PAGE SIX THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN W. M. Edwards' Brother Dies In Morganton, Ga. W. M. Edwards, of the Burniug town section, was called to Mor gantoni Ga., Tuesday on account of the death of his , brother, J. C. Edwards, . who died at his home there suddenly Monday night; Mr. Edwards, who was owner and manager of the Edwards Nur sery company, had often visited his brother, and had .a number of friendsih that community "who will regret to learn of his. 'passing. Classified Advertisements . FOR SALH--Kadio, five tube K. C. A. Victor. Apply Press office. FOR '.KEN'lVt'n furnished apart ment. Five rooms and bath. I). U. Stewart,1 Franklin. S7-tfc . FOR SALE A number one fresh, young cow. See Robert T. liryson, West;s Mill. A31-2tp-S7 FOR SALE Good, clean seed wheat, red chaff variety, $1.25 per bushel. J. Ned Teague, Prentiss. A31 3tp-S14 . FOR RENT Furnished and heated bedroom on Morrison ave nue. Clo,se in. Apply Mrs. J. V. C Johnson, Franklin Press Office. "Aunt Martha" Brown Observes 91st Birthday "Aunt Martha" Brown celebrated her 91st birthday last. Sunday at her home on' Franklin Route 2, and 59 Quests were present to ex tend congratulations and, best wishes. '. s bountiful dinner wa,s served in a grove near the home, and Mrs. Brown was' the recipient of many lovely gifts. Among present were:. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Clouse and son, of Syha; Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Mincy and Ed Higdon and son, of Elh jay; Mrs. Montgomery Russell and Mr and Mrs. Cleveland Cabe and daughter, of Highlands; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Buchanan and Cling Brown and children and their fam ilies, of Otto; Walter Dean and children, of Franklin. Those from the community were: Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Patterson and. children,. Mr.'" Mollis, Mr. and Mrs. Len Stiwinter and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown anl children, V. A. Nicholson, Charlie Carpenter, Lyman and Evelyn Ballevv, Miss Edith Justice, Lloyd Justice, Miss Eninia ' Amnions,- Alex Keener, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Carpenter and children and W. B. Long. . FOR RENT Newly furnished bed robin next to bath. Continuous hot water. Mrs. D. G. Stewart. A10 tfc FOR RENT All or partly fur nished, or unfurnished apartment. Apply . Carolina Apartments on Main street, tfc A31 FOR RENT Would like a good man to rent our farm, must have own power, or part of. We can make right man a real proposition. See W. R. ilng'ram, Franklin Ut 4. A24 3tc S7 FOR SALE Laminated blue granite rock for veneering. Can furnish from 1-in. to 6-in. thick and up to 10-f t. sq. For quotations phone 807 or write Box 256, The Needmore Stone Co.-, Franklin, N. G. A24-3tc SI FOR RENT Furnished apart ment for two with furnace heat. Living room, bedroom, bath with tub and shower. Hot . water at all times. Beautiful view. New rock house on Harrison avenue. Apply, Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson, Franklin Press Office. "Wizard Of Oz" To Be At Theatre Sept. 11-12 Mctro-Goldwyn-.laypr',s recent great technicolor production, "The Wizard of Oz," will 'be shown at the Macon Theatre next Monday and Tuesday, September 11 and 12, according to the announcement made by Manager Gailey, This magic tale spun by I. Frank Bauni, read the world over by millions, will delight the eyes and warm the hearts of all who go to the movies. Here is a ' most re sourceful shadow-show, combining every cleverness that ha been dis covered by the craft, with all the art of perfect casting, dialogue and song. Welch Family Holds Reunion August 27 Approximately 200 Welch de descendants gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welch on lotla for their second annual reunion on Sunday, August. 27. Talks were made 1 by the Rev. C. C. Welch and the Rev. Mr. Williams. Officers elected to serve for the coming year were: ' Rev. C. C. Welch, chairman ; John T. Welch, secretary. , The 1940 reunion will be held at the Burningtown Baptist church on the 3rd Sunday in August, instead of the 4th Sunday. Baptist Church Items At the 11 o'clock service Sun day, the pastor, Key. C. F. Rogers, will preach on the theme, "Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out", ond following the evening worship at 7 :30, the ordinance of .baptism will be' administered; Bible school at 9:45 a. m, and training union and brotherhood at 0 :30 p. m, Service will be conducted at the prison camp at- 3 p. m. All who gave their preference to unite with the Baptist church dur ing the recent meetings conducted by Dr. Fox and his, son, are urged to attend the morning worship at 11 o'clock. N. Y. A. Boys Leave For Training Schools The following Macon county boys left Monday morning to attend the North Carolina Training School center under the Nationol Youth Administration : Warren Steppe, son of George Washington Steppe of Aquone, and Wilson Ledford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miller Ledford, of Prentiss, went to the NYA training school in Raleigh. Sam C. Shepherd, son of Mrs. Cora Shcnherd. of West's Mill, will attend the NYA training school at Hickory Grove, a suburb of Char lotte. , Navy Enlists Seven Men From W. N. C, Seven young men from West ern North Carolina were- enlisted in the U, . S. Navy through the Navy Recruiting Station at Ashe ville during the month of August. After three months recruit train ing at the U, S, Naval training station, Norfolk, Va., they will re turn home for a leave of absence of 10 to 10 days before" being as signed to duty with the U, S. fleet or to trade school training. They were : Robert Anthony Anderson, Oteen i Charle, Campbell, Biltmore; Wil liam Herbert Dillingham, Asheville; Clifford Harold Hooper, Asheville; Maurice Oscar Odom, Balfour; Charles Harold Osteen, Zirconia; Thomas Jackson Talley, Franklin, , Two men from this section who were enlisted in May have been selected for five months special trade training in the machinist's school at Norfolk. They are; Wade Monroe King, Henderson ville, and Vercoe Terell Watkins, Franklin. , ADDITIONAL FRANKLIN SOCIAL ITEMS U. D. C. TO MEET WITH MRS. J. W. C. JOHNSON The Macon county chapter U. D. C. will meat with Mrs. J. W. C, Johnson oii Monday, September 11, at 3 p. m. AH mejnbers are urged to attend. '."'.'..'" DINNER GIVEN FOR MRS. F. J. PORTER Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Clarke Soper entertained at dinner last Friday evening forr Mrs, F. J. Porter, of Richmond, Va., who is visiting in Franklin. Guests at the dimies. were Mrs. Porter'. parents; Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair Anderson,' and sister, Mrs. Carl P. Cabe and Mr. Cabe, and Father Roger B. T. Anderson, rector of Trinity High Episcopal church, of Waterbury, Conn. George Patton, Mack Patton and Brownlow Addington have gone to N. C. State college in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Clarke., Soper had as their week-end guest, Father Roger B. T., Anderson, rec tor of Trinity High Episcopal church, of Waterberry, Conn. John Crawford left today for the University of North Carolina. Vercoe Terrell Watkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Watkins, -who ha been visiting his parents on 15 days' leave' from the navy, where he enlisted last May, has been chosen for special training at the naval machinists' school in James Patton, of Raleigh, is visiting his family this week. Mrs. Wiley Rogers and son, of Atlanta, are spending a few days at Rogers Hall. Robert Harris, of Atlanta, and his sister, Miss Mildred Harris,' who are spending some' time in their cottage on Wayah, were vis itors in Franklin Wednesday on their way to visit the Primeval Forest near Highlands. As the World Turns SCHOOL LUNCHES Plans calling for the enlarging of its free school lunch program to include 5,000,000 undernourished children and provide a larger out let for surplus farm products have been announced by the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporationi HIGHER . During July the daily average sales of general merchandise in small towns and rural areas were higher in the South than in other sections of the country, the De partment of Commerce reports. , (Continued From Page One) trict "judge on charges of using the mails, to defraud in connec tion with the state university scandals. The state courts will al so try them for embezzlement. W. N. C. LAMBS SELL AT PREMIUM A shipment of 348 Western North Carolina lambs brought a premium of 75 cents a hundred pounds above prevailing prices, Paul Fletcher, livestock marketing spe cialist of the state department of agriculture, reported Tuesday. MUSEUM FOR MOUNTAIN RELICS Two museum buildings are plan ned for the 1 Great Smokies Na tional Park, one on the Tennes see side. The . North Carolina museum will preserve relics of Cherokee . Indian civilization, as well as relics shdwing the pioneer life of this section, includimr tools. j firearms, books, hand made artic I les of every kind, i RECORD SALES OF AUTO LICENSES Raleigh reports more than 600, 000 tags sold In 1939 to, date. The increase over 1939 will likely be 50,000, THURSDAVSEPT. 7, 139 Leatherman Reunion To Be Held September 17 The Leatherman family reunion will ,be held on Sunday, September 17, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doc Leatherman, at the old Leath erman home place near the Leath erman Gap. All descendants of this clan are invited to attend and bring basket lunch. 3 GRADES oSH0E REPAIRING that LOOK ALIKE but Ihey POUT WEAR ALIKE Wi provldi 3 gradu to fit yw pant aid suit yoir shut .... No. 1... I W Oft dm- NTH lA ktMl No. 2... mniMt, d No. 3... lw frtltd far ) MbM aril "tit mty" hit. CN04SE tit MADE TO FIT YOUR IEEIS! MACON SHOE SHOP East Main St. Franklin. N. C. JOIN JOIN Potts Mutual Burial Ass'n We have received a charter from the Secretary of State, recommended by the Insurance Commissioner and approved by him, and are now receiving applications for membership. This association provides $100 funeral benefit for all members of 10 years of age and over, and $50 for all members under 10 years of age. Assessment, will be made each three months at the following rates: age 1 to 10, 5c; age 10 to 30, 10c; age 30 to 50, 20c; and age 50 to 65, 30c. J. E. POTTS & SON, Funeral Directors of Franklin, have been designated to furnish each benefit in merchandise and service. They will furnish solid oak caskets, such as many funer al directors charge several hundred dollars for, and will render efficient and honest services. If another kind of casket is pre ferred they will furnish a high quality one, which many under takers charge from two to three hundred dollars for. We have deposited with the Insurance Commissioner a bond as required by law, which has been approved by him, for the protection of our obligations, and, therefore, this association is as secure as any and will operate under the laws of North Carolina. JOIN AT ONCE. Potts Mutual Burial Ass'n FRANKLIN, N. C TcP To) is inM shlshl DURING MONTH OF SEPTEMBER Free Free Free ONE TABLE ONE SET OF DISHES ONE MATTRESS With Each With Each With Each I STUDIO COUCH KITCHEN CABINET BEDROOM SUITE FREE FREE FREE ONE RUG ONE TABLE TWELVE RECORDS ! With Each With Each With Each VICTOR I LIVING ROOM SUITE RCA VICTOR RADIO TALKING MACHINE I Free Free Free ONE RUG ONE RUG ONE SET OF STRINGS With Each With Each AND PICK RANGE DINING ROOM SUITE With Each GUITAR Macon Furniture Company, lec Plionc 158 Macon County's Furniture Store YOUIl CREDIT IS GOOD WITH US 99 Franklin, N. C.