THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1941 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN PAGE THREE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES COMINGS AND GOINGS MRS. LESTER S. CONLEY. PHONE 104 GARDEN CLUB MEETS MONDAY The Franklin.. Garden Club will meet at the home of Mrs. T. W. Angel, Jr., :on Monday afternoon fur its regular monthly business and social meeting. Mrs. Joe Dowdle will be assistant hostess. ' , Airs. James L. Averell will use "Birds" for the rtopic of her dis cussion, telling what 'to do to at tract them, and. th,eir aid in rid ding our gardens of insects. All members are urged to attend. SPRINKLES-GLIDE WELL Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sprinkles, of -'Franklin,' have announced the mar riage of their daughter, Miss Car rie Lee, to Barnette Howell Gliite well, of Dillard, Ga., Route 1. The wedding ceremony was per formed on Wednesday, February 19, in Clayton, Ga., Judge K. C. Kamey officiating. Accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Glidewell to Clayton were Miss Marie Ledford, of Prentiss and Grady Ramey, of Otto, who were also married at the same time. Canton Henry of Etna was a business visitor in Franklin on Monday. . . - ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Gantey John son, with their two small sons, are visiting their mother, Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson, this week. : Miss. Ruth Higgins, .who is at tending Brenau college, at Gaines ville, Ga., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mm. Harry 'S. Higgins at their home', on Harrison avenue. Miss Mildred Houston, beauty operator in Pearl's B,eauty, Shop, left Saturday for Highlands where she will be with the Hick's Beauty Shop there. Miss Dorothy Blumenthal, Miss Edith Rickman, Miss Dorothy Lee Morrison, Mis,s Doris Corbin,' Miss L,eeicla Beshears. and Miss Dorothy Sloan, all students at Woman's College Of the University f North Carolina, Greensboro, are spend ing their spring holiday With their parents: Miss Rickman was' ac companied by Miss Opal Brown, of Raleigh, and Miss Dorothy Chandler, of Salisbury, is . spend ing the week here as guest of Miss Dorothy Lee Morrison and Mis, Doris Corbin. Mrs. R. M. Coffee has- been confined to h,er room for. several days with influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Curtis spent the week-end in Dillard, Ga., vis iting relatives and friends. Mrs. John Jamison and son, Bobby, returned to their home - in Keen Mountain, Va., Tuesday, after' spending several weeks here with Mr. Jamison's family and other relatives in Macon, county. Charles Palmer, of the U. S. Navy and stationed at San Diego, Calif., is here for a two weeks' visit with his parents, Mr.- and Mrs. Joe Palmer. Edward Clark, of Knoxvillc, Tenn., came Monday at time of the death of his sister, Mrs. M. D. Billings. v. Mrs. J. E. Whitaker has ac cepted a position as beautician in Esther's Beauty Shop. Mis,s Katie Crispe, former operatir, is now in Pearl's Beauty Shop. B. W. Johnson, of Raleigh, vis ited his mother, Mrs. J. VV. Cantey Johnson, last Sunday. Mrs: W. T. Moor,e is spending several day.s at the Duke hospital Elgin Watches In the New Rose Gold Color Priced $24.75 up GROVER JAMISON Jeweler Beauty ... . Is Yours for EASTER Easter is the time for beautiful flowers, beautiful clothes, beauty everywhere. Make the most of your charms by com ing to Esther's for a complete Easter beauty treatment. Esther's Beauty Shop Main Street Phone 152 in Durham, where she is under going treatment and observation. Miss Lassie Kelly, who .accom panied' Mrs. Moore to Durham, re turned to her home here Monday, Miss Timoxena Sloan, of Atlanta, Ga., spent the iweck-end with her mother, Mrs. J. S. Sloan in' East Franklin. Joseph Ashear left" Sunday for Atlanta where he .spent the first three days buying new spring spring .merchandise.,;', ter, of Sylva, were visiting . rela- Miss Edna Jamison spent the weekend in Asheville with her aunt, Mrs. K. S. Bryson. Mrs. "W. L. Higdoii has returned toher home here after spending several weeks in Asheville .'with her mother, Mr,S. J. S. Siler and sister, Mrs. James Freeman. 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McCarthy and son, Jack of Miami, Fla., are spending several days with their brothers, J. C. Dowdle and family on Franklin Route 1, and J. E. Dowdle and family on Franklin Route 2. They will also visit other relatives and friends in Macon county while, here. Harry Higgins, Jr., who is at tending Clemson college, has .spent several, days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Rickman and two children, left on Tuesday morning for Statesville, where Mr. Rickman has accepted a- position with a furniture concern there. For several months they have been living in Fitzgerald, Ga. . Mrs. T. W. Porter returned home Monday, after spending sev eral months in Tuscan, Ariz., with her sister, Miss Maggie Bryson and brother, Frank Bryson and family. Mrs. Porter ' also visited Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kingsburry iri Los Angeles, Calif. Truman Moody returned last week to Columbia, S. C-, where he has employment. Mrs. Emma Huskin left Thurs day for Pasedena, Texas, to : spend several weeks with her brother, Bob Porter and family. Zeb Henry, of Jacksonville, Fla., is visiting his brother, R. F. Henry on Franklin Route 4, and other relatives. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson and John E. Rickman spent Wednes day in Asheville. Mrs. Alex Southards and daugh ter, of Sylva, were visiting rela tives and friends here Wednesday. Leroy Morrison, of Wirfston Salem, spent the first of the week visiting his sister, Mrs. Furman Guy at Etna. J. M. Morrison, of the Etna community, who recently under went an operation at the Baptist hospital in Winston-Salem, is re ported much improved and at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Char lie Matlock. . Mr.. G. L. Houk, Mrs. James E. Perry and Mrs. A. B. Q'mo hundro. have retur-ned from Miami, Fla., where they spent a week as the guests of Mrs. John Sewell. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Dowdle spent the week-end with their daughter, Mrs. William Willis and Mr. Willis in Fontain Inn, S. C. j Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gibson, Jr., announce the birth ot a son, Lawrence B., at Angels hospital, March 17. Miss Elizabeth Davis of Char-, lot te was the guest of Mrs. Edgar Williams on Wednesday. . R. L. . McGaha, who recently joined the United States Army amd stationed at Fort Moultrie, S. C, came in Wednesday for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McGaha at West's Mill. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Redding, of Highlands, were here shopping . Wednesday. Mrs. Anne Garner, of Decatur, Ga., arrived Saturday to be with her aunt, Mrs. M. D. Billimgs. She returned to her home Tues day. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for their kindness in the death of our son and brother, Lewis Saun ders, and for the beautiful flow ers. Mr. and Mrs. C H. Saunders and Family. Hp. Tommies Enjoy a Laugh Benito Mussolini was abandoned in Derna, in photograph at any rata and British Tommies enjoy a chuckle at his expense after driving out the Italian garrison in their sweep of northeastern Libya. New President K. G. Phillips of Winston-Salem, president-elect of the N. C. Edu cational Association, meeting, in its 57th annual convention in Asheville April 3,. 4, 5, with over 4,000 teachers in attendance. John L. White Dies In Georgia : The many friends of John L. White in Macon '. county . will re gret to learn of his death on . F'ri day,. March 28, at' his home in Thomason, Ga. . Mr. White was a resident of Macon county for 26 years. He moed to his' new home 14 years ago and during his resident there made many new friends. Surviving are the window and five daughters, Mrs. ' T. J. Kellv, Mrs. F. P. Shields, Mrs. C A. Toole, Mrs. M. C. Pierce and Mr, W. 'T. Edmunds, and two sons, Edgar and Paul White. Also there are 18 grandchildren and font-great-grandchildren. Jailing Children Still Continuing Wade N. Cashio"n, director of in stitutions for the state welfare de partment this week called atten tion to the fact that several coun ties, in North Carolina are continu ing the practice, of jailing children under lo vears of aue despite tin' attorney general's ruling that such inacarcerations are unlawful. Citing figures for the last, six .months of 1940 and for January of this year, Casliion placed tin number of child incarcerations, as far tx) high when 31 jails in January held 80 children under 16 years, 12 of the number being less than 12 years. Back in September of last year, 32 jails reported a population of exactly 100 children and during the last half of 1940 the figures show ed a total of 471 children in county "People in the counties concerned should make all possible effort to bring about a change in such . a situation because it is the offspring of some of their own neighbors who are meeting the detrimental contacts of association with hard ened law-breakers," Casliion said. "The time these boys and girls of both races spend inside jail walls varies from a single day to a whole month and more in, some cases. The charges against them are list ed in different categories running from 'investigation' to .'forgery' ". Last month Macon and Edge combe counties each held a 13' year-old -Negro boy for "forgery". Buncombe and Richmond coun ties in January listed 11-ycar-old white boys as jailed for "investi gation'.. , Eight children were held in Buncombe and Wilson ; six in Nash ; five in Craven ; four in Burke, Cleveland, Pitt, and three in Caldwell, Lee, Martin, Rich mond, Scotland and Wilkes, two in Cabarrus, Catawba, Edgecombe, Hah fax and Madison ; one in Ala mance, Anson, Guilford, Hender son, Hertford, Johnston Macon, Pender, Rockingham, Rutherford, Surry, Wake and Wayne. 1 1 .- Ill I III I I ' l Gneiss By MRS. F. E. MASHBURN "Believe it or not" there , is a new bridge' just completed ' over Walnut Cre,vk at the Mack Mc Call . ford. The WP.V men are building a new siretch of road up the Walnut Creek valley. . Bert Tilson is desperately ill. Lyle'Tilson, smu of Mr. and Mrs'. Bert Tilson, is to enter the CCC camp April 1. ' Ennis Mashburn has received his discharge from Station hospital at Fort Moultrie, S. C, arid is at home now with his parents. The " union meeting of. the Bap tist churches of Macon county was held at Pine Grove phurch March 30. The well planned pro gram was ably carried out. There are four schools in Sugar fork township. They are Pine Grove, Gold Mine, Buck Creek, and Walnut Creek. The twins re ported last week were for the Walnut Creek area. Other twins of this township are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. George Keener of Pine Grove had twin girls, Genette, a,nd Anette Annette died in child hood. Dee and Bee Shook were bom in Jackson county, hut raised on Buck Creek, (Miss Bee Shook was recently married to Mr. Dock Rogers, a progressive farmer of tlie Buck Creek school area.) Buck Creek school area Mr. 'and Mrs. John Fulton had twins, a boy and girl, named Mack and Mar guerite; Are there any others to add to the list ? Edward Mashburn, son of Mr. and Mrs', P. V.. .'Mashburn, is an enrollee of the CCC ramp. He completed a in a radio school located at Ontario, Ore., re ceiving a rating of superior. He is -'now' ; continuing the course, studying to become a radio oper ator at McCall; Idaho, District Radio school. This course requires five nionths. . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henry and two small sons of Ellijay visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Keener ;j"" - Sundty. They were accompanied on their return by Mrs. Keener and. children, Frances, Harold, Betty and llarlie Lewis where they will visit relatives. Some of the children of the Walnut Creek area have certainly been enjoying reading the new; books from the Franklin library. Many, manv thanks -to Mrs. Ailgie Cox. . Rev, Nix ot Pine Mountain, da., plans to "preach at Walnut Creek school' house' at 11 a. in., April Eastvr Sunday at 2:30 p. in. Rev. Stokes of the MetluiUist -.'church, plans to preach Easle.r. Sunday at the Walnut Creek .- school, house. The public i oordiallv invited to both services'. A splendid club lnceting was con ducted at Mrs, Strain's by Mis. Florence Sherrill on Tue,iday. Rev. C. F. Rogers Announces Crusade , Beginning Sunday, April 6, tHe Baptist church will cooperate with the churches of the North Caro lina State Convention in a three months' church Loyalty Member ship Crusade. This' crusade is for the purpose of creating a greater interest in attending both morning and eve ning worship. On each Sunday afternoon re ports will be broadcast from Ral eigh as to the progress made from week to week during April, May and June. . . Every member is urged to be present Sunday morning for the opening service. Workers will visit the members of the church leav ing literature, concerning the cru sade. --.' ' - Simple - Durable Dependable This MdCormick-Deering CORN PLANTER WILL SAVE YOU MONEY This corn planter has been the leader in this section for years.;,'..- .It is. still the fanners' favorite. You. can handle this planter anywhere, and when it comes to twisting" rows in terraced land, or on hillsides, planter you ever saw. This store carries the most complete line of farm tools and implements in Macon County. If you want anything from a hoe to a mowing machine see us. also a completeTinToFWaity garden and grass seeds Macon County Supply Go. FRANKLIN, N. C. BE SURE TO SEE THEM We Have Most Any thing for Your Selection Lovely Dresses, Coats, Skirts, Blouses, Handbags, Scarfs, Gloves and Hose New Van Heusen Shirts Cheney Ties Interwoven Socks Sport Handkerchiefs Shoes to Fit Every Member of the Family SEE OUR WINDOWS E. K. Cunningham & Co. 'THE SHOP OF QUALITY" PAINTING PROBLEMS ARE EASY, TOO! Just as sure as two and two make four, Kurfees "80 and 20" makes the perfect house paint! It goes on smooth and easy . . . covers approximately 800 square feet per gallon . . . - keeps its good looks a long, long time! Expensive? No sir! Come in .". . let us show you how little it costs to brighten your home with Kurfees "80 and 20!" , FREE! New Color Cards! FRANKLIN Hardware Co. Franklin, N. C. it's the sweetest handling I

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