PAGE TWO TUI? t‘0 AMifi.lV PRESS AND the highlands maconian F/i££/to sufpeters of STOMACH UlC^RS HYPE:RiiVGi;pity? Willard^ Messa'qe'of PRICELESS INFORMATION for those suffering from STOMACH OR 1 DUODENAL ULCERS, DUE TO HYPER- ^ ACIDITY—POOR DIGESTION, ACID DYSPEPSIA, SOUR STOMACH. GASSI NESS, HEARTBURN, CONSTIPATION, BAD BREATH, SLEEPLESSNESS OR HEADACHES, DUE TO EXCESS ACID. Explains the marvelous Willard Treat ment which is bringing amazing relief. ^Id on 15 tiays trial. PERRY’S DRUG STORE MiseraWlewl with backi^Hillt WHEN kidneys function badly and you suffer a nagging backache, with diiiiness, burning, scanty or too Sequent urination and getting up at night; wh«n you feel tir^, nervous, all upset... use Doan $ Pill*. Doaa'$ are especially for pooriy working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are recom mended the country over. Ask your neighbor! Home Demonstration Club News BY MRS. T. J. O'NEIL Macon County Htome Demonstration Agent GENUINE QUICK-ACTING Bayer Aspirin l^A tablet/ Bayer Tablets Dissolve Almost Instantly In 2 seconds by stop watch a genu1be BATER Ai^^rin tablet starts to disintegrate amd go to work. Drop a Ba9«r AepiHn tablet in to a glass of water. By tke time It hits the bot tom of tiie glass it is disintegrating. What happens in this glass In yous canning demonstration Miss Gladys Kimbrough, canning expert, will give a meat canning demonstration at the Franklin high school home economics department, Monday, Nov. 23, at 10:00 ,a. m. Miss Kimbrough has taught home canning to a large group of women in 30 states and has met most of the questions that can be asked about food pres'crvation. She in cludes the answers to the more usual ones in her lecture-demon- stration. This period is always fol lowed by taking up the individual canning problems of those who at tend. Food values, proper servings of canne,d goods/ storage, dietary value of different products, all are frequently related in her informal and entertaining way of telling how and showing how to keep summer’s goodness for winter’s table. Miss Kimbrough’s lecture-demon- strations are given under conditidns and in a way that can be repeated by the women in their own,homes. Their kitchen equipment may vary widely. She says: “How many wo men really have model kitchens ? Very few. Then isn’t it important for me to show how to do the best that can be done in the aver age home ? Fortunately food can >be preserved perfectly imder rather primitive conditions. Modern equip ment may save labor; modern methods certainly save both labor and material. My work is to teach the best .^methods and practices now known. We present those which can be used in any home.” The term “home canning” may suggest a lot of hot, hard work to some people, but those who see Miss Kimbrough converting raw material into beautiful delicious jars of tempting food realize that it is one of the fine domestic arts. Miss Kimbrough does not believe that canning is an inspired art. She >4 of goods continue to develop. America’s history rests on a gold foundation and every great period of prosperity this country has ever known followed on the heels of new mid discoveries. I hope Jean and Lr friends find that gold deposit of her grandfather s. CLASS Never before in the history of civilization has there been such a widespread and determined effort to set class against class. The less able .and less fortunate, betrayed by the fallacious doctrine of Karl Marx, have been trying to gam control of the governments in the belief that their condition will be better if they control the material wealth and means of _ production. It -was the belief of the father of modern socialism that there is an instinctive class solidarity which has more power to move men in the mass than any other human emo tion. That this is not true has been demonstrated whenever a nation has had to face a crisis in its af fairs. Under such conditions class distinctions vanish and national feeling takes precedence over class feeling. THURSDAY, NOV, Something like that today in Russia,'where th i"’ experiment in socialilT'*^' going on for 18 people are losing class sciQusness and gain^g . patriotic consciousne ’'ationai'l They are beginning to i as people 'eventuallv -i to recognize, that the im” '1 one are the, interests that any effort to nartV kind into permanent - MISS GLADYS KIMBROUGH For Amazingly Quick Relief Get Genuine Bayer Aspirin You can now get Genuine BAYER ASPIRIN for virtually Ijf a tablet at any drug store. Two fuU dozen now, in a flat pocket tin, for 25^1 Try this new package. Enjoy the real Bayer article now without thought of price I Do this especially if you want quick relief from a bad headache, neuritis or neiu’algia pains. Note illustration above, and remember, BAYER ASPIRIN works fast. And ask for it by its full name ■— BAYER ASPIRIN — not by the name“aspirin” alone when you buy. Get it next time you want quick rdief. 15c FOR A POZEN 2 FULLOC. DozEN^uw Virtually Ic a tablet LOOK rOK THK BAYEH CROSS holds that good material, plus prop er equipment, simply recipes and so.und instructions should always ,get good results. Her presentations support this theory. She begins by defining the terms and principles. Next she describes the proper ma terials. She explains each process as it is done. She tells how and shows how in such simple words and clear ways that the beginner is confident and the experienced is pleased. The fundamental principles of canning do not, cannot, vary, but Miss Kimbrough has found that food preservation specialists fail to agree on minor details. She there fore makes a practice of teaching canning just as it is taught by the extension service in the state in which she is working. nomic groups is bound o y 1 have no fear of , Enter Your Lucky Strike ‘Sweepstakes’! Get Your Entry Blank From Us Angel’s Drug Store] phone 119 'nrojoa TODAY m FRANK PARKER SrOCKBRIDeE DEER The state of Wisconsin has de cided that a hunter who wants to shoot deer with a bow and arrow instead of a rifle may have a license to do so. There has been a great revival in recent years of in terest in the primitive weapon of the Indians, but very few modern archers have demonstrated their ability to bring down big game w'ith the bow. For my part, I think it is a much more sporting proposition to hunt deer with bow and arrow than with a modern high-powered rifle. It gives the game at least a better break, and certainly provides the hunter with just ,as much exercise and fresh air, or perhaps even more. I have never been able to sym pathize with the desire of men to go out and kill 'harmless animais We Are Closing Out a Few Numbers in Men’s Hats and Caps Now is the Time to Get a Real Bargain $3.00 and $4.00 Hats for $1.95 $1.00 and $1.50 Caps for 75t & $1.00 Come While You Can Get Your Size and Color E. K. Cunningham & Co. The Shop of Quality like deer. It is quite a different proposition from killing in self- defense or for food. It seems to me there is just as much sport and ai great deal more humanity in shooting game with a camera than with a gun. COOPERATION I am more interested in reports of people who have done something to help themselves than I am in those who win prizes in the sweep stakes lottery. 1 got a real kick out of the report of a group of middle- aged men living in the Mills Hotel in New York, a semi-philanthropic institution for the needy, who pool ed their capital, amounting to 14 cents, and organized a campaign for mutual self-help. Out of the 100 who joined this movement the last report is that everyone has got a job, ()9 of the jobs being perma nent. T saw a report the other day of a group of people living in a subur ban community who had combined their interests and energies to build homes and provide food for themselves and others of small means, and who by cooperative ef fort have pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps, as it were, lifting several families out of de spondency into comfort and reason able security. I think that sort of folk' is much more interesting and useful to the world at large than the ones who cry and grumble about their hard luck and hold out their hands for somebody else to feed and clothe them. GOLD Old Jeff Casserly died last month He left his 16-year-old grand daughter, J6an Kuster, a box con- tonmg a nugget of gold worth $5,- OOJ and a reminder that he had once pointed out to her the spot where he had found it. Now Jean is organizing a real treasure hunt, in which several prospectors have joined, to search for the mother lode from which her grandfather took the big nug get. With all the gold hunting that is going on, it would not surprise the any day to hear of the discovery of another Rand or another Klon dike. I have seen more than one depression, m my time, dispelled by a great pld discovery. So long as gold IS the only medium which the whole world accepts at the same value, we need more and more of It as civilization and the interchange I'MANEWWOM^ THANKS TO PURSANtl >Yes, Pursang contains elements oi proven value, such as Organic Copper and Iron, which quickly aid nature in building rich, red corpuscles. When this happens, the appetite improves. Nervousness disappears. Energy and strength usually return. You feel like a new person. Get Pursang from your druggist. ‘‘You say that Wid- mer^s Wines aren*t expensive?^^ ‘‘NoI Only a few cents more a quart than the cheapest,"^ • Try Widmer’s Wines. Yom taste will recognize the difiet' ence even though your pocket' book never notices it. They ate better wines—produced correct ly in the heart of New York State’s famed Finger Lakes dll' triet. Be sure of your wine- Say Widmer’s at stores, restau’ rants and taprooms everywhere. IDidmcn w Always in good taste since 1888 WIDMER’S WINE CELLARS, INC., NAPLES, N. T. Isn’t Winter FUN! . . . when it’s cozy^ and warm indoor^ Cold weather is fine and healthful o utside. But drafty, chilly houses are dangerous for littk folks, and uncomfortable for grown-ups. the time to modernize your home for winter- j We’re experienced in making homes snug' winter-tight, and can make estimates on son| surprisingly economicah ways to cut out dia and cut down fuel bills. Insulation might be what that cold room • needs-—or storm doors and windows— all the modern ways of keeping Jack Fiost side where he belongs. And our estimates be decidedly worth while. , .' Franklin Hardware Co. Hardware and Builders Suppli®® FRANKLIN, N. C.