r' REGISTER NOW Only Two More Satur days Left To Register To Vote ! AID YOUR STATE In restoring wild-life. Obey the game laws. woman INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL VOL. LV, NO. 42 FRANKLIN, N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1940 $1.50 PER YEAR i Aluminum Co. Files Intent I To Construct Fontana Dam Also Reported Planning Construction Of Plant Near Andrews Declaration of intention to build the long pending Fontana dam, just west of Bryson City, has been filed with the Federal Power Commission in Washington by the Aluminum Company of America through its subsidiary, the Nanta hala Power company, according to an Associated Press dispatch from Washington last week. At the same time, another wire dispatch stated that it was learned authoritatively that the Aluminum company plans to build a new plant near Andrews, the output cf which would equal the plants at Alcoa, Tenn. No Comment Officials of the Nantahala Pow er company declined to comment on either story here, this week. The Federal Power commission stated that if the Fontana plans did not interfer with navigation of the river or with interstate commerce laws the Nantahala pow er company would be directed to proceed.' Dam 1,750 Feet Long Describing the development, the power commission said : "The project would consist of an earth and rockf ill dam having crest length of 1,750 feet and max imum height of 470 feet; a reser voir having area of 10-350 acres and usable storage cf 1,000,000 acre-feet; two 26-foot diameter main tunnels with two penstock, tunnels extending from each main tunnel, each tunnel and penstock having combined length of 3,000 feet; and a power house having installed capacity, of 300,000 horse power in four units operating under gross head of 426 feet." .-. The new aluminum plant, it was said, is to-employ abofc 588" works ers at first, and is to be built on a 1,200-acre tract two miles west of Andrews in Cherokee county. Twenty-five engineers are report ed to be. making a survey of the fitc and lawyers are engaged in clearing titles to the land which is under option. Nantahala Power (Company To Build New Line To Webster Commissioner Stanley Winborne of the State Utilities commission has authorized the Nantahala Jower and Light company to begin work on a 12 mile extension of its distribution lines, to run from the power house on Lake Emory to a point near Webster, officials of the power company revealed this week. A survey' of the route has al ready been made, and the company is now in the process of acquiring he right-of-way for the new line. Approximately 50 to 60 families in the Watauga creek area in Ma icon county and the Savannah creek section in Jackson county will be within easy reach of the line. As soon as the company's dam at Glenville is complete, the line Will be extended to the power house there so that electricity from the Glenville plant can be used Jo supplement that produced at Lake Emory, resulting in better service for the Franklin area. Home Demonstration Clubs Select 1941 Project "Home Beautification Within and Without" was selected as the pro ject for the coming year by the council of Macon . county hohie demonstration clubs which met at the Agricultural building here last jveek. Mrs. Robert Bennett of Iotla, president of the council, was in charge of the meeting. Represen tatives from most of the 14 clubs in the county were present. Miss Anna Rowe of Raleigh, district' home demonstration agent, and Mrs. B. L. Sherrill, county home demonstration agent, outlin ed the project for the coming year. 11 is Estclle Doyle, county FSA home supervisor, gave instructions on applying for aid for flood damaged hoines. Reports were made by Mrs. Carl Slagle on the craft center; by Mrs. Ed Byrd on the curb market; and several reports were heard on the mattress project in agricultural building. Another mattress center for the county was also discussed. it was decided to have Achieve fDcst Day sometime in November. Prizewinner V I M A 1 . MJSS BARBARA HURST Franklin 4-H Qub Girl, is shown above wearing the costume of her own creation which took prizes at both the Western North Carolina Fair and the State Fair " in Raleigh. , Barbara Hurst, Jane Setser Win Prizes At Raleigh State Fair Two Macon county 4-H Club girls, Barbara Hurst of the Frank lin "club and Jane Setser of the Cartbogechaye club, took prizes with their exhibits at the North Carolina State. Fair which closed at Raleigh last week. Miss Hurst took second place in the woolen dress group at the state 4-H club dress revue, which was held in Raleigh the week be fore the fair, with the costume which won her first prize in the district contest at Hendensonville. Her dress was exhibited at the State fair and won a prize of $5 00. Miss Setser won second place in the curtain, exhibit at the State fair. Her exhibit of yellow mar quesitte curtains, which were made at a total cost of 70 cents as a part of a room improvement pro ject, won a $5.00 prize. She was also recently elected president of the Cartoogechaye club. Funeral Services Held For Mrs. J. B. Justice Funeral services for Mrs. John B. Justice, 69, were held on Thurs day morning at 11 o'clock at the Holly Springs Baptist church. The Rev. James I. Vinson, pastor, of ficiated, assisted by the Rev. C. F. Rogers, pastor of the Franklin Baptist church, and the Rev. I. L. Roberts, pastor of the Franklin Methodist church. Interment was in the church' cemetery. A resident of Macon county all her life, Mrs. Justice died at her home on Franklin Route 4, on Wednesday morning at 1 :30 o'clock following an illness of more than three months. On July 8, she suf fered a stroke of apoplexy from which she never recovered. Born on April 22, 1871, Mrs. Justice was the daughter of the late Daniel J. Meadows and Nancy Elmore Meadows. She was married to John B. Justice on November 19, 1893. In early girlhood she joined the Oak Grove Baptist church, later moving her member ship to the Holly Springs Baptist The pallbearers were Marion Deal, Earl Justice, J. Horner Stock ton, Alex Deal, Wayne McCracken and Jesse McCracken. Surviving besides the husband are seven children, two sons, But ler Justice, of Franklin Route 4, and James D. Justice, of Redding, Calif., and five daughters, Misses Homer and Nellie Justice, Mrs. Walter Taylor and Mrs. Earl Smart, all of Franklin Route 4, and Mrs. Bryan Setser, of Frank lin Route 1; and 11 grandchildren. One sister, Mrs. James. .M. Mor rison, of Etna; three brothers, Emulus Meadows, of Etna, Seth Meadows, of Cle Ellum, Wash., and Crude Meadows of Franklin Route 1 ON STRIKE AT NANTAHALA Workmen Go Off Job On Wednesday Seeking Better Hours, Pay More than 600 workmen on the Nantahala dam project struck Wed nesday morning when differences between the Utah ' Construction company, contractors for the job, and union representatives failed to be settled by other means. It was learned on good author ity that the strikers, who were still out Thursday night, were seeking better working hours, a 40 instead of a 48 hour week and a pay increase. An official of the Utah company is expected here Friday ' to confer with union offi cials and a U. S. Labor Department representative with a view to try ing to settle the strike. Meantime, with three union af filiates of the American Federation of Labor already organized, a fourth group for carpenters was formed in a meeting last night. Lee Barnard, Jr., and Harold Dalrymple, representatives of the Tunnel Workers local, were on the committee that informed, the U. S Conciliation commissioner of the decision to strike. : In contrast to the situation at Nantahala is that at Glenville where recently an agreement was reached between A. F. of L. union members and the Morrison-Knud- sen company advancing wages . an average of 15 per cent and reduc ing the work week from 48 to 40 hours.' Under the terms of the agree ment, laborers receive 45 cents an hour, miners, $1.10, and electrical workers, $1.25. The contract, ef fective October 9, also provides for the use of a union hiring hall. Rehabilitation Of Former State Prisoners - Is Discussed Plans for the rehabilitation of persons , released from prison in this state were presented by the Rev, Lawrence A. Watts, director of religious training at Central Prison, Raleigh, to representative citizens of seven western counties at a meeting held at the state prison camp at .Wbittier last Tues day. ; Macon county was represented by the Rev. Phillip Green, Harley Cabe, and Mrs. Eloise G. Franks, county superintendent of public welfare. Swain, Jackson, Graham, Clay, Cherokee and Transylvania counties also had delegations pres ent. . In essence, Mr. Watts' plan is to organize a ' rehabilitation com mittee in each county, composed of ministers, the county welfare superintendent, and other ' public committee receives the list of per spirited citizens; The Macon county committee, which was the second to be form ed in the state, consists at pres ent of the Rev. J. A. Flanagan, president; Harley Cabe, vice-president; and Mrs. Eloise Franks, sec retary. NANTAHALASTO APPEARJN LIFE Picture Magazine Sends Photographers To This Section Autumn scenes along the Appa lachian trail through the Nanta halas are to be included in a camera study of southern moun tains now being made for Lite Magazine by Eliot Elisofon, one of Life's staff of crack photog raphers. Mr. Elisofon, accompanied by his assistant, Milton Greene of New York, and by O. W. Crowder of Baltimore, member of the board of directors of the Appalachian Trails Conference, spent Monday and Tuesday of this week work ing out from headquarters here in Franklin. The two photographens spent Tuesday taking shots in around Wayah Bald, and of the Forest Service recreation area at Wayah Gap and Arrowood in both color and black and white. Late Tues day evening they rejoined Mr. Crowder at Wesser Creek where he had hiked from Wayah Bald, and the party motored to Mount Oglethorpe, Ga, to complete the series of pictures for the article, which Elisofon said would appear in Lift "ilwrtljrV J. M. Broughton Will Speak Here October 31st At 8 P. M. J. M. Broughton of Raleigh, Democratic nominee for governor of North Carolina, will address a Democratic rally in the courthouse here Thursday night, October J31; at 8 o'clock. Futher details of the rally were unobtainable before the1' paper went to press but a full story will be carried in next week's paper. Gordon Moore Succeeds J. E. Perry As Registrar C. Cordon Moore has been 'ap pointed ' registrar for the Franklin precinct following the "resignation of James E. Perry, registrar for the past two years. R. S. Jones, chairman of the county board of election, urges every person who has become 21 years, of age since the last regis tration, to register on ; Saturday, October 19 or October 24, in order to be able to vote in . the general election on Tuesday, November 5. RED PANTHERS DEFEAT SYLVA To Play Bryson City Here This Friday At 2:30 P. M. Despite the handicap of a crip pled .squad, Franklin high's Red Panthers contrived to tame : the Golden Hurricane of Sylva high to a slight summer breeze as they methodically ' piled up two touch downs to win by a 13-7 score here last Friday, afternoon. Climaxing a sustained drive of 75 yards sparked by Quarterback Brooks, Guest plunged over '.inf paydirt from the Sylva tWo-yard line early in the first quarter for the first Franklin touchdown since the fir.st game of the season. The try for the extra point failed. The Red Panthers went on the march again in the second quarter. After a 40 yards of steady plugging landed the ball, on the Sylva ten, Brooks faded back and flipped a pass , to Leatherman in the end zone for the second tally. Houk smacked through the line for the extra point. Sylva's lone touchdown was also racked up in the' second period. on beautiful 30 yard aerial from Rector to Insley. Neither team seriously threatened in the second half. Tomorrow, Coach J. C. Hawkins' boys will take to the field against Bryson City high here at 2:30 p. m. The starting lineup will prob ably be: J. C. Cunningham, LE; C. Pennington, LT; T. Ashe, LG; C. Ashe, C; Johnson, RG; J. S. Cun ningham, RT; Leatherman, RE; Brooks, QB; Houk, LH; Guest, RH; and Tessier, FB. U. S. Criminal Court Convenes November 25 Jurors for the Bryson City crim inal term of United States district court, which will convene there November 25, were announced this week by J. Y. Jordon,, clerk of court for the western district of North Carolina. Judge E. Yates Webb of Shelby will be the presiding jurist. Macon county jurors drawn for the Bryson City term are: William R. Higgins, Higdonville; Hezekiah Dills, Franklin, Route No. 1 ; G. M. Pruett, Warne; and Zeb H. McClure, Ogden. Box Supper And Cake Walk At Holly Springs A box supper and cake walk will be held at the Holly Springs school Saturday night, October 19, beginning at 8 o'clock. String mu sic will be furnished by a local band. The supper is given to help raise money for the Junior-Senior class Banquet at Franklin high school. District Masonic Meet Set For CuIIowhee The district meeting of the 42nd Masonic district, originally sched uled for last August but postponed because of the floods, will be held in CuIIowhee auditorium next Thursday, October 24, at 8 p. m., according to an announcement thi week from C A. Hoyle of CuIIo whee, district deputy grand master. All Masons, Eastern Stars, and their families, as well as the gen eral public, are cordially invited to attend. The Franklin delegation will leave here around 6:30 p. m. Thursday and anyone wishing a ride is asked to get in touch with Hrlejr Ctbe, 2,056 Macon Citizens Register For Conscription Wednesday Leaves October 30 '. r ' .. " i r 1 $ REV. J. A. FLANAGAN Pastor of the Franklin and Morri .son Presbyterian church for 14 years, has . resigned , his charge here to become pastor of the Presbyterian church in Whitmire, S. C . Rev. And Mrs. Flanagan Plan To Leave Franklin For Whitmire Oct. 30 The Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Flan agan plan to leave Franklin Wed nesday, October 30, for1 their new charge in Whitmire, S. C, Mr. Flanagan announced this week. Mr. Flanagan was dismissed from the Asheville presbytery last week and received notice of .his accept ance by the Presbytery of South Carolina Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Flanagan came to Franklin in May, 1926, soon after his graduation from the seminary. He has served here as pastor of the Franklin and Morrison Pres byterian churches ever since then. Besides his duties as pastor of the two churches, Mr. Flanagan has served a. term as commander of- the local American Legion Post and as post chaplain for a number of years. He was chairman of the county Red Cross chapter for three years, as well as being chair man of the annual Red Cross roll call several times. He is a past president of the local Rotary club. Mr. Flanagan has also served as chairman of the county ministerial association and secretary of the county dry forces. Mountain Movie Dealing WithPeople And Scenes Of Macon A two-reel sound motion picture, dealing with Afacon county people and scenes, will be shown free of charge in the courthouse auditor ium here Saturday, October 19, at 7:30 p. rrti AH interested persons are cordially invited to attend. The movie was . made this past August by Miss Elda Keithly, state supervisor of the visual aid pro ject, WPA, who will return here to show the film. The picture deals with a typical day in the life of a mountain fam ily, for which the Woods family of Gneiss acted as subjects. Scenes in Frankl in and the surrounding country are also included in the film. Rev. Robert Rogers Conducting Revival The Rev. Robert Rogers is con ducting a series of revival services at the Ellijay Baptist church.. The public is invited to attend these services. Singing Convention At Prentiss Baptist Church The third Sunday afternoon sing ing convention will be held at the Prentiss Baptist church on Sunday afternoon, October 20, beginning at 1:30 o'clock, it has been an nounced fey R. D. West, president. Ml singers and anyone interest ed in singing, is invited to attend. Halloween Carnival Is Planned By Junior Class A mammoth Halloween Carnival will be held in the auditorium of the Franklin high school on Satur day night, October 26, from 7:30 o'clock until 11 o'clock. Various features of amusement is being planned including fortune telling booth, marksmeaship booth, spookhouse booth, and booths where cakes, candies, coco cola, tc, caa be bought, AIsq "Find County Draft Board Is. Sworn In; Selects Office A total of 2,050 Macon county men between the- ages of. 21 and 30 registered at the county's 12 registration centers Wednesday for possible niilitary training under the Selective Service act. Franklin led the list of precincts with , ,589 registrants; Nantahala No. 1, where a majority of the workers on the Nantahala dam construction project registered, wi second with 237; Highlands was third with 224; and Nantahala No. 2, 191. Other returns were. Cowee, 152; Siniilibridge, 141 ; Ellijay, 119;. Cartoogechaye, 100;' Burningtown, 100; Sugarfork, . 84 ; Millshoals, 70;' and Flats, 37. Registration centers were open Wednesday fr.oni 7 a. m. to 9 p. m, with the County Board of Education, assisted by the county school teachers, in charge of regis tration. All of the returns, with the exception of Ellijay, were in late Wednesday night. The county draft board, recently . appointed by Governor Hoey and consisting ,of . Henry W. Cabe, ' Erwin W.; Long and George Dean, with Dr. Wiley A. Rogers, physi cian, . and Gilmer Junes, apwil agent, met Thursday' morning and were sworn in by Harley Cabe, clerk of the : superior court. The board will open it's perma nent office in the Ashear building in a tew days, in the office form erly occupied by . J. Frank Ray. When the necessary .forms are for warded from Raleigh, the board will shuffle the cards made in yesterday's registration and assign a number to each man. The num bers will be posted at the board's office as soon, as the task is com pleted. As in World War days, numbers will be drawn in Washington at a public lottery the date of which has not been set by the President, probably early in November. If a registrant's number is drawn, he" will be notified and examined by the local hoard and will be either ordered to report for. duty or will: be exempted, either temporarily or permanently; He will have the right to appeal. . NOTICE Men registering for niilitary .service may get their blood test at the County Health Depart- ment Office, in the Ashear Building, in Franklin, on the fol lowing days : Friday, October 18, 9 to 12 a. m. and 1' to 3 p. in. Saturday, Oct. 19, 9 to i2 a. m. Tuesday, October 22, 9 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 3 p. m. County Baptist- Training Unions To Hold Rally In Franklin Next Thursday Baptist Training Unions of the Macon county association will hold a joint rally here at the Franklin Baptist church next Thursday, Oc tober 24, a part of . a series of rallies being held throughout . the Tenth Region, the Rev. H. M. Ho- cutt of Sylva, . regional director, announced this week. The rally here will begin with an afternoon meeting at 4 :30 p. m., followed by a night meeting at 7:15 p. m. All those attending the afternoon meet are asked to bring their supper with them. Mrs. Nathan C. Brooks and Miss Josephine Turner of the State Training Union department will be here to help conduct the meeting, Mr. Hocutt said. The program will be as follows: 4 i30 Devotion. 4:45 Announcements and plans for the meetings. . S:00 Conferences as follows: Associationsil and Regional Of ficers, H. M. Hocutt. Directors, Pastors, and General Officers, Miss Josephine Turner. Leaders for Intermediates, Jun iors, and Story Hour, Mrs. Nathan C. Brooks, Jr. Members not in other confer ences, Mrs H. M. Hocutt and- others. 6:00 Supper. 7:15--Devotion. 7:30 Conferences same as above. 8:15 Panel Discussion. Led by Miss Josephine Turner. 8:35 Looking Forward in Our Association, Associational Director. 8 :50 A Vision Of An Adequate Program, Regional Director. Your Incomplete Sentence" is pre dicted to furnish much merriment. The party is being given to raise funds for the Junior-Senior ban quet The public is invited to. attend. f