Sbe franklin m MHOWMtl Mil A, WHMMH Rtli (ftp iglflmtdB Jfaamtan PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL - INDEPENDENT VOL. U NO. t FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, FEB. 2 1S35 $130 PER YEAR GOLD DECISION ALLAYS FEARS Atmosphere of Uneasiness Dispelled by Court Ruling WASHINGTON, Feb. (Spe cial) While Congress had a clear right to devalue the dollar in terms of gold, it had no right to revoke the promise of the Government to pay holders of "gold clause" bonds in gold or its equivalent. That is a summary of the unanimous opin ion of the Supreme Court of the United States in the so-called "gold clause" suits. But the majority opinion, from which Justices McReynolds, Van- devanter. Sutherland and Butler dissented, held that the claimants who had sued .for payment of gold bonds, interest coupons and gold certificates at the old gold value had suffered no damages because of the depreciation of the dollar and therefore could not recover. This decision has given the Ad ministration a clear field in which to operate in monetary matters, at kast for the time being. If later on through inflation of the cur rency or some other means, the value of the paper dollar shooh sink far below that of the gold dollar, a claimant holding gold clause bonds might be able to prove damages, bue he could only recover damages against the Gov ernment by suing in the Court of Claims, and nobody can sue the Government without the Govern ment's permission. In effect, therefore, Iht decision was a practical victory for the Ad ministration, though it was coupled with a rebuke to Congress It clears the way for the operation of the "managed currency", without fear of any further adverse Su preme Court action. More impor tant, from the Administration's point of view, it removes from the business world the fear that the devaluation of the dollar might be revoked, although that never was actually an issue before the Court. By assuring reasonable stability of the currency for the present, at least, the decision removes much of the ground for timidity on the part of private capital, and there is con siderable jubilance over the pros pects of a great deal of American money coming back from its ref- uees abroad, and out of its hiding places in this country, to take part contains 70.6 acres, which is divided in the rebuilding of our industrial, or classified as follows : financial and business structure. j Land from which crops are har That is the situation as seen vested, 11.6 acres; woodland not (Continued on Page Shi) Owens Resigns as Head Of Reemployment Office J. Grady Owens resigned this week as manager of the Franklin office of the National Reemploy ment Service, a position which he accepted several weeks ago succeed ing John W. Edwards, who was ap pointed a deputy United States marshal. Mr. Owens gave personal reasons as an explanation for his resignation. Miss Betty Yancey, who has been acting as a secretary to the re employment manager, is temporarily in charge of the office. No announcement has been made of a permanent successor to Mr. Owens. Young Democrats To Mee At Bryson City Young Democrats of the eleventh congressional district' will hold a meeting in Bryson City Satunday night to discuss plans for sending a large delegation from this dis trict to the Jackson Day dinner to be held in Raleigh during the spring. The meeting was called by John W. Edwards, district presi dent. A number of Young Demo- crats from this county ,are expected to attend. Lord's Acre Movement To Be Explained Sunday At Four Macon Churches The Rev. Dumont Clark, of Asheville, director of the Lord's Acre movement sponsored by the Farmers Federation, Inc., of Asheville, will speak at four church services in Macon coun ty Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Clark will dis cuss the Lord's Acre plan, and it is expected efforts will be made to put it into operation for the benefit of the churches of this county. Briefly, the plan is designed to help in the sup port of churches and their pas tors. Members of a congrega tion are asked to volunteer to give the crops from a definite piece of land for the benefit of the church, or to set aside for religious donations a certain percentage of their farm pro duce. Adoption of this plan has enabled many churches in An Agricultural Program For Macon County (This program for the improvement of farming conditions in Macon county was prepared at the re quest of the state-federal farm extension service.) BY F. S. SLOAN (Macon County Farm Agent) Macon county is located in the ranges in altitude from 2,000 to 6.000 feet. This is a significant factor because of the different soil types at different altitudes and al so the seasonal conditions. Be cause of this some sections produce crops that other sections can not grow profitably and this gives a certain amount of exchange of products within the county. There are 1847 farms in the county of which 1804 are operated by white persons and 1,230 by the individual owners with only 431 beintr ooerated by tenants. Some of these farms are partially operat ed by tenants, which makes approx imately 2,000 farm families, or 11, 600 persons, who depend upon the production of crops, livestock and forest products for their living. The average farm in the county used for pasture, 24.0 acres; wood land used for pasture, 12.7 acres; pasture land cleared, 22.3 acres. The use and average value of the 11.6 acres of crop land to the farm er is shown in the following table: Corn 6.4 acres; yield per acre, 18 bushels; total yield, 1152 bush els; total value, $02.16. Wheat .8 acres; yield per acre, 11 bushds ; total yield, 8.8 bushels; total value, $8.80. Rye .9 acres; yield per acre, 9 bushels; total yield, 8.1 bushels; total value, $8.10. Hay 14 acres; yield per acre, 1.1 tons: total yield, 1.5 tons; total value, $24. Potatoes .4 acres; yield per acre, 82 bushels; total yield, 32.8 bushels; total value, $13.12. Vegetables .5 acres; total value, $25. Other-rl.2 acres; total value, $18. Total crop acres, 11.6; total value, $189.18. Additional figures for the average farm in Macon county with regard to livestock distribution and pasture utilization are as follows: Horses and mules. .9 per farm. Cattle, 44 per farm. Hogs, 2.2 per farm. Sheen. .9 per farm. Chickens, 20.1 per farm. Total livestock per farm, 28.5. The average acres in pasture rtf mvred far one head of cattle or i sheep is 5.8. This is because of the other western North Carolina counties to pay off debts; to meet the salaries of ministers when hitherto they had been unable to do so, and to increase their church membership. Great er interest in church activities has been manifested in many places where the Lord's Acre plan has been tried out. Church es which hitherto depended on outside aid have, through this plan, become self-supporting. Mr. Dark will speak at Clark's Methodist church at 10 o'clock' Sunday morning; at Bethel Methodist church at 11:15 o'clock; at Snow Hill Methodist church at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon, and at the Iotla Methodist church at 3:45. He will be accompanied by the Rev. B. W. Lefler, pastor of the Franklin Methodist circuit. amount of woodland that is con sidered pasture and because the cleared pastures are not productive A study of the foegoinjc fjgureL shows thaf "IhWTsTany Tn ciRfvaTand is planning to leave Franklin tion that should be in pasture or forest and that some in pasture might need to be put into cultiva tion. This depends largely upon productivity, steepness and the mat ter of stumps or rock that would greatly handicap, cultivation. It al so shows that some form of read justment is necessary in order that farm families may continue to stay on the farm and produce their food and also receive a cash income with which to -buy necessities and pay taxes. At the present average production this can not be done because in the past their cash in come was derived from forest pro ducts and members of the family working for other men. By analyzing the conditions set forth in the above tables and para graphs it brings clearly to light the true condition of a large num ber of farmers in the county and shows that certain adjustments are necessary for the immediate wel fare of the present farm families and such increases as may be ex pected from year to year. Such adjustments are directly dependant upon, and limited by, the effort made by each farm family toward soil improvement, proper use of soil, pasture improvement, general farm improvement and the present distribution of land among farmers. The rate of such improvements and changes will largely depend upon the amount of initiative and inter est that each individual farmer gives to the program. Results obtainel in the county by farmers in all sections show that yields of corn, wheat, rye, hay, and other crops have been greatly increased where recommended prac tices were followed. The average increase obtained where corn fol lowed lespedeza was 19.5 bushels per acre. If all of the 13,663 acresl of corn in the county in 1934 had ; been planted after lespedeza and the average increase had remained the same for the county the total production would have been in creased from 245,934 to 512,326 bushels for an increased value of $212,142. This would have resulted from an expenditure of $28,000, which would have left a net return of $184,142; but before this can be done the number of acres of corn must' be reduced, for now" each year corn is planted on 55 per cent (Continued on Page Six) J. W. Hastings Suffers Serious Heart Attack J. W. Hastings, Wl known Franklin merchant and Repub lican candidate for sheriff last November, suffered a serious attack of heart cSsease Monday morning and since then has been confined to hit home. He was reported Wednesday to be somewhat improved. Burns Fatal Child Loses Life Saving Doll from Fire Mary Louise Conley, eight-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. In gram Conley, who lives near Otto, succeeded last Thursday afternoon in rescuing her small sister's doll from a fire but in so doing she suffered burns which resulted in her death the following day. Mrs. Conley went to the barn to milk, leaving Mary in the living room playing with two younger sisters. One of the smaller girls dropped her doll in the fireplace and Mary Louise pulled it out When she reached into the flames her clothing became ignited. She ran to the barn and her mother succeeded in tearing the burning clothes from her child; but her body already was badly burned. She was taken to Angel hospital, where she died Friday morning. Funeral services were held Sat urday at Dryman's Chapel in the Tesenta section. Dr. Solms Resigns From Hospital Staff Dr. Charles Solms has resigned from the sff of AngeAHosjiUal. Friday of this week. He and Mrs. Solms and their small daughter will go to Towson, Md., to visit Mrs. Solms' mother, later planning to go to New York. Dr. Solms came to Franklin about two years ago and since then has made many friends who will regret to learn of his de parture. Edward Eaton Makes Wesleyan Honor Roll S. Edward Eaton, Jr., son of Mr and Mrs. S. E. Eaton, of Franklin and a graduate of the Franklit high school, was one of 28 fresh man at Wesleyan University, Mid dletown, Conn., who were placed oi the university honor roll as a re suit of recent mid-year examina tions. Young Eaton attended Da vidson college, near Charlotte, last year and is a member of the class of '37 at Wesleyan this year Farm Meeting To Be Held At Holly Springs W. M. Landess, agricultural as sistant in the TVA organization, is scheduled to speak at a com munity meeting of farmers at Hol ly Springs at 10 o'clock Friday morning, it was announced by F. S. Sloan, county farm agent. Mr. Landess also was on the program for a meeting of the county board of agriculture in Mr. Sloan's office Thursday afternoon. Death Claims Tallent Infant at Candler Martha Joan Tallent, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tallent, died of spinal meningitis at their home at Candler last Thursday. The funeral was held at Coweta church, this county, on Fri day. Mrs. Tallent is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. j Gray, of Marion, formerly of this county. Both Mr. and Mrs. Tal- lent were reared in this county and have many friends here. Brendle To Start Revival Meetings Sunday The Rev. J. A. Brendle will open a series of revival meetings in the courthouse at 7 o'clock Sunday night. He has invited members of all denominations to attend. Char lie Roper will have charge of the music. BILL PROVIDES FORM RELIEF Ray Introduces Measure To Extend Note Sign ing Privilege A tax relief bill for Macon county was introduced in the legis lature last week by Representative J. Frank Ray and is scheduled to be considered this week by judic iary committee No. 1, to which it was referred. A bulletin sent out by the In stitute of Government summarized Mr. Ray's bill as follows: "On February 20th House Bill 404, "To Allow the County of Ma con and Municipalities Therein To Refund Tax Sales Certificates," was introduced and sent to the com mittee on judiciary No. 1. The bill would allow five-year notes for the face amount of the taxes for 1927-1931 to be given any time before April 1, 1936. The bill spe cifies the form of the notes. It would provide that the authorities may require payment of 1932 taxes as a prerequisite to giving the notes. It would provide that notes be recorded in the Tax Liens book and noted on the record of tax sales certificates, such notes to be first liens superior to all except liens for current taxes. The bill would bar collection of 1926 and prior taxes upon which no foreclos ure has been instituted, but would allow foreclosure of 1927-1931 taxes to be instituted any time before October 1, 1936. The bill would al low 10 per cent discount, from the tace ot taxes tor the payment ot 1927-1931 taxes on or before April 1, 1936, and the said discount for the payment of any note for taxes before maturity." A statewide tax relief bill intro duced this week would authorize governing authorities of counties, cities and towns to adjust taxes for 1932 and prior years, on terms deemed to .be of the best interest of both unit and taxpayer. Bond Refunds Sought Another measure introduced in the legislature during the past week would, if passed, greatly reduce Macon county taxes by relieving the county of much of its bonded indebtedness. This measure pro vides for the refunding to counties of "loans and donations made by them to the state highway commis sion" for the construction of roads. Under its terms Macon county would receive $209,990.19. Little prospect, however, is seen for en actment of the bill. A bill to extend the hunting sea sons in 10 western North Carolina counties, including Macon, has been passed by the lower house and sent to the senate. The measure fixes the squirrel season from Sep tember 15 to 15; rabbits, November 20 to February 1; and quail, November 20 to February 1. A bill setting the quail season in Macon county from November 20 to February 1 was introduced last week by Mr. Ray and passed by the house. The Macon county rep resentative evidently sponsored this measure in the hope that it would be enacted in event the more gen eral measure applying to 10 west ern counties should fail of passage in the senate. Meacham To Continue On School Faculty E. H. Meacham will continue as instructor of vocational agriculture in the Franklin high school, having declined a position offered him re cently as assistant farm demonstra tion agent in Buncombe county. Mr. Meacham tentatively accepted the Buncombe job last week, but announced Wednesday that he would remain at his present post as he had been unable to obtain a satisfactory substitute to take his place and he did not want to break his contract with the state.

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