'-tit- ' f . "V :' Established 1885 The Oldest North Car olina Newspaper West of Buncombe County. Full Coverage The Press assures, its advertisers of complete coverage of Macon Co. 11) TfjugljlanV JHacouimt PROGRESSIVE A. - LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LV, NOs 2 FRANKLIN, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 11. 1940 $1.50 PER YEAR FINNS DESTROY TWO DIVISIONS Russians Defeated At All Points; Other War News Reviewed , in three great battles between Finnish and Russian troops,' '.the Finns arc reported to have prac tically wiped oiit two entire Rus sian divisions and at least, one reg iment of 4,XK) men belonging to another division (the 164ih). . The- first of the three battles started on Christmas Jive against the. Russian' 103rd division. Next was the battle in which the 164th was engaged. The third battle, against the 44th, ended last Sun dayexcept for the mopping up by the Finns of disorganized Teni nauts. : The . Finns arc also reported to have surrounded another large body, of Russian troops and to have cut their supply lines: Rus sian . planes attempted to drop supplies to the isolated troops but the supplies frequently fell inside the Finnish lines. The Russians were said to be. in danger of freezing and starvation. Enormous ' supplies of military equipment, including many tanks, have fallen int.) the hands ot trie victorious -Films'. There has. been a lull in the fighting for the past three days. The Finns seem to have wiped out all the Russians they. had on hand and are taking a rest while waiting for a new supply to ar rive. ' ' . ' CHAMBERLAIN SHAKES UP BRITAIN'S WAR CABINET Prime Minister Chamberlain un expectedly reorganized his cabinet Saturday by dropping his war sec retary, energetic Leslie Hoic-Bel-isha, and appointing Oliver Stan ley, a conservative to the post. Lord McMillan, minister of .infor mation, was also dropped, and .Sir , John Keith named to succeed him. The dropping of Hore-Belisha : raised such a storm of protest throughout Great Britain that Pre mier Chamberlain will be called upon for a full explanation when parliament meets on January to. . There are ugly rumors that Hore- Jielisha, who does not belong to the aristocratic caste, was dropped on that account, and. also that he was opposed by some of the older generals who resented his sweep ing changes and modernization of the British army. , CHAMBERLAIN SAYS WAR NEAR1NG GRIM STAGE Premier Chamberlain, speaking at a Lord Mayor's luncheon at the Mansion house Tuesday, warned the people that they are approach ing "a phase of this war much grinnw , than anything we have seen '.t," but envisaged a re ward "for all the sacrifices in a peace-time federation of European or world nations built upon British French collaboration. The sudden swoop Wednesday of long-range German bombers upon British shipping and the as saulting of 11 ships with bombs and machine guns, was thought to be a prelude to wholesale aerial warfare, and gave significance to 1'remier Channberlain s. warning ol trim days to come. The British retaliated by raids on German naval bases with fast new bombers, and mine layers were sowing the last mines needed to che Britain's protective line for east coast shipping. The western front remains quiet, with nothing reported but occas ional artillery action and skirm ishes between -patrol .'parties. Funeral Is Conducted For Miss Amy Reeves ' Funeral, services for Miss Amy A. Keeves, 76,' were held last Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the lotla Baptist church. The Rev. K. F. Maybcrry, pastor, officiated and interment was in the church cemetery. Miss Reeves, who died at her home in liuriiingtown Wednesday afternoon, January 3, about 4 o'clock, was a daughter of the Late Mr. and Mrs. John M. Reeves. She was born and reared in the Burningtown. community. In early girlhood she joined the Burning town Baptist church. The pallbearers were Virgil Wil lis, Earl Ward, " Jr, Frank Cun ningham, John Tallent, Wade Mor gan, and Walter . Angel. Jimmy Freston and a Mr. Cei cely, of New York, who spent the first of the -week here on business, were the dinner guests of Mr. .and Mrs. Charlie Bradley on Mon day, evening. Specialist In House Furnishings To Be Here Jan. 15-17 Miss Pauline Gordon, specialist in house furnishings at State col lege, will be in Macon county Jan uary 15-17 to give demonstral ions On kitchen arrangements and 'im provements'. Miss Gordon has worked in this county a number of times in the past few years in cooperation .with home demonstration clubs. Her .work is well known, not only fur her practical suggestions but for her efficiency in this type of work. She plans to illustrate the most modern built-in equipment, as rec ommended by the . agricultural ex tension service along with her lec tures. 1 The general public is urged to attend these meetings which will be held at various places over the county. -Miss Florence Stalcup, home agent, has grouped the meet ings of the home " demonstration clubs in order to reach as many members as possible. -Miss Gordon's .schedule is' as follows: ' Iotla and West's' Mill clubs will meet at West's Mill schoolhouse January 15 at 2 p, m. Stiles and Oak Grove clubs will meet at Oak Grove schoolhouse January 10 at 2 p. m. Cartoogecliaye, Higdonville, Holly Springs and Patton clubs, will meet January 16 at agricultural building 7:30 p. m. Hickory Knoll, Otto, Union will meet at Otto schoolhouse January 17 at 2 p. m. CONGRESS GETS IM TA 117 Anti - Lynching Bill Is Passed By House Wednesday Congress cleared away the pre liminaries last week and settled down Monday for what promises to be a long, hard session and one of the most important in the coun try's history. One of the first bills introduced in the house was tlj controversial Gavagan anti-lynching measure which causes trouble at every ses sion. The bill was passed Wednes day and sent to the senate where southern senators are prepared to kill it promptly. The house committee investigat ing the labor board delved further 1'uesday .into the American Kadi- ator company case, in which the board decided a lockout had occur red despite a trial examiner's con clusion to the contrary. Kep. Mur dock (D.,a Utah), renewed charges that the committee was proceeding unfairly. The senate adopted a resolution Wednesday for a joint committee to .study budget proposals, and the house appropriations committee barred sub-committees from in creasing spending bills beyond the presidential recommendations. Pres ident Roosevelt urged congress members to stay within the budget estimates. Admiral Harold E. Stark, naval operations chief, warned of a pos sible coalition attack on the West ern Hemisphere which he said the present navy could not "comfort ably" meet;: the house appropria tions committee approved $207,197, 908 for neutrality and defense oper ations to June 30. The senate judiciary committee received protests against the con firmation of Attorney General Frank Murphy to the supreme 'court which Chairman Burke (U, Neb.) said would result in hearings if they proved to have "any sub stance." Jt is believed that the protests will not prove of suffi cient importance to seriously de lay confirmation by the senate of the appointment. The budget as submitted to con gress by President Roosevelt is so voluminous that it is expected to require a vast amount of study by the committee before 'it is ready for debate and action. Indi cations are, however, that con gress will accept the greater part of the proposals made by the Pres ident. Bookmobile To Start Schedule January 22 It is announced that the Book mobile will spend five days in Macon county for the distribution of books, beginning Monday, Janu ary 22. Practically the entire county will be covered. The schedule will be announced in our next isiue. Now He, Too, Is mmmmmmmm flllilllllll ffHfll 4 M'At , X Seated before the typewriter in his New York home, Howard Rush more writes his own. exclusive story telling just why he resigned movie critic of the Communist publication, the Daily Worker, He refused to criticize the motion picture, "Gone With the Wind," in his review and as a result was forced to quit his post. Rushmore's article exposed the "pressure" brought to' bear by Moscow on the Communist newspaper. Germany's Big Guns Support Westwall S 3-, a " Ay 4 Irs I - Being groomed by its crew Is planted in various defense belts formidable string of fortresses. The gun, of unknown ejiiber, is In a pit ...4 K 1. ! 1 1 . . ' .1 Tl ... ....J . . . 1 . 1. A uus vu vt uuiaiuc. uic gulls arc ubcia tv muyyui k uic wnmu, mo Dot necessarily a.s a second line of defense. As The World Turns A Brief Survey -of Current Events In State, Nation and Abroad. NEW ASHEVILLE AUDITORIUM DEDICATED Asheville's new $247,000 auditor ium and convention hall was dedi cated before a crowd of 2,000. The building was presented to the pub lic by Councilman 'J. E. Divelbless. . BURLEY BRINGS HIGHEST PRICE OF SEASON The Asheville market averaged above $18 per hundred pounds for the second day this week and pulled the season's average past the $lib per hundred mark for the first time since the first week of the season. COLLEGE WATER. SUPPLY MORE THAN DOUBLED Westetn Carolina Teachers' col lege is now being supplied with a recently connected - water' source which more than doubles the .sup ply if water for the -institution. This new connection relieves col lege officials of the fear of an other water shortage like the one last November and December. The closing of the college was avert ed only through careful conserva tion of water on the part of every student and member of the college community. ..." ACCIDENTS REPORTED; SCHOOLS DELAY REOPENING Four hundred cars were stalled on a two-mile strip of U. S. high way 60 by snow and ice. A 12-ycar-old boy was badly hurt when his sled hit a stump, suffering, a broken collarbone and one lung was punctured. A skater on Beav er Lake narrowly escaped death as he skated on too thin ice which gave way. He was rescued by a group headed . by a 13-year-old Boy Scout. County schools: -over Western North Carolina found it necessary to postpone reopening because of the terrible condition of the roads. Gone With the Wind rr'A A -J A:" A wo Jl :i A Ai ' il -ni one of the heavy guns Germany has behind the Siegfried line to support a FINNISH RELIEF FUND. INCREASES As the Finns continued to give the world new. demonstrations of their heroism and pluck,' residents of Western North Carolina muted admiration with generosity and contributed an additional $136.60 to the Finnish Relief Fund which is being collected by The Asheville Citizen-Times. The largest part of this contribution came,' from VVay nesvillc and was collected by J. R. Boyd, president of the First Na tional Bank. Mr. Boyd collected $114.60 from approximately 200 persons. N. C. DEMOCRATS HEAR M'NUTT i IN RALEIGH More than 400 N. C. Democrats who paid $25 apiece to eat steak at a Jackson Day dinner in Raleigh cheered Paul V. McNutt, U. S. security administrator, speaker of the evening. McNutt is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President. '' SENATE GROUP READY TO INVESTIGATE A meeting of the senate sub committee appointed to investigate Superintendent J. Ross Eakin's management of Great Smoky Mountains National Park may be held fh is week. The charges against Eakin. were made by Senator Mc, Kellar (D., Tenn.) who accused Eaken of mismanaging park affairs. PRESIDENT WARNS PARTY MUST NOMINATE LIBERAL President Roosevelt carefully shielding his third-term plans at the Jackson Day dinner in Wash ington, warned Democratic leaders that the party must cling to new deal policies. It was an unmis takable declaration that Democrats can not win with a . conservative candidate for the White House. Speaking to the cream of the cap (GobUhm4 mi Pate Sis) 93rd Birthday Celebrated Saturday By Mrs. Holbrooks Mrs. Sarah Anne Versilla Moore Holbrooks celebrated her 93rd birthday anniversary on Saturday at her home near Otto, seven miles south of Franklin. Mrs. Holbrooks, the daughter of the late Parker and iiuklaliK.il patric Moore, was born on Janu ary 6, 1847, at the. foot of Brass- town mountain in Clay county. At the age of nine years,' she was orphaned and came to Macon county to make her home with an uncle and aunt, Felix and Susan Kilpatric. '.. '. ' . On December 23, 1866, she was. married to Larkin C. Holbrooks, who died on August 9, 1928. She now lives with her four maiden daughters at the old Holbrooks homestead where she has resided for more than 50 years. 'Mrs. Holbrooks , is still active enough to "boss" the operation of the farm. Only a few months ago she batted and carded some wool which she spun into thread just to show the younger generation how the pioneer girls had to help with the rearing of a family. Mrs. Holbrooks, who still loves to smoke her pipe, never tires of telling of the three wars, the Civil War, the . Spanish-American War, and the World War. that she has lived through, and of the hard ships that she endured during the Civil War. She often relates the story of the time she was awaken ed in the wee small hours of the morning to find the house full of renegades searching for anything that they desired for themselves. However, being a brave child, she was not afraid, and; consequently was not harmed. Her children are: Mrs. J. G. Jolly, of Shelby, Ohio; W. F. Hol brooks, of Franklin Route 2; Mrs. C. F". Oliver, of Winston-Salem;' Mrs. C. N. Keener, of Otto; Mrs. H. J. Bates, of Franklin Route 2; Miss Ida Holbrooks, Miss Lizzie Holbrooks, Miss Belle Holbrooks, and Miss Maggie Holbrooks, all of Franklin Route 2. She also has 29 grandchildren and 38 great grandchildren. . : LIONS DISCUSS COUNTYOFFICE Quiz Program Conducted Concerning Office Of Register Of Deeds On Monday evening the Frank lin Lions Club gathered at Cagle's Cafe, and after enjoying perfect T-bone steaks, questions were dis tributed to each member concern ing the duties and responsibilities of the county register of deeds. Lion 'Arnold, Macon county's reg ister, acted as judge and gave the correct answer when necessary. Leo, the wooden lion, was kept busy taking in dimes for all ques tions missed by the members. Anions the facts learned was that the register of deeds is a busy man, for his duties include registering all papers, issuing mar riage licenses, being county ac countant, tax supervisor and clerk for the board of commissioners. Although he handles no county cash, he is bonded for $5,000 to assure against errors in registra tion and another' $5,000 to assure against errors in accounts. The register issues marriage li censes but cannot perform , mar riages unless he is also a justice of the peace. The law does not re quire marriages to be published. The register receives an . annual salary as accountant, but no other salary, having to depend for his living on the fees set by law for recording papers and other duties. County records are open to the public. Macon county's valuation of taxable property last year was $5,330,000 and the county-wide tax rate was $128 per $100 valuation. The duties of other county of ficials will be discussed at future meetings. Bob Gaines, reporting for the sight conservation committee, said that five children had recently re ceived glasses through the Lions Club and it was voted to buy five more pairs. The children were se lected by the county welfare and health officials and were widely scattered over the county Georgia road, Tesenta, Coweeta, Franklin, and Gneiss. ' - Two new members were welcom ed into the1 Club Thad D. Bryson, Jr, attorney, and Ray. Anderson, chief operator at the Lake Emory powes house. n i 10TH BIRTHDAY nr i nnivo urnr To Be Observed Saturday, January 20th In Asheville ASHMVJLLE, Jan. 10.''- Rural church members from many West ern North Carolina communities will gather in Asheville's . First Baptist church on Saturday, Janu ary 20, to observe the 10th anni versary of the Lord's 'Acre 'move ment..: -Plans' for the anniversary meeting were announced this week by the Rev. Uumont Clarke, di rector of the religious department of the Farmers -Federation, spon sor of the movement. The. principal speakers will be President Hoy t Black well 'of 'Mars Hill college and James C. K. Mo Clure, president of the Farmers Federation. "Raising up Leadership in the Country Church" will be Mr. Blackwell's subject, and Mr. AlcClurc will speak on "The Coun try Church and Christian Civiliza tion." A feature of the program will be the showing of stereopticon pictures showing the Lord's Acre plan in action. This plan, a modern adapt ation of Biblical crop-tithing, has been adopted by more than 300 churches in the western counties of Mnr'lh farr1ino 1. lie.-. I'c o.l by many rural 'churches in other parts of this state and has soread into a number of other states, notably those in the upper Mis sissippi river valley. Inquiries about the movement have come to Mr. r- if ... . . ... . vwioiitc Hum an jmtis oi me united States and from several foreign countries. The anniversary meeting will open at 9:45 o'clock in the morn ing with a devotional service, fol lowed by Mr.; Blackwell's' address. Then will come a period for testi monies concerning Lord',s Acre work, stereopticon pictures, Scripture-speaking by young people's groups, the singing of hymns, and Mr. McClure's address. Those .. attending are requested to bring box lunches. Hot coffee will be served free. Arrangements for the meeting have been made by a cbmmittee composed of , Mr. Clarke; Davis Tuttle, of Lenoir; the Rev. W. S. Hutchinson, of Mills River; the Rev. Robert Barker, of Murphy ; Mrs. L. V. Lyda, of Dana, and Max D. Miller, of Candler. Advance notices of the meeting have met with a hearty response, according to Mr Clarlr in.i;"it;.i,r a large attendance if - weather con--' ditions are favorable. , Boy Scouts Hold Court Of Honor Jan. 4 Members: of Franklin Troop I Boy Scouts of America traveled to the Cherokee Indian Reserva tion last Thursday for their regu lar monthly Court of Honor. Jim Horsley was made a Tender foot Scout and Fred Johnston Houk was raised to the rank of" Second Class Scout. Merit badges were received by Paul Lee Piemmons for . cooking and salesmanship and personal health and first aid. Jack Angel and Gordon Porter were raised to the rank of Star Scout and Paul Lee Piemmons to the rank of Life Scout. The highest award in Scouting, that of an Eagle Scout, was con ferred on John Wasilik. The Troop congratulates John in having at tained this high rating, the reward of hard work well done. Scott Griffin Owners To Take Charge Feb. ,1 R. L. Bryson, former manager., of the Spruce Pine hotel, at Spruce Pine, with Mrs. Bryson and grand daughter. Miss Joan Brysoni have moved to Franklin, where after the first of February they will operate the Scott Griffin hotel, which they recently purchased. Mrs. C. S. Brown, who has been operating the Scott-Griffin for the past 10 and one-half years and who is owner of the People's Market and Grocery store, will re main in Franklin and" continue to operate the market and store. J. J. Moore Passes In Baltimore Dec 24 Mrs. G. F. Burrell received a message last week of the death of her brother, J. Jay Moore, who died at his home in Baltimore, Md., on Sunday, December 24. Mr. Moore died from pneumonia following a three days' illness. He was a son of the late Joab and Leila Moore and was well known in Franklin, although he has made his home in Baltimore for a num ber of years.

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