7 ' TOP DEFENSE BUY UNITED 8TATES SAVINGS BONDS AND STAMPS 8 ffiiflhlatthg jttoconimt PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LVI, NO. 34 FRANKLIN, N. THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1941 $1.50 PER YE Aft V.N.C. FARMERS 4-H'ers Sell Cartoogechaye to Raleigh Olli! Simonds Gets Two Years In Leach Assault Case M BUY I UNITED M'J, states akff SAVINGS if tjLgONDS ' MEET AT BOONE Important Speakers Will Be Heard; Many To ; Go From Macon A large group from" Macon coun ty expect to attend the Western Carolina Farmers meeting at Boone pn Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. They will assemble on Monday morning, August 25, at the Agricultural' building,, leaving from there at 10 a. m. daylight saving time. Many distinguished speakers and discussion groups will feature the sessions which will be gin Tuesday noon and last through Wednesday noon. Each discussion group will be headed by a. specialist from the Extension Service at Raleigh, as follows. Agronomy, E. C. Blair; dairy, F. R. Farnham; poultry, C. F. Par rish;. swine, E. V. Vestal; home beautification,: John Harris; fores try, R. Mi Graeber; beef cattle, L. I, Case; sheep, S: L. Williams'; agricultural engineering, H. M. El lis; AAA, E, Y, Floyd; farm rec ords, C D. Thomas; farm organi zation, W. B. Collins; and- horti culture, H. .JR. Niswonger. Speakers of-importance or the "joint" meet ings, will be Dr. B. B. Dougherty, president Appalachian Teacher college, Dr. L. D. Baver, head agronomy department, N. C. State college, Mr. J. C. McAmis, director, of agricultural, relations ' depart- ment, TV A, Dean, I. O. Schaub, director, of agricultural extension service, and ' Dr. H. . A. Morgan, chairman, board of directors of TVA. ; 'It is possible that never again wi our farmers have the oppor tunity to hear and come in contact with as many outstanding men who are all interested in our farming situation and are anxious to help in 'any way possible. Every farm er -'in Macon county who possibly cad should plan to take this trip, see the farming and livestock in Watauga and adjoining counties, and attend this important meeting," flays Sam Mendenhall, farm agent. Transportation Will be furnished by the Macon county soil conser vation and water control associa tion. .The total cost . for- room and board while at Boone will be $275. .AH farmers will be expected to lake bed linen, towels and other necessary toilet articles. All farm ers who plan, to make this trip should notify the county agent's office so that transportation can be j arranged for them. State Representatives Of Blind Commis H" Mrs. Matj&ae ? ' Aifeti'ry Douvifft d sentatives of iV for the blind, n to Franklin thw v' "V Jiihem was Misi of Gas ton ia, supci;.. lie welfare of Cast . " Mrs. MoCrary e , representative cf -the work Of t' - r 1 is supported l' voted to t s Ihomas, i-icnt li pub- ' ,: r7y- jMtfl to a . ' ri that Uiin,; which state, iia der tir. of eye it -of blind health and tl.e ness which in vol Ter' corrective work, as well as the training of the blind in useful vocations. Bishop St.4 George .Tucker To Preach In Highlands The Right - Rev. Henry St. .George Tucker, presiding bishop of the Episcopal church, of -Vir ginia and New York, will preach at the Church of the Incarnation Highlands, at the Sunday inorninig tservioe'. ; Beginning his .ministry as a missionary to Japan, - where he was first consecrated Bishop of Kyoto." Bishop .Tucker ' . became bishop of the diocese of "Virginia, in his home state, before being elected presiding bishop. He is known throughout the world as a Christian statesman and an au thority on Far East social prob lems and as a great preacher. B. T. U. Meeting At Holly Springs August 29 The B. T. U. meeting will be held at Holly Springs, Friday Aug ust 29 at 8 p. m. 1 The program for the evening will be as follows: Song services led by the Holly Springs B. T. U.; devotions con ducted by Mrs. YVilliams; minutes and roll call; "How to Conduct a Training Course" by Paul Swaf . ford;, message, by Rev. C W. Pavifc F" Tg"TniHH" "J":T"Jr""" II I II I II I II II I II II lll l II l I II I l II Ullllll I Hill PI I 'I IIIHII II IIIIHHIII IIIW'TTTI 01 1 1 Hl II III llll )JI iyilmillll1IIIIMIl III PI II 1 1 II J .'JTjUUIHJ II wu u I. u IIHW Bl UU WUUWW1 1 WtH LWU ' ' ' - 1 ha:oh cct.tf v I f j: . " fl J. Left, Emma Lou Hurst, Macon county 4-H winner of title, "State Health Queen", and right Myra Slagle 4-H member from Cartoogechaye, selling cook books of Cartoogechaye Home Demonstration Club on the grounds of the Y. M. C. A. on State College grounds, Raleigh, while attending Farm-Home Week. ' Sixty-eight books were sold by them. MACON SCHOOLS TO OPEN AUG. 28 Many Changes In System By Consolidation Of Rural Schools ' Alf Macon 'cOutity 'public scfiools with the -exception of Highlands will open August 28. The Highlands school will open September 11. This announcement was made to day through the office of G. L. Houk, .superintendent, who also stated that there would be a meet ing" of the teachers, of every school in. the county vSaturday, August 23 at 10 a. m. in the Franklin high school building to discuss plans 'for the coming year. The following changes in the school. system were . also announced The new"-Otter school is to be a consolidation . of the recent Acad emy, Upper and Lower Tesenta, Mulberry, Mountain , View, and HirWnrv Knnll crhnnlit The chil- :.--------; n who wefeadrnfWriatl' tne' tjeecner - scnoot will oe trans ported by "bus to the' Andrews school, lqqo Pupils Expected At Opening Of Franklin Schools On Thursday, August 28 at 9:15, Eastern daylight saving time, 1,- 000 children and young people will begin the rail term of the Franklin schoofs. An attendance-of 450 is expected in the elementary school and" 550 in the high school, accord ing to the estimate of the prin eipal, W. H. Finley. . The first two days, pupils will be dismissed at the noon hour, so that, hot lunches will not be need ed until the following Monday, when the usual plan for hot lunches will be resumed under the super vision of Miss Ethel Hurst. There are few changes in the faculty this year, according to the principal. New members of the high school faculty Include Miss Nancy Haywood, of Concord, who will teach English; Miss Marie Haass, of Kentucky, English and history; H. C. Fouts, Iotla, history; Miss Laura Thomas, Greenville, S. C, mathematics. The successor of Miss Dorothy Plonk, teacher of chemistry and geometry, who resigned to accept a fellowship in research work in biological chemistry at the Univer sity of North Carolina, has not yet been announced. ... America is in a state of emer gency. Every citizen is urged to do his part by buying Defense Savings Bonis and Stamp. Grand Jury Recommends Voting On Courthouse Bonds The following report was made today by the Macon County Grand Jury; To His Honor Wra, H. Bobbin, Judge Presiding. We, the grand jury of s tlie aforesaid county for August Term, 1941, most respectfully report the following : We have passed on all bills, before us and have marked them true bills or not true bills accord ing to the evidence, except those that have been continued for lack of evidence. We divided into committees and visited the County Home, Court House, Jail and Prison Camp, and make our report as follows: Conditions of the County Home: The toilets of the County Home aren't in first class shape. The front porch needs repair work done on it. The balance of the County Home is. in fair shape. . - I " w commpiifi tnat tnjcnoo.l 1 , I. .ulands is in 1 d -oik. e' school Vises ' t 'L : ro ... e. - ALo the at' .1 I'larAlia ia; in . . j Jj'. Court" House and '.'Jir.Jf We find the. prisoners are !all well kept and fed. Jail is fair condition.' We find the Courthouse in fair condition considering, the condi tion of the building. We recom mend that all voters register and vote on the bonds for a new courthouse and jail. The prison camp we find in A-l condition. We appreciate the support and cooperation extended us by your Honor and Solicitor. August 21st, 1941. S. P. PIIERSON,, Foreman Other members of the grand jury are : Carl Donaldson, Chas. A. Rogers. R. E. Liner. U. N. Carpenter, Frank Peek, W. W. Edwards, Robt. Brown, Cline Ed wards, Davis Morgan, D. L. Clark, Fred Dills. T. V. Shields, George Anderson, Jack Cansler, M. S. Burnette, J. E. Allen, and W. C Arvey. I Singing Convention To Be Held August 24 The Fifth' Sunday Singing Con vention will hold their regular meeting on the fourth Sunday in the month, August 24, instead of the fifth Sunday according to J. M. Kaby, chairman of the con vention. The meeting will be' m the Macon county courthouse ' at Franklin. The public is cordially invited to attend. W. 0. W. Promotes J. H. Brookshire J.'H. Brookshire of Franklin has been promoted to the office of field representative in this district of the Woodman of the World He succeeds V. M. Johnson who recently reiiguet ' FALL PLANS OF 4-H'ERS Miss Hurst, State Queen Of Health, Will Go To Chicago Emma Lou Hurst, Macon county 4-H winner of the state title of queen of health, who attended the recent 4-H short course and Farm and Home week at State college, Raleigh, made a brief talk on the Farm and Home Tour program last week. Others who attended the short course from Macon county's 4-H clubs were Myra Slagle, Faye Dills, Mary ' Alice Rickman, Clay ton Ramsey, Leroy Roper, Cecil Kinsland and Newell Owenby. Miss Hurst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hurst, first Wan the 4-H health championship at the district meeting in Asheville oh June 9, making a perfect score of 100, while Myra lagle, daughter or ai r.-smii m Mr-Cart- blagle, ran ! t" ci i.' t ycMii w i2 Ji ' ' scare 'of ;K istmg t, e'Viri .'' ' l lti'l tH ehnle twA ,t,:.k;"bo, ,'f-om. the Cart,e.''-'e'Cl ..iiunv.so'l copiesci. gently vpuNied Favorite Recipes of the Cartooge chaye Home Demonstration club, which has received favorable rec ognition from other sections of the state. . To Attend Chicago Meeting As State winner of the title of Health Queen, Miss Hurst will rep resent North Carolina at the 4-H Club Congress' in Chicago to be held the last "week in November. She will join the other state cham pions, food preservation, clothing and dairying champions, for the trip. Miss Hurst won over contes- S tants from five extension districts of the state. ' Macon county 4-H Clubs and Home Demonstration Clubs are planning to assist in meeting the expense of the Chicago trip of their delegate by the sale of cook books and other activities. Summer Activities During the summer each club- is holding an all-day canning of vege tables and fruits which she brought from home, learning to use the pressure cooker. Twenty-three boys and girls from the county clubs at tended the 4-H camp at Swanannoa. Regular meetings will be resum ed in September, according to an announcement by Mrs. Florence Sherrill, under whose supervision the 4-H work is carried on. Mrs. Sherrill states that a county-wide exhibit to be held in the Agricultural building is now being planned for September, the prize winning exhibits to be sent to the Western North Carolina "fair in Henderson ville. ' ' The 4-H Clubs, which were firat organized in 1910, now number 360 members in Macon county. Their motto is To Make' the Best Bet ter." The four "Hs" stand for. Head, Heart, Hands, Health. The membership pledge is: 3 pledge my head to' clearer thinking; -my heart to greater Bond Election Registration Books Close August 23rd Saturday, August 23. is the last day for registration for the bond election to be. held Tues day, Sept. 2. The registration books will be open in the various precincts -until 6 p. m. Saturday, August 30, will be challenge day. Due to the fact that all previ ous remstration records "were burned in the Bank building fire, every citizen will be required to register before voting in this election.. The Macon . county commission ers have asked the citizens to vote on a $o(),0J0 bond issue nec essary for the construction of a new courthouse and jail. If the $90,000 will be furnished by WPA to be used for the building of a $150,000 courthouse and jail. N. C. Library Head Visits Franklin Library, Bookmobile To Operate : Miss Marjorie Beal, secretary of the North Carolina Library Com mission, has visited Franklin dur ing the past week and arranged for the purchase of a new book mobile to take the place of the one wrecked some months ago. Steps have bean taken to pur chase a truck' which will be con verted into a bookmobile; with part of the funds allocated to the coun ty from the library commission funds appropriated by the last leg islature, according to Miss Lassie Kelly, chairman of the local library board. The amount thus appropriat ed to the county is $900, which is supplemented by a county appro priation of $200 and $200 by the town of Franklin. The salary of a librarian and bookmobile librarian will be paid by WPA funds. Mri. Cox Continue Gifts Mrs. Angie Cox. library bene factor, continues her generous con tribution of books to the library, which, Miss Kelly says, makes it possible to operate the bookmobile for the benefit of citizens in the county who live too far from Franklin to enjoy the use of the town library. Books are delivered to every section of the county and collected according to a , regular schedule. Mrs. Frank I. Murray will have charge of the bookmobile, which will begin to operate as soon in 'September 's" the truck-.aij, pe equippedJLj.V-''v ".Z i , Mf" l,f rt of ...the board ' besides f'ie''cLairn!an:''"arc 15 1 s'. Lol a 1. Lit rinstory ;C Vngi-lMr j. Viri ginia Ramsey, .Miss Nora .'"Moody' and Charles : ' Melichar;-- School Bus Drivers To Report Monday W. H. Finley, principal of the Franklin school, has requested all school bus drivers of District No. 1 to report at the county school bus garage at 1 o'clock Monday, August 25. Macon Epworth Leagues Meet At Asbury Church 1l he Macon County Epworth Leagues meeting at the AsbUry Methodist church las Thursday evening presented' a discussion on the "Writings of the Early Scrip tures". In a "business session con ducted ,by Lillian Jones, Sarah Conley was- elected president. Mary Frances . Page, vice-president; Lotis Bradley, corresponding secretary; Jo Bradley, secretary; Mary Evelyn Moore, treasurer. Louisa Chapel League invited the Union to meet with them the sec ond Thursday in September. The social hour was directed by Don Cabe after which iced water melon" was served. Carlisle Bros. Show At Court House Aug. 26 Carlisle Brothers with "Sonny Boy Tommy," Hot Shot Elmer. and I. Blanchard, will appear at the Court house with a brand new show on Tuesday night, August 26, at 8:30 p. nt: daylight saving tune. - The show is sponsored y As bury church and the Girl Scouts public is . invited to attend. loyalty, my hands to larger service, my health to better living, for my club, tny community, my country." Other Criminal Cases On Docket Completed Wednesday Arvil SiniQiHls who was charged Willi an assault on Tom Leach, well-known Franklin'-' citizen, was found guilty by a Macon county juryj in t lie August' term of the Superior Court and was sentenced to serve two years on the roads of the state of North Carolina, by Judge VV. II,' Bobbin, of. Charlotte. "Simonds, who maintained a -idea- of not guilty throughout the trial -was without 'counsel, while the State was represented bv lohn M. Queen, ai Waynesville. solic itor for this district'.'..-. Mr. Leach, although in aii en feebled condition ' was' - 'able f appear on the witness stand and identify, the 'defendant as One of the persons who attacked him Saturday night, July 26. He . fur ther testified that Anvil Simondsv came up to him oh tliL-. night of his attack' about 9. i. ni. and after greeting him : in a frieiullv fashion walked with him.; until they came to an alley where Si monds seized . and dragged him into the alley,- then ' knocked -'him' , unconscious. He also stated that there were several other neoiile there who look part in the at- . , tack, and that he does . not know what , happened between this time and when lie regained consciousness . behind dlen Ray's store, some 3(K) yards from the spot of the first attack. Other witnesses who . testified as to . having seen Simonds and , Mr. Leach together around 9 ' p. m. that night are Roy Cunning ham, Hazel and Carrie Lee Pan nell. :.'.' Other Cesee The following persons were found guilty of drunken driving and received sentences of a fine of $50 plus court costs and a 60-day suspended sentence: Geo. Reed, Aaron Miller, Wiley Scott. Leonard Miller, Bill Lenoir, Gor don Leftls, and Don Mulkey. Harlie and Lemmie Houston who attacked Marshall Officer, the local night policeman, Sat urday night, August . 16, were found guilty of assault and resist ing an officer. Harley received a six-months sentence while Lem mie was sentenced to serve two months by Judge Bobbin. Two divorce cases in which Troy A. Lewis was granted a di vorce from Ethel Lewis and Beu lah C. Howell was granted a di vorce from Vance Howell were settled. 7J" .T, Mosev Georget.Hall..har- , c urgess an facei4;iarge,?.,,ol ... I " . The prant jiirv returned a trte bill ' of indicttnent- against .VVil-:' liari-;,-Eniotr "who ' wa- charged with criminal assault upon a girl under twelve years of age. This case will be referred to the next term of Superior court. The criminal docket was con cluded Wednesday and the court proceeded to the civil docket Thursday. Clifton Parker Receives Critical Injuries In Slide Clifton Parker, of Havesville. was injured at the Utah Con- struction Company rock quarry when he was caught in a slide of loose dirt and rock at 4 a. m. Tuesday, August 19. He was rushed to Angel Hospital where his condition was pronounced critical by Dr. Edgar Angel. Mr. Parker received a fractured skull, fractured back, and fractured ribs according to Dr. Angel. Catholic Lecture At Court House The Rev. Dr. Louis ' Motry, of Washington, D. C, will deliver a lecture on the Catholic church at the court house on Saturday afternoon, August 23, beginning at 3 o'clock. The public js invited to attend. Carson Chapel Revival Continues Next Week Stereoptican pictures depicting scenes in the life of Christ, will beshowii on Saturday night, at 8 p. m. at Carson chapel where re vival services are now in progress. Rev. J. L. Stokes II, who is the preacher at these services, has an nounced that there will be a chil dren's tnd young people's service every night, . beginning Monday, August 25, at 7:30 o'clock, preced ing the regular service. i

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