I . . ... . . - f- Give the gift that jigol fies America is not to be caught napping. DEFENSE BONDS STAMPS PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL, LVIl, WO. 3 FRANKLIN, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1942 $1.50 PER YEAR LEADERS MEET JANUARY 5TH Poultry, Garden Subject Of School Conducted To Meet Crisis A leader school for all poultry and garden leaders of the county home demonstration clubs will be conducted by county agent, S. W. Mendenhair and home agent, Flor ence S. Sherrill In the Agricultural Building January 5 at 1:30 p. m. This school is to be held in preparation for the tricis that now faces our country. North Carolina is being asked to increase produc tion in vegetables, dairy products, poultry and meats. Plans will be made whereby- the "Food For Freedom Garden" may be present ed to all citizens of Macon county. "Poultry is one of the easiest, most healthful, and profitable crops that can be produced in .the county. Last year lamp brooders proyed to be a practical, economic al means of improving the average . flock. , . Leaders chosen are as follows. County chairman of all garden leaders Mrs. Ellie Peek, Gneiss. County chairman of all poultry leader, Mrs. Lawrince -' Ramsey, Franklin: Route 3. ' Loal Leader Walnut Creeks-Gar den-Mrs. El lie Peek; poultry, Mrs. Jane Till- - son "' Holly Springs, Garden -Mrs. '. A Berry.- ' ' '" " v' West's i Mill,X Gar4 -M rs. Jud ! Hurst: poultry, Mrs. Carr Bryson Hickory KnoUV Garden Mrs. ; Wilson Rogers ; poultry, Mrs. J. b. .' Gray. . v . V Otto, Garden Mrs." Mamie Glad i well ; . poultry, Mrs. Iris Henson. Patton, Gardea Mrs. J,. N. Pen ' dergrass; poultry, Mrs. Harley j Stewart. '. ; ' , . Union, Garden Mrs. George J Henson; poultry,. Mrs. Jeter Hen - son. ' : ; '; ; - . '. - . ?' Cullasaja ' Garden, M rs. J. J. Corbio,; .poultry, Mrs. J.' L. Clark. Iotla--Garden,"Mrs. lva Bennett; . poultry, Mrs." M. E. Bennett. f Oak Grove Garden, Mrs. Ray jEradley; poultry, Mrs. D. C. Byrd. ' t All leaders and interested per ' -.sons are' Urged to attend. ..;' ' Mrs. Home Passes At Home In Bethel Funeral. services for Mrs. Nannie Fulton Horne,'7lr -were held at the Bethel Methodist church Sunday afternoon, December 28. The Rev. rPhilip L. .Green, pastor, officiated, "assisted, by John T. Jennings. In termemt was in the jchurch ceme tery. ''..' . Mrs. Home died at her home in ' the" 'Bethel ,, community; Sunday - morning; at 5:45 o'clock following an 18 months' illness. - A daughter of the late R. L and ; Caroline Sanders Fulton, Mrs. ; Home was born November 22, 1870, and was a . life-long resident of . Macon county. On January 1, 1891, ahe was married to , Edwin F. ! Horhe, of " the' Bethel community, ..who died a few year ago. "She was a member of Bethel Metho- dist church and took an active in- terest Jn the woman's missionary .society of that church as long as h-r health would permit. The' pallbearers were: Roy Kins fland, Pritchard Peek, Carey Angel, .'Jesse McCracken, Grover Angel, .and Lex Angel. : . ; -Surviving are one ton, Leonard .! Home, of the Bethel community ; -J two grandsons,; Edwin and Charles Home, and two brothers, ' John H. .Fulton, of Gneiss, and Robert Ful ton, of Cullasaja. v Rev. P. L. Green To Be Absent 10 Days . .The Rev. Philip L. Green has left . .for Avon Park where he is to di rect the music at White City camp t. .'meeting for ten days. ' Rev. J. L Stokes wiU fill his " -jiipointments at Louis and Clark's ' r fOapeC,; an Rev. Bob Poindexter . . ' - of Iotla, at Salem and Bethel, on .' m Sunday, Janaary 4. Garth Cunningham returned to yt Wilmington, Tuesday, after spend ing the holidays with hit parents, ; Mr. and Mr Frank Cunningham .. 1 of .Iotla. '. i' - .j- ' a" - Joint Meetings Farmers, Farm Women . Called By Leaders Sam W. Mendenhall, farm agent and Mrs. Florence; S. Sherrill, home agent, have sent out letters to the farmers and farm 'women of the county to attend the joint meet ings planned to meet war conditions. Stating that serious : situations must be met, Mr. Mendenhall calls upon all to meet and discuss cer tain problems, such as increased production, farm machinery repair and the; taking off the market of certain commodities. He calls on all men and women to do all that is humanly passible to help their country at this crisis. ' ', Mrs. Sherrill announces that all home demonstration meetings are cancelled and the following joint meetings take their place. Schedule Tuesday, January 6, 9:30 a.m. Walnut Creek Club will meet at Pine Grove school house. Tuesday, January 6, 1 p. m. Cullasaja Club will meet at Hig donville ; school house. Wednesday, January 7, 9.30 a. m. Scaly Club will meet at Scaly school house. Wednesday, January 6, 2 p, m. Holly Springs Club will meet at HoMy Springs school house. , Thursday, January 8, 9 :30 a. m. Otto ClubndjaYjr-Etgtib l,'ift .stett at Otto school house. Thursday, January 8, 2 p. m. Burningtown and Stiles-Tellico Clubs will meet at .Burnigtown schoolhouse. Friday, January 9, 9:30 a. in. Patton and Union Clubs will meet at Union school house; Friday, January 9, 2 p. m. Iotla Club will meet at Iotla school house. Saturday, January 10, 9:30 a. m. Otter Creek Club will meet at Otter Creek school house. Monday, January 12, 9:30 a. m. Oak Grove and West's Mill Clubs will meet at Cowee school house. Monday, January 12, 2 p. m. Cartoogechaye" Club "will "meet" at Cartoogechaye school house. Last Rites For Mrs. Burch Of Kyle Mrs. Iva Davis Burch, 79, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bas Baldwin, at Kyle, Sunday evening, December 28 about 9 o'clock, fol lowing an illness of three weeks. Funeral services were held Mon day afternoon at Kyle Baptist church. The Rev. T. D. Denny, pastor, officiated and burial was in the church cemetery. A .native of Macon county and a life-long resident of the Kyle community, Mrs. Burch was born in October, 1862. She was the daughter of the late William and Omia Ray Davis. She was married to Luther Burch, also of the Kyle section. He died a number of years ago. Mrs. Burch was a mem ber of the Kyle Baptist church. Surviving are one sister, Mrs. HarneU Uarnson, of Hayesville, and "one brother, J. H. Davis, of Kyle. Jones Is Safe At Pearl Harbor George L. Jones, who has been at Pearl Harbor for , the past two years, has written his mother. Mrs Martin Jones, of Franklin, that he is well and safe. He was joined in October by his wife and three chil dren, who are also reported to be all right. Mr. Jones has been in the. navy for the past 25 years, ana is, now cniet yeoman. Franklin Garden Club To Meet January 5 1 he irankhn Garden Dub will meet Monday afternoon, January 5 at 3 p. m. at the home of Mm. T. W. Angel, Jr, with Mrs. C N. Dowdle and Mrs. Frank Krllian joint hostesses. Tom Fagg, assis tant county agent, will be the guest speaker and all members are urged to be present.. ' Mr. and Mrs. Raloh S. Dowdle of Darringtcm, Wash., arrived Fri day for a visit with Mr. Dowdle's mother, Mrs. George C Dowdle, at her home on Franklin, Route 2. This is Mr. Dowdle's first visit home in 19 years. ' . " " America's War Victims Appeal ; ' S. I y ' ' ' i f v ; ' ' "l If if" SSr if ' - v , ... i I I I ; . v "i""' . mil il-!iii!)HiK First war poster of the new World War, painted by the distinguished artist James Montgomery Flagg, carries an appeal for a $50,000,000 war fund to aid the victims of aggression upon the United States and Its . Island possessions. To aid the victims ot warfare be , ing waged . upon. America and her island . possessions, the American Red Cross has issued an appeal for ?5fl,000,000 war fund, Chairman Norman H. Davis announced from the national headquarters in Wash ington. Mr. Davis urged men, women and children to give to this mercy fund through their local Red Cross Chap ters. These funds will support the Chapter's war work with the fami lies of men iu the military services, as well as the broad relief program of the national Red Cross. President Roosevelt, who is pres ident of the American Red Cross, issued a proclamation urging all citizens to give to the Red Cross war fund. W. N. C. Food Far Exceeds 1941 Goal By J. 'C LYNN, District Farm Agt. Western North Carolina farmers have gone far beyond tre goals asked for by the U. S. department of ayriculture in the food for free dom campaign just completed. Re ports indicate that the milk pro duction will be 20 per cent over 1941. There are corresponding in creases in poultry and eggs, soy beans for oil, hogs for slaughter, and home gardens. Farmers should realize that the government is depending on these promised increases and every effort should be made to reach the goals. The neighborhood, asd community leaders elected over W. N. C will visit eaCh farm during the ' next few weeks to assist fanners in planning for the 1942 program. Dairy And Poultry Increase The proposed increase in the .number of dairy cows will be reached only if farmers start sav ing their better dairy heifers. Too many good dairy heifers are being sold as veals. If feed is available. it will prove profitable to grow these better heifers calves out tor sale as herd heifers or milk cow.s. Fanners should place their orders now for baby chicks. Care should be taken to get chicks of high quality from breeding stock with egg laying ability. C F. Parrish has said, 'The number of eggs a ''V,,'- I f . for Your Help "1 '.VIII .. In launching the appeal. Chair man Davit saiq: . . ...;.. "There are millions of our citi zens who desire today to demon strate their will to victory over the enemy. Not all can be In the armed forces, and not all can volunteer their services for humanitarian work, but all can volunteer their dollars to arm the Red Cross to be their representative at the scene of battle and distress. "Today is the day to demonstrate our high morale, our unity, our de termination not alone to support our President and our fighting men at the front, but also to insure to our wounded, homeless and suffer ing fellow citizens In our Pacific Islands that we stand one hundred per cent ready to aid them through the Red Cross." For Freedom hen can lay is determined by breeding; the number of eggs she will lay is determined by feeding and management." This is a very true statement and should be con sidered in buying baby chicks. Get chicks from hatcheries in North Carolina. Don't order chicks from ehe Middle West The length of time in transit and difference in climate makes a difference with day oldVchicks. See ydur county agent for an approved list of North Carolina hatcheries. Bry the best. Machinery Parts This spring and summer farm ers will be faced with a shortage of farm machinery and parts; if orders are not placed at once with their local dealer. Iron and steel formerly used for farm tools is being used for national defense. Farmers are asked to check their tools at once and place their or ders for all anticipated needs for 1942. The local dealer must have your signed order. Before selling scrap iron, farm ers should make sure there ' are no bolts or taps on the scrap pieces that might be used in rr pairing farm macrinery. Fanners should start gathering their scrap iron and steel for sale to the iunk dealers. For details see your county agent . -- Lei This Be Your No. 1 Resolution Help Dtftat tht Aggressors by put ting your saving- regularly in U. S. Defense Bonds and Stamps.' GttYomrSbtritf U.S.Defenti BOXDS-STAMPS Tire Rationing Committee Appointed For Franklin, Highlands Governor Broughton has author ized a committee, composed, of Guy Houk, chairman; Harley R. Cabe and. Gus Leach to designate ' tire rationing committees for Franklin as follows. Meeting on Wednes day, this committee appointed the following: Franklin Dr. W. E. Furr, James E. Perry and Roy F. Cunningham. Highlands Frank Potts, W. H. Cobb and Charles Anderson. Anyone'.. wanting tires must file an application with one of these committees. ' Rgd. Cross Driye For War Relief Will Be January 10 Chairman Harley Cabe has an nounced that Macon county's quota for the. Red Cross War Relief will be completed in a final drive on January 12. He has issued the fol lowing statement: i Since , the National American Red Cross asked for $1500 from this chapter to meet a $50,000,000 War ; Relief,. Fund , Contributions have been coming in without any particular effort or solicitation, and to date we have approximately $350 plus pledges, but to meet a quota of $15000 is going to take some effort and some money. If all the people of this county would contribute a small amount our quota xould be easily reached. I am setting January 10 as the goal for raising this amount, and I am requesting all people who wish to have a part in helping the dis tressed of war stricken areas, to leave their contribution at Perry's Drug Store, The Franklin Press office, The Bank of Franklin, or at the Clerk of Court's office, Several of the Chapters in the Western District have already reached their quota, let us not be the last. . - HafteyR. CaJe Esso Boosters Hold Meeting And Elect Officers For 1942 .The Esso Boosters Club com posed of employees and dealers of the Standard Oil Company of N. J., of the counties of Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Swain, Graham, Cherokee and Gay held their last meeting of the year at the Jarrett Springs hotel, Dillsboro. W. S. Porter, a former Franklin citizen and former general sales man covering this field was pres ent. Much regret was expressed at the loss of Mr. Porter who is going to Mt. Airy in the' same capacity. Mr. F. M. Fletcher, dis trict manager, and H. D. Rogers, general salesman succeeding Mr. Porter addressed the meeting. Irving I. Leathe'rwood of Wayn esville was elected president. W. L. Hardin, Jr, Waynesville, was re elected secretary. Joe Bailey Fouts who is doing construction work in New-York, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G: T. Fouts on Iotla. Mr. and 'Mrs. G. C Ensley and Mrs. Naylor of Asheville, Miss Flora Wilkie of Marshall, and W. W. Wilkie of Skyland spent the: Christmas holidays with their' mother, Mrs. G. W. Wilkie of Franklin. - , " WAR PICTURE 0NAI1FR0NTS Fierce Activity On Sea And Land Around World MANILA i The war picture on Wednesday showed Manila menaced by a Jap anese advance within 30 miles of the capital of the Philippine Is lands as both U. .S. and Philippino troops fought desperately to stem the advance of the invaders. This is on the north, while reinforce ments for the Jap's drive on the south are said to be arriving. On the other hand American war planes made their appearance on the north front. 1 . ;'.. WASHINGTON , President Roosevelt told a press conference that war expenditures would meet the staggering total of fifty billion a year by the middle of 1943 in pur industrial and mili tary effort. Tire prices are frozen to stan dard list prices of November 25. Cigarette prices are frozen to December 26 level. The navy reported Jap warships as menacing shipping near Kodiak Island naval base off the coast of Alaska. OTTAWA, CANADA Churchill told the Can" liament Tuesday that would be carried to t1 pille. Europe and Asia. I dently following SERVICES with President Roc"1' inirton on th nrvne.- R- Morgan. ordination of antf- R,Ser8' every front. Hubert Ward- MOSCOW i? SGk" Russians re-capture P r " points in Crimea, remt. : axis menace of the Caucibir fields. German armies are" menanc ed from the rear , around Sevastopol- . i .. Anthony Eden, Britain's foreign secretary, came to full accord with Stalin on conduct of war for de feat of Axis. ASIA AND AFRICA Batavia reports that no laus have yet landed in Dutch Indies as reinforcements are promised. The British are still beating back the Japanese drive om Singapore. On the North African front, the Germans are losing more tanks and equipment as the remnant of Gem. Rommel's army is pursued and surrounded by the British me chanized troops. . Judge Alley's Portrait Unveiled In Waynesville An oil painting of Felix E. lky, of Waynesville, judge of the Su perior court, was unveiled in the courthouse of Transvlvania cotintv on Saturday afternoon. Decemhir 27. A large number of friends of the jurist' were present for the ceremony. Last Rites For Seay Infant Mary Birdell Seay, five months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Avery Seay of Franklin Route 4, died Monday, December 28, at 10 a. m., following an illness of one week. Death was caused by sinus trouble and complications. Final rites were helH af Hiu Springs Baptist church on Tuesday, ijecemoer rtiie Kev. C. F. Rog ers was in charge of the services, assisted by Rev. G. W. Davis. Surviving are the parents, four sisters and five ' Whrrc f-. Doris Everett of Norton, Marjorie, Ellen Mae. Frances, John, Lewis, Norman, Rogers and Howard of Franklin Route 4. Mrs. C L. Hense! of Springfield, Ohio, visited her siarrr - fr ln Thompson Friday afternoon. Mrs. Robert Gaines rif tnvi Ala., spent the Christmas holi days with Mr. Gaines here. Mr. and Mrs. C C and children Charles and Martha Ann spent Christmas with Poinderteri mother, Mrs. H Ray., Mrs. P.