1 i) MmlM t 1 1 M (A Only dj) More SHOPPING DAYS Until CHRISTMAS f-. A Brief Survey of Cur rent Events in State, Nation and Abroad the Facts Boiled Down to a Few Pithy Lines. unit ( lfp fjinhtetthfl larnmatt PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. XLVI1I, NO. 50 FRANKLIN. N. C, THURSDAY, DEC, 14, 1933 $L51 PER YEAR r. PJEEK SEEKS FOREIGN MARKETS In a major federal administra tive change, George N. Peek has retired from his post as farm ad ministrator to head a division seek ing foreign markets for farm com modities and empowered to entei agreement for exchange of for eign goods for such commodities. CWA JOBS FOR WHITE COLLARED , The civil works administra. tion will give Jobs to 17,724 un employed 'white-collar workers to prosecute economic studies in the departments of labor and agriculture. North Carolinians will get 523 of the jobs. IS GIVEN DEATH SENTENCE At Waynesville on Monday, James Sheffield, 50, was convicted of the .August 8 murder of James Miller, and now faces electrocution. On the same day four other men went on trial for the murder of Thomas Price, New York millionaire shot down on' a riding trail of his big estate. ..' .-. HUGE CASH SUMS - TO FARMS 7 r Under the agricultural ad justment act cash payments of $115,032,938 have been sent to farmers in return for acreage reduction agreements. MILLIONS OF EGGS FOR HUNGRY The federal emergency relief ad ministration is buying . 12,000,000 dozens of eggs for distribution to the unemployed. Salt pork, beans, canned beef and mutton are like wise being distributed. 1 LEAS LOSE COURT FIGHT Lj&ke Lea and his son lost Knottier court battle on Satur day when the Tennessee Su preme court held "that the two - should he turned over to North Carolina to serve terms impos- ; ed at Asheville for , aiding in the wrecking - of the Central Bank. They appealed ;' to the " U. S. Supreme court. $4,000,000 FOR PARK ROAD The public works .administration last week allotted $4,000,000 as the ' first advance on the $16,000,000 project of building a 450-mile sky line drive connecting the Shenan doah anfl Great . Smoky national parks. - Albert Ramsey Reported Improving Albert Ramsey, who under went an operation for appen dicitis at Angel Brothers' hoi- . pital last Friday morning, was reported today to be greatly improved. Mr. Ramsey's con dition was regarded as ex tremely critical the first few days of the week 'and for m 'while his life was despaired of, but he iwllied strength and "Thursday he was sakl to be on the road to recovery. - I iseain viaims S. E. Eaton V Mother Mrsi Eaton, the mother of S. E. Eaton, died in Miami, , Fla., on Wednesday, Dec. 6, ' in her. 95th year. Six sons and daughters; sur vive her. With keen mind arid great charm of personality Mrs. Eaton remained in good health un til a few day? before her death. With her daughter, Miss Eaton, was a frequent summer visitor at her son's home tn Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Glen DeHart, an nounce the birth of a daughter on Friday, December 8, at their home on Iotla, ,' i TELEGRAM NORTH POLE DEC. 14, 1933 To The Press-Maconian, ' Franklin, N. C. J Please put ia notice in .your paper that I will be in Fran klin Saturday, December 16, and want all the little hoys and girls in the county to come' to see me , and tell me what ttiey want for Christmas. ' I will be there lall day Saturday and will make my headquarters at San ders' Store. I'll have lot of sample toys to show them; They can choose what 'they want. Then, when I go back to my workshop at the North Pole I'll know what to put in my bag before return to Mwoom county Christmas eve. Now, don't for get, tell all the boys land girls: to come to see Old Santa. (Signed) , SANTA CLAUS- TOFF aFSD PEOPLE HAPPY AT HIGHLANDS Project Is Expected To Improve Tourist Business WILL COST $84,000 Forestry Service To Pay Half and Georgia Half Highlands people were happy Thursday over news from ' Atlanta that the Georgia Highway commis sion had approved plans for pav ing the Georgia link of the Tri State road, the main artery of travel toward the mountain resort from the south. The North Carolina section of the road is already surfaced with loose gravel and the section from the Georgia line to Walhalla, S. C, is paved. The Georgia link, covering a distance of eight and a half miles, has long been a thorn in the flesh for Highlands, be- cause it has Deen an almost con- tinuai mua noie aetiecung con-' siderable tourist traffic from the town. Georgia Pays Half According to reports in High lands Thursday morning, the Geor gia commission had agreed to pay half the expenses of grading and paving the "missing link" and the United States Forestry Service had agreed to pay the other half. Much of the road runs through the Nan tahala .National Forest. - V To Cost $84,000 The project, it is estimated, will cost approximately . $84,000. It was reported that work on the road would start immediately. Completion of surfacing the Georgia stretch of the Tri-State highway is 'expected to have, the effect of . increasing Highland's summer tourist business, as it will make it more easily accessible to people living in South Carolina and some sections of Georgia. Services Sunday at St. Agnes Church. The Rev. H. L. Granger, of Can ton, will conduct the evening pray er service and preach at St. Agnes' Episcopal church at 7:30 o'clock Sunday night. There will be no morning service, but Sunday school will be held at the-usual hourrlO a. m. . Box Supper To Be Given at Cowee School There will be a box supper at the Cowee school house Friday night at 7:30 o'clock, the proceeds to go for the benefit of the Cowee basketball team. Music will be furnished by a string band. The public, especially members of- the Civilian Conservation camps, are invited to attend. REPEAL REMOVES TAX BURDEN Tax revenues on legalized liquor will free the nation of a $350,000,000 special tax burden, the treasury estimates. , Estimated benefits to North Carolinians total $3,364,967. Jobs Created by C. W A. For White Collar Workers John W, Edwards, manager of1 the Franklin office of the national reemployment service, returned to Franklin from a conference of re employment officials in Asheville Wednesday night with news that white-collared men and women without jobs would get a chance to go to wrk under the C. W. A. program, V Announcement, he said, has been received from JWashington that 423 nnemnloved oien and women in North Caroliii would be employed in census wonk. , The census workers, Mr. Ed wards said, would be recruited through the feemployment offices. Hp iircred all men and Women in the county with clerical training or Franklin Named District Farm Credit Headquarters Loans for the production of , gen eral agricultural crops, livestock or poultry breeding or raising will be available to Noth Carolina farmers within the next few weeks, according- to President Ernest Graham of the Production Credit Corpora tion of Columbia. Franklin has been designated as headquarters for a production credit association to serve the extreme western coun ties of the state. "Due to the hearty cooperation of extension forces, county agents and county officials" said Presi dent Graham, "we are making rapid strides in the organization of local production credit associations. Our present plan calls for approxi mately 30 such associations to sup ply the credit needs of . North Carolina farmers for production purposes." Production credit associations will take the place of the Regional Agricultural Credit Corporations and as they will handle loans for production purposes, no feed or seed ,oans win be ayailable b 1934 AUDITORIUM IS BEING ERECTED New Building for. Town of Highlands Under Construction Twenty-one men were started to work here Monday on the building of an auditorium ""connection s with Highlands school under the C. W. ' A. program. H. 1. Gaines, architect, of Asheville is making detailed plans for the building, which is to be 46 by 79 feet and is expected to seat an audience of 350. . The amount of money secured from the C. W. A. for the pr ject is approximately $5,800; other aid in making the project possible was given as follows : U. S. Forestry Service, chestnut and white pine for lumber; pro ceeds from moving pictures held in school house last summer, $100; land upon which building is to be erected, Town of "Highlands. "The boaid of commissioners of the town -agreed that in event the Joan from C. ,W. A. be secured for the building of - the - auditorium, they would deed-to the state or federal authorities land from the eastern portion . of the town's property known as the Barak Wright lot, which lies just west of the school building. The building is expected to be completed by March 1. Principal O. F. Summer, who has spent much time, and effort in bringing about the approval of the work by C. W. A., is giving his time as an advisor. He states that the build ing will be used for moving pic tures, school exercises, public meet ings and for affairs of various or ganizations.V other qualifications for this kind of work, but who are" without, jobs, to register immediately. The larg er registration of unemployed a county has, it was pointed out, the jiiore likely it is to receive a large apportionment of jobs. Five important census projects are to be undertaken. They are a census of business, real property inventory, analysis of real estate taxation, index of business concerns and completion of certain analyses in connection with, the- 1930 cen sus. . '...," '',' The work is scheduled to eet un der way within the next few days and the field work is expected to be completed by the middle of February. i FOR Local associations will be owned, controlled and managed by bona fide farmers, all of whom must be borrowers in order to be eligible for membership. Associations will be directed by a board of 5, 7 or 9 members chosen by the borrow ers. Executive officers, field- rep resentatives and a secretary-treasurer will be elected by the board. The secretary-teasurer is the only person connected with the or ganigation who does not have to be a borrower. - - "The local association will pass on members' notes and endorse them for discount with the Intermediate Credit Bank of Columbia. At pres ent borrowers from local associa tions will obtain their loans at an interest rate of 6 per cent. - Loans will be made for three to twelve months in most instances; how ever, livestock loans may" run the maximum of three years. The Production Credit Corpora- tion of Columbia will act in a su- pervisory capacity to insure the most efficient operation of local lullitSi Form Union Labor Group Organized In Franklin An enrollment of 500" members is expected by officials .of the newly J organized Macon County union of the American Federation of Labor. The union was organized at a meeting in Odd Fellows hall Fri day night, December 1, with an original enrollment of 31 members. The union plans to meet each Fri day night and, upon the receipt of membership s orms,1 f plans to wage a drive for new members. - Officers elected at the organiza tion meeting were: Jack Stribling, president; Gordon Moore, vice president; George Mc Gee, financial secretary; John W. Edwards, secretary; George Stall- cup, guide ' and guardian; Harry Higgins, treasurer ; Gene Jacobs, Thomas Johnson and Joe Setzer, trustees. W. B. Plemmons, of Asheville, vice president of the North Caro lina federation of labor, was the principal speaker at the meeting. He said 832 new locals had been organized since July 16. Hit by Auto Mrs. Greenwood in Hos pital at Greenville Mrs. Octa Kelly Greenwood is in a hospital in Greenville, S. C, suffering from a crushed knee, a broken leg and severe lacerations about the head as the result of an automobile accident last week. Mrs. Greenwood, who spends much of her time in Franklin, was re ported to have been struck by an automobile while she was crossing a street. Plans Being Completed For Christmas Tree Plans are being completed for the Community Christmas tree for the children of Franklin which will be held at the courthouse on Sati urday evening, Dec. 23. At the meeting on Friday at the Methodist church, stockings will be filled, each church contributing a share of the fruits and candies. . - U- Rev. N. C. Duncan Taken To Charlotte Hospital The Rev. Norvin C. Duncan, who has been convalescing at his home for the past few months, has re covered sufficiently to retarn to St. Peter's hospital, Charlotte, for further treatment. Mr. Duncan, rector of St. Agnes Episcopal church, Franklin, was taken to Charlotte last Friday. He was reported to have stood the trip well and encouraging reports have been received of his condi tion. SLOAN SUBMITS ANNUAL REPORT Says It's Possible for Farmer To Earn a Good Profit CATTLE IMPROVED Records Show County Agent's Work Saved Farmers $1,645 The conclusion that it is pos sible to earn a fair income on Macon county farms, despite the low prices of the. past year for agricultural 'products, is voiced by F. S. Sloan, county farm demonstration-agent, in his annual report, a copy of which was submitted this week to the county nommis- sioners. Mr. Sloan reported ' that the total volume of sales and purchases made by farmers- through him amounted to $5,949 during the past year and represented an actual saving to them of $1,645. "The outlook for 1934, he re ported, "is that county agent work will be called for more and be of greater service to a larger number of farmers than it has this year. This statement is based upon the greatest trend in agricultural ac tivities, the economic conditions and the necessary changes to be made byfnany farmers in order tnat-tney can produce at marKei prices and still have an - income for their needs. ' Stock: Improved : One of the highlights of : the re port was the statement that 31 p u r ebred s ire s jin d 22 purebred f e -male cattle had been placed in the county during Jhe vear'a strong indication of the trend of Macon county farmers toward bet ter" livestock. :" The most significant statement of the whole report is : "The figures on farm incomes, even as low as agricultural prod ucts have been, show that with proper management and a system of balanced farming, farmers can realize a good profit above actual cost of production, anl also that some projects give better ' cash re turns than others on, the same farm." Earn $971.71 Bountiful evidence that farm profits are possible is supplied in therxeportbyrthe-citation of-spe cific cases, the most outstanding of which is that of C. W. Henderson, of Gneiss, whose accurately kept books showed net profits and labor returns forl 1 montlisqf $971.77, besides farm produce used in his home. The; report also stated that Mrs. A. S.'Holt of Highlands had real ized a net profit of $373.35 from one acre of Reed Strain cabbage. J. P. Burnett, of Scaly, made $225 clear off of an acre of the same cabbage, while Roy Cloud, of the same section, reported a profit and labor return of $18&61 off of one acre of cabbages. Mr. Henderson reported a net return of $165.49 off of two acres of six-year-old apple trees. (Continued on page eight) Deputy's Home and Barn Burned Charlie Jones, special deputy I sheriff, raided a still on the upper! reaches of Walnut Creek Tuesday i afternoon and captured a 20-gallpn boiler in operation. .Wednesday morning about 2 o'clock Special Deputy Jones, who lives about a mile and a half be low the point where he captured the still, was awakened to find a tenant house and barn on his farm were all ablaze. Both burned, to the ground. The tenant house was vacant, but the barn contained a large quantity of hay and feed. : Bloodhounds were brought from Clayton later in the day and, al though they did not lead officers to a suspected culprit, they held a scent long enough to convince them L1ROAD Operation As Long Meets ZICKGRAF NOT DISCOURAGED Construction of Lumber Mill not Halted by I. C. C. Order Construction of a band mill here by the Zickgraf-Warren Lumber company is proceeding in the face, of the Interstate Commerce Com mission's granting of authority for abandonment of the Tallulah Falls railway. W. C. Zickgraf, senior partner of the company, told The Press-'. Maconian he ' was not greatly dis couraged by news of the 1. C. C.'s action. He was fully aware of. the railroad's situation before he be gan construction of the mill last week, he said, expressing confi dence that some means of con tinuing operation of the line could be found. When the mill is completed and begins turning out - lumber it -will increase the railroad's business con siderably, for the plant will have a capacity output of 25,(XX) to 30, 000 board feet a day. Officials of the Tallulah Falls line have '"prom ised to construct ' a "spur track to the 'mi UTToc a t c" iPoiTl h eFS(hTTi?a r the plant of the Franklin Mineral Products company. ! Mrs. N. C. Duncan's Mother Dies Mrs. Maggie' Butt, 77, mother of Mrs. N. C. Duncan, of Franklin, died Tuesday, December 12, at her old home in Winterville, N. C, af ter an illness of several months. The ' funeral will be held in St. John's Church of that place on Thursday , afternoon. , s, Surviving her are her children, 1. H. Butt, of Asheville; W. H. Butt, of Cuba; Mrs. N. C. Duncan, of Franklin, and Miss Vida Butt, of Asheville, and six grandchildren. Mrs. Butt has been a frequent visitor in Franklin at the home of Rev. and Mrs. N. C. Duncan. A woman of rare spirit as well as intellectual attainment, the greater part - of - her - life was spent as a teache'r in public schools and in mission schools of this state. Attend District Reemployment Meeting A district meeting of the man agers, staffs and committeeman of the National Reemployment Ser vice of Western North Carolina was held in the courthouse in Asheville Wednesday night' at 8 o'clock. Those attending from Macon county were: . Miss Mildred Cozad, Mr. and Mrs. John W. W. Edwards, W. G. Stewart and Rufus Snyder. ' after Still Raid that the fires were incendiary. No arrest had been made Thurs day noon, but officers ' were still working on the case. Jones was accompanied on the raid Tuesday afternoon by 'Mel Houston, ihey surprised a man operating the still and gave him chase, but were unable to over take him. A- "watcher" is believed to have been near the still and to have warned the 'shiner in time to get a start on the raiders. OVER-SUBSCRIBE HUGE LOAN The treasury's offering of $950, 000,000 in 2 1-4 per cent notes, opened last week, was at once over-subscribed with requests made in amount , of around $3,000,000,000. Likely as Line Expenses I. C. C. Order Permitting Abandonment Is Not Regarded Final traffic Improving Houk and Gray Going to Washington; May Seek Loan Despite the r uance of an order by the Interstate Commerce Com mission, authorizing the receiver of the Tallulah Falls Railway com pany to abandon the line, operation of the 57-mile railroad from Cor nelia to Franklin is expected to continue as long as it can meet expenses, Formal notice of authority for the receiver to abandon the line was received here last Saturday, although the I. C. C. decision was , dated November 28. . Accompany ing the decision was a certificate of convenience and necessity, stat ing: . . , ' ..." "It is hereby certified that the present and future public con venience and -.necessity .permit- (a) the Tallulah Falls Railway com- ; pany to abandon its entire line of rail roadin -Habersh am and -Rabun counties, Tieorgia, and Macon coun ty, North Carolinardescribed in the application and report " aforesaid; afldbJ.f"GTayv1heTeceiver of the properties of the Tallulah' Falls - Rail way -company, - to- aban- t don operation thereof. ( - J'lt is ordered that this certificate shall take effect and be in force from and after 30 days from its date. Tariffs may be cancelled upon notice to this commission and to the general public by not lass than 10 days' filing and posting in the manner prescribed in section 6 of the interstate commerce act." , . Receiver Encouraged The receiver, it is understood, has been greatly encouraged by the increase in traffic shown over the "T. F." since he filed his ap-, plication last February for' author ity to abandon the line. He now is reported to beof the opinion that there is strong hope for con tinued operation. Before - any definite - action -can be taken toward abandonment, the case-will have to be heard before Judge Underwood of - theUnited -States Court of the Northern Dis trict of Georgia, who has final jurisdiction in the matter in view of the fact . that the railroad is in receivership. Judge Underwood is said to have expressed in informal decision some months ago that he would not be inclined to permit aban donment as long as the railroad could pay its own way. Paying Its Way This it has been doing since ear ly in the summer, according, to Figures announced by officials of the line at Cornelia. H. L. Brew er, auditor and assistant to the ' receiver, who was in Franklin last Friday, the day before the I. C. C. (Continued on page 'eight) NOTICE The Press-Maconian will print all JtheiSants-jCus -letters for which . it has space in next week's issue. All the little boys and girls, in the county are asked to send in their Santa Claus letters as soon as pos sible. To get them in the paper before Christmas we will have to receive them not later than Monday of next week. Santa Claus is a busy man this year and he has asked that all let ters be made short. The Press-Maconian will car ry a special Santa Claus letter page next .week, so don't fail to get a copy of the paper. If your daddy doesn't take the paper, tell him to send in his subscription immediately. 'A

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