THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1941 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN PACE F 1VE Highlands MRS. H. CHURCH NOTES Highlands MethodUt Church Rev. J. S. Higgina, Pastor Highlands: . -, 11 a, m. Preaching. Clear Creek: 2:30 p. in. Preaching. Church of the Incaranation Rev. A. Rufu Morgan, Rectcr 4 p.. m, Evening prayer and sermon. . . ' ' Highlands Baptist Church Rev. J. G, Benfield, Pastor 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. rn. Sermon. 7 p. m, B. T. U. 8 .p. m. Sermon.. 1 Highlands Presbyterian Church 10:15 a.' in. school 11 a. m. Worship. 7:30 p. m. Christian' Endeavor. P. T. A NEXT TUESDAY The Parent-Teacher As,sociation will hold its -regular meeting next Tuesday afternoon at 3 :45 o'clock at the school, at which time a nominating committee will be ap pointed by the president, Mrs. Wil ton H. Gobi), for the election of officers at the May meeting. SHOWER FOR MRS. WARREN WILSON . The Misses Corinnc, Frances and Louise Wilson were hostesses at a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs.: Annie Westbrook on Wednesday afternoon, March 19, honoring their sister-in-law, Mrs. Warren Wilson, of Clayton, Ga., who was the . former Miss Leila Johnson .pi- Highlands. The event also marked the culminating activities of the home-making class taught by Mrs. Westbrook. The home was beautifully decorated with evergreens and spring flow ers. . Mrs Wilson wor.e a becoming dress of black crepe with accents of bright red. About fifty friends called during the afternoon and the honoree was the recipient of a wide range of lovely gifts. Gifts were talso sent by many who were un able to attend the shower. A salad course was served. , SIXTH GRADE STAGES PLAY An interesting "Visit to China town with the Coolies'' was stag ed by the sixth grade at Highlands school last Friday afternoon. The Chinese lanterns, fans, etc., used to decorate the room and the Chinese costumes worn by the speakers were very effective. In troductory remarks were mode by Harold Rogers. Edd Lowry was program announcer,, and the pro gram in its order was : . Original Poem "China", Doris Hedden; Products of China, Helen Lee; Climate Donald Keener; Religion, Regina Burriettc; Customs- Cos tumes, Ephnairn Prince; Story of Marco Polo; Iris and Inez Or mand ; Dialogue between Chinese boy and American boy, William Henry and Edd Lowry; Review pf Scrapbook, Evelyn Phillips; Im portance of Rice and Tea, Marga ret Herrman. Following the entertainment, re freshments carrying out the Chin- IF YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT TRY ARMOUR'S TREET TALLEY & BURNETTE HIGHLANDS, N. C. DoDeiroDaadDuDaD (Feirffliizeirs We Are Exclusive Dealers In Highlands FOR THE FAMOUS International Fertilizers The best crop producing fertilizers on the mark et. International Fertilizers . have been known and used throughout this section for many years and have always given entire, satisfaction. SPECIAL PREPARED PREMIUM POTATO FERTILIZER 4-9-10 PREMIUM CABBAGE FERTILIZER BRINGS PERFECT RESULTS Place your orders early and save time and money Talley & Burnette HIGHLANDS, N. C Highlights C STORY es,e idea were served in the lunch room to the sixth grade mothers and a few invited guests by a committee composed of Reba Cal loway, Allie Sue Price, Mack Neely and Bobby Crawford. The tables were centered with ever greens in Chinese holders, , and place ' cards were of Chinese de sign. Favors were colorful candy filled baskets. MRS. POTTS GIVES ST. PATRICK'S LUNCHEON Mrs. C. C Potts entertained with a St. Patrick's Day luncheon last week at the Potts House. Nineteen friends of the hostess, in cluding member, of the Wednes day Card Club, enjoyed the oc casion. Luncheon guests who did not remain for the afternoon bridge game were Dr. Jessie Z. Moreland, Miss Ella Stephens and Mrs. Mary Zachary, mother of the hostess. The luncheon tables were centered with an arrangement of jonquils, and place cards were sliamrocks. In the four-table progressive game Miss Sara Gilder won high score Orize. a not of Chinese prim roses, and Mrs. E. R. Gilbert was final winner of the traveling prize A second pot of Chinese primroses was presented to Airs, rramt d. Cook as hiirh score guest prize. Other guest players were Mrs. S. T. Maretl and Miss Rebecca Nail Mr. and Mrs. E; A. Burt, Jr., entertained a few friends at sup per last . Friday evening, compli menting their house 1 guest, Miss Catherine George, of Miami, Ma. Chinese checkers were enjoyed after supper! On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs- Doyle Burgess were hosts at an informal supper party, honoring Miss George, who left Sunday for Dallas, Texas. Miss Carolyn Potts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Potts, who is a junior at the Woman's College of the University of North Caro lina, Greensboro, will spend the Easter holidays with her room mate, Miss Peggy Quinn, at her home in East Hampton, Conn. Miss Estelle Edwards, Miss Maureen Davis, Henry ZoeHner and Kenny Davis opened the pic nic season with a steak fry at Cliff side lake last Sunday evening. Miss Mary Keener of St. Jos eph's Infirmary, Atlanta, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mns. T. M. Keener, at their home at Shortoff. . Harry T. Hall of Richmond, Va., fire insurance agent for the Southern, district, spent the past week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilcox had as their weekend guest at Billy Cabin. Farm, Mr. Herbert Millkey of Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Hodgson and a party of their friends from Atlanta, spent the week-end at Fairview Inn. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Neely a son on March 16, at tlwir home in Shortoff. The Misses Sarah and Peggy Thompson arrived Thursday from Queens-Chicora College, Charlotte, to spend the spring, holidays with their mother, Mrs. H. P. P.Thomp son. . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hartey of Atlanta are spending ten days at their summer home in Linden wood Park. Before coming to Highlands Mr. and Mrs. Harkey were visitors in Florida for a month. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Sargent and two children, of Galesburg, 111., will arrive ttve first of next week to spend the Easter holidays at their summer home on East Main street. Mrs. O. ' E. Young and son Earle have returned to their home Engagement - Ah pf - mmmmmm HtlSIIitl iliiillil -MiMMm9 ,A ( I V -V,-, . '-rr . Mrs. James Alexander Hincis of Highlands, announces the en gagement and approaching marriage of her daughter, Miss Nancy Elizabeth Hines, to Alfred Newman Ormohd, of Pocatello, Idaho. on the Walhalla Road, after spend ing a very pleasant winter at the Potts House. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Peterson of Massachusetts have rented one of the S. T. Marett apartments for the remainder of the time Mr. Peterson will be with the . Glen ville dam works. .. Mr. and Mrs. Furman Merrill of Asheville spent the past week end with relatives here and were Sunday .dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davis. Other dinner guests of the Davises were Rev. and Mrs, J. S. Higgins, and Mr. and Mns. J. W. Reese, Jr., and two children. The Misses C. B. and Esther Elliott returned Saturday from a several days' visit in Sewane,e, Tenn. . Mr. and Mrs. Tudor N. HaH entertained the Sunday night sup per club and other friends with a "lumberjack"' buffet supper last Sunday. Miss Ella Stephens of Pendle ton, S. C, is spending some time here, the guest of Dr. Jessie Z. Moreland. Mr. and Mrs. Tearly Pickle simer, Mr. and Mrs. Zeke Shuler and Mrs. Charlie Brooks have re turned from a week's visit to rela tives and friends in West Palm Beach' and Miami, Fla. They were accompanied home by Glen Shuler. Church Plans Unique Three Months' Program Something unusual in . special services during the coming weeks is the program announced by Rev. J. G. B,enfield of the Highlands Baptist church. For 15 weeks, , be ginning Sunday, April 6, all the Sunday morning and Sunday hight services will be built around one theme, "Christ." jThe first Sundav morning sub ject will be, "The Christ of Proph ecy.'' This will be followed by, "The Christ of Bethlehem and Nazareth." Sunday by Sunday every important incident in Christ's lie will be considered. While the actual events of His life will provide the studies for the Sunday morning ' sermons. .Christ's teaching will be the basis of the Sunday night messages., The fifteen paramount problems of to day, with Christ's answer to each, will constitute the Sunday night subjects. Such themes as, "What Jesus Teaches About God''. "What Jesus Teaches About Man", "W'hatH Jesus Teaches About War', "What Jesus Teaches About the Judg ment," will be discussed. Next Sunday, March 30, will be roll call Sunday. Every member is urged to be present LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF RESALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST North Carolina Macao County Whereas the undersigned Trus tee, by virtue of the Dower of sale in a Deed of Trust executed on the 7th day pf September, 1937 by H. G. Cabe. E. V. Amnion and John Corbin, Trustees of Mill shoal Township No. 246 J. O. U. A. M., has heretofore sold the hereinafter described land in the manner prescribed ty law; and whereas the last and highest bid received at said sale ha within ten davs thereafter been raised: Now, therefore, I will at 12 o'clock noon on Mondav. March 31. 1941. at the Courthouse door in Franklin, North Carolina, sell at public auc tion to the hiehest bidder, for cash, the following described tract or parcel of land. ATI tH lant A m&s-r'i A r At-r A from J. S. Henry tai wift Elmira Announced Illlil If" J V, is LEGAL ADVERTISING Henry,- to E. C. Kinsland, et al. Trustees of the Jr. O. U. A. M. Council No. 246, said deed bear ing date of January 26, 1910, and being recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina in Book F-J of Deeds, Page 573, to which deed, as so recorded, reference is hereby made for a more complete and definite description of the land and property herein conveyed. A deposit of 5 per cent of the bid will be required pf the last and highest bidder at said sale. This the 15th day of March, 1941. ' GEORGE B. PATTON, Trustee M20-2tc M27 NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Maeon. Macon County Plaintiff, vs. Emlis .Meadows and wife,' Ethel Meadows, Defendants. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 24th day of February, 1941, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 31st day of" March, 1941, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: 1st Tract; BEGINNING at a white; oak, an ' old corner, runs West 155 poles to a sarvice on the bank of the river, thence. North 68 poles to a .holly on the bank of the river; thence N. 69 E. 60 poles to a stake on the bank of the road; tlwnce S. E, 32 poles with a conditional line to a white oak. on the top of a ridge; thence 98 poles with the" top of the ridge with the conditional litie to the BEGINNING, containing 40 acres, more or less. EXCEPTING 14 acres sold to. Ben Matlock. 2nd Tract: BEGINNING at a white oak on top of a ridge, runs at of fence in Morrison's line, and runs a South direction to the ridge; then, 'Easterly to. the Margaret Gillespie line; then N. 30 E. to the Morrison old line; thence witb it to the BEGINNING. 3rd Traot: BEGINNING on a hickory in the old Coggins and Duvall line and runs a S. W. course with said line rto the rivet to a black gum corner; then Jip with the meanders of the river to E. Z. Downs' line to a stake; then with same line N. 20 E. 132 poles to a stake in the D. J. Meadows line ; then West 60 poles to a stake; then S. 30 W. 35 poles to a stake and pointers; then S. 17 V. 21 poles to a black gum ; then S. 45 W. 13 poles to a stake and pointers; then S. 18 W. 10 poles to a white oak then S. 11 W. 16 poles to a stake and pointers; then S. 48 W. 12 poles to the BEGIN NING. This, the 25th day of February, 1941. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. M6-4tc M27 NOTICE OF SALE StaU of North Carolina, County of M acorn. Macon County, Plaintiff, vs. Joines Motor & Tractor Company, Defendants. Under and by virture of a decree of the Superior Court . of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 24th day of February, 1941. the undersigned Commissioner will on the 31st day of March, 1941. at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate LEGAL ADVERTISING Adjoining the lands., of ' Frank Burgess, Sellers and others. BEGINNING at a stake at the Frank Burgess line; runs a North east course about 50 poles to a pine, then a Northwest course about 10 poles to a black oak; then N 50 poles to a post oak at the west line, being conditional corner between Burgess and Cochr ran; then Simthwcst course to a spotted oak, then with the ride to a post oak in the gap of riilie; then South to the BEGINNING. Containing 35 acres more or less. This, the 25th lav of Kt-bntarv, 1941. R. S. JONES, (.VmiHiissioiw'r. M6-4tc-M27 . : NOTICE OF SALE County of Macon. Macon County, Plaintiff, vs. Dolan Mclkmald Burgess', .-Mary McCombs Beck and huslwml, John Beck; Lassie McDonald Southards, Adam Guy, Lee Whit mire, Martha McDonald Brysbn . and husband, Archie Bryson, ct al,' Defendants. Under and by" virtue of a decree' of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action ou the 24th day of February, 1941, th; undersigned Commissioner will on the 31st day of March, 1941, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell, to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate : BEGINNING at a Spanish oak on top of a ridge, the 'K. side of Iotla and Burningtown road where the Long Branch road intersects; then N. 27 E. 24 poles to a black oak; then N. 49 E. 30 poles to a Spanish oak; 'then N. 23 W. poles to a small black oak on the north boundary line of No. 42; th,cnce with its line, east 95 poles to a post oak, the beginning corner of said No. 42; thence with said line, south 99 poles to a stake at the edg,e of Burningtown and Iotla road; thence with said road and Jacob's line, 133 poles to the BE GINNING, containing .52J4 acres, more or less. This, the 25th day of February, 1941. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. M6-4tc M27 NOTICE OF SALE County of Maeon. . StaU of North Carolina, Macon County, Plaintiff. . - vs. Ruth Porter and husband, J. D. Porter; the Bank of Spruce Pine; the Town of Franklin ; Defendants. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 24th day of February, 1941, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 31st day of March, 1941, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the' Courthouse door in Macon County, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate: Adjoining the lands of the Dowdle Wholesale Company and others and more particularly de scribed as follows, to-wir: BE GINNING at a stone corner in the line of Sam L. Rogers and the warehouse of the, Carolina Provis ion Company (now Dowdle Whole sale Company) and in the-right-of-way of the Tallulah Falls Rail way; runs S. 65 W. with the line of the said Provision Company (now Dowdle Whqksale' Company) to a .stake in the right-of-way of the public highway about (50 feet Northward with the public high way about 28 feet; then Eastward a parallel line with the said- first line herein mentioned to rifht of way of the said Tallulah Fails Railroad; thence with the said right of .way of the Tallulah Falls Railway to the BEGINNING, be ing the same' lands conveyed by R. S. Jones, Commissioner to the Town of Franklin, by deed dated the 6th day of April, 1935, record ed in . Book V-4, page 104, office of the Register of Deeds, Macon County. This, the 25th day of February. 1941. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. Mo 4tc M27 NOTICE OF SALE SUta of North Carolina. County of Macon. Macon County, Plaintiff, vs.- Davis Reece and Town of Franklin, Defendants. ' Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 3rd day of June, 1940, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 31st day of March, 1941, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: Situated, lying and being within the corporate limits of the Town of Franklin, and being Lot No. 7 in a tract of land known as the Curtis subdivision, as surveyed and mapped by E. L. Allen, said map as prepared by E. L. Allen being duly recorded in Plat Book No. 1, at page 7, to which map refer ence is hereby made for a more definite and specific description of said lot, said lot being 50 ft front age on Green Street and set out by said map above referred to. Tract 2: Being lot No. 6 of the land comprising the estate of the LEGAL ADVERTISING W. A. Curtis subdivision, as ap pears from a plat . thereof made by E. L. Allen, Surveyor and re corded in the office of the Register of ' Deeds for Macon' County in Book of Plats and Maps No. 1, page 7, to which reference-is here by made, said ' fronting 47.6 on Green Street and .95 feet on Lyle Street. This, the" 25th day of February, 1941. " R. S. JONES, Commissioner. M6 4tc-M27 ' 1 NOTICE OF SALE Stats of North Carolina, County of Macco. Macon County, Plaintiff, vs. Nannie Greenwood and husband, Tom Greenwood, Defendants ' Under 'and by virtue of a decree of the Superior-' Court of Macon County entered in the above- en titled action on; the - 24th" day' -of February, 1941, the . undersigned Commissioner will on thi1 31st day of March, 1941, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: Adjoining the lands of beta Hawshaw, Ixni Greenwood et al. and others, bounded as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a stake at the road Octa Hawshaw corner ; runs with her line about 10 poles and 5 links o a stake;, then S. 62 W. 5 poles to a stake; then about N. 28 W. 10 poles to the road; then with the road to the BEGIN NING, being about one-half of the land deeded by Vtrgie Wal droop to Lou Greenwood, record ed in Book M -4, . page 161. This, tfie 25th . day of February, 1941. R. S. JONES, Commissioner. M6 4tc M27 NOTICE OF SALE State of North Carolina, County of Macon. Macon County, Plaintiff. 1 'VS. Paul J. Weaver ; W. W. McCon nell and wife, Cassie McCohnell, Defendants. Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Macon County entered in the above en titled action on the 24th day of February, 1841, the undersigned Commissioner will on the 31st day of March, 1941, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Macon County Norths Carolina, sell t6 the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate: , Within the corporate limits of the Town of Franklin and bound ed and described as follows : BE GINNING at a stake on the east bank of the road near the branch; thence with the meanders of the east -side of the road N. 49 deg. 15' E. 167 feet; N. 8 deg. 15' E. 156 feet; N. 32 deg. 18' W. 350 feet to a - stake,! Moore's corner; thence S. 85 deg. 28' E- with Moore's line 361 .feet to a stake on the west bank of the Tennessee River; thence with the meanders of the west bank, of the river S. 49 deg. 20- E. 280 feet; S. 55 deg. 42 E. 519 feet to a stake on the bank of the river near a submerg ed ironwood, Angel's corner; thence with Angel's line the fol lowing three courses : S. 44 deg. 30' W. 191 feet to an iron post; S. 56 deg. 30 W. 170 feet to a stake; S. 47 deg. 36' W. 182 feet to a stake on the N. E. bank of the road ; thence S. 9 deg. 50" W. with Sellers' line 171 feet to a stake; thence N 86 deg. 9 WV 512 feet to a stake; thence N. 2 deg. 4'' W. 427 feet to the place of BEGINNING, containing 13.86 acres. . Subject, however, to the ease ment acquired by the Town of Franklin under and by virtue of the judgment in the case of Town of Franklin vs. W W. McCoh nell and wife, Cassie McConne.ll, for the purposes of backing and ponding or sogging the 'same by water from the dam at Leopard's Bend on the Tennessee River as ' said dam is now constructed, said judgment being recorded in Book No. 10 of Orders & Decrees at page 59 and in judgment docket Book R, page 175, records of Macon County. This, the 25th day of February, 1941. R. S. ' JONES, Commissioner. M6-4tc M27 NOTICE OF SUMMONS In The Superior Court' North Carolina, Macon County. Mrs. A. C Warren vs. -A C. Warren. The defendant, A C. Warren, will take notice that an action as above entitled has been commenc ed in the Superior Court 'of Ma con County, North Carolina, for the purpose of obtaining an abso lute divorce on . the part of the plaintiff from the defendant ; and the defendant will further take notice that he is required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court in Franklin, North Carolina, on the 3rd day of April, 1941, and answer or demur, to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint This the 3rd day of March. 1941. HARLEY R. CABE, Clerk Superior Court M6 tc-M26

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