1940 Census Population of Macon County 15,880 1940 Census Population1 of Franklin 1,250 PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LVI. NO. 13 FRANKLIN, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 27. 1941 $1.50 PER YEAR LEGION SUPPER FOR SELECTEES Legionnaire Recalls Some First World War Experiences Members of' the American Leg ion entertained with a supper at the American Legion hall on Monday-night, as a farewell party for the ; 11 Macon county selectees, who left Franklin on Wednesday morning at 7:15 by bus for Fort Bragg to enter military training. Dr. W. E. Furr, a veteran of the world war, was guest speaker for the occasion. Dr. Furr enlisted in the Marines in 1917 with the 2nd division, where he fought un til tli (j armistice was signed in 1918. He related numerous exper iences of his services in the trenches and told of being 'hit twice with machine gun bullets. One bullet going, between the sole of his shoe and his foot and the other v bullet going through his wrapped leggin. He further related the time he captured seven Ger mans .'and di.splay.ed numerous badges, medals and awards receiv , ed for the acts of heroism men tioned above. Gilmer A.- Jones, commander of Post 108, John O. Harrison, mayor of Franklin, and Rev. S. K. Crock ett, chaplain of th.e Post, made short talks. .Mrs. Harry S. Higgins played during the supper hour and the program was closed by the crowd singing "America.'' Approximately 30 legionnaires, selectees and invited guests were present. Flag Presented Honor Students By Legion Auxiliary To High School The. American Legion Auxiliary will present a -United States flag to 'the Franklin high school at an early date. ' The class of 1941 will make a gift to their school of a metal flag pole which w ill be erected on .the grounds to carry the flag. New School Board Will Succeed To Duties On April 1 Mrs. Frank I. Murray Injured In Accident Mrs. Frank I. Murray, in charge of the WPA bookmobile for Ma con county, who was injured in an accident last Thursday, is reported to be recovering satisfactorily at Angel hospital. While delivering the bookmobile !!e Myn&k'ibrary, it left the road near HayeisvttTe, turning over four times, it was stated. Mrs. Murray received injuries to chest and hip, but no fractures. The bookmobile was reported badly wrecked. The five men nominated for the Macon county board of education in' the last primary and confirmed by the Genera Assembly on mo tion of Dr. W. , A. Rogers, repre sentatite, will' take office on April 1. The -following citizens will con stitute this board: J." E. Cabe, Otto; C. Gordon MoOre, Franklin; E. E. Crawford, Gartdogechaye; J. Frank Browning, West's Mill ; j. Roy Phillips, Highlands. The present board that has serv ed for the past two years is G. Tom Bryson, Cullasaja; Miss Las sie Kelly, Franklin; James Hauser, Franklin; Mrs. Fred Slagle, Car toogechaye. The fifth member, W, E. Mozeley of Otto, died in Aug ust, 1939. 11 Macon County Trainees Go To Camp The following Macon county .voting men left' at 7:15 Wednesday morning for Fort Bragg, as an nounced by the local draft board: Harve L. Bateman, Charlie Fender, Thomas Louis Crunkleton, Gur nell Lee Woods, William Conley, Kenneth Tillman Cnuse, Kenneth Ansel Dowdle, Carl Green, Joseph Percy . ShOpe, Woodrow Thomas Holland, Sam William Fnady. Patrick Theodore Rogers of Highlands, listed last week, was transferred to the group that will leave April 8. " !' The first drafted trainee-of the local draft board was called in this quota. vm" fir ' , if ! rln an nnnircfcuini rTitn.fi J JOHN H. WASILIK ( V j tew'" k p $A fay K ' f w i. .vt..-Jt B.T.U. Regional Convention To Meet Fri. and Sat. Chamber Of Commerce Meeting On April 8th The annual B. T. . U. Convention of the- 10th region of North Caro lina will convene in the First Bap tist church on Friday and Sat urday of this week, beginning at 3 p. m. Friday. Rev. H. C. Hocutt, of Sylva will have charge of the sessions , and will be assisted' with other state workers for the conferences. Miss Maxine Slaughter, the new State B. T. U. Leader will be present, and on Friday night at 7 ;30 the Rev. J. A. Herring, returned mis sionary from China will give the principal addr.css. . " Among the outstanding features of the convention will be the sun rise meeting at 6:30 a. m. on Saturday, morning and a message at 1 1 :3W a. m, by the Rev. E. F. Baker of Andrews. Special' music by the ladies octette of Andrews and a trio of ladies from Sylva will intersperse the program. Guests will be -.entertained over night on the Harvard plan by members of the looal B. T. I'.' Visitors .will be welcome to these services. KATHERINE LONG John H. Wasilik, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wasilik, Jr., is valedic torian of the senior class of the Franklin high .school, and Kather ine Long, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.-, E. W. Long is salutatorian of the class. Both were born here and have received their entire schooling in the Franklin schools. Both honor students have made high averages in their work. . Order Of Eastern Star Install Officers W,e give to necessity the praise of Virtue Quintilian. As The World Turns A Brief Survey of Current Events In State, Nation and Abroad. YUGOSLAVIA A broadcast announces that 17-year-old King-Peter has taken over the government in Yugoslavia, and is forming a pro-British cabinet to oppose Hitler, following, violent demonstrations in .Belgrade against the pact signed yesterday with the Nazis. One thousand rioters and students battled with police in pro "test against the pact and civil war threatened. Britain has broadcast that the Empire will aid their fight for freedom. NAZI WAR ZONE EXTENDED TO GREENLAND German's action in extending her war zone to waters of Greenland and Iceland may be retaliation for Russian intervention in the Balkan situation, whose shipping is affect ed by the move more than Brit ain's. Germany has long had an eye on Iceland. BERLIN Germany gives , royal reception to Matsuoka, Japanese foreign minister in spectacular demonstra tions with all' high officials wel coming him for conversations "to promote the new order in Europe and the Far East." CAIRO German mechanized troops have landed at Tripoli and have occu pied a small point on the gulf of Sidra, southwest of Bengasi. Addis Abrtlxa's railroad has been bombed as troops advance. A Free French air squadron has joined in the attacks on Ethiopia. war in China, it is reported from Tokyo. No names were given. TCACHERS WILL MEET SATURDAY Officers Will Be Elected To Serve During, Coming Year HALIFAX SPEAKS Lord Halifax, British ambassa dor, assured reporters that Britain did not want a vindictive peace, but that Britain was going, to' as sure, as far as possible, that there is no repetition of the present af fair. On American aid, he said, "It is a question of how fast you can do it." He said the war .would take longer if aid was late, but "we are not going to lose. If we have to fight 20 years we will win the war, but the sooner you can help, the shorter the job will be." LONDON r Britain has suffered many bomb ings, which have lessened the last few nights. British officials re port that Consolidated and Lock heed bombers in swarms are Britain's answer to Germany's ex tensrm of the Atlantic counter blocade. British report Nazi planes and ships destroyed; also British shipping losses high. JAPAN ARRESTS WOMEN MISSIONARIES Fifteen British and United States -omen missionaries have been ar rested cm charrget of plotting a campaign ia Korea ffiinit Jtpia's STRIKES Secretary Knox and William S. Knudsen dir.ectet the Allis Chal mers company of Milwaukee to notify its striking workers "to re port for work and start operations immediately," saying that the de fense program must not be "handi capped by unnecessary strikes." GO strikers at .the Bethlehem Steel plant and the . company are reported to be set for a long strike. Mayor Kelly of Chicago has agreed to act as an intermediary in the- strike of CIO workers at the International Harvester Co. A U. S. mediator from Wash ington has arrived in Ashrville to confer with representatives of the American Enka corporation and the local United Textile Workers of America, an affiliate of A. F. of L, who have been out on strike since Saturday. The Macon county teachers will meet at the Franklin high school on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock for their regular monthly meeting. 'Following the teachers meeting an election -of officers for the Macon County Teachers As,socia tion to serve through the ensuing year will be held. All teachers are urged to attend. . Teachers' Banquet Program On Defense And Patriotism At a regular meeting'; of Nequas sa Chapter No.. 43, O. E. S., last Tuesday evening, the officers for the ensuing year were regularly installed. Miss Elizabeth Slagle, District Deputy Grand Matron of the 12th District of the Grand Chapter of North Carolina Order of the East ern Star, -was the installing officer, and .Mrs. Sallie Moore, installing marshal; Mrs. Lola P. Barrington, installing conductress and Mrs. Jean Moore, installing chaplain. The officers for this year are as follows : worthy matron, Mrs. Margaret Cabe;, worthy patron, C. Gordon Moore; associate matron,, Mrs. Alice Ray ; associate patron, James Hauser; secretary, Mrs. Nobia Murray ; . treasurer, Mrs. Irene Bryson; conductress, Mrs. Anne Higdon ; associate conduct ress, Mrs. Beth Guffey; chaplain, Mrs. Leola Penn ; marshal, Mrs. Sallie Moore; organist, 'Mrs. ... Doris Anderson ; Adah, Mrs. Lucy Sue Crawford ; Ruth, Mrs. Lois Ward ; Esther, Mrs. Grace O'Mohundro; Martha, Mrs. Frances McGlamery; Electa, . Mrs. Flora Dean ; warder, Mrs. Eunice Church ; and sentinel, Ben L. McGlamery. Robert G. Hawkins Accident Victim Robert Garfield Hawkinss 18, who came to Macon county from California : to work for the Utah Construction ; company on the Nantahala dam. was fatally wound ed Sunday night about 7 o'clock w hile working as foreman 1 ot . a rock crusher crew. The dirt dump ing car ' which he was ".riding t inspect the crushed stone .'over turned down an embankment into the Nantahala riv.er when the driver lost control. Hawkins was riding on the hmod of the ma chine. Charlie . W. Kiiif, driver, managed to jump' to .safety as the car overturned. , Young Hawkins died eh "route to the hosi'ital in Franklin, hav ing suffered a broken neck and other injuries. The deceased is the son of ' Mr. and Mrs. William,' Hawkins,, who are now. living at Nantahala, Mr. Hawkins being' also employed on the dam project. They, came here from California. Following tha inquest held on Monday morning by Corner C. M. Moore, assisted by deputy sheriff, John Dills, Charlie King, who had been held pending investigation, was released. The verdict rendered by the corner's jury was that the accident was unavoidable. The jury were A. J. Evans, Roy B. Van- hook, James M. Dryman, J. M Emory, Sherman Ledford and Seth H. Crunkleton. , the . remains were' carried to Macon, Ga. for cremation. Directors To Be Elected; New Folders Widely Distributed The annual meeting of. the Franklin 'Chamber of Commerce, has been called . by the board of directors.", t-1 meet on Tuesday,. April S. in tin- courthouse, at 8 p. in., is 'announced ' "by Tillerv T. Baptist And Methodist Churches To Hold Pre-Easter Services UTILITY BOARD TO TAKE OFFICE The new utilities commission, ap pointed by Got. B rough ton, will take office April 1. The three are Chairman Stanley Winborne. the present commissioner, Fred C Hunter of Charlotte and Prof. Har ry Tucker of N. C State college. BROUGHTONS in Mexico cmr Gov. and Mrs. Broughton are vacationing in Mexico City, guests of Ambassador Joseph us Daniels and Mn. Daniels, Dean W. E. Bird, of Western Carolina Teachers' college of Cul lowhee, will be the principal .speak er at the annual banquet of the Macon County. Teachers Associa tion which will be held at Pano rama Courts on Friday evening, March '28, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Dean Bird will speak on the Morals of Defense. The entire pro gram of the banquet will he . cen tered around defense and patriot ifm. Dr. W. A. Rogers, representa tive of Macon county, and Guy L. Houk, superintendent , of Macon county public schools, will also he present and take -parts on the program. Dr. J. L. Stokes 1 1 will give the invocation, and the Frank lin Choral Society will sing. Miss Nora Moody, president of the local unit will preside at the meeting. , Approximately 175 teachers, mem bers of the old and new board of education. representatives from the Lion and Rotary Clubs, Dr. E. N. Haller, county health phy sician. Miss Alma Kee, county nurse, - the county commissioners and the presidents of the parent teachers associations from Frank lin, Highlands and Otto, delegates from the local advisory committee, M. D. Billings, and E. E. Edwards, Mayor of Highlands, have been in-, vited to attend. Fifth Sunday Singing The fifth Sunday singing con vention will meet at the Macon county court house on Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, James M. Raby, president has announced. Mr. Raby expects singers from .every section of the county as well as those from adjoining coun ties. The public is invited to at tend. "''-. Beginning Sunday night, April 6, and continuing each night through April 13, a series of pre-Easter service will be held in the Frank lin Baptist and Methodist churches, it is announced by the pastors, Rev. C. F. Rogers and Rev. J. L. Stok.es II. Services will begin in the Baptist church and will alter nate between the churches, ,Rev, Stokes preaching in the Baptist church and Rev. Rogers preaching n the Methodist church. All people of the community not otherwise engaged in Lenten serv ices are extended a cordial invi tation to worship with the mem bers of the two churches uniting in this series, Game Warden Gives Fishing Dates J. Fred Bryson, game warden Macon, has announced that the fishing season on bas,s, brim and muskellung will close on Tuesday, April I, and remain closed until Tuesday, June 10. Annual Report Of Boy Scouts We close another year in our scout history next Sunday, Our charter expires March 31 and we are ready to renew and re-register our scouts. looking back over our year's work, our roll numbers 36, from tenderfoot to Eagle. We have en rolled six tenderfoots and have had a promotion in every rank. We were proud to have Mr. Bloxarri, our former- scoutmaster, drive all the way.-f-roih Lincolnton to ; de liver the Eagle badge to Mrs. H. H. Plemmons that her son, Eagle Scout Paul Lee, had earned. We further boast of our' next Eagle Scout, who will go up at the next court of honor, Gordon Porter, Jack Angel is just waiting his time to be another Eagle for our troop. We are sorry to give up our old scout house, but proud to know that our sponsors are going to build us a new home. Our troop has met every Friday night except thr.ee, and our boys were ready to make up our loss. We are happy to thank Mrs. Gus Leach for cookies, a friend for chocolate cake, Mr. Plemmons for letting our Eagle scouts use his .car to attend the annual ban quet in Asheville. We shout loudly "Thank You" to Rev. J. A. Flan agan, our loyal friend. To Mr. Jess Conley, Dr. Stokes, Ben McGlamery. Clyde Gailey, Mrs. J. W. C Johnson, Mr. Thorpe, Dr. Perry. O. C. Bryant. Ben Woodruff, and many other friends who have helped us, especially those who have contributed to the membership drive and to help build our home. Thank You. FAMOUS PILOT ARRIVES HERE Jimmy Angel Flies From S. America On Brief Visit Home Jimmy Angel, distinguished avi ator and discoverer of the high est' falls in the world, located in South America, flew to Franklin yesterday afternoon and landed on the Zeb Angel farm near town. He is the guest of his cousin, Dr. Edgar Angel, for a fuw days of his vacation from his present job as chief test pilot for the Vene zuelan government ; flying ' here from Washington, D. . C. Mr. Angel's colorful career as aviator in the World War and since, as explorer in South Amer ica, and as a movie pilot, has beien of keen interest to friends and relatives in Macon county. His famous exploit of discovering, in the heart of the Venezuelan jungle, a magnificent waterfall, proven the highest in the world, and named in his honor, was re ported in the Franklin Press a few years ago. He has been fly ing for 27 years; first, in the World War, later for the Chinese government and as private pilot for former President Obregon of .Mex ico. Many remember the movie, "Hell's Angels" which this famous pilot says was the last of several pictures in which he flew. He tells the story of how he refused to fly in a "falling plane" scene. The two men who did the stunt fell to their death and Liberty magazine contained an article de scribing this happening. Mr. Angel was born in Jackson county and spent several years of his youth in this county. His fath er now lives in the west This is his first visit to the United States in seven years. He is glad to come back to his old home after ten ve. secretory. The board of 'directors will be .elected: at this meeting and a full report of the past year's work and activities will he made to the membership. A full meeting of members and citizens desiring to join is desired. AH members will receive notice from the secretary. New Franklin Folder ' A handsome.'' new:: colored folder, with beautiful ilrli-!r,:itio:is of scenery and attractions for tour ists, with map and .descriptive text, has just been published. ' ' "I am distributing 'these, as fast as I can mail them out,'' said Mr. Lov,e. last Monday. "They are goinu out to hotels and travel agencies in Florida and neighboring states and to population centers, to at tract new business. We arc pre paring for the best tourist season yet enjoyed by Franklin." Mr. Love spoke of the increased acoomodat ions that are toeing built by Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hirsch of Franklin Terrace, Major and Mrs. Carmack at the Franklin Lodge and Golf Course, by Cagle and Bradley at Panorama Courts, and Mrs. John Henry on Palmer street. He announced that the, new fold ers are available at the hotels. Angel's and Perry's drug stores and the office of the Franklin Press at this time, before the Chamber of Commerce booth is opened. Membership Drive The work of the Chamber of Commerce during the past season was highly successful and has been commended by both members and the traveling public. The booth on Main street was a busy place during the entire season. As a Bureau of Information, where vol unteer members served during the summer months, help was extend ed to 2,250 visitors. Of these the records show that 1226 signed the register, from 37 states, the District of Columbia, uanacia and the Bahama Islands. Seven hundred twx-ntv-six nieces of mail were sent out. An informa tion 'booklet, listing accomodations ' and attractions and scenic tours, was published and distributer). These are being mailed out with the new illustrated folders, furn ishing the most complete informa tion and advertisement that FVank- lin has yet sent out. Goal Of $2,000 The impetus received from th- efficient work of the present di rectors has established the Frank-'.'', lin Chamber of Commerce as an indespcnsable factor for our town's progress. The report shows that a total was received from member ships of $1,054.35, representing a membership of 10, with dues rang ing from .one dollar to $100. 1 his year s, mcmbershin drive will be organized .shortly with a goal of $2,000. which will be need ed for an expanded program of puDiiciiy and tourist service. Gen erous contributions from public spirited citizens and business? contributed as memberships made possible last year's expenditure for the permanent set-up of a vigorous chamber of commerce. The work of committee chairmen and volunteers supplemented the funds raised last year and estab lished this year's working basis. The present board of directors are: J. E. S. Thorpe, president : B. W. Woodruff, vice-president; T. T. Love, secretary; VV. C Zickgraf, John Archer, A. R. Hig don, H. W. Cabe. The following committees served during the year: hospitality, James Averell; publicity. Ben McGlam ery; signs. Bob Gaines; finance, 5 S- Thorpe, Tom Angel, Ben iucujamery, Alt Higdon, Jim Perry. oaines, Jess Conley, Bill Bob years' absence. He is flying a Cessna plane, used in aerial cho- Jamet Hsuver, Scoutmaster, tejraphy work ia Venezuela. Moore, Bill Sloan. The Rev. Frank eioxham served as secretary until his removal to Lincolnton, when he was succeeded by Mr. Love. Builders Should See County Health Dept. Property owners in Macon coun ty when planning to install new septic tanks, privies, or other sewerage facilities are advised to consult the County Health depart ment. In this way they can avoid cost ly alterations that are often re quired in order to comply with th state laws en sanitation.

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