THURSDAY, MARCH , 1941 THE FRANKLIN. PRESS. AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN. PAGE THREE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ; .' and , ' COMINGS AND GOINGS MRS. LESTER'S. CONLEY, PHONE 104 MISS SLOAN SINGS IN COLLEGE RECITAL At a music recital presented by students in the Woman's College school of music in Greensboro, Miss ' Dorothy Sloan, of 'Franklin, daughter of Mr.- and Mrs. Harold Sloan opened the. program. She sang "Vergin, tutta- ahior", by Durante, : with Paul Onceley, as sistant professor of -music, accijin .panying her. , MOFFITT-ELMORE Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Ruth Mof fitt of Franklin to Nelson I".' El more, also of Franklin, -on Friday, January 31, in Clayton, Ga. Mrs. Elmore is the daughter of Mr, and .Mrs.' Mack Moffitt. She was attired in a blue coat suit and wore tan accessories. Mr. Elmore is the son of Mr. and .Mrs. James Elmore, of Frank lin. He is employed at the Zack graf Hardwood company. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore were ac companied to Clayton by Mr.s. Walter Hall. At present the couple are re siding with the groom's parents. HAZEL BRADLEY ATTENDS STUDENTS' CONFERENCE Miss Hazel ' Bradley, a student at. Brevard Junior college, was one of four representatives ,scnt by the college to the International Re lations club conference held at the Florida State Teachers College . for Women, Tallahassee. This is a na tional students Organization, spon sored by the Carnegie Foundation in colleges and universities. Fagg, Mrs. Elmer Crawford, Mrs. J. . Ward Long, Mr.s. John Bulgin, Mrs.' Hugh Leach, Mrs. John Ha mcr, Mis. Elizabeth McGuire, Miss Molly Slagle, Mrs. John Slagle and W. B, McGuire. NEWS FROM NAVY MEN STATIONED IN HAWAII Derrell Tallent, son of '.Mrs. Aaron Tallent pf Iotla, writes that he is now stationed at the new naval air station on Kaneohe Bay, just across the island from Pearl harbor. This .station was opened in February and is one- of six bases included in - Admiral Hep burn's plan ' to strengthen the Alaska, Hawaii and Panama fron tiers. :' Ensign Tallent also reported that Lewis Hylion and Henry Hyltoni Macon boys, are stationed at Pearl Harbor. MISS HELEN PATTON ADDRESSES ASHEVILLE CLUB Miss Helen Patton, of Franklin, head of the art department at Western Carolina Teachers Col lege, spoke last Thursday on "Art in the School of Today," before , the Asheville branch of the Asso ciation of Childhood Education. BUSINESS GIRLS CIRCLE ELECTS OFFICERS The regular monthly meeting of the Business Girls Circle of the Franklin Presbyterian church was . held ' on Monday evening at the home ot Mrs. Elmer Crawford on White Oak street, with Miss Evelyn Clement as assistant hostess.',.- - . ; ' In the absence of Mrs. Robert R. Gaines, president, Mrs. Hugh Leach presided. Y,early reports were given by the secretary and treasurer. , Officers for the coming year were, elected 'as follows: Mr. Hugh Leach, chairman; Mrs. John Slagle, vice-chairman; Mrs. John Bulgin, secretary; Mrs. John Ha- mer, treasurer. Following the busi ness session Mrs. J. C. Hawkins, who was in charge of the pro gram,' gave an interesting takl on "Christian Giving." A social hour was enjoyed fol lowing the .business. Delicious re- f reshments were . served by the hostesses. The following members were present: Mrs. Grant Zickgraf Mis. Molly Slagle, Mrs. W. B. McGuir.e, Mrs. B. L McGlamery, Mrs. Hugh Leach, Miss Virginia Clement, Mr. Tom Fagg, Mrs. John Bulgin, Miss Gladys Guffey, " Mrs. John ' Slagle, and Mrs. J. C. Hawkins, and Mrs. Frank M. Killian as a guest. MR. AND MRS. H. E. CHURCH RETURN FROM FATHER'S FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Church have . returned . from Franklin, Tenn., where they were called on account of the illness and death of Mr. . Church's father, E. W. Church, who died on Thusrday of the past week with pneumonia. H. E. Church, Jr., of North Carolina State, college, who also attended the funeral of his grandfather, lias, returned to Raleigh. ' Births PARTY AT TAVERN MARCH 12 A Mmv party,' under, the aus pices of the Business Women's Circle of the Franklin Presby terian Church, will be held next Wednesday evening, March 12, at 8 p. m. at the Tavern. Admission 25 cents, proceeds to go to the building fund of the church. The public is cordially invited. DINNER PARTY FOR . MRS. ROBERT R. GAINES On Friday evening a farewell dinner party was given at the Tavern by the Business Girls Circle, for Mrs. Robert R. Gaines, retiring chairrnan of the circle. Mrs. Gaines left the following Sunday for Chapel Hill. The table decorations carried out the St. Patrick motive. Those present were Mrs. Tom PERSONAL lUchd H mmI picnic tfct ntbttci yow reiMitcd II tu that same old cake. Try new cakes, new recipe. Simply um Rumford Baking Powder and you'll be able to pick out any good recipe you want. For with Rumford yon don't hare to change the direction to fit peciai kind of baking pow der action. The amount of bak ing powder the direction! call for that's the right amount to uie ( Rumford for perfect reoulta erery time. nil. Send for m$ booklet, -Containing doseni of bright ideaa to un pror your baking. Addrw: Rumford Baking Powder, Box J Rumford, Rhode Island. G, G. Watkins and son, Vercoe, who are working at Fay.etteville, were called home Saturday on ac count of the death of Mr. Wat kin's mother, Mrs. Sarah Angeline Watkins, of the Cullasaja . com munity. Wade Cunningham left last week for Virginia Beach, Va., where he has .employment. Hugh Anderson-' returned to his home in Twin Falls, Idaho, Sun day, after spending two months with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Anderson at their home on. Har rison avenue. Mr. and Mrs. R, L. Bryson III, and young daughter, have returned to their home in Chattanooga, Tenn., after a visit with their grandfather, R. L. Bryson, Sr., who has been critically ill for several day.s. Mr, and Mrs. L. A. Ross, of Spartanburg, S. C, came Satur day for a visit to Mrs.- Ross par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 15. Slagle. Mrs. Douie Goss, of ''Asheville, is spending sometime here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Rochester. Mrs. R. M. Waldroop has re turned from Bryson City, where she spent several days visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Porter spent Wednesday night here with Mr.s; Porter's mother, Mrs. W. J. Zach- ary before going to Ellijay, Ga., where Mr. Porter has employment in a drug store there. Joe Duncan, son of Rev. and Mrs. "N. C. Duncan, formerly of Franklin, now of Asheville, radio engineer in service with the navy radio division, stationed , at Key West, has been transferred to Norfolk, Va. -. Mrs. E. K. Cunningham, who has been quite ill for several day.s, is reported to be getting along nicely. Cecil Bryson, of Akron, Ohio and Mrs. John Adkins, of Colum bus, Ohio, are here for a visit with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bryson at the Bryson hotel. James M. Lyle, Jr., of Gaines ville, Idaho, .son of Dr. and Mrs. James M. Lyie, of Lewiston, Idaho, has been appointed assistant state superintendent of public instruc tion, according to a news item re ceived here. Mr. Lyle is a nephew of the late Dr. S. H; Lyle of Franklin, and whose father- was born and brought up here. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Oliver and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Eaton, of Statesville, spent the week-end with Mrs; Oliver's mother, Mrs. John J. Tice. on Franklin Route J. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Chandler, of Tallulah Lodge, Ga., spent the first of the week visiting Mrs. Chandler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Thomas at their home on Iotla street. . Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bryson and daughter, Brenda Lee, of Greensboro, have been here visit-1 ing their grandparents, Mn and Mrs. R. L. Bryson, Sr., at the Bryson hotel. Mrs. XI. D. Billings, who has been quite ill, was reported to he slightly improved Wednesday. Mrs. Lee Leach, of Chapel Hill, came in the first of the week for a visit here with relatives and friends. Mrs. George H. Bidwell, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Neville Sloan and Mr. Sloan in Atlanta, Ga, spent the first of the week at the Kelly Tea room befqre going to her home in Win-Aton-Salem. E. S. Hunnicutt has been con fined to his bed this week on ac count of illness. Mrs. W. W. Sloan, who recently underwent an operation at a hos pital in New York, is reyerjed to Mr. and Mrs! Wiley Bryson an nounce the birth of a daughter, Beverly Ann, at Angel hospital, on Sunday, February 9. . A daughter, Ann Catherine, was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Weimer Berry on Monday, Feb ruary 3, at Angel hospital. On .Monday, February 3, a daugh ter, Margaret Ann, was born to Mr. - and Mrs. Roy Rhodes, of the Rainbow Springs community,' at. Angel hospital. . A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Iva Crisp at their home in Franklin, on Thursday, February 27. 'j, '. '" ' Born to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Siler, of Sylva, a daughter, Nancy Elizabeth, at the Mission hospital, Asheville, March 5. be getting along nicely. Mrs. Furman Guy and Mrs. John Clark,, of Etna, spent the first of the week in Winston-Salem with their father and grandfather, James M. Morrison who is ser iously ill there in the Baptist hos pital. Mrs. F. L. Siler is visiting Mr. and Airs. Allen Siler at Sylva, Mrs. Charles .Solms, of Monte cello, N. Y.,. underwent a serious operation at Angel hospital on Tuesday morning. Dr. Solms was formerly connected with the Angel hospital. Mrs. Thad Patton, who is a' patient in -.Angel, 'hospital, is '.re ported to be getting! along nicely. W. P. Landrum, who has been spending several weeks in Daytona Beach, Fla., with his son, Ralph Landrum and Mrs. Landrum. He was accompanied on his return ' by H. C. Welknan, g who has been spending sometime in Ohio and points in Florida. Lieut Neville. Sloan, Jr., who is stationed at Fort Bragg, spent a while here Tuesday visiting rela tives and friends. Mrs. Carl Slagle has returned to her home from Aijgel hospital, and is reported' to be steadily im proving, Glenn Patton has returned from Jessup, Md., where he has been working for the past few months. Miss Nell Justice is a 'patient at Angel clinic. Mrs. Ham Touts has returned to her home after a mastoid oper- j ation at Angel clinic. Midway News Jesse Sanders ' and his son, Har ris who are employed at. Macon, Ga., spent the. week-end at home. Mark Bingham was called liome from Ft. Bragg on account of ill ness. .'''. ' ,'""'. i - - Leon Sellers spent the night with Edwin W. Shope Saturday. W. R. Ledford, R. L. Sanders, Edwin W. Shope, Mrs. . John. Shope, : Mrs. Alex Ledford and Mrs.. Quince Shope made a busi ness trip to Atlanta last week. Miss Betty Green- of Athens, Ga., visited Jess Sanders and fam ily this week-end. . Weaver ; Shope, who is attend ing Brevard college spent the dav Sunday with , Mr, .and Mrs. Zeb W. McClure. Mrs. Annie Ferguson has re turned to Baxter, Ga., ' where .slit is employed. Mr. and Mrs, "Charlie Parker of Asheville were visiting in Midway Sunday. ; , i Mrs. Gaines To Take Public Health Course ,Mrs, Robert L. Gaines, public health nurse for Macon county, left Sunday for Chapel Hill where she will take a special course in public health nursing. Mrs. Ga(ines expects to be absent from her work in Macon county for about three months, during which time Miss 'Alma Kee of Waynesville, district supervising nurse, will car ry on the work, Miss Kee will be in this county two days eachweek. On the, first and third Fridays she will serve at the prenatal clinics at Highlands. CARD OF THANKS We wish o thank, our neighbors and friends for their many. deeds of l kindness and expressions of sympathy shown us during the re cent illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Addie Mason. LEE MASON AND FAMILY Bryant Furniture Co. EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME AT REASONABLE PRICES Phone 106 Franklin, N.C. - fT7T. A-P-i Aumis J D ON BUILDINGS THAT AR E MUSEUM PIECES St. Patrick's Dance In Andrews March 15 There will be a St. Patrick's dance in Andrews on Saturday evening, March 15, from 8:30 un til midnight, in the Andrews high school gymnasium. This occasion promises to be a delightful affair, which will be attended by Couples from the entire southwestern sec tion. . The Knights of Columbus, who are sponsoring the dance, have an nounced that Rodney Bryson's or chestra from Asheville. will furnish the music and that both round and square dancing will be enjoyed. The public is cordially -invited to attend. The charge will be $1.00 ;er couple. MODERN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND MATERIALS ARE HANDSOME, PRACTICAL AND INEXPENSIVE. LET US HELP WITH YOUR BUILDING OR REMODELING PLANS. You owe your family the comfort and convenience of a modern home. Mod ern homes are healthful, sanitary, well lighted delightful places in which to live. Such a home can be yours at sur prisingly low cost. Drop in today and talk it over with us. No obligation. .' V ,;'; ' Reeves Hardware Co. BUILDING MATERIALS ! Franklin, N. C. sunns M I NWFORWAN'iS CttW WJlMOXm ( 90-H-l'; VAlVE-lH-HtM) SIX the only on. 1 ON GAS ... because -m C "VALYE-IN-HEAD'S THE Y1CT0R" in perform- ance on land, sea, and in the air I icrnHimnmni' dViivvD WtV 'tem OfEIT tlir 0iT 1i0. 7iQlC -V Mf ijirnto . . . because its SIX CYLINDERS save you money on gas, oil and upkeep I . . because rf's thoroughly PROVED thoroughly DEPENDABLE as mil lions upon milHons of owners will testify I BURRELL MOTOR COMPANY Phone 123 Franldin, N. C