... J . .. . THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON I AN PAGE TWO THURSDAY, SEPT. 23, 1937 Loyal Order of Mcose Franklin Lodi;e, No. 452 Meets Second and Fourth Friday Nights 8:00 P.M. Under American Legion S. J. Murray, Sec'y To Get Rid of Arid find Poisonous Waste Your kidneys brlp to keep you.rfi!1 by constantly Altering wastp matter from the blood. If your kidneys get functionally disordered and (ail to remove exceas impurities, there may be Eotsontng of the whole system and ody-wid djstress. Burning, scanty or too frequent uri nation may be warning of some kidney or bladder disturbance. You may suffer naming backacha, , persistent headache, Httackn of dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, pudiness . under the eyea leel weak, nervous,' all played out. lit such cases It Is better to rely on a medicine that has won country-wide acclaim than on something less favor ably known. Use Vonn't PilU. A multi tude of grateful people recommend Doan's. Ask your ntitihborl Broadway By EFFIE WILSON Ch;trlic Woods, of Highlands, -has bought a 'boundary of , timber in this section, and is logging for the Zickgraf Lumber company, of Franklin. ' Jack Frost paid us a visit last week, but didn't do any damage. Radford and Glen Wilson were visitors at the home of Andy Wil son Sunday. Zoa and Andy Wilson made a business trip to Franklin last week. Stella Wilson is with home folks for a while, after spending the sujnmcr at Camp Parrydise, on .Little Scaly mountain. Mr; Major, of Atlanta, has sold his summer home ion Fork moun tain to Dr. t Calhoun, also of At lanta, lie is planning to build a new house of . stone there. Frank Cabe made a business trip to John Brown's Thursday. Fiirnian Vinson was in this sec lion Monday buying cabbage. A mad dog passed through this section last week. Frank, the smal' son of Andy Wilson, succeeded in killing the dog with seven rifle shots. Miss Lily CaTe macTe a business trip to Highlands Saturday. Sam McCall and children were in Highlands Saturday on 'business. Stop missing good shaves! Dis cover Star Single-edge Blades! Made since 1880 by the invvit4 , i lors oi me original safety razor. Keen, lone lasting uni form. Offers Suggestions Jr'or School Lunches The school lunch should toe ap petizing as well as nourishing, to tempt the youngsters to eat a suf ficient amount of the right kinds oi food. f A well packed lunch is .not dif ficult to prepare, but it should be given care and thought, said Miss Saihe Brooks, assistant extension nutritionist at State college.. About one-fourth of' the child's food requirements for the day should fce supplied in the school Lunch. The lunch should be consid ered along with other meals of the da in balancing the diet. Three or four kinds of foods are enough for a lunch. Suitable foods from which selections may be made, Miss Brooks said, include: Sandwiches made frofn day-old bread, preferably whole wheat, lightly buttered, and with ..fillings made from chopped eggs, minced meats, cheese, chopped nuts mixed with cheese, jam, or vegetables. Fruits either raw, stewed, fresh, or dried, or fruit juices. Sweets such as bakedor boiled ALLOWED FOR ANY OLD LAMP JM I 0.-1 sst W f yi Sept 1 to Nov. 30, Inc. I 11 l VV?Vi i v ill 1 1 nTWii Jl V 1V HERE'S a real money-saving opportunity to equip your home with those world famous Aladdin Kerosene (Coal Oil) Mantle Lamps. Bring in any old lamp, any sort or condition, and we'll give you the surprisingly liberal allowance of $1.00 on it, to apply upon the purchase price of, any style Aladdin you may select, ming in as many as you please, as long as you buy an equal number of Aladdins. Certainly, you can now well afford all the joys and comforts Aladdin light will bring to every member of your household. Why strain your eyes under the faint, yellowish glow of the old style flat-wick lamp, when you can have this modern white light at such a substantial saving? Don't wait act today! Iff you act QUICK you may secure this Amazing New 1937 . . . $4.95 Aladdin Kerosene Mantle Lamp All Aladdin Lamps have these out standing features Burn kerosene ' (coal oil) for SO hours on a single gallon. Give an abundance of soft. mellow, white light near sunlight in auality. Absolutely sale, tsurns 94 air. Very economical. No odor, noise, smoke or trouble. No generating. Lights with match in moment. Simplicity itself.'. only 4g) Cash, and any old Lamp of any kind, sort or condition. utlfnl Decorated Whip-o-llte or Glua Shade, aft Small Extra Com DON'T WAIT! Bring In Your Old Lamp NOW! Many Handtsnw Style of TABLE HANGING BRACKET AND, FLO OR LAMPS In a Great Variety of Colors and Finishes from which to Choosa, Macon County Supply Go. Hardware, Mill Supplies, Farm Implements LYMAN HIGDON AND HARVE BRYANT, Mgrs. FRANKLIN, N. C. custards, junkfets, cookies, ' small amounts of home-made candies, or milk chocolate. The lunch should be carried in a ventilated container that can toe washed and scalded, and. which in cludes a thermos bottle. Select foods that pack well and will taste good when cold. Paper napkins, waxed paper, and screw top jars for salads, stewed fruits, and the like will facilitate packing the lunch in an attractive WaV. mi be l Pre Foi ' N. to t tunitl past undc lrog O of not ers Octol past R seec have ex"te coll . Fd cent mot acre ' F cenfl mor nua alsiJ F vvhi $1 1 F app potash to non-crop( pasture land, or in , connection withv the seeding of fall pasture grasses or winter cover crops such as crimson clovetv Aus trian peas, and vetch. For applying 1,000 to 5,(XX) pounds of grolind limestone per acre, $2 a ton. For applying 100 to 500 pounds of 16 per cent superphosphate . or its equivalent, CO cents per 100 pounds. For applying 30 to 250 pounds of iate of potash on land where rphpsphate has been applied in rdance with the program, $1 100 pounds. ' . HORN'S SHOE SHOP, SAYS WE ARE STILL MENDING SHOES When your soles roll r And your heels rock v We'll save your sole , And, also, your sock. HORN'S SHOE SHOP Box 212 Troy F. Horn r : n. L . 1" 1 ' iiiiii'Ii ' i'h i , 11 i i Lir 1II2J 41 1 Now. you can get a baby powder that will keep your baby safer . against germs and skin infec tions. It's Mennen Antiseptic Powder Your doctor will tell you that whenever you buy a baby powder it surely ought to be Mennen Because Mennen is more than just a dusting powder -it's antiseptic! And it costs no more' So. mother, buy a tia from your druggist today. .(7 v.- . a I'M A NEW WOMAN THANKS TO PURSANG y. Yes. Pursanecontains.in properly balanced proportions, euch proven elements as organic copper and iron. Quickly stimulates appetite and aids nature in building rich, red blood even in cases of simple anemia. When this happens, energy and strength usually return. You feel like new. Get Pursang from your druggist. 2 iarbecue Free AT THE ION SAL OF THE M. BULGIN FARM Franklin on Murphy Highway 64 fiSept 25, 1 1 A. M CCCCOQfi We Will Have JPlenty of Food for Everyone This property has been subdivided into lots' and tracts and will be sold for the last and high dollar on terms of one-third cash, balance 6 and 12 months. This sale was called off on September 14, but Saturday, September 25, will be the big, gala' day in Macon county. Property will be sold re gardless of price. An Investment In Happiness Here you have modern improvements, such as telephones, electricity, school bus and mail delivery, and each lot is a perfect building site. Here man has struck hands with nature to provide the best of living conditions for those who wish to live well. Here, truly, is the place to . build your dream home, where everyday is a happy day amid the scenic grandeur of the eternal hills. Each new day brings ,a new opportunity for pleasure, pastime and profit. The person w:th a vision, will profit from an investment in this out standing piece of property. Band Concert Ladies Invited FOR WHITE PEOPLE ONLY SALE CONDUCTED BY Home Realty & Auction Co SELLING AGENTS R. A. PATTON, Manager FRANKLIN, N. C.