THE FRANXUN PRESS J 1HE HIGHLANDS MACCNIAN PACE TIHvEI )"-J! :.L ACTIVITIES CQr.IiilGS AND GOINGS SHOWER GIYEN BRIDES OF DOUBLE WEDDING A very pretty affair- was the surprise double miscelleanous show er given last Friday by Miss hzella Hurst at the home of Mrs A. B. Slagle, honoring Mrs. Jesse shope and Mrs. Lake Shope, re cent brides . at a double weddine Approximately 100 ' friends were present and the honorees were presented many, lovely and useful girts The hostess served dainty re freshments. BIBLE CLASS MEETS The F. S. Johnston Bible class held its regular monthly business and social meeting last Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. E. Furr, with about 16 members oresent. After the business was dispensed with, -a contest was given with Mrs. Zeb Conley winning the prize. i ' . A social hour was enjoyed while the hostesses, Mrs. W. A. Rogers, Mrs. H. O. Cozad, Mrs: Furr and Miss Margaret Cozad served angel food cake and coffee. BRIDE GIVEN SHOWER ; Mrs. M. C. Grasty and daughter, .Miss Helen Grasty, were hostesses Monday afternoon, honoring Mrs. Hiawatha Belk, a recent bride, ti -i . a. vviiu a iiiisicucauvus Miuwcr at their . home on White Oak street; About 25 friends called, during the evening and Mrs. Belk was the recipient of many lovely gifts. The hostesses served -delicious wafers and punch. TO GIVE DANCE Mrs. W. N. Sloan will give a dance for the younger set at her home; on Sloan hill Thursday evening. Albert Ramsey, who recently un derwent an' operation ' for the re moval of his i appendix at . Angel Brothers' hospital, and has been critically ill, is reported to be greatly improved this week. Mrs. W. M. Allman fia return ed to her home here, after spend ing a week with Mrs. J. Lamb Johnston in Gainesville, Ga. V Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Higdon and two children, and Mrs. Alice Mrs. -Ham Rrvsrni Hanahtpr cif Mrs. Childers, at her home near Svlva. Miss Nina bray Lues, who is at tending Mars Hill college; spent the week-end here the eiiest of Miss Mary Bryant. Miss Liles is the sister of Granville Liles, a member "of "the " civilian conserva-" uwii ii vamp J.' -7, ileal lien. Miss i Liles- left for her ' home at Peachland Wednesday accompanied by Miss Bryant, who will be her guest during the Christmas holi days. William S. Johnson, who has been attending Carnegie Institute of Technology at Pittsburgh, Pa., arrived in Franklin Monday to spend the Christmas holidays with his mother, Mrs. J. W. Cantey Johnson. Miss : Mary Louise Slagle, who is attending Berea College, at Be rea, Ky., will spend the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Carl Slagle, at their home on vanoogecnaye. y . ... i Miss Marie Palmer, Miss Eliza beth Dawdle, Miss Florence Stal - cup -.andMiss Margaret Franks, who are at Greensboro attending ... rfTAnJh Make the Home Bright for Christmas With an ALADDIN LAMP NANTAHALA PO WER LIGHT CO. North Carolina College for Wom en, arrived here Wednesday to vspend the holidays with their re spective parents. Mrs. Zeb Summer, of Canton, came over Tuesday for a visit with her brother, Derald Ashe, arid other relatives and friends. Norman and Dovle Blaine. Wil liam and Neville Sloan, Jr., who are in school at Chapel Hill, ar rived here . Monday for the holi days. . Miss Laura DalrvmDle. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dalrymple, ot , Lartoogechaye, who is working in Rakygh, is here for a visit with her' parents. Mrs. Frank I. Murray spent sev eral days the past week in Ashe ville visiting her niece. Mrs. Frank Holbrooks, who has been serious ly ..ill. Mrs. Holbrooks is thfe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dalton. of West's Mill. She i reported to be improving. Mrs. Zeb Morns and daughter, Ruth; Robert Hyatt and Elbert Welch, of Bryson Citv. scent the week-end at "Woodhurst Farm," the guests of Miss Nettie Hurst. Miss Evelvn Gibson, who is t tending the, University of Georgia, at Athens, Ga., came home Tues day to spend the Christmas holi days here with her mother. Mrs. Lelia Gibson. Mrs. Howard Valentine and son. Howard, Jr. : Mrs.'"T. S. Porter and son, Charles; Mrs. Robert Cunningham and daughter, Kate, spent, one day the oast week in Asheville shopping. Mrs. Alice Childers recently spent the day with friends in Atlanta. Theodore Holbrooks. who is working in Washington. D. C. is spending several days visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hol brooks, at West's Mill. Miss Stella. McCov and Miss Lolita Dean, of Burnintrtown. were in Asheville Saturday shopping. lhey were accompanied on then return by Ralph Dean, who has been attending Mars Hill College. Miss Elizabeth McGuire, who is attending Flora McDonald college at Red Springs, N. C, arrived here Friday to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. w. B. McGuire. Rev.. J - A. - Flanagan -and - Dick Slagle spent Tuesday in Asheville on business. TJW Porter and T. A. Porter were" called to Andrews Tuesday on account of the serious illness of their brother, Jess Porter. Rev. Eugene R. Eller and Hor ner Stockton spent Monday of this week in Asheville on business. Hugh Johnston and Bobbv Sloan will arrive here "Thursday from Christ School, Arden, to spend the Christmas holidays at home. Mrs. George H. Bidwell, who has been in Springfjeld, Masl, for several months, is expected to ar rive here Thursday for a visit with her daughter. Mrs. Neville Sloan. : Mrs. T. W. Angel left Mon day for East Spencer, where, she was called to be with her daugh ter, Mrs. W. B. Kesler, during th sickness of Mrs. Kesler's son, who has scarlet fever. Mrs. John Joines, Mrs. C. D. Baird and Mrs. Charles Perry spent Tuesday - of this week in Asheville shopping. Mrs. A. R. Todd and daughter, Mary Rose,Jeft. Sunday for Ashe ville to spend a few days with They Offer a Mc$tc Touch of Beauty A TABLE LAMP OF JUST RIGHT SIZE FOR ANY NEED OFASHIGH QUALITY OR AS PRICE AS MAY BE REQUIRED TO SUIT ANY TASTE OR POCKETBOOK. andiw A3 ' Mrs. Todd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Roberts. Mrs. T. B. Shepherd returned to her home here Saturday, after spending several months in Arkansas. SUNDAY DINNER SUGGESTIONS BY ANN PAGE ERRY CHRISTMAS! May Vi you have a generous share of the good things of the world at this season and the companionship of those you love. The markets are stocked with everything edible that either San taCJaus or the family marketer could wish, turkeys at low prices, ducks, geese, capons and roasting chickens for poultry . lovers, fresh and smoked hams for those who prefer them and beef, lamb or veal for Sunday's dinner. - The ' citrus fruits are plentiful, cheap and of fine quality and so are apples. There are California grapes for table centerpieces and cranberries for auce or cocktail. Fine celey is plentiful and you will want olives to serve with it. Lettuce is cheap and with Russian or plain salad dressing, if is the ideal dinner salad. You also may have almost any green vegetable that suits your fancy at a mod erate price. The Quaker Maid suggests two Sunday dinner menus and a Christ mas dinner menu as well. Low Cost Dinner Roast Pork or Pork Chops Browned Potatoes Mashed Rutabaga Turnips Bread and Butter Deep Apple Pie Tea or Coffee mJ"IZMilk Medium Coet Dinner Baked Ham Candied. Yams . Spinach with Onions Hearts of Lettuce Russian Dressing Bread and Butter Squash Cocoanut Tarts ' Coffee ' Milk Christmas Dinner Cranberry Juice Cocktail Celery Olives Salted Nuts Roast Turkey with Oyster Stuffing Gravy Mashed Yams Green Beans Grapefruit Salad French Dressing Rolls and Butter Plum Pudding Hard Sauce Coffee- CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for the kindness shown us during the illness and death of our father and husband. Mrs.JrH.MineejnmdFamily. D21-ltc (adv.) Baptist Church Notes BY REV. EUGENE R. ELLER Sunday school f 9 :45 a7 m. Morning worship : 11 a. m.; Pas tor's subject, "The Dawn of the New Day." Christmas music will be furnished by the choir. B. Y. P. U. will meet at 6:45 p. m. and evening worship will be at 7:45 p. m.; pastor's subject for the evening will be, "What Does Jesus Mean to You?" On the fifth Sunday morning the Sunday school teachers for the year will be installed and the pastor will preach on, "The Sunday- School - Teacher's Part in the Great " Commission of Jesus." At the evening service of the fifth Sunday all the general officers of the church and Sunday JschooLwiH be installed. THE AND LOW Sk if Cw.JI HUM FOOLISH FANCIES Of N. C. Gamp F-9 . Civilian Contervation Corps BY ROY L. GRIFFIN I HAPPENED to be sitting in a parked car on Main street of Franklin last week, when a very pretty young girl ran over to me and said, "Yes or no?" "Yes or no, what?" I answered, astonisheck : ' "Are you, or are you not the guy that writes Foolish Fancies?" she wanted to know. ....- Well,. I'm telling you, dear read ers, I didn't know what to say or do. I couldn't remember having written anything about her. In tact, l nad only seen her a tew on the street. I decided that the only thing to do was tell the truth, so. I says, "Yeah, I hap pen to be the guy." "Ck K.," she said, "1 just want ed to know." What a relief! I thought that I was gonna be stuck for a mo ment, but I came out of it with a smiling face, and a red one at that.. It was a surprise, though, to find out that anyone at all reads this column. A FEW years ago I attended a negro spiritual meeting, go ing for the sole purpose of finding out what it was all about. During the sermon, the old negro preacher said, "If there is anyone in the congregation who likes sin, let him stand up.". " When an old sister in the rear stood up, the parson said, "What, Sister Jones, do you like sin ?" "Oh, excuse me, parson," she jsaid, "L thought you said gin." The parson then preached on the evil of drink so vividly that the entire congregation staggered out !of the church. I can remember the time when my father was taking us kids through the park. As we were strolling past the zoo, I noticed my kid sister very intently eyeing the stork. As she walked away she whispered," Gee, daddy, he never recognized me." SIMPLE sayings of a simple ) sap- It takes a woman fifty years to reach her thirty-fifth birthday.... Statistics show - that - women - live longer than men paint is a good preserved. .. .When a man hears a lot of scandal, it goes in one ear and " out" the other. . . .When a woman hears it, it goesin both ears and out of her mouth. .. .Tired men1ike tdbe "Invited to l)low- outs.... There is no time like the pleasant.. .It -used to -be wine, women and song Now it is gin, janes and jazz.-. -.-.No - foolin'-- now, and bur gratitude"! or your pat ronage during the past year. With sincere good wishes for the year that is just ahead. LEACH BROTHERS We with to express our sincere appreciation for the good-will and patronage of our friends and customers during the past year. To one and all we wish a Merry, Merry Christmas and much happiness in the coming year. TROTTER'S I sincerely wisli you all a very, very Merry Christmas, and a bright and prosperous New Year. RELIGION In The Here and Now By Rev. Norvin C. Duncan E often speak of the om nipotence of God, as we think ot His ' .attributes. Without entering into any theological as pect of the attributes of God,-there is a suggestion which Christmas always makes, and that is the-helpfulness 6f God something v which He imposes upon Himself, of course; but viewed from our hu man side of life, it is helpfulness. The baby, in the cradle is help less. . He is in the hands of human beings, dependent upon their love' and care. He is in the world and finds no room in the Inn, but must lie in a cattle stall. Through out His earthly life He was in the hands of men. He never forced anybody to do anything. ' He wrought miracles that He might feed other?, but no miracle to feed Himself. Men did to Him what they listed. They rejected Him, they mocked Him, scourged Him, and hanged Him on a "tree, and He was as a lamb dumb before the shearers. And still that goes on. We proclaim the omnipotence of God, and then wonder why so many things go on in the world. Why do men still blaspheme,, and in their lives deny God? Why does sin go on, and evil never checked? Why pain, sorrow, trou bles, and tribulations?. Where is the omnipotence of God ? -The cradle is the answer. Love is in the cradle. Here is God's L ft fl Wishes May your Yuletide be joyous and the New .Year prosperous and happy.- New Star Market FRANK L. HENRY, JR., Proprietor I Ta, Y I V VIA expression, His revelation of Hyn self. God is love, and what can love do but appeal. Those tender baby hands are love's appeal to the world. Love can not fight, crush, kill, destroy. Love can sac rifice, and love can die, but love can win only by appeal. In the unity and completeness of God helplessness is a part of His omnipotence. (There is no power equal to the power of love. In the . end love conquers. The helplessness , of God on the cross made the "cross the power of Sal vation to mankind. , So, on this Christmas day, let us look in that cradle and sec, feel, and be .won by the power of divine love. Hands are outstretch ed; a baby s ; smile, a baby's need appeals to us. When men's eyes are opened to see love they al ways kneel, as did shepherds and wise men, to wonder and adore. Sanixi Joins YOU A n MUM - Pirnnu And a Happy New Year S & L FIVE AND TEN CENT STORE a. meffv 1 11 ' P .J SLOAN BROS. & CO. an mil nan, jw And May, the New Prosperity and Happiness PERRY'S DRUG STORE f rt ifvv 'J'HAICK you for the fine' patronage you have given - us- during 1933. In this season of good cheer! and com radeship, may the spirit of peace and good-will put to rout all your disap pointments and uncertainties of the past year. Again we say Merry Christmas and, extend our sincere prosperous New E. K. Cunningham 9 WETimN'l4 YOIT it 8, J Sanders' Store Us in Wishing U1KD1DI CKris - i m et and 'Mi fa Year Bring You o NorP'eV Y Mfittv in J ohi Sun- ( $er- C. A and pt after entc n(1 at t'gram. I this wishes for a happ'' Year. "The Shop of Quality" 7