PAGE TWO THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONilAfN THURSDAY. JANUARY , 1M2 Scrap Metal Sales Aid Farmers And Red Cross " . Scrap iron and steel is .needed in. the defense program '.. .''the American Red Cross needs money for emergency work : . . farmers want to hell) in the war effort in every way possible. Dean 1. 0. Schaub, director of the- State College Extension Ser vice and agricultural ; representa tive on the executive committee of the State' Defense Council,- sug gests a way' for farmers io serve to ''Scrap the Japs- With Scrap. ' .In Hoke County, he says, a one day scrap metal collection . cam paign was conducted, and farmers brought in more thas 300,000 pounds of discarded farm machinery, trac tors, gas engines,, automobiles, fence wire, etc. They sold the .scrap to licensed dealers ait from 40 to 55 cents per 100 pounds. "Instead of pocketing the money for the scran, most of the farmers turned around and do nated the cash to the Red Cross," 1 lean- Schaub reported. "In this way, the farmers provided metal for gun and munitions, and for i he manufacture of farm machin ery, while donating to the Red Cross aiiore money than tlhey otherwise would have been able to irive." ' .' Dean Schaub suggested that the scrap metal collection campaigns -.which ..will be conducted in. other couivties this month be patterned along the same lines as the Hoke county"- drive. A theatre , in Rae ford offered free movie tickets to fanners who brought in 500 pounds or more of scrap, and other prizes were offered by merchaii'ts who advertised in a special edition of the local newspaper. - "Scrap iron- and steel is abso lutely necessary in the present method of manufacturing ,new steel," the farm ' leader, explained. "There are thousands of . tons of scrap on farms of North Carolina which should be put to use in the National war program.'; . WOMEN FROM RURAL HOMES ENTER ARMY SER VICE Women as well as men on the farms and in the villages and small towns of the country are forging to the front in America's united war effort. The 2,000,000 men in our Army are not only supported Dy we patriotic civilian work of an in creasing' number of women and girls who are rendering efficient service in their home communities, but thousands of wives, sisters and sweethearts of the men in the combat forces are enrolling for active duty. Those now engaged in full time activities are members of the Army Nurse Corps, Reserve Nurses, hostesses in the various cantonments and dieticians in the hospitals and food consultants.' in the War Department and the camps. Four-H Clubs have furnished ideal training for- many young women nqw serving in auxiliary branches of our Army, according to a recent announcement by au thorities in Washington. Conspic uous among the 4-H Clubbers now working for Uncle Sam . is Mrs. Meryl p. Stone, designated as en associate of Miss Mary Barber, food consultant to the Secretary of War. It is Mrs. Stone's Job to as sist with menus for the soldiers In the camps and in the field. She will sample the "chow" and will be available for conferences at the Army Bakers and Cooks schools. Mrs. Stone declares that the foundation for her present post was built during her 4-H Club days in her home town of Black Earth, I Hiiiilinaii i E f ' - - Photo by U S. Bitrnal Corpf! MRS. MERYL P. STONE Wisconsin. (That quaint name, by the way, cemes from the dark, rich soil in the valley of the Wisconsin river.) A 4-H Club flourished in her community and Mrs. Stone was one of its active members. Under her leadership the Black Earth or-' ganization won honors at a county ', fair for skill in sewing. After high school Mrs. Stone entered the University of Wiscon-) sin to major in borne economics. . Following her graduation she: served an internship as a future dietician at the University of Michigan and established a train- ' ing course in dietetics for student nurses at a Detroit hospital. ' Going to New York she joined the staff of a large commercial concern and continued her work in preparing recipes and balancing their caloric contents Tor hotels. schools, hospitals and other insti tutions. Romance and marriage came for the former Wisconsin 4-H Club girl and last summer with her lawyer husband, she moved to Washington, where she continued . active in her chosen field. The 6tory of her career is not unlike that of many other women on duty for our Army, as shown by the files of the War Department. Four-H Club girls recruited from various sections of the country have answered the call to service and are giving the Government the benefit of their skill, thrift and efficient training. As home dem onstration agents, many young (women from rural communitiea are strengthening the civilian forces, and in other fields they have shown resourcefulness and initiative in their patriotic efforts for the na tion's defense. Home-Gr own Fruits Will Help 'National Offense' State Medical Society Prepares For War The following letter has, ben re ceived from the committee of the State Medical Society for War Preparedness by Dr. Furman Angel of the Macon-Clay County Medical association: Dear Dr. Angel: We are all the way in the war. The war earn be won by our united efforts. We must prepare for all emergencies. Medical preparedness is ah essential part of our defense. Your State Medical Society has a preparedness committee composed of Dr. Carl Reynolds, State Health Officer, Dr. Donnell Cobb, President-Elect of the State Medical Society, ad Dr. H. B. Haywood, Past-President of the State Medic al Society. New methods and new treatments are being used for war casualties, We ask that every County Society Men In The Service . In 1941 or until December 7 the United States was engaged in National Defense. In 1942 the Unit ed States is engaged in "National Offense." Miss Mary E.' Thomas, of N. C. put 0n a program of instruction State College, says' the" change f0r all its members an the newer from "defense" to "offense"- re- methods of treating war wounds emphasizes the , need for every or bomb wounds, gas and other American to be well ied. .fresh war casualties. Your Stat Commi fruits must be present irJ gener- tee will gladly cooperate with you ous amounts, lor a neauniui aiei. m . securing informed instructors " "We were alarmed when the re- to help put on this program if suits of recent studies by the isu- you desire it. reau of Economics were announc-1 ln England' over fifty percent of ed, Miss I nomas declared. , l hey the bombs dropped by German air showed that half of the people in raiders fell in rural communities the United States were inadequate- We therefore suesest that facili ly fed. . . . yes, half of our people ties for the location of emergency doh t get the ioods they need tor hospitals in your count ybe inves .maximum efficiency. ' I tigated and skeleton staffs be-or "Now ithat America needs to put I ganized, forth every effort to win this warj We urge this as the medical pro there's all tihe more reason to fession's .contribution to our State sirjeis 'nutrition," she continued. It of North Carolina Very truly yours. Hubert B. Haywood, Chairman Com. on Medical Preparedness Carl V. Reynolds, M. D. Donnell B. Cobb, M. D. Lamp Brooders Take Job Of Hen Buck Greek "would be different if we couldm'f grow fresh fruits, and vegetables, but there is no excuse for any farm family to do without these protective and vitamin-rich toods "Ail apple a 'day keeps the doctor away", she declared. "In the apple, Nature ha,s prepared for us the most compact package of health (ri-MT(r fi-w1 f:1iot t't nnccpcc " A'mt,l fr;t o-aron for tV, umc-mauc lamp Druuuer . .. ...,..v.v. ....... b"' ' " I 1 I I r r r avmp, farm familv ran he nlant- vvuicn can ue DUlll lor irom 0 ..,1 j.if ' ,J vjio $7.50, is suggested by C. F. farmer, if his work is properly i."'3"' "'"J""" manaLPfl diniihl h hanHirannpH nr Jllc -iui use uy muse - , - r i i e i i r ,1rlavP,l hv a frii ,rar,1pn persons wno xormeriy raised a iew -j 0 . , , ..... i A..:f:-:i bation has robbed .the hem of hatching her eggSj and now the small brooder takes another of Bv MRS. BEE SHOOK ROGERS her ibs- . . . . I x nousands ot tarm tamilies have me Kev. w. t. Youn tilled Dieded to :ncrease nolIHrv nrft. his. regular appointment Sunday, duction as a part of the Food-for-Dec. 21, at the Wesleyan Meth- Freedom camnaitrn. The hompmaHP OU1SI tliurcn. Iamn KrnnHor rill cnlu. thv.r n,K we are giaa io report Mrs. tva iPm The hrnnr linU fmm ;n to Miller is somewhat improved after f)n rh;nfcs anH ' from 1tt to 7m a long illness. 11,,'rUc ,ciK, M. . - v , n ,w ""3 "ivv-vi ict d,,u MIi- erimi sogers vear w th th s , nmftnt was visiting Airs. Kogers parents, The brooder is constructed in .Mr. and .Mrs. Alec Ammons on tw narts. The hottom oertion Ellijay, Sunday. houses the limns: the ton section Miss Hazel Ammons of Ellijay accomodate the rhirks The trav is spending this week with her that senarates the two sertion U sister, .wrs. permit sogers. covered with 26 to 28-euace tin. 1). M. Rogers, Kermit Rogers The tin side U nlareH rlrrl and John Woods made a business next to the flame of the lamp, ,nl' io rranKiin luesuay. and the top part of the trav is Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tilson covered over with nne inch or irom Alarble, spent the Christmas more of sharp, coarse, dry sand, holidays ir this community. . The chimney of the lamD should Dee Shook from Cashiers, was be one to one and one-half inches visiting friends and relatives here below tre metal trav which HiviHe. i tt . i j . aunng winstmas. the two sections. The brooder is of simple con struction, easy to operate, and is heated by one to three lamps, de pending gupon the severity of the has! weather. It should be operated in a protected place, such as under a wood or wagon shed.'' Detailed information on the con- Otter Creek The Otter Creek school purchased a radio to aid in cur rent events study. The boys basketball team de feated Highlands im a recent frame struction of a lamn brooder, in- of 37-9. Icludinir Blue Print Vn Afi mo Ke , - ------ cuuowiiee proed to be a tough- ototatned .free bv farm oeonle from er loe and edged out a 16-14 vie- their County Farm or Home AeenL tory over Otter Creek. or by writing to the Extension Another game of the season was Poultry Office. State Colleee. Ral- witn Andrews. 1 he local boys eieh. . l won by the count of 30-12. Ay- ers scored 15 points. CARD OF THANKS The next frame will be with We wish to exnress our sincere Oran Cunningham of New . Or leans, La., aerial photographer in the United States Army, has been. visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cunningham of Franklin Route 3 and Commerce, Ga. Ervin A. Carpenrter, sotn of Mr. and M.r,s. Harley Carpenter, Dil- lard, Ga. Route 1, is a member of the 27th Signal Const. Bn. at Fort Bowie, Texas. He. has been in service eight months and has just returned to his post after spending the holidays with his parents. Frank Bryson of Fort Bragg, spent the holidays with his pa rents, Mr. , and Mr,s. C. A. Bry son. Pvt. Fred G. Jenkins of Fort Jackson, S. C.r returned to Army duties on December 23, after spending 10 days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jenkins of Etna. .. Pvt. Zeb V. Jenkins of Camp Wheeler,. Ga., returned to Camp January 3, after spending three days with his family of Etna. Pvt. Win. B. Queen of Fort Jackson, S. C, left on January 3, to return to Army duties, after spending 10 days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Queen at Etna. U. S. Marines f Are Fighters With .the United. States Marine Corps on the front page of every paper showing their exploits in the Pacific war zone, many may have wondered what it 1 is that makes the Marine Corps play such a prominent part. Through the years since the birth of our nation, America's best trained military men have been United States Marines. The high type of military ef ficency reflected through the phys ical and mental alertjness as well as cleanliness and neatness, of Marines can be traced directly to the thorough yet considerate, train ing received under competent non commissioned officers, at the Ma nne A.orps training station on Parris Island, S. C. Marine Corps recruits reach military perfection soon after leav ing "boot" camp, where recruits spend their probationary training period. There new Marines find their non-commissioned officers strict in every detail. The purpose of the exacting "boot"' camp rou tine is soon realized by the re cruit who, within a few short weeks of rigorous training, be comes an able rifleman and fa miliar with the manual of arms, military environment and other basic requirements of the Marine Corps. Unlike the hard boiled Marine sergeants of fiction and movies, the new Marine soon discovers that non-commissioned officers are stern yet friendly and anxious to assist new Marines solve oroblems New Marines soon learn to look to these seasoned veterans as tnends to be sought - for instruc tions and advice. Non-commissioned officers of the Marine Corps have earned repu tations as top notch military ex perts because of the vear thev nave spent training troops. These sKinea soldiers of the sea are re sponsible to their officers for the performances of their mn. This i i - 1 ... oasic lesson taugpt by these non commissioned experts to the new recruits us the Marine Corps mot K: "Semper Fieldis" Alwav Faithful, Stationed at Fort Jackson, S.. G, is home on a ten-day leave. Columbus Wilson and daughter, Hazell, and Carl Vinson of Dillard, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilson of Scaly were dinner guests of Zel lah Wilson on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Bertram of Rnoxville, Tenri., spent the weekend at iBee Wilson's. Fannie and Zillah Wilson spen Sunday in Dillard, Ga., the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl. Vinson. ' Radford Wilson and Zeb Bryson of Scaly spent Christmas day in this section. ' . - WANT ADS GET RESULTS! Broadway By EFFIE WILSON Etella Wilson left Hiehlands. De cember 17 to spend the winter in iviiuuii, ria. ' Tom Wilson of the U. S. Armv. stationed at Fort Bragg, was home for the Christmas holidays Herman Carpenter of: Tesenta visited Andy Wilsons Friday. . " .narv.ey ureen of the 17. S. Army, Panorama Courts MODERN CABINS EXCELLENT MEALS Pirn I7t , Franklin, N. C Hielllay ls Plainly IDarkeil Tkt way t faaerali ef high icelltace It plainly marked by faaeral director's repatatiaa. Tree valaes la funerals matt depend, a .la ether transec tion, epen the qeality af hetfc the service and merchandise ' pravlded. .' We held the ameanH paid la strict cenfideaee, yet It eests e were te call as. &b Jiuu TKoit PHONE 106 NIGHT PHONf TO Robbinsville. Newell Owenby and. Ralph Queen, were in a party that lulled four Russian Hogs ' in Griham county during the holidays. appreciation for the kindness showu us during the death of our darling baby; also for the beautiful flowers. Mr. and Mri. Avery Seay and Family, . ' i Mountain Grove By MRS. SALLY CORBIN Mr. and Mrs. Louin Young and family, "of Oregon, arrived Jan- uary. 6 and are visiting Mr. Young's mother, Mrs. Vista Young. Misses Cora and Pearl Fox have returned to school at Tarn- . assee, b. C, after spending the holidays with their parehts, Mr.' and Mrs. Elisha Fox. Other holi-' day visitors at this home were Mr. and Mrs Bas Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fox, of Frank lin. . Miss Charlotte Young, teacher in the Mountain Grove school, has returned after spending the holi-! days in Asheville. . Jess Corbin and small son Earl, of Rabbit Creek, spent Sunday! with Mr. Corbin's parents, Mr.1 and Mrs. Jas. Corbin. Lyman Corbin is in Robbins ville visiting his sister, Mrs. Alex Gregory. Robt. Taylor spent Sunday at le home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Taylor. Grady Fox, who is a member of CCC Camp of Fort Jackson, C, spent part of the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt Fox. Mrs. Leonard Honeycutt and daughter, Mrs. Rebecca Jennings. of Wells Grove, spent Christmas with Mrs. Honeycutt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Williams. Mr. Leon Higdon was a Christ mas guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dills. News has been received by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Taylor, of Elliiav. oi tne marriage ot their son, Lloyd W. Taylor to Miss Wini fred Thresher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Thresher, of Cedro-Wooley, Wash., where Mr. Taylor also resides. At a recent supper given by the school, the sum of $29 was raised. Six new window shades and a base ball and mitt have been boutrht. Some wall maps are to be ordered soon. The students of the school gave a Christmas program on the after coon of December 19. followed bv f . -i . . . - aisirioution ot guts. Kev. William Breedlove filled his regular appointment at the Baptist church Saturday morning and Sun day afternoon. December 27 and J Statement of Condition At the Close of Business, December 31, 1941 Resources Cash on hand and due from banks. $503,269.26 United States Treasury Bonds andor " 1 fully guaranteed . 287,932.00 Other Bonds (State and municipal).... 367,265.73 Total cash on hand, due from banks and bonds .... Domestic Stocks owned ................. Loans and Discounts ................... Banking house and furniture and fixtures Other, real estate owned Other Assets (earned interest on bonds, etc.).......... $1,158,466.99 200.00 311,677.12 15,220.00 12,251.00 3,636.65 $1,501,451.76 Liabilities CAPITAL FUNDS: Common capital stock $50,000.00 Surplus ...................:..... 37,000.00; Undivided profits 3,171.13 Reserves set aside for taxes, interest, etc. DEPOSITS $90,171.13 7,561.24 $1,403,719.39 $1,501,451.76' The continued steady growth of this bank is reflected by the following comparative deposit figures: Deposits December 31, 1933 $275,631,17 Deposits December 31, 1934... ;. 370,384.92 ' Deposits December 31, 1935.... 500,473.05 Deposits December 31, 1936.:..... 635,743.05 Deposits December 31, 1937............. 669,700.89 Deposits December 31, 1938 874,271.79 Deposits December 31, 1939. 991,150.13 . Deposits December 31, 1940..:...... . .. 1,25372.28 . Deposits December 31, 1941 .1,403,719.39 W Pay 2 Interett on Time and Saying Depositi The Jackson County Bank Highlands, N. C Sylva, N. C Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation t .4 . 1

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