Thursday, March is, 1939 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN PAGE THREE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and COMINGS AND GOINGS MRS. LESTER S. CONLEY, PHONE 104 A New 'Jiggs' Joins the Marine Corps HOLLAND-GIBSON Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Holland, of Cullasaja announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Edna Marthia Holland, to Weimer Gibson, also of. Cullasaja. . V The wedding ceremony wl&f per formed in Clayton, Ga., on Sa fur day March 11, with only a few clo,s.e friends attending. Mrs. Gibson, the youngest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Holland, was attired in a Very becoming suit of navy blue. She was a student in the Franklin high school. Mr. Gibson, a , son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Gibson, of Cullasaja, is- employed at the Hoilman shoe shop in Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson are making their home at present on Cullasaja. GIRL SCOUTS TO MEET WITH MRS. OVERCASH The Girl Scouts will hold a meet ing on Wednesday af ternoon, March 22, at 4 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Hayes Overcash on West Main street. Any girl who is inter ested in scout activities, is cordial ly invited to attend. MK3. UU. rui ij nuj i-.-. AT MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs. George Potts was hostess at a miscellaneous, shower: at her nome at West's Mill Saturday night, as a courtesy to Mr., and Mrs. Clyde Clark. Mrs. Clark was the former Miss Katherine Ray. Little Joan Potts, small daugh ter of Mrs. Potts, entered the liv ing room drawing a wagon in which was seated little Carlene Sorrells, niece of the hostess, surrounded by daintily wrapped packages, and car rying "an open parasol. She was followed by a group of small chil dren also carrying packages for the honorees. The guests were invited into the dining room where Mr. and Mrs. Clark opened and displayed the large assortment of attractive nd useful gifts to their many friends present. Following the party cake and punch were served by the hostess. U. D. C. MEETING HELD WITH MRS. A. B. SLAGLE The monthly business and social meeting of the United Daughters of Confederacy of the Macon county chapter was held Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. B. Slagle, on West Main street, with 12 members present. The Slagle home was attractively arranged -in yellow jonquils' and greenery and the St. Patrick motif of yellow and green was further carried out in the refreshments.. . The meeting, was .presided over by Miss Elizabeth Slagle, presi dent. Following the reports from the different , committees, plans for organizing, a junior chapter in Ma con county were' discussed. This was left open for further discus sion and will probably be definite ly decided upon at the April meet ing. . The meeting was turnell over to Mrs. Herbert. E. Church, chairman of the program , committee. Mrs. James L. Averell, sang three lovely selections, "The Kerry' Dance," by Molloy; , "Londonderry Air," old Irish melodv. and "Flow. Gently Sweet Af ton," by Robert Burns, which were thoroughly enjoyed by nil -nnfttf t 11 LlitSClftki Mrs. Jack O. Werner gave a reading and short sketch on his torical places and early settlers of Charleston'; S. C, which was very instructive as well as interesting. x rv-1 C Cloirlo wo winn-pr AVI 1 S. 1 ' " . . . ii I II A. 4. of the prize in the "stitcn coniesi. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Zeb ' W.- Gonley in April. MRS. SCAGGS GIVES PARTY FOR DAUGHTER Mrs. W. R. Scaggs entertained with a party at her home at Ar rowood Glade on Saturday, after noon, honoring her daughter, Betty Lou, on her 9th birthday anniver sary. . ,;' ' ' -: , Several beautiful piano .selections were rendered by Betty Lou and the children present also played iseveral piano and violin numbers, making it an enjoyable occasion for all present. A large birthday cake bearing nine yellow candles featured the table decorations, rhe mom oi yellow and white was furthered , in the ice cream and cake served at the conclusion of the party. i Those present were: Helen Gib son. Wavne Harrison. Evelyn Moss, Janet Harrison, Cullen Bryant, Mrs. J. D. Porter and Mrs. Harry S. Higgins. , The condition of Percy Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T.Wright, who has been auite ill with pneu monia at their home on West Main street, was reported to be unim proved Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Tompkins and daughter, Miss Leona Tomp kins, of Boston, Mass., spent last week here visitine their .son and brother, Joel Tompkins and Mrs. Tompkins. Alice Bennett, a student at Pfieffer college, at Misenheimer, went to Greensboro, the past week end as a delegate from the Y. W. A. Miss Bennett is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bennett, of Iotla. Mrs. F. L. Siler has returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Siler at Marshall. She also attended the council meeting of Southern Methodist Missionary Women in Asheville last week. T. J. Mauney, of Murphy, was' among the business visitors here Tuesday. Mrs. Mae Martin has returned to her home in West Asheville, after spending a week at the home of her niece, Mrs. H. O. Cozad, and other relatives" in Franklin. Miss Nora Leach, who has been confined to her room for. the past two weeks, was reported to be much improved Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Neville Sloan, of Atlanta, .spent the week-end s with Mr. Sloan's mother, Mrs. J. S. Sloan, at her home in East Frank lin. Mrs. L. M. Lease is spending sev eral days with her brother, W. 1. Jiggs IV, ll-months-old puppy, has been named official mascot of the marine corps. Col. Charles R. Sanderson of the depot of supplies at Philadelphia was in charge of coronation ceremonies. Jiggs is the gift of Dr. Frederick M. James of Temple university. His predecessor, Jiggs III, was killed two weeks ago by a fire truck. Mrs. Ernest Johnson, returned to their home at, Daytona Beach, Fla,, Tuesday,' after coming up for the funeral of their brother, Weaver W. Landrum . Sunday, and for a visit with their parents,' Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Landrum,on Cullasaja. Lon Thompson, who is working at M urphy, spent the week-end with h'is family at their home on Franklin Ropte 4. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. 'Phil lips, and - children came over from Jirevard Saturday for the funeral of Mr. Phillips' mother, Mrs. Jona tlian Phillips, at ; Clark's Chapel Sunday. While here they also visit ed Mrs. Phillips' parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Garner, at their home on Franklin Route 2. WAX POTATOES Two Cornell University scientists found that treating seed Irish po tatoes with 30 per cent 231-B wax emulsion while still in a dormant condition resulted, in a stimulation of sprout growth, an earlier emer gence of plants, and a correspond ing increase in yield. PEANUTS It now appears likely that North Carolina farmers will plant fewer acres of Spanish type peanuts, his. year and devote a larger acreage to the Virginia type. Wright and Mrs. Wright, at their home on . West Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Siler and two children, of Marshall, spent the week-end on Franklin Route 4, with Mrs. Siler's mother, Mrs. Robert E. Pattillo. Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Marchet ti and two sons, of Florence, S. C, spent the week-end with W. T. Ramey, at Valleyview Farm near Otto. Mrs. W. H. McNab, of Pompano, Fla., and Mrs. Elmo Baker, of PVt Lauderdale, Fla., came up Sat urday to attend the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Jonathan Phillips, Sunday. Mrs. B. C. Nay lor, Mr. and, Mrs. G. C. Ensley of Asheville, and Miss Flora Wilkie, of Marshall, were visiting their mother, Mrs. W. G. Wilkie the past week-end. Mrs. T. B. Shepherd has return ed to her home at Canton, after spending a month in Macon county visiting relatives and friends. Ralph O. Landrum and sister, WHEN IT COMES TO SMOKING PLEASURE AT ITS BEST... I'LL TAKE CAMELS EVERY TIME Camel the cigarette of Costlier Tobaccos ?FrLn Mr nn IA fo) The only low-priced car combining You can pay more you can't get more quality! j&7 2 A OKNBKAL . i .hllti er' Chevrolet brings you the outstanding quality f eatures of the day-Including Exclusive Vacuum Gearshift, Body by Fisher, Perfected Knee-Action Riding System-at the lowest cost for purchase price, gas, oil and upkeepl Drive this caK-be more comfortable physlcally-and be more comfortable menfafy, too- because of the big savings! .aM.o v. i.o Doh'f bo satisfied with anything but the best -BUY A CHEVROLET! MOTORS VALUI SEE YOUR LOCAL CHEVROLET DEALER BURRELL MOTOR CO. Phone 123 Franklin, N. C.