THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1940 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN PAGE SEVEN SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON-:- BV HAROLD, L. LUNPQUIST, D. D. Dean of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) Lesson for May 19 Lesson subjects and Scripture texts se lected and copyrighted by International Council of Religious Education; used by permission. JEREMIAH DENOUNCES FALSE PROPHETS LESSON TEXT Jeremiah 23:21-32. GOLDEN TEXT Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. I Thessa lonlans 5:21. - Tickling the vanity and pleasing the ears of ungodly people with Words of flattery and false comfort, giving them the assurance of peace and prosperity in the very pursuit of their sin, did not begin with the false prophets of the twentieth cen tury. Six hundred years before ' Christ, Jeremiah the prophet had to contend with such false teachers. His manner of dealing with them Is of great interest to us, for essen . tially the false prophets of that day used the same methods and . had the same false message that char acterize their descendants of today, 'the so-called modernistic religious liberals who' are busy everywhere attempting to undermine the faith of God's children in His Word. They 'are revealed as being destitute of i divine authority, without a real mes sage, and under the disfavor and subject to the judgment of God. They are I. Without Divine Commission (vv. 21-22). 'T have not sent these prophets" that should have been sufficient for the people of Judah. A man who Is not sent by God has no word from heaven, no help for needy humanity. He is worse than an admittedly secular teacher or philosopher, for he claims to speak with .divine au thority and yet has only the disap pointing impotence of a liar and a fraud. The reason Judah listened to them was because they so eloquently . hushed the condemning voice of -their own consciences, assuring them that all was well, when, as a matter of fact, "everything was wrong. Men listen to the same kind of teaching today for the very same reason: ....'.''' II. Without a Divine Message (vv. 23-29). These false prophets may delude men, but they have not fooled Godi He is hot a finite being, limited to this earth (v. 23). He looks on men from the far off viewpoint of heaven and judges by His own high and holy standards. Nor can they hide from Him (v. 24). God hears the word spoken in the academic shelter of a college classroom, secretly poisoning the young person's heart against the faith Of his father and mother. A day of judgment also- awaits those -who in their public utterances use the phraseology of orthodoxy, while in private they undermine and de stroy Christian faith. If a man is foolish enough to sup pose that the dreamings of his own mind and heart will help anyone, let him be honest enough to call them just that; namely, dreams (vy. 25-28). But God will assuredly not hold those men guiltless who try to pass off their own philosophies as bearing th approval of God; who would have people honor their assemblies as Christian churches, when they are at best only social or intellectual gatherings designed to magnify man rather than Christ. Note in verse 29 that the Word ot God is like the fire that consumes and purifies, and also like the ham mer, that breaks up the rocky heart of man. III. Without Divine Favor and Blessing (vv. 30-32). ' God is against every false proph et. Small wonder that there is the avour of death in their speaking and their works. There is no divine power in their message and no holy dynamic to enable people to respond to their admonitions. Prominent modernists are decrying in our day the fact that their cultured essays and polished philosophies are not reaching the hearts of men and are failing to transform lives. ' At the same time, humble preachers and teachers of God's Word, sometimes in hidden and remote places, are re joicing as they see the transforming grace of God come upon lives as a result of their simple proclamation of the gospel of grace. Keep on, brethren; God is with you. Observe what God calls the false prophets thieves (v. 30) and liars (v. 32). Hard words, but they come from One who is all-knowing, who judges rightly and in love. Like the Shadow I am gone like the shadow when It declineth; I am tossed up and down as the locust My knees are weak through fasting; my flesh fail eth of fatness; I became also a re proach unto them; when they looked upon me they shaked their heads. Psalm 109:23-25. It Doth Not Yet Appear You are not what you ought to be, and you are not what you can be. You may rise yet, and fight good fight yet, and be a good man once more, after the likeness of God who made you, and Christ who died for you! -Charles Kingsley. Improved Uniform International PAN-AMERICAN ROAD NOW OPEN 58 Per Cent Of Highway Completed For Year Round Travel The observance this month of Pan-American Day will find ' .1,119 miles' of pavement ami 701 miles of all-weather highways completed in the long and picturesque span be tween the Texas border and the Panama Canal. Fifty-eight per cent of the pro posed trunk line;to Panama City the Inter-American Highway is now open , to traffic the year round. In addition, 048 'miles ''of dry weather roads have been con structed on the same route in- the seven Latin-American countries. Eventually this highway will con nect at Panama City with the South American section of the Pan-American route, linking the wo continents of the western hemisphere by motor, and opening vast new frontiers for travel and economic development.: Much valuable assistance is be ing given by engineers from the Lnited States, riot only in survey ing the trunk route, but also in helping the various countries plan their own' supplementary road sys tems. Past year the Public Roads Administration, cooperating with the- 'Department of Slate, loaned engineers to1 Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras) Colombia and Ecuador. Simlar surveys had been complet ed previously in Panama. The northern half of the Pan American Highway begins at La redo, Texas, where in 1939 more than 30,000 American automobiles are estimated to have crossed into Mexico. Marine Corps Invites Young Men To Enlist Notice has 'been received that Delis Holland, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Katford Holland, of Franklin, N. C, was, on May 10, enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, and sent, to the Recruit Depot, U. S. Marine Barracks, Parris' Island, S. G, to complete the prescribed course of recruit training prior to his being transferred to one of the many interesting posts and stations the Marines maintain , in this country and abroad, on land and aboard the ships of the Na tion's fleet. Young Holland, enlisted at the District Recruiting Station, '.Muni cipal' Auditorium, Macon, Ga., and any other young men trom tnis area who are. interested in .serving four years in this fast moving branch of the services of pur country, may receive full informa tion regarding the life and oppor tunities, in the Corps by writing to, or calling in person at the Macon recruiting station. Political Announcements For Representative k I hereby announce myself a can didate for Representative of Ma con County in the General As sembly of 1941, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary of May 25, 1940. W. A. ROGERS. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Representative of Ma con County in the General As sembly of 1941, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary of May 25, 1940. Your support and influence will be appreciated. : R. A. PATTON I hereby announce myself as a candidate for representative in the General Assembly from Macon County, subject to the Democratic primary on May 25. I am especially interested in the tax burdens of the farmers of Macon County and, if elected, I pledge my best efforts in such legislation as will be bene ficial to them, and to work for the best interests of all of the people of the county. A. L. McLean. For Chairman Board Of Commissioners il hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Macon County, subject to the Dem ocratic primary on May 25. I am running on my record and on a platform of economy. FRANK I. MURRAY I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Macon County, subject to the Dem ocratic primary on May 25. If nominated and elected,' I pledge my best efforts to the interest of the people of the county. J. C SORRELLS. Co wee Township I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of LEGAL ADVERTISING Macon County, subject to the Democratic primary on May 25. GUS LEACH I hereby announce my candidacy for chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Macon county, subject to the Democratic primary on May 25. 1' have served the county for two terms in this capacity and my record speaks for itself. I solicit your support and influence. E. B. Byrd. For County Commissioner I, hereby announce myself as a candidate for reelection as a mem ber of the Board of Commissioners of Macon County,' subject to the. Democratic primary on May 25. If reelected, I shall continue to serve the county to the very "best of my ability as I have done dur ing the past six years. C. L. Blaine. I hereby announce myself as ' a candidate for reelection as a mem ber of the Board of County Com missioners of Macon County, sub ject to the Democratic primary on May 25. If reelected, I shall con tinue to serve the county to the best of my ability. C. A. BRYSON I hereby announce myself as a candidate for member of the Board of County Commissioners, .subject to the Democratic primary May 25. If elected, I will serve the people in every way possible and will do my utmost for a safe and progres sive administration of . county af fairs. FRED W. PALMER, ''.- ' Ellijay Township I announce myself as a candi date for member of the Board of County Commissioners, subject to the Democratic primary May 25. If - elected, I will give the best service in my power to the affairs of the office, and will work for the best interest of all sections of the county. , FRED C. CONLEY, Gartoogechaye Township I hereby announce my candidacy for member of the Board of County Commissioners of Macon County, subject to the Democratic Primary to be held May 25, 1940. If nomi nated by my party I will do all in my power to conduct the office in a' business, like manner, save the tax payers as much money as is possible and still look to the pro gress of the County. JERRY R. FRANKLIN For Members Board of Education We, the undersigned, announce ourselves as candidates for the Board of Education of Macon County, subject to the Democratic primary of May 25, 1940. If nominated and appointed to this Board, we pledge ourselves to work for the upbuilding and progress of the educational system of Macon County and to operate the schools with the sole purpose of promoting welfare of the school children of this County, without regard to personal feeling, predu jice or favoritism and. with the' sole concern of providing for the people Of this County a progress ive and efficient system of schools. J. Frank Browning J. E. Cabe C. G. Moore E. E. Crawford J. R. Phillips. For County Surveyor Being impressed by the funda mentals of our great leader, Frank lin D. Roosevelt, and all the lead ers who have taken a part in the welfare of the "Forgotten Man," or human as you may call it, I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Surveyor for Macon County, N. C, subject to the Democratic party at the primary election to be held the 25th day of May, 1940. I further state that during my administration as your humble serv ant that I tried to deal foursquare in service to the public, not being bound by any class, clan or crown that is not Democratic come unto me and I will continue to give you service as surveyor, and deed mak ing so far as I am able to perform. Yours respectfully, John H. Dalton, Present County Surveyor for Macon County, N. C LEGAL ADVERTISING ADMINISTRATOR'S C. T. A. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator C T. A. of Arie Collins, deceased, late of Macon county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of April, 1941, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted td said estate will please make im mediate settlement. This 24th day of April, 1940. C W. POTTS, . . Administrator C T, A. A25-$tc-M30 LEGAL ADVERTISING EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of Mary Chapin Smith; deceased, -late of Macon county, N.' G, this is to notify all 7 persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 11th day of April, 1941, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This 11th day of April, 1040.. ' S. T. MARETT, Executor. A18-6tp M23 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina Macon County Under and by virtue of the power of sale vested in the undersigned trustee by deed of trust executed by J. E. Bradley to the undersigned trustee dated 27th September, 1937 and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Caro lina in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 35, at page 362, the undersigned trustee will, at 12 o'clock noon ' on June 3, 1940, sell at the courthouse door in Franklin, North Carolina to the highest bidder the following described real estate: Lots Nos. 74, 75, 76 and 77 in a plat of land known as the G. M. Bulgin Farm Subdivision in Franklin Township, Macon County, North Carolina, on State Highway No. 28, as shown by survey and plat made by J. Wayne Higdon, Surveyor, September, 1937, which plat is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County in Plat Book No. 1 at page 86, to which said survey and plat and record thereof reference is hereby made and had for a more particular description of the lands hereby conveyed. This deed of trust given to secure purchase money notes. This land is being sold because of default made in the payment of the . indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. This the 3rd day of May, 1940. J. H. STOCKTONv Trustee M9 4tc M30 NOTICE OF RESALE North Carolina, Macon County. Elva Welch vs. .......'. . 1 Harley Welch, et al. Pursuant to an order of resale entered in the above entitled cause on the 3rd day of May, 1940, I will, on Monday the 3rd day of June, 1940. at 12 o'clock noon . 511 at public auction to the' hicrhit bidder for cash, the following de scribed land, lying and being in Macon County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows : On the waters of Burningtown Creek, BEGINNING at a Spanish oak corner of Sec. No. 18 and 19, and runs N 100 poles to a stake and pointers; then ; W 147 poles to a stake in the line of No. 1560; then S 10O poles to a hickory; then E 93 poles to a hickory in the south boundary line of Entry No. 12790; then S 19 nnlpe a pine; then S 82 E 20 poles to a stake; then b 87 E 16 poles to a stake; then N 82 E 10 a stake; then N 65 E 1 poles to a stake, the graveyard in J. J. McCoy's west boundary 1ini; thn with said line N 19 poles to the. peginmng. The last and highest bidder at said sale will be required to de posit five per cent of th 3mnn of said bid with the undersigned Commissioner, and upon failure of said bidder to do so said Com missioner will resell land immedi ately. This the 3rd day of May, 1940. G. L. HOUK, Commissioner M9-4tc M30 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Macon County. Olive Vanhook and husband, Law rence Vanhook, et al vs. Charles Rogers, administrator of the estate of A. M. Justice, de ceased, et al. Pursuant to a judgment of the Superior Court entered in the above entitled cause on Monday the 8th day of April, 1940, I will, on Mon day, the 3rd day of June, 1940, at 12 o'clock noon, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, the following described land, ly ing and being in Macon County, North Carolina, and more particu larly described as follows: In Smithbridge Township. Being a fraction of Entry 9300, lands of H. N. Conley and bounded as fol lows: BEGINNING at a locust stake on the banks of Tesenta Creek , near the mouth of the branch, runs S 8 W 170 poles to a chestnut; then E 60 poles to a hickory; then N 15 E 164 poles with top of ridge to a Spanish oak, Justice's corner; then N 10 W 36 polos to a stake on the bank of the creek; then W with the meanders of creek 140 poles to the beginning, containing, 118 acres, more Or less. Also State Grant No. 14,718. BEGINNING at a mountain oak in A. J. Justice's line, runs thence LEGAL ADVERTISING N 80 deg. W 38 poles to a poplar; thence N 14 deg. W 27 poles to a chestnut oak; thence N 26 deg. E 12 poles to a poplar; thence N 170 poles to S. C, Conley's corner; thence E 38 poles, to an old corn er; thence. S 170 poles to an old corner; thence W 20 poles to a poplar; : thence S 22 poles to a chestnut; thence E 26 poles to a lynn; thence S 15 deg. W 36 poles tq the beginning. Containing 50 acres more' or less. Excepting from the above grant the following tract sold by A. M. Justice to S. C. Conley..; BEGINNING at an old corner runs thence S 6J4 W 198 poles to a chestnut in south boundary line ; thence N 80 W 14 poles to a poplar; thence N 14 W 27 poles to a chestnut; thence N 26 E 12 poles to a poplar; thence N 178 ' poles to an old corner; thence E 38 poles to the beginning. ' The last and highest bidder at said sale will be required to de posit five per cent of the amount of said bid with the undersigned Commissioner, and upon failure of said bidder, to do so said Com missioner will resell the land im mediately. ' This the 3rd day of May, 1040. G. L. HOUK, Commissioner M9-4tc M30 NOTJCE OF RESALE North Carolina Macon County The Federal Land Bank .. .. ' ... of Columbia vs ..-'.'' W. N. Grist, et'al. Pursuant to an order entered in the above, entitled action on the 29th day of April, 1940, in the Superior Court of said County by the Clerk ordering a resale of the land hereinafter describd, 1 will on Monday, the 20th day of May, 1940, at the courthouse door in Franklin, .North Carolina, re sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the, following described lands situated in Flat Township, Macon County,. North Carolina : Being known as the J. C. Strong property and being the same lands described in a deed from Gilmer A. Jones, Commissioner, to The Federal Land Bank of Columbia', said deed bearing date of January 4, 1937, and registered in the of fice of the Register' of Deeds for Macon County in - Book A-5 of Deeds, page 316. All bids will be received subject to rejection or confirmation by the Clerk of said Superior Court ,and no bid will be accepted or re ported unless its maker shall de posit with said Clerk at the close of the bidding the sum of FIFTY ($50.00) DOLLARS, as a forfeit and' guaranty of compliance with his bid, the same to be credited on his bid when , accepted. Notice is now given that said lands will be resold at the same place and upon the same terms at 2 o'clock p. m. of the same day unless said deposit is sooner made. Every deposit not forfeited or accepted will be promptly return ed to the maker. This; 29th day of April, 1940. . GILMER A. JONES, Commissioner M9 2tc M16 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina Macon County In The Superior Court J. S. Conley, Administrator of the Estate of Allie Caler, Dec. vs. Raleigh Caler and wife, Lucy Caler, et al. The'' defendants, Raleigh Caler, Lucy Caler, Jess Caler, George Caler, Kate Caler, John Caler, Lethia Caler, Lester Caler, Bertha Caler Savage, Ben Savage, Royal Caler, Carre Powell, Robert Powell, Garland Caler, Mary Darvin, Piercy" Darvin, Drury Caler, Lula May Caler, Paul Caler, and all unknown heirs of Allie Caler, de ceased, will take notice that an action as above entitled has' been commenced in the Superior Court of Macon County to the end that the lands of Allie Caler, deceased, be sold to make assets to pay debts of said estate, and the above named defendants will further take notice that they are . to appear within thirty days in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 1st day of May, 1940. HARLEY R. CABE, Gerk of the Superior Court M2-4tc M23 . NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Macon County. - In The Superior Court Macon County ' vs. . John M. Sutton and wife, Sutton; Van Sisk and wife, - Sisk; Ruby Sisk Gouge and hus band, A. E. Gouge; and Emma Sisk. The defendants, John M. Sutton and wife, Sutton, will take notice that an action as above en titled has been commenced in the Superior Court of Macon County to the end that the plaintiff may LEGAL ADVERTISING foreclose a tax lien covering lands: in which the above named defen dants have, an interest, and the above named defendants will fur- quired to appear within thirty days in the office of the Clerk of the Sunerior Court of Vfarnn Cnnntv. N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in . said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 8th day of May, 1940. HARLEY K. CABE, Clerk of the Superior Court M9-4tc M30 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina,. Macon County. . In The Superior Court Macon County vs. ... ' ': ' L. W. Ashe and wife, Ashe The defendants, L. W. Ashe and Wife, - Ashe, will take notice that an action as above entitled has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Macon. County to the end that tire plaintiff may foreclose a tax lien covering lands in which the above named defen dants have an interest, and the above named defendants will fur ther take notice that they are re quired to appear within thirty days in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for; the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 8th day of May, 1940. HARLEY R. CABE, Clerk of the Superior Court M9 he M30 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Macon . County. In The Superior Court Macon County vs. Victor Shiddles and wife, Lois Shiddles; Tom Franks and wife, Mary Franks ; George. Shiddles ; Louise Bingham Shiddles Hamil ton and husband, Thurman Ham ilton; Clayton Chevrolet Company, R. S. Jones, Trustee, and II. Arthur Osborne. . The defendants, Clayton Chevro let Company, will take notice that an action as above entitled has been commenced in the Superior Court of Macon County to the end that the plaintiff may foreclose a tax lien covering lands in which the above named defendants have an interest, and the above named defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear within thirty days in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint.- This the 8th day of May, 1940. . HARLEY R. CABE, Clerk of the Superior Court M9 4tc M30 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Macon County. In The Superior Court Macon County - vs. N. G. Williams, Mrs. N. G. Wil liams, Mrs. S- E. Penland, Ras Penland, N. G. Williams. Admr. of Estate of R. V. Williams; Jun- aluska Lodge No. 145 A. F. & A. M., A. S. Gregory and Sin clair Kenning Company. i . Ihe defendants, Sinclair Refin ing Company, will take notice that an action as above entitled has been commenced in the Superior Court of Macon County to the end that the plaintiff may , foreclose a tax lien covering lands in which the above named defendants have an interest, and the above named defendants will further take notice that they are required to aDDear within thirty days in the office of the Clerk of the Sunerior Court of Macon County, N. C and answer or -, demur to the com plaint in said action or the olain- tiff will apply to the Court for the reliet demanded in said complaint This the 8th day of May, 1940. HARLEY R. CABE, Clerk of the Suoerior Court M9-4tc M30 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Macon County. In The Superior Court Macon County vs. Elsie Brunnabend The defendants. Elsie Brunna bend, will take notice that an artion as above entitled has been com menced in the Superior Court of Alacon LountV to the end that th plaintiff may foreclose a tax lien covering lands in which the above named defendants have an inter est, and the above named riffn. dants will further take notice that they are required to appear with in thirty davs in the of fir of tti Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County. N. C and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint. x This the 8th day of May, 194a HARLEY R. CABE, w aerk of the Superior Court M9 4tc M30