sift* l^igftlanW JHittonian AMERICAN PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL I.YI)EPEM)E.N'l' FRANKLIN, N. C„ THURSDAY, DEC. 3. 1936 $1.50 PER YEAR Bus Stations [Ethel du Pont to Wed F. D. R., Jr., President i — Planned for Protection of School Children at Significance Seen in Buenos Aires Conference I f The Piress-Macoiniian) ^'uTMfTON December 2. s sowing ... W„l.i..S- S President Roosevelt’s tnp fch America may prove to be fthe vital turning pomts m “ 1 tiistorv something Coins oTS; 10 M tlie bcgin.>.«8 »' » Kn world affairs. E, the President’s attend- St cc^iference of American Iblics which IS being held at E Aires is a definite purpose fe the entire Western Hemi- L into a new agreement or f neace cominon cle- leTn'war and the free exchange lommodities between the natoiis two Americas at all times. fht logic of such a lineup is L obvious. This country does no It to be involved m European Iftical affairs nor in Asiatic poli- J Neither do the Republics of e'lSQUth. War is breeding to the ^fand to the West, Ihe Amer^ n cQiitinent is separated from ge warlike regions by the At- “c Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. |lso to the South of us 'les a Ikt opportunity for peaceful cte- riopment of mutual trade. South mierica is the natural market for toerican manufactures and the JIted States is a natural market ^South America’s raw mateiiais-. likewise, South America offers ^ tbe adventurous, pioneering pirit of our youth as great oppor- u|ity for exploration and develop- li^nt as our West did in the early lays of our continental expansion, i j A Great American Empire ;It is not to be wondered at, :herefore that President Roosevelt |i),uld cherish the dream of a Qted Western Hemisphere, which lould conceivably be entirely self- piitained and free to develop : ak empire with a new type of iilture and civilization, in no wa,y l^endent upon either Europe, Asia )rjAfrica. pecretary of State Cordell Hull Ills the sam.e vision. He is meeting ihe President at the Argentine cap- and will remain there through- )Ut the international conference to la'rticipate in the discussions which K hopes will result in the forma- wn of an All-American League of RALEIGH, Dec. 1.—Erection of 40,.0(X) school bus stations through out the state to protect school children from winter weather is contemplated under a proposed WPA project advanced by state school commission officials. The project will cost approximate ly $800,000, according to Lloyd E. Griffin, executive secretary of the commission. Of this amount the WPA would furnish $480,000 and the state’s 100 coimties the balance of $320,000. School funds, he said, are not available for the work. The proposed stations, it was stated, would be open sheds, 6 by 8 feet, facing south, and would cost approximately ,$20 each. Wffi-SUYER BEGjNS TER19 Mathewson Taken to State Prison for 20-Year Sentence 304 ENROLLED IN CROSS This Is Short of Goal But Nearly 50% Greater Than Last Year lotions. fhat American business and in fcstry is at least hopeful that some- lling will develop from this con- Jrence to broaden our 'export mar ket and render the opportunities ^ich South America offers more V‘ly available to North American [pital and enterprise, is indicated y the fact that Harper Sibley, [resident of the Chamber of Com- ^erce of the United States, flew I'vn to Buenos Aires last wee'k to (Continued on Piauge Five) I Franklin produce Market latest quotations ((Prices listed below are subject change without notice.) ^oted by Farmers Federation, Inc. Ij'ckens, heavy breed, hens 11c Pckens, light weight, lb. .. 08c ps, doz 30c bu 80c r^hu, .$LOO bu $1.00 l^atoes, No. 1 90c I*'''' peas, bu $L10 iKwder peas, bu $2.00 ■•"ons, bu 60c Quoted by Nantahala Creamery r‘‘»fat, lb 30c Ralph Mathewson, 33-year-old Robbinsville cafe proprietor, was taken to State’s prison at Raleigh Saturday to begin serving a 20- year-sentence imposed upon him Friday by Judge W. F. Harding in Macon superior court after a jury had returned a verdict of second degree murder. The state had asked a first de gree murder verdict and Mathew- son’s attorneys had'based their de fense on a plea of insanity. Ma- thwson killed his wife, mother of a thr^e-wceks-old baby, the night of February 15 by firing three pistol shots into her body while she was seated at a counter in their cafe in Robbinsville, He wa tried in Graham superior court las March, hut a mistrial was declare when the jury failed to agree on a verdict. His case came up again in Graham superior “urt at September term, but Jud^e ing granted a motion of the stat Tor removal on the grounds that, due to the defendant’s wide connec tions .and influence m his Home county, he could not be given an l^pardal trial at Robbinsville, Jury Out Seven Hours Trial of the case in perior court 13 man piS from a special ITO men Hearing of ■evi- vemre of 100 ^ Wednesday dence was remained afternoon and the co in session ® ys The hear by ^ rase went to the j y , o’clock Friday " shortly jury returned its veru before 5 o’clock Mathewson di during the • .^vitnesses ally M the 1“““™ , jitcrnejs „d ll.= f,„V.d by ».e c, .k. co..«’s Notice of App«a> A notice of appea ;^,ic- one of Mathewson s atto Kinley Edwards, oi ^ ^^e -on-r-ordered sent -Te c^i^tody^pU Sheriff Dills and Ralph Pa^ GREENVILLE, Del Ethel du Pont and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. (above), are going to be tnarried next June. Their engagement was announced in late November by Mr. and Mrs. Eugene du Pont, parents .of the bride-to-be. The,President s son and the du humoredly posed for news photographers, striding up =^"d down t e Qiih room and seated side by side before the fireplace, They laugnea '^ach tTm” they were told to Lok at each other . . but refused to hold ' hands. “It is to be a small church wedding, says Miss du Pont Relative of Macon Family To Be Colorado’s Governor T eller Ammons Elected Chief Executive at _ Age of 39 I A Japanese Gift Two great Japanese lantj^^.^^ stone whose g,ft of “eternal light late Japan ^ ^^•^‘''^lectrical wizard. Thomas Fdison^ Twlare worn with Bullet-proof vests out detection. Thirteen between air- tbe average the U. plane landing A Macon county family which moved west in the frontier days has s.upplied another governor for the state of Colorado. He is 'Ieller Ammons, son of the late Elias N. Ammons, who served as Colorado s chief .executive from 1912 to 1914. Running on the Democratic tic et, Teller Ammons was elected over his Republican opponent, Charles M Armstrong, by a majority o more than 20,000 votes m the Roosevelt landslide a month ago. Not yet 40 years old, he is to take office in January, to become the youngest governor the state has ever had. , The story of young Ammons rise in the political world is tol in the November 4 issue of ilit Uenver Post, a copy of which was recently received by E-V Am-°^ well known farmer of the Rabbit Creek section of this county, who is a second cousin. Colorado’s gov ernor-elect also is related to the Franks and Shepherd families of Macon county. In 1871 J. R. Ammons moved his family from this county to Colorado, Elias N. was then 11 years old. He btcame r arge landholder and cattleman i ifned up with the late Senator Tdler he bolted the Democratic party’on the free silver 'ssue. e name'his sot Teller, but the latter ,„Sd politic i" >“■ 'f'" T elected state senator from he was e ^ jje was re- the but gave up the 'in 1935 to become city at- ' Denver, While i,n the torney of ^ the senate he b He was Democratic con 1 when hfwa? nominated the Democratic candidate for gove^rwn^^^^ Governor-ele, Statel eSered the World w'^He entered as a private, spent ^1’ vpars overseas and was nearly tw y lieutenant, duscharge ^ Ammons was mar- „ern9^ t:%liss Esther Davis, of Denver. High School Juniors Net $40.25 at Keno Party Reports recieved from officers of the class show that $40,25 was cleared by the juniors of Frankiiti high school at the keno party giv en on the night of November 20. An eager crowd of approximately 160 gathered in the high school auditorium with ' the following be ing the hicky ones who carried the prizes away, Hugh Leach, Bobby Rochester, George Hunnicutt, Eugene Furr, Hugh Curtis, Vercoe Watkins, Timsey Nell Clouse, Katherine Hall, John Slagle, Elizabeth Cabe, Georgianna Magee, Elizabeth Slagle, Margie Bliimenthal, Clell Bryant, Billy Wilkie, Sarah Conley, ^Mack S'Ctser, Esta Mae Childers, Freddy Hall, Fred Houk, Mrs, Robinson, Mr, Zachary, Junior Evans, An drew Jones, Sam Alexander, Bobby Higdon, Elbert Angel, Elizabeth Wasilik, Rosalind B-ulgin, Dorothy Blumenthal, Billy Higdon, Mrs. Hugh Leach, Johnnie Nix, Mildred Bryso,n, ,Kuth Bryson. Katherine Godwin, ^Aubrey Carelock, Frances Robinson. Norman Talley, Mrs. Gus Leach, Mrs. Frileau Brabson, Ruth Higgins, Miss Jennie Gilliam, Mrs, Anderson, Donald Jones, Frank Leach. Jr,, Harry Higgins, Lucille Hall, Rosa Lee Kiser, Dan R. Reynolds, James Furr, Mr. Lee, Dorothy Anderson, Lyijian Higdon. Mrs, Conky. Bobby Pattillo, Mild red Cabe. Vick Perry, Mrs. C. T. Bryson. J. C. Jacobs, Betty Rogers, Frances Ashe, Virginia Zachary, Mrs Johnston, Elizabeth Rochester, IJorothy Sloan, Ida Bryant, Miss Crisman, Charles Russel and Miss Josephine Weaver. Betterment Group Calls Meeting at Cowee A meeting of the members of the North Macon B'Ctterment as sociation and the school patrons of the northern end of the county has been called for 8 o’clock Sat urday night at the Cowee school to discuss plans of obtaining a high school at Cowee, R. C, Rick man, president of the association, said' all interested persons are in vited to attend. A high school was formerly sit uated at Cowee but was abandoned some years ago when the consoli dated high school was estabhshed in Franklin. A check-up yesterday on the outcome of the annual Red Cross call for Macon county showed a total of 304 memberships reported. Several workers were yet to be heard from and the roll call chair man, the Rev. Frank Bloxham, ex pressed the hope that the final count would result in a 50 per cent greater membership than en rolled last year, when the number was 214. „ “The closing of the call, Mr. Bloxham commented, “shows that we are much short of our goal of 5(X) members, but far ahead of last year’s total, A great deal of praise is due to the noble band of workers who have achieved this vcar’s result. Some' few member ships are still to be tnrned in, which will probably result in the total being a 50 per cent increase over last year. It is not too late for persons who have not already joined to do so. Such persons sho,uld see one of the roll call workers right away.” Among the reports received this week was one troin Chapel schoo for colored children, which turned in its full quota of $5. Following is a full membership roll reported to date of the Macon County chapter: iCounty Com'munities Zelma Jenkins, Otto; Mrs. Fate Messer, Otto; R. A. Hertzler, Otto, contribution; William Crawford, Higdonvilk, Mrs. Ro.bert Parrish, Miss Lola Ramsey and Miss Jessie Ramsey, Bur.ningtown, Highlands Mrs. R. L. Morris, W. S. Davis, Mrs. W. S. Davis, N. C. Heintz, J. E Root, Mrs. J. E. Root, Mrs. Eskrigge, Mrs. Bliss, G. A. Town- send, Mrs. G. A, Townsend, C. J. Anderson, F. B. Cook, Mrs. C. J- Anderson, W. A. Bryson, H. W. Sloan, Mrs. H. W, Sloan, Miss M, E, Huger, Miss C. B. Elliott, W. H. Cobb, Mrs. W', H. Cobb, R, R. Hodgson, Mrs. R, R. Hodgson, Miss A. Staub, Miss Mary B, Henckel, I FI M, Bascom, Mrs. H. M. Bas- com, Mrs. Thad Smith, Mrs. Guy Paul, Virginia Edwards, Col. J. S. Sewell, Mrs. J. S. Sewell; Mrs, M. C. Smith, donation. Miss Marguerite Ravenal, Miss Clare Ravenal, Miss Nourse, Miss Rachel D.avis, Mr. O. F. Summer, Mrs, O. F. Summer, Mrs. J. E. Brown, Mrs. Kate Rhynehart, Miss Veva Howard, Miss Nina Howard, Miss Edna Jamison, Miss Ethel Calloway, Mrs. Jack Hall, Mrs. T1.1- dor Hall, Mrs. E. R, Gilbert, Mrs. Carl Zoellnor, Mrs. F. A. Edwards, J, E. Hicks, Miss Sara Gilder, A. B. Potts, J. E. Potts, C. C. .Potts, S. E, Potts, W. R. Potts, F. H. Potts, Mrs. F. H. Potts, Mrs. J. E. Potts, Miss Sertrude Harbison, S. Porter Pierson, A. G. Spencer, Miss p'lora Norton, J. C. Mell, Mrs. Frank Cook, Miss M. 1). Warren, Miss Maud Crane, Ed Rogers, Miss Caroline Hall, C, H, Zoellnor, Mrs. Sam Calloway, Sam Calloway, Mrs. Walter Reese, Mrs. A. C. Holt, P. T. Farnsworth, Rev. Frank Blox ham. F ranklin Chapel school (colored) 5 mem berships ; Mr. Zoellnor, Mrs. Zoell nor, Mrs. Catway, Barnell Wal- droop, Mrs. Elsie Franks, Miss Mattie Wilkes, Zeb Conley, A. L. Leach, E. S, Hunnicut, R. S. Jones, Paul Carpenter. Mrs. Paul Carpen ter, Mrs. J, R. Ramsey. James R. Ramsey, Miss Irene Sloan. R. 1). Carson, R. R. Swanson, L. D, Cope, J. H. Stockton, Sloan Murray, J, J. Welch, R. C. Tillery, F, S. Sloan, S. W. Mendenhall, G. A, Jones, Jas. L. Potts, J. Frank Ray, E. E. Sypher, Carr Howard, (Continped on Page Ei^t)

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