KjigljlanbjS ^acotttan PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL IKDEPEKDEM T U, NO. 36 FRANKLIN, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPT., 3, 1936 $1.50 PER YEAR ;ROWD EXPECTED LABOR DAY jiELWCT ISOmiZED Members Initiated at First Meeting of New Lodge nklin lod^o. 452 of the Order of Moose was organ Friday night at a meeting m Fellows hall at which 65 can- >s for membership were re- i into the fraternal order, .anization of the new lodge supervised by Charles A. r of Mooseheart, 111., regional tor- Mr. Perry, of Mooseheart ^harlotte,, N, C., supreme audit- nd W. ,C. Moreland, of Ashe- district organizer. A delega- of officers from the Asheville ; conducted the initiation of the members. [icers for the new lodge were ed as follows: T. Love, dictator; George b. ey, past dictator; John L. Cun- iiam, vice dictator; R. L. Poin- ;r, prelate; W. C. Arvey, ser- t at arms; Ralph H. Snyder, r guard; S. E. Mann, outer d;/Sam J. Murray,, secretary; r. Bryson, treasurer; W. B. lett, Ben Harrison and B. B. )ir, trustees. r. Moreland, who has been here some . weeks organizing the e, said he expected to remain Franklin for about a month er. illowing is a list of the charter ibers of the Franklin Moose e: T. Love, W. C. Arvey, W. W. :onnell, Ben Harrison, E. B. d, R. L. Poindexter,, Jesse Slagle, rge B. Ramey, W. G. Storie, C. Jreen, B. B. Lenoir, Jr., George ion, T. M. Rickman, R. H. der, T. T. Hurst, H. N. Yonce, ley Hyde, §• T: Ledford,, B- Ft m^i}, Charie§ Penland, Boise 1, Clyde Bingham, Le^ Tallent, A, Drake, C, A. Waldroop. irge S, Crawford, A, G, Cagle, T, Wright, J. H. Thomas, R. R- mingham, Ed Matthews, Henry ■pin, Geo-rge W, McGee, Harold ,ldroop, L, H, Crawford, Richard iley, John Cunningham, W. R- .Idroop, O. V. Hall, Jake Cabe, T. Bryson, Carl Wilson, O. C. ^ant, W. B. Bennett, Dr. N. G. lliams, S. R. Jacobs, G. E. )wu, ,M. B. Norto.n, W. T. Shef- d, E. B. Childers, Sarn h. Jac- i, Wt Rpy Carpenter, ganferd E, inn, Johp Rt Faison, L- B. P'hil- i, Paul Potts, Frank L Murray, J. Mann, Sam J. Murray, J,ohn Is, 'i.bout 10 other applicants for mbership in the lodge were ac- ited, but were unable to attend ; initiation meeting last Friday ;ht. Wins Nomination INTERESTING PLACES In Macon County ELLICOTT’S ROCK Mrs. G. R. Daley, the former Jeanette E. Moses of Macon county, apparently has won the Democratic nomination for representative in the California legislature from the 78th assembly district. The ])rimary was held August 25, and a telegram re ceived from Mrs. Daley yesterday stated: “In lead 25 votes but unof ficial. Am pretty sure.” Mrs. Daley, who has'gained prominence in busi ness and political circles in San Diego, Calif., recently visited her mother, Mrs. Pierce Moses, at her home near Shookville, this county. At that time she expressed the opin ion that California would vote seven-to-one for Roosevelt in the November election. By MRS. T. C. HARBISON Within a few miles of Highlands, over the Horse Cove and Glade roads and the Glen Warry trail, is a point known as Ellicott’s Rock, a part of which rests in each ot three states. This rock lies in the southern boundary of North Caro lina, the northeast corner pf Geor gia, and in the’northwest corner of Sowth Carolina, it -.is supposed to be on the 35th parallel of north latitude. The history connected with this rock is interesting in view' of the fact that it is an old land mark which officially established the boundary of the three states at this point. Some time prior to the year 1813 there was a question be tween the states of North Carolina and Georgia as to the exact boun dary between them. A commission from each of the Carolinas was ap pointed by the legislatures to have the location of the line determined, and Socth Carolina also appointed a commission to determine the line between it and Georgia, which line was supposed to follow the Savan nah river from the coast to the 35th parallel of north latitude. To carry out this work the com mission employed an English engi neer named Ellicott, who started out from Savannah, following up the river and its main tributary to a point, which after several weeks of observation, he estaplished as the 35th degree of north latitude. Here he ])laced a marker on the bank of the Chatooga River, which marker consists of the following: “cross, N. C. G. A. 35 degrees N I.at. A. D. 1813.” The point bccame known, and has since been called, “Ellicott’s Rock.” Ellicott’s Rock lies secluded in some of the wildest and most beau tiful country in this section. The Chatooga River, beautiful at any place, is especially so for several miles above and below the rock. This point can be reached over the Horse Cove and Glade Roads (re cently improved by the CCC in Horse Cove) by automobile, and then by foot over the Glen Warry trail for four and' one-half miles. When the ford of the river is reached, a small island will be noted, and the marker will ibe found on the east bank of the river, about one-third of the distance of the island from the southern end. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Palmer and r. and Mrs, Joe Palmer attended e funeral of their uncle, John ilmer, at Hayesvtlle, Wednesday ternoon. Franklin Produce Market LATEST QUOTATIONS (Prices listed below are subject ' change without notice.) [uoted by Fanners Federation, Inc. hickens, heavy breed hens 12c hickens, light weight; lb. .. 10c ryers, heavy weight, lb. .. 14c ryers, light weight, lb 10c ■ggs, doz 30c wn, b,u. , $1.00 Vheat, bu $1.00 ■ye, b,u $1.00 Quoted by Nantahala Creamery wtterfat, [lb 31c Calls Meeting Of Democratic Executive Committee Sept. 12 A meeting of the Macon county Democratic executive committee was called this week for 2 o’clock Sat urday afternoon, September 12, in the county courthouse, by Dr. W- A. Rogers, chairman. The .purpose of the meeting will be to organize for the fall cam paign, Dr, Rogers said. He urged that all Democratic township chair men attend. Rev. J. H. Gruver to P reach At Presbyterian Church On Sunday mornmg, Viie Rev. J. PL Gruver, superintendent of the mountain orphanage at Black Mountain, will preach in the local Presbyterian church at the 11 Q cIqqk service, according tO the Rev. J, A. Flanagan, pastor of the church. Mr. Gruver will be accompanied by six of the children from the orphan age who will sing several selections during the service. 7''’®, of the Sunday school will be heia at 10 o’clock under the direction of the superintendent, J. E. Lancaster. John Williams Arrested On Old Charge John Williams, of the Watauga community, was arrested Tuesday night by Deputy Sheriff John DUls on the head of Pine creek W Jackson county gn a three-year-oW warrant charging him ing and entering Bud Ledtord s store in the Cartoogechaye section Williams was placed m the iail A 'bill of indictment aheady has been returned against him. Two other men accused of partici pation in the same J have been convicted and served their sentences. Legion Owns Its Own Home And Has Over 100 Members Local Post One of Most Active Organizations In County McGaha-Tippett R^nion To Be Held Sept, 13 The McGaha-Tippett family re union will be held Sunday Sep tember 13, at the home of Mr. anc S”s Shepherd Leatherman postoifice. All connec tions o'f both families are urged to attend. Picnic lunch Will be serve at noon. Several years ago the Macon county post of the American Leg ion, formed during the early post war days, had almost ceased to fcnction. It had only a handfull of members who seldom met. Now it has a membership of more than 100 World War veterans, owns a building on Main street with a well appointed meeting hall, and is one of the most active organizations in the county. The post not only espouses the cause of the ex-service men of the county, but it also takes an active part in the civic life of the com munity as a whole. Each year it sponsors a Christmas tree, which last year provided gifts for 250 children. When the tornado struck Gainesville, Ga., last spring the Macon county Legion post was one of the first to respond with relief; a number of Legio,nnaires went to the stricken city and aided the Red Cross in taking care of the dead and injured and restoring some semblance of order. And later the post sent to Gainesville a truckload of provisions and clothing valued at $250 and turned over to the Red Cross $100 in cash. Griowth of Post • • This and other activities of the post are reviewed in a report sub mitted at a recent meeting of the post by Gilmer A. Jones, retiring commander. When Mr. Jones be came commander in July, 1935, the post had 32 members. On his re tirement it had 58 members who had paid their 1936 dues and an ad ditional 60 members who paid in ad'vance their dues for the next three years. “As a post,” Mr. Jones’ report stated, “we have handled and are now handling about 20 cases of ex- service men who Have filed appli cations for some sort of compensa tion. About half of these have been closed. Others are still active cases (Continued on Page Ten) RICKMAN GOES ONGOLTICKET Substituted for Solesbee As Candidate for Assembly John E. Rickman, former Fra,nk lin postmaster, kas been substituted for the Rev. A. S. Solesbee, Bap tist minister and former represen tative of Macon co.unty in the gen; eral assembly, as the 1-iepublican party’s candidate for representative in the No-vember electio,n, it was an- ,nounced this week by T. W. Angel, Jr., chairman of the county Re publican executive committee. Mr. Rickman agreed to'allow his name to be substituted for Mr. Sol- esbee’s on the l^epublican ticket after the latter was forced to with draw on account of ill ‘health. Mr. Angel also announced that Jim Holbrooks, of Cowee, nominat ed for chairman of the county board of commissioners at the Re publican county convention early in the sumrner, had withdrawn from the race and that J. L Vinson, of Smith’s Bridge, had been nominated in his place. Other Republican candidates for co.unty offices are: R. F. Henry, for sheriff; T. G. Dean, for register of deeds; Andy Grihble, for cor oner; and J. J. Corbin and Mars'hall Burnette, for members of the board of commissioners. McKinley Ed wards, of Bryson city, is the party’s nominee for state senator from this district. Cake Walk To Be Given At Pine Grove School A cake walk for the benefit of the Pine Grove Baptist church and the Pine Grove school will ibe given at 7:30 o’clock Friday night, Sep tember 11, at the school ho.use, ac cording to an announcement re ceived by The Press-Maconian for publication. LEGION PLANS CELIRATION Many Contests With Cash Prizes Are Listed On Program A record crowd is expected in P'ranklin Monday for the Labor Day celebration to be held under the sponsorship of the Macon county post of the American Leg ion. Boise Hall, commander of the post and head of a committee in charge of arrangements for the cel ebration, said today that the pro gram had been completed and, judg ing by reports from various sec tions of the county, most of the people are planning to take a holi day Monday and come to town for the festivities. Senator Robert R. Reynolds has notified Mr. Hall that he will be unable to come to Franklin to speak at the celebration Monday; but the Legion feels sure that other attrac tions will suffice to draw a crowd. There will be a brief speaking pro gram with short addresses at 1:15 o’clock in the afternoon; but most of the program will be devoted to contests and fun-making with num erous cash prizes offered. No general holiday has been de clared in the schools,, but Mr. Hall said a number of the county schools were expected to close. M. D. Bill ings, county superintendent, s,aid the q.uestion of closing for the day would be left up to the principals of the individual schools, provided they made arranpments for mak- ing up the lost time. Maiyoi* Is-sues Proclamation A proclamation was issued by Mayor George Patton inviting the people of the county as a whole to join in the observance of Labor Day. The proclamation reads: “Whereas the first Monday in September is traditionally observed as a national holiday dedicated to the cause of the laboring man, and “Whereas the Macon County Post of the American Legion has undertaken to provide a splendid program of entertainment on that day for the people of Franklin and tile County as a whole, “Now, therefore, I hereby pro claim Mo,nday, September 7, as Labor Day, and on behalf of the citizenship of the Town of Frank lin I hereby extend-a cordial invi tation to the people of the County to join with us in celebrating the occasion.” A special invitation has been ex tended by the Legion to members of the CCC camps in the vicinity of Franklin to take part in the cel ebration. The day’s program will get under way at 9:30 o’clock in the morning with races and cor^tests for young and old. A full list of the races will be found on another page of this week’s Press-Maconian. Starting at 2 o’clock in the after noon there will be amateur boxing bouts in the courthocise, followed by a battle royal for colored boys with $5 prize offered the last man left standing in the ring. At 8 o’clock in the evening at the courthouse there will be a contest for fiddlers, banjo and guitar play ers, and als6 a flat-footed dancing contest. Small admission fees will be charged for the boxing bouts and fiddlers’ contest to help defray ex penses. Most of the prize money for the various events has been contributed by Franklin merchants and business men. The Bank of Franklin will remain closed Monday in observance of the holiday and the Postoffice also will be closed, except between the hours of 2 and 3 in the afternoon. Stores, however, will remain open for convenience of the public.