y " ' ' ' ' '' i . ' , '0- PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LI I, NO. 4 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, JAN. 28, 1937 $1.50 PER YEAR 4 DEBTFUNDING TERKTALKED Tentative Agreement on Refinancing Bonds v Reached A tentative agreement for refund ing Macon county's bonded .indebt edness . of approximately $9(X),()00 was reached Ln Raleigh vSaturday at a" conference between representa tives of the county and holders of a majority of the county's bonds. The negotiations were conducted with the aid of the local govern ment commission. An outline of. the refunding plan was given The Press-Maconian this week .by C. Tom, Bryson, register of deeds and clerk to the county board of commissioners, who, to gether with George B. Patton, county attorney, represented the county at the conference. - Terms of Plan The tentative agreement, Mr. Bryson explained, provides for set tlement of defaulted interest now amounting to $149,(XX) at 50 cents on the dollar. New bonds at 4.75 per cent interest would be issued in place of the present ones, which carry an average nucivoi mi. npr cent. The new bonds would mature over a period of 30 years. Mr. Bryson estimated that under this plan the county's annual in terest payments would be reduced approximately $7,750 a year, in ad dition to the saving of $74,500 on defaulted interest. Refuse Lower Interest Mr. Bryson and Mr. Patton cn alcavoreoT' to" persuade representa tives of the bond holders to agree on a reduction of interest to 4.5 pcrv cent, but they steadfastly de clined to go .below 4.75 and coun tered with a proposal to cut to 50 per cent, instead of 60 per cent as previously proposed, the basis of settlement for past due interest. Before the tentative agreement becomes effective, it will have to be approved by a majority of the bond holders and the county board of commissioners. The largest bond holders are The Royal Neighbors of America, The Woodmen of the World 'and a group represented by the Municipal Council. Negotiation of the refunding plan is expected to require several months', time. SAYS NO EFFORT MADE TO INFLUENCE LEGISLATION ..In -a letter to The Press-Maconian, received yesterday; C. Tom Bryson,' register of deeds and clerk to the county board of commission ers, explained that the purpose of a trip to Raleigh fast week by him und George B. Patton, county at torney, was solely for negotiating for a refunding of tfrc county's bonded indebtedness and had noth ing to do, pro or con, with legis lation sponsored in the General Assembly by R. A. Patton, the county's representative. Mr. Bryson's, letter follows: "It has becrt called to my attcn ( Continued on Page Ten) Franklin Produce Market . LATEST QUOTATIONS (Prices listed below are subject to change without notice.) Quoted by Farmers Federation, Inc. Chickens, heavy breed,, hens 13c Chickens, light weight, lb...' 11c Kggs, doz.' ........ 17c Corn, bin ... 90c Wheat, bu. .....$1.15 "Potatoes, No. 1 ...$1.20 Field peas, bin .$1.50 Crowder peas, bu. ." .$2.50 , Yellow Mammoth Soy Jlcans, bin,.......,... $1.50 Lorida Beans, bu ....$1.65 Onions, bu . 60c Quoted by. Nantahala Creamery Butterf at, lb. . . . . . . .y . 30c Peaches Bloom Warm Weather Causing Nature Freaks The freakishly warm weather for January has brought out peach blossoms in some sections of the county, it was, reportecj this week by Luther Anderson, Lake Emory correspondent, . Mr. Anderson said he. had seen the peach blossoms with his own eyes aiid that some' trees, early varieties, had aiready shed their blossoms and small peaches were forming. ": He quoted Mrs. Harriet Sanders, 94-year-old resident of the Watauga section, as saying that never be fore had she seen peach blossoms in January. Many early flowering shrubs al so are in full .blossom throughout the county ' and maples and some other trees are threatening to bud any day, unless the weather turns colder. . DEATH CLAIMS R E PATTILLO Well Known Rabbit Creek Farmer 111 For 15 Weeks Funeral services for Robert E. j Pattillo, 57, well-known Macon county farmer, ' who 'j died at '1 o'clock Monday afternoon at his home in the Rabbit Creek section, were held at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at Bethel .Methodist church. Mr. Pattillo had been confined to his home for 15 weeks with bron chial asthma. He had been improv ing for several days but on Mon day morning suffered a severe at tack of asthma, followed by a fatal heart attack. The funeral was conducted by. the Rev. W. B. Underwood, pastor of the Franklin Baptist church, and the Rev. J. 'J. Edwards, pastor of the Macon county circuit of the Methodist church. The church was overflowing with those who had come to pay their last respects to Mr. Pattillo's memory. Members of , the Junior Order of United American Mechanics served as" pall-, bearers and conducted the rites at the graveside. Burial was in the Pa'ttillo family plot in the church cemetery. . ' ' Served in U. S. Army Mr. rattillo was .a member of Millshoal Council, Junior Order of United American Mechanics, and of the Holly Springs Baptist church. During his . youth he served in the infantry of the United States army in the Spanish-American war. An attack of fever, while stationed in Florida, prevented him from seeing active duty in Cuba. Mr. rattillo, a native of Morgan county, Georgia, was married in April, 1904," to Miss Ida Harring ton of this county. They'came here to make their home about 25 years ago. In recent years Mr. Pattillo devoted his efforts to farming, for merly having been employed by the Central of Georgia and the South ern railroads. He at one time held a position in the construction of the hydro electric dam at Tallulah Falls, Georgia. Surviving Mr. Pattillo are, his Widow, a daughter, Mrs. Allen Siler, J emCv three sons, George R., Robert U7M?;, and Joseph H all of this county ; three brothers, W. A. Pattillo of Macon, Ga.; Dacosta ' Pattillo,, Mil lidgeville,,,Ga., and Roy G; Pattillo, of Jacksonville, Fla. - Among those attending the funer al from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pattillo, Miss Georgia Hicks, Mrs. J. K. Pattillo and Frank McCullpugh of Macon, Ga. Two Square Dances Planned To Raise Paralysis Funds Harley R. Cabe announced yes terday that plans, had been com pleted for two dances' to be held in Macon county in -observance of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's 55th birthday. He said he expeqted, record crowds at both partie&one to be held at Kelly's '.Tea Room in Franklin, and the other at Helen's Barn in Highlands. Funds raised at the dances will be devoted to local and national infantile ' paralysis relief, 70 per cent of the proceeds to remain in this county and 30 per cent to go to the Warm Springs commission to finance - infantile v medical x re-, search. ' ' ,'. This, is the fist time that Macon county has joined in , this national Hoey Urged To Name ; Alley to Supreme Court RALEIGH, Jan! 27. Representa tive R. A. Patton of Macon county was a member of a group of west ern lawmakers who Monday pre sented a request to Governor Hoey for appointment of -Superior Court Judge Felix E. Alley, of Waynes ville, as a member of the state supreme court, Kelly E. ;.Bennett, state senator from this district,'; al so was in the group. : Members of the supreme court would be increased from five to seven members under terms of a bill ' passed by the house and now before the senate and the governor would be authorized to appoint two associate justices. ' it A petition signed by seven mem bers of the "Macon bar, urging Judge-Alley' sLappQjntrxient.i'tQ. the high court, also has been present ed to the governor, along with similar petitions from other west ern counties. PROTEST FILED ON PATTON BILL Measure Cutting Jailor's Fees Attributed . to 'Spite' Representative R. A. Patton's bill to abolish turnkey fees for Macon county's jailor, a measure attributed to "personal spite" in a letter of protest signed by a num ber of prominent residents, has been referred to the senate com mittee on salaries and fees ' after passing the house, according to. in formation received herethis :week. The bill not only would abolish the turnkey's fee of 60 cents for admission . of each prisoner, to. the jail,, but would also limit to 15 cents each . meal and s45 cents a day the amount paid the jailor for boarding prisoners. The jailor, John Dills, now receives under a contract awarded by the county commission ers 75 cents a day for each pris oner. ' 1 " ,". Protest Measure A letter protesting . against the measure was sent to Kelly E. Ben net, senator from this district. It was signed by Sheriff A. B; Slagle, Ras Penland, Harley R. Cabe, clerk of court; W- D. . Barnard, former member of 'the' board of commis sioners ; C M. Moore, county Coroner; R. S. 1 Jones and Gilmer A. Jones, attorneys ;, J. R. Morri son, chairman of the. county board of elections;' J. Frank Hay," town attorney; Dr. W. A. Rogers,, county uemocrauc qnairman ; anu . c. oody; , The letter reads: - . "It has been '. the custom of this county for the county board of commissioners to ,set .the" fees "for the jailor, as conditions permitted, which has been, vand js .now, satis factory. We hive' " ah honorable board of commissioners, c-f sound judgment, taxpayers and who 1 have (Continued mN Pg Tn movement to honor ' the president and to raise funds for the cause closest to his heart. Dr. W. A. Rogers is chairman of the birthday party committee for the county and Harley R. Cabe is head of a committee in charge of arrangements for the Franklin dance. At Highlands, the party is being prompted by C. C. Potts and Henry Oeaveland. Use of Kelly's Tea Room has been offered by Miss Lassie Kelly without charge and. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilson, . owners of Helen's Barn at Highlands, also are making available this hall -without charge. Local musicians in each community have donated their t services in sup- plying music. CONFEDERATE VETERAN DIES Samuel Taylor Ramsey, 90, Succumbs After Foot t Amputation L . Samuel Taylor Ramsey, 90, one of the five remaining-Xonfederate veterans in Macon county, died shortly before noon Saturday at the home of his son, Robert Ram sey, at Tellico. Mr. Ramsey, despite his age, had beert active .until he became ser- r lously ill four days before his ,death: An infection,, which develop ed into gangrene, necessitated the amputation of his right foot on Friday, the shock of the operation proving too great for the old man to withstand. ' I Enlisted at 17 Mr. Ramsey, son of the late John and Patsy Bryson . Ramsey, was born, at Tellico, February 22, 1847. At the age of 17, he enlisted in Thomas' Legion, , famous in Western North Carolina annals of tjie War between the . States. He was a member of Berry's 69th regiment. , His death leaves in this county only four Confederate veterans, A. M, Shope of Prentiss, J. M. Daves , of Clarke's Chapel, Sam Pickelsimer of Tesenta, and J. W. Caldwell of Iotla. In addition to these, there are a number of wid ows and one negro bodyguard, Jim Deal of West's Mill, who accom panied his master to the war. Mr. Ramsey joined the Cowee Baptist church early in life but later became a charter member of the Tellico Baptist church which he had served in as a deacon since 1884. ; Leaves 5 Children " On October 10, 1869, he was mar-, ried to Miss Nancy Emmalihe Par rish of this county. They had seven children, five of whom sur vive George, Robert, Harley and James Ramsey and Mrs. Vance DeHart, all of Tellico. ln addition, there are 37 grandchildren and a number of great grandchildren. The funeral was held at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Tellico Baptist church with burial in the church cemetery. The Rev. W. B. Underwood, pastor of the Franklin Baptist church, conducted the rites. Pallbearers were Albert Ramsey, Jack Weyman, Clyde . West, Floyd Ramsey, Crped DeHart and Wade Moody. , LINGERS TO MEET SUNDAY o The regular fifth Sunday singing convention will be held at the courthouse Sunday, Starting at 10 o'clock in the rooming, it was an nounced yesterday by J. M. Raby, president of the convention. Mr. Raby expressed the hope that the weather would permit a good at tendance. . MACON PASSES RELIEF QUOTA $444.75 Raised for Flood Victims; Fund Is Still Growing donations to the Macon county chapter of the American Red Cross' for relief of flood victims in the Ohio and Mississippi valley states totaled $444.75 this morning and contributions were still coming in, it Was reported by the Rev. J. A. Flanagan, chapter chairman. News of the tremendous extent of the disaster, brought by newsr papers and radio, stirred deep sym pathy among the place of this mountain county and they opened their pocketbooks in the spirit of generosity similar to that manifest ed a year ago when, the city of Gainesville, Ga., was nearly wiped out by a tornado. ' When the first appeal came from national headquarters of the Red Cross, asking that the Macon county chapter raise $60 for aid of the flood victims, that sum had al ready been surpassed in voluntary contributions. A large envelope, dabeled for Red Cross flood relief,' and placed on the counter of Per ry's Drug Store was soon filled with silver change, $1 and $5 bills. Wednesday morning, another ap peal came from the national Red Cross asking Macon county to raise five times its original quota and again that sum had already bien passed. The appeal in the form of a telegram from Admiral Gary T. Grayson, national Red Cross chair man; follows : Grayson's Appeal "Flood suffering has already reached unprecedented proportions with relief needs steadily mounting. Under these conditions impossible now. name final goal for funds only limited Red Cross assistance must be maximum generosity American people. Every possible member na tional Red Cross staff now assign ed to field for relief duty. I call upon all chapters to assume full initiative their respective jurisdic tions and mobilize every commun ity resource of personnel and or ganization to raise promptly larg est possible amount. Report daily amount raised. 'For your informa tion in view present known needs your goal should be not less than five times quota originally assigned you." , Ridh and Poor Give' People in all walks of life, young and old, well-to-do and poor, help ed to swell the relief fund. Em ployees of the Zickgraf Lumber company chipped in $27.25, the American Legion Auxiliary con tributed " $31-30, employees .of the W. M. Ritter Lumber company at Rainbow Springs, sent Mr. Flana ( Continued on Page Ten) WHERE TO LEAVE DONATIONS The Rev. J. A. Flanagan, chairman of the Macon county chapter of the American Red Cross, has designated the follow-, ing places of business in Frank lin to receive contributions to the flood relief fund: The Bank of Franklin, Perry's Drug Store and" The Franklin Press. In Highlands, flood relief do nations may be left with the Rev. Frank Bloxham or the Highlands Drug Store.' Admiral Cary T. Grayson, na tional Red Cross chairman, has appealed to the American people for $10,000,000 to aid flood vic tims. Although Macon county's latest quota of $300 has been passed, a much larger quota is expected to be assigned on ac count of later reports indicating that the loss and suffering in the afflicted states is' many times greater than at first thought.

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