THE FRANKLIN fRES9 AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1941 !AC TWO Gneiss By MRS. F. E. MASHBURN Mrs. Myrtle F. Keener, the primary teacher of the 1inc Grove ' school, -va a welcome v isitor at Mr. ami Mrs. W. A. Kcencr's home this we.ek-entl. Sam.Brysoii,' teacher of the Wal nut Creek school,-, spent' -the week end with his family at Cullasap. Friday, March 21, Mrs. l-'Lurencc . S. Sherrill conduced a very inter esting meeting in tire home of Mrs. F. E. Mashburn. The next meet ing is to be held April 1 at the home uf Mrs. (iirtnule Strame. V. A and V. J. Berry, and also C. J. Crisp, of Walnut Creek, were '-visiting 'on- Ellijay 'Sunday. Howard Keener, .an employee of the Nantahala dam, spent the week-end with his family. ' Mrs. Josephine Leopard is visit ing her son, Kenny and wife, at Yellow Mountain, Jackson county. liert Tilson is critically ill. Gum Dills has been in n pool health for months. "Uncle'' Tommie 'Dills is back in' his little home, getting his Kiirden . ready for planting. "Uncle" Jim Houston is at the home of Mac McCall at present. He has beeri bed fast for several years. G. D. Hedden got his left leg hurt recently, while at work on the Nantahala dam. He expects to return to his work Tuesday. Ernest Hedden, who got his leg broken jn February is now home from Angel hospital. Tillery Henderson Is still going on crutches. He got his eft ankle injured while -logging a few weeks ago. Ed Crisp is suffering from in juries caused by a log rolling on him and also a p.e-evie handle struck his head- '...-. The monthly singing convention, held at Pine Grove last Sunday afternoon was splendid. Miss Gertrude Holland was call ed home recently from GastonLa because of the illness of her moth er, Mrs. Hettie Holland. On April 13 at 2:30 p. m. Rev. J L. Stokes II, pastor of the Franklin Methodist church, is to hold an Easter service in the Wal nut Creek school house. The pub lic is cordially invited. Mrs. John Holland is on the sick list. .Miss Eula Mashburn is home from Franklin where she has been staying. -.' J Mrs. George Keener is very busy these days caring for 200 Plym outh Koek baby chicks in their nice new brooder house Mr. Keen er made for them. ''' The Airacobras Begin to Fill the Air ; -, K vZf $ k 'foj&c , . iif4t'M. t: t - r s V s. : -t Vsj&S&tt ' -; '-- , 'vu: v. , ' ;- ' ' - ' ?' - --" - ; "-- -'j - - - , -" jfin 1 -'- - '.---"-'-."-..V. .- ; . . -1 For the first time, the new Airacobras of the army air corps tro through a formation flight at Bulhilo, N. Y. These are being flown by pilots from Selfridge Field, Mt. Clemens. Mieh., who took delivery of the planea at the Bell Aircraft Corp. plant. The Airacobra is .canmin- a i i li'H sii, - ngine tighter with engine located behind the pilot's comparLmeiit. Britain waiils them badiy. ' ' . '' This Week In Defense We've Got What It Takes By HARRIET ELLIOTT, Consumer Commissioner, National Defense Advisory Commission- :..' ' (Miss Elliott is. dean of the Woman's College of die 'University of North Carolina We are printing the following article, vs somewhat abridged, instead of the weekly bulletin, on defense.) protect our standard ol liv- Lions Hear Averell Tell Of Trip Through West The Lions Club held its regular bi-weekly meeting at Cagle's cafe, last Monday night, when 18 mem bers enjoyed a good ham dinner. Lion Averell related some of the : hiirhlights of his vacation trip to the West coast during the pas winter. He said that ,en route to Washington, . D. C. he and Mrs. Averell . stopped over in Lincoln ton to call on the Rev. Frank Bloxham, former Franklin Lions Club (president, whom they found well located and with' a fine e-hurch of historical significance. "In fact, the church is approach ing its centennial celebration, and Mr. Bloxham is. giving the. cele bration his usual ; energetic and careful planning. In Washington the 40th annual meeting of the American Society of Foresters was attended for three days in the Hotel Mayflower, where 500 for esters w.ere present. Lions Club at tendance was made at Winchester, Va., where 75 members attended bringing Christmas toys for the underprivileged : Children , of the town. "A round-trip railroad journey was enjoyed to southern Califor nia and back by way of Canada, making 18 states and five prov inces of Canada traversed. Lions Club attendance was made up in Riverside, Calif., where 100 Lions gathered in the Spanish room of the famous Mission Inn for a boisterous meeting. j "A Country At Wr" "On entering Canada, one is im pressed immediately thatv you are in a country at war. (kiing from Victoria to Vancouver the boat was crowded with soldiers in their Royal Canadian Army uniforms, packs and helmets strapped on their backs, heading east. The train was. crowded with army of ficers, and aviators in their blue gray uniforms with silver wings, also going east. The Bern machine gun factory was illuminated-1- bright as day and train loads of airplanes in wooden crates were seen." Ray English from Hendersonvillc, and now with the Burrell Motor company was ushered in as a new- member of the Franklin club. The members made a donation of $11.00 to the Boy Scouts. The following letter nf thanks was read by President Thad Bry son from a - 7-year-old girl the 26th child in Macon county to be helped by the club's sight conserva tion program: "Dear Sirs : I am writing this A few days ago I was en route by train to a speaking engagement and found a traveling companion who turned out to 'be one of my former students. In the course of conversation this young, woman said in substance, "Miss Elliott, my mother tells me that during the first World War she had ' to pay phenomenally high jirices for every thing, even for commodities which were abundant. Today our indus trial resources are being directed to military production almost as fully as then and yet we have plenty! We are in an emergency, but we've got what it takes!' We can produce all we need, if all : of us work at it. After nine months of defense efforts, the cost of liv ing does not seem any higher to day than it did a year ago." Then she added, "1 guess we have to thank our Consumer Division for that.''; - : ' I informed her quickly that in my opinion no single agency could take sole credit for this accom plishment, just as no single group could be given sole credit for the strides we are making in our de fense preparations. The stability in the- cost of living and in our '-'general national economy has been maintained because of the united effort of government,, industry and the civilian population. It was in teresting to note, however, that this young w6nian was' not think ing in terms of "business as' usual.'' I was .impressed by the fact that she was thinking of new jobs, in creased production and a great naV ttonai .ettort to meet an emergency. 1 find that there are too many persons thinking in terms of 1916 instead of 1941. . . . It is imperative that each- one of us realize that our way of life is at stake;' that we must provide ourselves with total defense now; and . not wait until those , who threaten democracy arc on our very doorstep. That is the lesson learn ed by .those nations of Europe which did too little too late. , Let us profit by their unfortunate fate. Knowledge of, and belief in what wc are defending is the strength of our entire defense program. Let as, then, take stock of our herit age and those principles which we are preparing to defend. The American concept of democratic living is founded on individual equality, opportunity, security and freedom. It includes those essential freedoms of speech, expression, re ligion and thought, freedom from poverty and misery, freedom from personal persecution and tyranny. We have seen these freedoms die in the countries overrun by dic tators. We must, therefore, make inten sive efforts not merely to produce planes, and ships and tanks and guns. We must strengthen our homes through health and fitness and democratic living. We must build community bulwarks of de fense through educational and rec reational facilities and other pub lic services. We must insure demo- I cracy in our economic life by pre venting anti-social, unwarranted private gain from the defence pro glasses I received through the Lions club. They arc helpine me a lot in my school work. I hope some day I can do something for someone that belones to the club as they have helped me so much. Thahks. . Your.s sincerely. Monta Rae Buchanon, Rt. 4." LOANS A to-tal of more than $6,870,000,- 000 has been loaned by credit in stitutions operating under the sup ervision of the Farm Credit Ad ministration since the FCA wai letter thanking you all for the j organized in May; 1933. gram ing by gearing industrial produc tion to meet military and Civilian needs; preserve our civil-liberties ; and .'make democracy a living, bene ficent force in the daily life of all who dwell within our land. While striving towiards these goals, we must be prepared to make those sacrifices which are necessary, and in the interest of the national wel fare. If it should be necessary ' for us" to give up, temporarily, certain luxuries or to . direct pur buying in such a way as to conserve ma terials essential for military pur poses, we must be. prepared to do so. But we must have the knowl edge and planning to meet such sacrifices with the least dislocation of our everyday living Let me describe briefly what is being done to- protect democratic living in the course of the defense program. At a time when billions of dollars are being invested in de fense preparations, steps are being taken to promote stability of our economy and to balance military and civilian needs. The Division of Purchases of the Office of Production Management advises on all government pur chases of defense . materials and supplies, giving consideration . to production capacity, prices, quality and delivery requirements. Pro posed orders which may affect the price and supply of goods avail able for civilians are reviewed -by the Consumer Division of the De fense Commission. Where necessary to protect consumer needs, we rec ommend such modifications as will accomplish that end without inter fering with military require ments. . .. This type of action is but a part of the effort to protect . living standards while facilitating the de fense program. The Price Stabili zation Division of the National De fense Advisory Commission is work ing to keep prices stable in .essen tial defense materials such as lum ber and metals! Already this divi sion has succeeded in effecting a reduction in the price of a number of vital materials. ... Better Business Bureaus have been active in examining adver tising and discouraging the "Buy N'ow' type, which causes unjusti fied consumer fears and; buying panics. A number of manufacturers have announced that they will not seek profit through higher prices but through increased sales Volume at low prices. The National Asso ciation of Real Estate Boards has urged all realtors and property owners to keep rentals fair and to avoid critical conditions and prof iteering. . Civic organizations are keeping their members informed of these developments. They are reinforc ina their educational programs to enable consumers to serve them selves and contribute to the de fense program by wiser buying practices. This much is being done. But we must do more. We must intensify all these activities on the stand ard of living front, and extend our efforts on the social welfare. In this day of ruthless aggression and overweening national ambition, there is ample proof that viglance is the price of liberty. The most potent defense in a democracy is a well-informed public We are preparing to become the arsenal of Democracy. I believe we face this task with the material goods we need, with the knowledge nec essary to use these goods for the benefit of all our people. I tnink we've got what it takes to secure total defense for America. "When you encounter stumbling stones along the way, step on them tnd go ahead.'' Riverside Miss Ella Moore visited friends in Asheville last week-end. . Miss Edna Ramey, wlio is at tending school sit the, Asheville Beouty Academy, visited Misses Maggie and Blanche Ledbetter Sunday. Kenneth Cook, who has been enrolled in the CCC camp at, Col umbia, S. C, returned to his home last we.ek. R. B, Curtis, of Demorest, Ga., visited friends in this section last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Conley and son, and Mrs. Maude Justice and son, of Tesenta, visi.ted Mr. and Mrs. Ingram Conl.ey and family Sunday. Miss Wilda Mae Saunders visit ed relatives at Hazelwood during the week-end. . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thur mond and children, of Rabun Gap, Ga., spent the week-end With Mrs. Thurmond's mother, Mrs. G. C. Dowdle. Mr. and Mrs. Hurshel Rhodes, of Candler, visited Mr. Rhodes' rather, Mr. Jim Rhodes and Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Stiles last week end.. Kenneth Young of the Otto CCC camp, is spending this week with his' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Young. Midway News We are glad to report the sick folks of Midway improving. . Charlie Ledford, who is employ ed at Fort Bragg, spent thft week end with home folks. The folks here have been quite busy planting their gardens and potato patches for the last few days. Mrs. John Shope left today for Fayetteville where her husband is employed. Mr. and Mrs. William Shope were called home from Fort Bragg Wednesday on account of the death of Shape's father, Mr. Bud Ledford. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arrent, Will Cheek, En da Cheek and George Sprinkle spent the week end in Hayesville. Mr. and "Mrs. J. E. Hcnson of Otto were the guests of Mrs. Marion Saunders one day the ist week. AAA Participation Was 88 Per Cent Last Year North Carolina had a larger par ticipation in the Agricultural Con servation Program in 1940 than in any previous year according to an announcement from State college. About 7,039,000 acres or 88 per cent , of North Carolina's 7,990,000 acres of cropland, was covered by farms in the 1940 program, as compared with 63 per cent irt 1939. The previous ! high mark was 83 per cent in 1938. me(f MEN 30 YEAWSC Tb BUILD.' f FOR STEADY PULLING PcWER TRY I OWJ PUTX MUSCLE MtoURMcKbR A Public Trust This Committee is voluntarily cooperating with Jaw enforcement officials to protect the public and North Carolina's legalized beer industry from la w-violating . retailers. We look upon that responsibility, as a public trust Beer Tetailers who violate North Carolina law must be eliminated. We will continue to be keenly aware of the privilege of protecting this economically and so cially important industry for the benefit, of all North Carolinians. .-'. -' , You can help us attain this worthwhile objec tive by withholding your patronage from those few outlets which tolerate unwholesome condi bND NORTH CAROLINA IIBUTORS COMMITTEE EDGAR R. BAIN, State Director Raleigh, North Carolina A REPORT to America The Ford Motor Company's. C Several months ago work was i ' i i V ttarfrd. on our own initiative, on business has always been to serve the needs of the American people. In providing them with low-cost transportation for the past 38 years, we have devel ooed one of the rountrv's larg est and most utpfnl I'ndncrrial R A Ford aircraft apprentice school est ana most usetul industrial 0 has been eswblished, to train 2000 units. During a national emer- students at a time. started, on our own initiative, on an entirely new 1500 horsepower air plane engine especially designed for mass production. This engine is now in the test stage and plans are being developed for producing it in large quantities when and if needed. gency, we feel that these facili ties should be devoted , without reserve to our country's needs. Toward that end we started rolling months ago, with these results: 1A $21,000,000 Ford airplane en gine factory, started only 6 months ago, is nearly completed. Production will start with an initial order for 4,236 eighteen cylinder, air-cooled, double-row, radial engines. 2 We are building a new $800,000 Ford magnesium alloy foundry, one of the few in the country. It is already producing lightweight air plane engine castings. 9 Army reconnaissance cars mili- tary vehicles of an entirely new type are rolling off special Ford assembly lines at the rate of more than 600 a month. We have produced Army staff cars and bomber service trucks. 4 The government has given the "go-ahead" and work is now under way for the fast construction of an $11,000,000 Ford plant to produce bomber airframe assemblies by mass produc tion methods. That is a report of progress to date. - The experience and facilities of this company can be used to do much of the job which America now needs to get done in a hurry. ' Our way of working, which avoids all possible red tape, en ables us to get results and get them fast. This benefits users of our products and workers who produce them. We are ready to make any. thing we know how to make, to make it to the limit of our capacity if need be, to make it as fast as we can go, and to start the next job whenever our country asks us to. And to this end, we know we have the full confidence and loyal support of the workmen throughout our plants. FORD MOTOR COMPANY