THURSDAY, JULY I, 19 37 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN PAGE THREE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ' and COMINGS AND GOINGS T. E. L. CLASS TO MEET -WITH MRS. CALLOWAY The T.'E. L. class of the Frank lin Baptist church will hold their business meeting Tuesday after noon, July 6, at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Henderson Calloway on'Bidwell street. Mrs. Paul Car penter will give a talk on "Build ing a Standard Sunday School. All members are urged to at tend this meeting. GARDEN CLUB TO MEET WITH MRS. BESHEARS The Garden club will meet Tues day afternoon, July 0, at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. k. G. Be shears for their regular monthly meeting. All members are urged to attend and help make the final plans for the flower show, which is to be held the latter part of July. ZONE MEETING OF W. M. S. AT SNOW HILL The i zone meeting of the Wo man Missionary Societies of Ma con county, which met with the Snow Hill society was a very in teresting and enthusastic meeting and with a fairly good attendance. The mission study book, "Under the Southern' Cross," which was given by Mrs. F. E. Branson, Mrs. II. C. Hurst, Mrs. H. C. Arthur Macon Theatre Matinees begin at 3:00 Night Shows 7:30 and 9:30 SHOWING FROM 3:00 TO 11:00 SATURDAYS PROGRAM FOR WEEK SATURDAY, JULY 3 "IT HAPPENED OUT WEST" Harold Bell Wright's latest and greatest adventure thriller Starring PAUL KELLY, JUDITH ALLEN And a Good Supporting Cast Added Attractions: First Chapter of New Serial ."PAINTED STALLION" Cartoon: "PORKY'S RAILROAD" MON.-TUE; JULY 5-6 JEAN HARLOW ROBERT TAYLOR "PERSONAL PROPERTY" With a Grand Supporting Cast This is Miss Harlow's Last and GREATEST PICTURE Added Short Subjects: Musicall Journey ; Chicken a la King (Mrs. Homer Mashburn) WEDNESDAY ONLY, JULY 7 "ESPIONAGE" With EDMUND LOWE, MADGE EVANS and SKEETS GALLAGHER Added Treats: Paramount News (Mrs.- Werner) THURSDAY ONLY JULY 8 "THE GREAT O'MALLEY" With PAT O'BRIEN, ANN SHERIDAN and SYBIL JASON Added Attractions: Wanted a Master; Musical, Every Sunday EXTRA SPECIAL Braddock-Louis - Fight Blow by Blow No Increase in Admission on this Special Program (Mrs. Fred Arnold) FRIDAY ONLY, JULY 9 JANE WITHERS In "ANGEL'S HOLIDAY" With ROBERT KENT . And a Good Supporting Cast Ginger Jane up to her mischievous tricks again. Short Subjects: "Man bo Man" "Ring Goes Rotund" (Mrs. Gilmer Jones) The persons whose names appear in i the above program will be ad mitted by presenting this' clipping. and Rev. O. E. Croy, was very interesting and thoroughly enjoyed. The next meeting will be held Saturday, October 9, with the ladis of the Union Methodist church. MRS. DERALD ASHE GIVES BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Derald Ashe entertained with a party at her home on Har rison avenue Saturday evening, complimentary to her daughter, Frances, on her 14th birthday an niversary. Many outdoor games were enjoy ed after which the hostess served delicious refreshments. ' The honoree was the recipient of many lovely gifts and the hearty wish of the entire crowd for many happy birthdays. J. W. Hasting, who has been seriously ill for the past two weeks, was reported Tuesday to be slight ly improved. . Mrs. John Rigdon, Mrs. Berry Kigdon and two daughters, Sarah Florence and Nan,- of Tifton, Ga., are spending this week here visit ing Dr. and Mrs. K. M. Rimmer at their home on West Main street. Mr. and Mrs. C S. Brown, who have been in Arkansas for the past year, where Mr. Brown has been with the forest service, returned to Franklin last week for a visit with their, mothers, Mrs. C. S. Brown, Sr., at the Scott Griffin hotel and Mrs. H. O. Cozad. B. M Angel, of Higdonville, is spending several days in Franklin visiting friends. Mrs. R. J. Snyder and Mrs. Frank Crawford, of Sylva, spent Friday here the guests of Mrs. C. T. Moody, at her home on River view street. Miss Evelyn Mozeley, of Reids ville, is spending several days vis iting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mozeley, at Otto and W. J. West and Mrs. West, at West's Mill. , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Goodwin and family, of Miami, Fla., spent Sun day here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Moody, at their home on Riverview street. Mrs. O. E. Lawrence has return ed from Schuyler, Va., where she spent several weeks visiting rela tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Hoyt and young son, of Clarksville, Ga., spent Tuesday . here with Mr. Hoyt's brother, John Hoyt and Mrs. Hoyt. Miss Allie Caler, who is ill at her home at Aquone, was reported to be unimproved Tuesday. Mr. and tMrs. George Carpenter returned from Tesenta Monday, after spending the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Long and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Justice. Milton Sanders, a student at State college in Raleigh, has re turned to his home here to spend his summer vacation with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sanders. Mrs. I. Raphael and two daugh ters, of Baltimore, Md., are spend ing several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Sam Poliakoff and Mr. Pol iakoff, at their home on the Geor gia road. Mn and Mrs. Earl Hurst, of Uidgecrest, who have been spend ing several days at "Woodhurst Farm," had as their week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. i Robert Creamier, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gard ner and Mr. and Mrs. John S. Trotter, of West Asheville. Turner Dellart, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. DeHart, is spending this week in Miami, Jacksonville and St. Augustine, .Fla. Turner, who is representative for the At lanta Journal in Franklin, won this free trip to Florida for selling iU new subscriptions to the Journal. Robert - A. Patton and D. Robert Davis have returned to their homes here, after spending a week in Roanoke Island and Nags Head Beach. While there they contracted to sell' the property of Theodore S. Meckins and of R. Bruce Eth- eridge, who is head of the con servation' department of North Carolina. This sale is scheduled to take place the latter part of July or the first of August. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wilhide at tended the funeral of Allen Sum mers at Judson on Thursday of the Mr. and . Mrs. Harry S. Higgins and daughter, Miss Ruth Higgins, spent Sunday in Sylva, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plemmons. Clinton Burrell and James Hauser left Wednesday, morning for At lanta, Ga., on business. . The title attorney's office which has been in Franklin for the past 15 years or more has been moved to Atlanta, Ga. Mr. E. E, Sypher, who has been , title attorney has entered into partnership with at torney R. D. Sisk. Miss Kitty Mercke has returned to her home in Athens, Ga., after spending 10 days with her aunt, Mrs. C. A. Rowland and Mr. Row land, at their home in the Orlando apartment on Harrison avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Wasilik, Jr., and two children are spending sev eral days in Roselle, N. J., vis iting relatives and friends. Mrs. J. A. Deal and two grand daughters, Misses Jessica and Jean Johnston, who have been spending the past two weeks with Mrs. Deal's daughter, Mrs. T. J. Johns ton at her home on Harrison ave nue, have returned to their home in Athens, Ga. Mrs. H. P. Hartley and daughter, Miss Frances Hartley, of Macon, Ga., who have been here visiting Mrs. Hartley's daughter, Mrs. J. H. Carelock, were called home Fri day on account of the sickness of Mrs. Hartley's son, Elmer. Miss Elizabeth Dowdle left this week for Bloomville, where she will be bridesmaid at the wedding of Miss Martha Shore and where she will visit for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Guffee moved Wednesday from the Long apart ment to their new home, on Bid well street. Births Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conley announce the birth of a daughter, Ellen Harriette, at Angel hospital on Friday, June 18. Lake Emory .'.. By MRS. J. R. BERRY SHOWER GIVEN FOR YOUNG BRIDE Mrs. Victor Shidles entertained for Mrs Ray "Mclntyre with a miscellaneous shower at her home Saturday afternoon. A large crowd was present and Mrs. Mclntyre received many love ly and useful gifts. Those present were entertained with radio music while Mrs. Victor Shidles and Mrs. Tom Franks, mother of the bride, served de licious cake and ice cream. Mrs. Addie Saunders has been very ill for the past week, but for the last few days has been improv ing. Mrs! R. V. Ford, Mrs. Bill Mos ley and daughter, Mrs. Earnest Queen, from Clayton, Ga., visited Mrs. Z. D. Buchanan last Friday. Miss Maude Saunders, of Ridge crest, is spending several days at Canton with Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bailey. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs., A. W. Reid, is little William Dean Almond, of Webster. He is the guest of Mildred and Wil bur n Reid. Mr. and Mrs.. Tommia Bailey have moved from their home in Franklin to the Dean Simpson place, near Lake Emory store. Mrs. Sumler Dorley, of Peters burg, Va., Mrs. Dave Tallent and Mrs". Ida Green, of Hopewell, Va., were visiting . their sick mother, Mrs. Addie Saunders, last week. Mrs. Dewey Bailey and Mrs. Carl Painter, of Canton, called on Mrs. Bill Tippett Sunday afternoon. Jesse Thompson, who is employ ed in New York, spent last week end here with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mart, neice and grandson, of Canton, were din ner guests at the home of W.' C. Hyatt Sunday. West's Mill Miss Margaret Holbrooks, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hol brooks, of Candler, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J no. H. Dalton. Wheeler Morrison, who has been spending several months in Okla homa Qty, , Okla., is visiting his father, H. R. Morrison and Mrs. Morrison. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Painter on June 26, a' boy. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. My, and Mrs, Robert Bryson have returned from, Detroit, Mich., where they have been visiting Mr. Bry son'sV son, Terrell, and Mrs. Bry son. On tHeir return trip they were accompanied by their daughter, Mattie Pearl, who has been at tending school in Detroit. . Mrs. T. M. Rickman, who has been sick, is improving at present. George Raby, who has been ser iously ill, is steadily improving. ' Mrs. H. L. Phillips and daughter, Ruth, and son, Gene, were visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Matlock, recently. O. E. Rickman, who was injured recently, i is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Chace Tatham, of Andrews, were visiting Mrs. Tat ham's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McGaha, recently. . , Robert Sheffield, who has been working at Wqodrow, is visiting relatives and friends here. Mrs. Carr. Bryson, who has been ill, is greatly improved. 1 Mrs. C. II. Sawyer and two children, of Brasstown, attended the funeral of Mrs. Sawyers' granddaughter, little Ruby Irene VW BET ITS A PLEASURE TO SMOKE CAMELS ! THEY ENJOY MY MEALS. BETTER SETTLES, . CAMELS HELP KEEP m TION ON THE RIGHT TRACK r AT Charlie Chase has been railroading for 40 years and enjoy : r i- ii U 1 6 V.IUUCM IU1 All Used Cars that LOOK alike are NOT alike. Vacation Bargains in USED GARS Vacation! Boy, that is the time you want to "step on the gas" and get away from your work and troubles. One of our sporty Used Cars will make your vacation a howling success, and you will be proud of the job too. 1927 Buick 4-Door Se dan, A-l condition $150 1936 Chevrolet 1& Ton Truck $450 1934 Chev. Coupe Mast-, or, new paint, A-l.. $375 1934 Chevrolet 1-Ton Truck, good tires, good shape $285 1932 Chevrolet Coach, 1-A, new paint ... $225 1932 Chev. Sport Tour ing, above average. $280 1934 DLCA, good tires, A-l condition, new license $310 1936 Dodger-Ton Truck, stock rack $450 Let US Care for YOUR Car BRING IN YOUR OLD CAR; SWAP IT FOR A NEW CAR TRY AND YOU WILL BUY CHEVROLET A Car you will be Proud to own BURRELL Motor Co. Phone 123 Franklin, N. C Rickman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rickman, who was buried at the Cowce Baptist church Wednes day. Mrs. Albert Rickman is spending a few days with relatives and friends in Sylva. Forestry Officials Visit Franklin Visitors to the Nantahala nation al forest during the past week in cluded W. R. Paddock, former sup ervisor; Donald Clark, of the of fice of operations; Robert Smith, office of accounts; Deford Smith and. C. M. Renfroe, of the office of engineering. Assistant Regional Forester II.. O. Stmbley stopped at Franklin on his way to the Appalachian Trail Club conference at Gatlinburg, Tenn. Assistant Regional Forester J. F. Brooks visited the forest on Fri day, June 25. Teachers and students who take summer vacation jobs in covered employments must get social secur ity account numbers. HELP ME FOOD TASTES BETTER. MY DIGES I 4. J. 1929 Ford Coupe, new paint, good tires, new Oicense . . $125 1929 Ford 4-Door Sedan $85 1936 Ford V-8. Pickup, 13,000 Mi., a dandy $475 1935 Chev. St'd Coupe, ' like new $415 1932 Ford 4-tdoor Sedan, new paint, and runs good $225 1929 Ford Sedan, looks tad, a good car . . .$125 1931 Ford Coupe, new paint , $210 1934 Ford V-8 Long Wheel Rate Trtuck, in excellent oondi dition .........$310 past week.,

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