolk, Roanoke and Bristol, Va. Mrs. Griffith was' Miss Daisy Davies, of Cullowhee before her marriage. Mr. Griffith will officiate at the Church of the Incarnation, Highlands, at the ll o'clock service on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Potts eel- P.. Kickman, John Kicktnan, jr., ebrated tneir goiuen wedding an- i-red Kickman, Air. and Airs. bloaii i--, c:-: i,.,rarv at their home in East L:,...;. m.. ' r... r:, Orphanage Ringing ... I INlLKllKlll, .til. clllU -MIS. IWJ JIU "I ft ft .... tr. i r. t.. t V'W vuiuuik soi, .til. ci in .t i i ? , uc ions aim i rp. r e .t r l. I X lit. VAIBJUl WI II.IIIIIV ni..K,llf taniuy, Air., ami ,Airs. tsaxter .asik class win appear in Franklin Mon day evening, July 10, at 8 o'clock, with a program ' being, nresented in the courthouse. The class program is being sponsored by Junaluskee Lodge No. 145. and the Franklin Order of the Eastern Star. Franklin Couple Celebrates 50th Wedding Anniversary Franklin Sunday A large table was placed under the trees on the lawn with a va riety of delicious food. Those pres- and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence cut included : '.''. .i Potts and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Potts, Mrs.! Arvill Swafford and family, Rev. Ivalee Allen, Mrs. Kirt Sanders, , Eugene R, Eller, Mf. and Mrs. Mr. and." Mrs ajmes R. Morrison, j Charlie Potts and family, Paul Mr.' and Mrs. B., J. Collins, John Pultsi and Claude Calloway.