; tHURSbAY, WLARcH A 193? THE FRANKLIN PRESS. AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN PACE THREE r . SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ' and ' COMINGS AND GOINGS V MRS. LESTER S. CONLEY, PHONE 104 SURPRISE PARTY FOR MRS. CARL P. CABE A surprise birthday party and dinner was given Monday night by Mr, and Mrs. Ellis Clarke Soper in honor of Mrs, Carl P. Cabe. Mrs. Cabe was detained in town on various pretexts, and when she reached home the guests were as sembled and the dinner was ready. A telegram was delivered during the evening requesting Mrs. Cabe to look under her bed, jand when she complied she found a number of gifts concealed there. The guests at the dinner were: Mr, and Mrs. Soper, Miss Stella Wilson, Mr. and Irs. Lee Guffey, D. P. Cabe, Mr. and Mr& St. Clair Anderson, parents of Mrs. Cabe, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl P, Cabe. BIBLE CLASS MEETING HELD WITH MRS. PAGE The F. S. Johnston Bible clas,s met on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. H. Page on Rog ers Hill for the regular monthly business , and social meeting .with , approximately 25 members present. Mrs, W. W. Sloan, president, pre sided over, the business session, and following the reports, from the va rious committees, a round table dis cussion was held on ways and means to finance the obligations the class has. assumed for the year's projects. . , . The following committees were appointed : ways . and means, Mrs. Herbert E. Church; chairman; Mrs. W. A. Rogers, Mrs. Reba Tessier and Mrs. Lester S. Conley; flowf ers, Mrs. R. G. Beshears, Mrs, ADVANCES in ytvthzatton The same urge that led hu mans to improve their speech, knowledge and living condi tions brought about the dis tinctive improvements of the American Funeral. The same genius, that brought modern comforts and conveniences to both humble cottages and preten tious palaces, also made it possible for each family re gardless of its social or finan cial rank to honor its dead with funerals of quality, dig nity and beauty. The whole benefit of our mortuary experience and equipment is furnished in full measure without partiality to all we serve. ' 7A SitwiA. C&t&t OioJUwuTHoit NONE 106 NIGHT PHONE 20 SEEDS A COMPLETE STOCK Lespedeza, Garden Seeds and Grass Seeds, Finest varieties. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY Macon County Supply Co. Hardware, Mill Supplies, Farm Implements LYMAN HIGDON AND HARVE- BRYANT, Mgw. FRANKLIN. N. C. S. Conley and Mrs.. W. T, Moore ; reporting on the sick, Mrs. P. F. Callahan and Mrs. C. C. Cunning ham. Mrs. Herbert E.Church"and Miss Amy Harrison were winners of the two prizes given in the two very enjoyable contests held. . Mrs. Page, assisted by Mrs. C. L. Morton and Mrs. Sam 1 Rog erSj .served delicious refreshments at the conclusion of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. handler and the Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Phillips, of Tallulah Lodge, Ga., spent Fri day of the past week visiting Mrs. Chandler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Thomas, at their home on Iotla street. Mr. and Mrs. William Smart and son, Billy, of MoCormick, S. C, were here for the funeral of Mrs. Smart's father, Edgar A. Vanhook, and for a visit with relatives and friends. Miss Nora Leach, who is teaching school at Nantahala, spent the week-end with" home folks. Miss Dorothy Stewart and nephew, Richard Briggs, of Atlanta, Ga., spent the week-end with Miss Stewart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Stewart, at their home on River view street. Miss Evelyn Poliakoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Poliakoff, is spending two weeks in Miami Beach, Fla. For several months Miss Poliakoff has been in Ander son, S. C, clerking for her father in his store there. Lee Leach, who has ,been quite ill for several weeks, is able to be out on the streets , again. Ford . Mann, of .Newton, came in Sunday for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James J. Mann, at their home on Franklin Route 2. He is connected with the Catawba News-Enterprise at . Newton, which is wned.tand, edited by his uncle, G. W. Mann. Benny McGlamery, of Andrews, who is .employed by the Nantahala Power and Light company, and was formerly stationed in Franklin, spent a while herd Monday on business. , Mrs. Ray Orr, of Andrews,, is spending several days with her cousin, Miss Grace Baird, at her home on Bonny Crest. The . condition of ' Charlie , W. Dowdle, who has, been quite ill at his home at Prentiss for the past month, suffering with jaundice, was reported ,, to ,be unchanged Tuesday. Francis B. Johnson, son of Mrs. J. WV C. Johnson, has accepted the position of engineer in charge of Porterfield-Turner Airplane Cor poration, of Kansas City. , For the past year he .'has been stress analysis engineer of Rearwin Air plane company, of Kansas City. The postmasters from Macon county attending the meeting m Waynesville Saturday were: Mrs. C. Tom Bryson, Cullasaja; Mrs. W; M. Parrish, Otto; T. W. Porter, Franklin ; E. O. Rickman, Leather man; J. D. Burnette, Scaly and Oscar C. Corbin, Gneiss. Mr. and Mrs. Silas J. Womack have returned to their home here after spending. few days with their son, John . Womack, who un derwent an operation at the Nor burn . hospital for the removal of his appendix. They reported their son to be getting, along nicely, and It's Nice Work, v J V-W.'.'f.vWtAv., if' iff:: 1 It's big job for a little fellow, but Sonia, Labrador Eskimo pup owned by Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Seele of Wonaiancet, N. II., nevertheless attempts to pull Nancy Horst, seven-year-old Greenwich, Conn., girl, when she visited a sportsmen's show in New York recently. , BRIGADIER GENERAL First native born soldier of the V 8. territory of. Puerto Blco to bo made brigadier general In the na tional guard or, regular army it. Luis Paul Esteves,' former colonel recently elevated by President Roosevelt He is now the highest ranking army officer In Uncle Sam' tropical Island, regarded as a strate gic outpost for the Panama canal. expects to be able to leave the hos pital within the next few days. Mrs. Locke Davis, of Candler, came over last week to be with her father, Edgar A. Van Hook, who died at his home at Riverside Mon day evening. .Sheriff A. B. Slagle, Mayor Guy L. Houk, of Franklin, and Town Clerk Thad Smith, of Highlands, were in Raleigh on business the first of the week. Births Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cochrane announce the birth of a daughter, at their home in Franklin township on Friday, February 17. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Nondis Fouts, on Thursday, Febru ary 23,' at their home on Franklin Route 3. . Forest Fire Training School Conducted A one day Forest Fire Training school has just been completed at Camp F-24, Robbinsville. All for est officials attended the school. Methods of handling fires was the main training job. The foresters re turned to their jobs upon comple tion of the school confident that this year their efforts at suppress ing fires would be very successful. They felt that the continued co operation of local residents will be a big help in attaining a good rec ord. January and February were passed without a fire to, darken the horizon and continued care by everyone . in the Nantahala forest will enable these fire fighters to continue their good work. HARD FARMING Madison county farmers sell most 6f their produce in the raw state because, says County Agent G. W. Miller, the county has no factories, no tobacco warehouse, no furniture plant, , no hatchery or milk plant, no cannery or greenhouse, no feed lot cattle sold directly to the butcher, nor, any produce house, mmsammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmmmmmmmmmmmm but Can He Do It? mmmmmmmmm iiiiililiiilli ENOr ALL THE PLEASURE THERE IS IN SMOKING - Let, upLight up a Camel jittery nerves." So he pauses now and then to let up light up a mild, tasty Camel. He finds these recesses pleasant and refreshing. SMOKERS FIND- ' Camels neverjangle the nerves Let OLIVER Implements Cut Your Production Costs MANURE SPREADER Thla spreader will Increase your crop and make your manure go farther, aa well as ave you time and labor. Properly used, it will bring you a good1 stand of grass on re-seeded land. DISC HARROW Oliver disc harrows will help you do more work In a day. They are built to penetrate nearly all soils without addi tional weight. Equipped with Galesburg electrically heat treated discs, plain or cut-out styles. also ' SPIKE TOOTH HARROWS For All Your Farm Needs Go To The Farmers Federation Warehouses PHONE 92 PALMER STREET Tie OLIVER Line !s Backed By SERVICE and PARTS Play At Mulberry School March 4 A play, 'The Path Across the Hill," will be presented at the Mulberry school house on Saturday night, March 4, at 7:30. The cast will include members of the .school and others in the com munity. The proceeds will be used for the school lunch poom. Admission charges for adults will be 25 cents and children 15 cents. MORE P.IGS Farmers cooperating to conduct the five-county livestock market at New Bern last week shipped 423 Hogs weighing 59,866 pounds for which the owners, were paid , over $5,000. This money scattered among the adjacent farm owners is sup plying needed cash at this season, reports county agent L. G. Matthis. BARGAINS! FACTORY RECONDITIONED SINGER SEWING MACHINES AT ONE-THIRD THE ORIGINAL PRICE Bryant Furniture Co. CAMELS GIVE MB TWO BI6 THIN6S I WANT IN A CIGARETTE MILDNESS AND 600 D, RICH FLAVOR. CAMELS MAKE SMOKING MEAN A LOT MORE TO MB. 'ID WALK A MILE FDR A CAMEL' TOO WHEN the combination to, a safe gets lost; Har old J. Weidman is likely to get a call. His work as a lock smith is opening locks by touch and sound. Often that's a long, wearisome job, and, as Harold says, "No task for a man with PLOWS & POINTS There's an Oliver plow : lot very purpose, and every on of them Is built to stand the gaff of hard usage. Federa tion warehouses carry large stocks , of plows, points and pairs. SEED DRILL The OLIVER superior . fore ' feed delivers .with, absolute accuracy the measured aitount of seed, large . or small, to be sown. It will not crack , the grain. FRANKLIN, N. C