THURSDAY, JANUARY.'!. 1942 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN PAGE THREE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES COMINGSAND GOINGS ITEMS FOR THIS COLUMN PHONE 24 BAPTIST WOMAN'S MISSIONARY MEETING The Baptist Woman's Mission ary Union ol Macon Association jWill' meet Saturday, Jan. 10, at the Franklin Baptist Church at 2 p. m. The meeting will plan the "work for the new. year. The topic of the meeting will be "The Light of the World." Mrs. Ray Kins land,, the superintendent; will pre side. Rev. Geo. Davis will con duct the devotional. Mrs. R. A. Elders will discuss the importance of good literature. All pastors and members of the various societies are- urged to attend.,- . ! U. D. C. TO MEET WITH MRS. RAY The U.. D. C. will meet next Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Alice Ray on the Murphy Road. All members are urged to be present. GARDEN CLUB GIVES $25 TO RED CROSS WAR RELIEF ' The Garden Club meeting with Mrs. ,T. W. Angel, Jr. on Mon day afternoon made a gift of $25.00 frpm its treasury towards Macon's quota of $1,500 for the ed ross War Rehtef fund. T. H. Fagg, assistant farm agent, addressed the meeting on the subject "Planning- Gardens meeting wilt be held : fiv the eve ning at the Agricultural building when John Harris will speak on the subject of "ExteriorSlanti? g Mrs. Angel was assisted in en tertainang by Mrs. C. N. Dowdle and Mrs. Frank Kilhan. DINNER IN HONOR OF SGT. CHAS. L. RABY Mr. and Mrs. Albert Raby, of West's Mill, ; invited a ' number of their close friends' and relatives to their home on Sunday to a special dinner in honor of Mr. Ralby's son, Sgt. Charles Lyle Raby,. who has been in the' Army for the , past six years. He is now stationed at Edgewood Arsenal, Md. Those present at the dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Holbrooks, Mr. and-. Mrs. Claude Raby, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Raby, Mr. and Mrs. .John H. DaTton, Sol Leatherman, Theo dore and Arthur Raby, Mrs. Geo. Frady, Everett Raby and son, Bobby, Misses Beulah Raby and Eddis Holbrooks and Mrs.Jud Potts. ; Yf MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER FOR MRS. VIRGIL WATKINS Mrs. Virgil Wtkins'"s ' lun dred with a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Brabscvn Bui-, gin, Saturday atternoon, January $ on Bidwell Street. Mrs. Fred Arnold was assistant hostess, i : Many friends called during the afternoon leaving . many beautiful and useful gifts for the honoree, wb is a bride of a few weeks. Refreshments wer served. Miss Eddis Holden. a studerot of WTaet- riAnrrriQ frtttflrrA at fwinnla Ga., left Monday, January 5, after spending the holidays with her ratlpi!Pi i ppmpj y ppy Bring Your Car to Us for GULFLEX LUBRICATION WE HAVE RECENTLY INSTALLED A MODERN UP-TO-DATE GREASING SYSTEM Now that out country is at war it Unnecessary that we make our present cars last for the dura tion ... with the proper care in lubrication and the right grade and kind of motor oils will help make this possible. We are also ready to help you in any way wjan in servicing your tires, so that you may get all the mileage possible. Frarildm Service Station Phone 111 Erwin Patton, Mgr. parents, 1 Rev. and- Mrs. Nv E. Holden of West's Mill. , Gordon., Evitt of Ellijay, who has been a patient at Angel hospital for .several weeks ,is ' much im proved. Miss Lolita Baldwin returned to Western North Carolina Teachers College at Cullowhee on Sunday, January 4, after spending the holi days' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs'. Eugene Baldwin of Franklin. Miss 'Dorothy Leigh Morrison and Miss Edith Rickman have re turned to school at Womarts Col lege University of North Caro lina, after spending the' holidays with their paret ts. Miss Mildred Waldroop of Mad ison, spent a ieek with her pa rents, Mr. ,ani Mrs, Jake Wal droop of Franklin, Route 1. Sol Sanders spent the holidays with his brother, Milton, who is in the Navy, stationed at Wash ington, D. C. . Mrs.' Carl Howard arid Mrs. Robert Norton spent the Christ mas holidays in Charleston, S. G, visiting their husbands who are engaged in defense work at the Navy Yard there. Paul Potts who recently under went' an operation at Angel Hos pital, is now at home. : Miss. Jessie 'Ramsey has re turned to Asheboro, after spend ing the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.. Ramsey. She also spent several days visiting friends in Washington, D. C. Miss Virginia Ramsey spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ramsey. She .now has a government position in Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Raby, of Greenville, S. C, spent the week end here visiting friends and rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. Verlon Swafford of Franklin, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parrish, of Brevard, Sun- day7 January -4. They- were u companied by little Miss Nancy Calloway. ' Baptist Business Women's Cirr cle met. with Mrs. J. B, Pender- grass" Qn ' Tuesday evening,' and and enjoyable " meeting was held. "M rs, Josephine. D. ,Gaines, form er' Macon county health - nurse, will .be stationed , in Washington, D. C. during the month of Jan uary. Prentiss By DONA CARPENTER We are having some cold weath er at this writing. We hope that the New Year will bring peace on earth. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dills visited their parents during the holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dills. Rev. Lester Williamson preached an interesting sermon at the Pleas ant Hill Church Christmas night. Jan Proper Nutrition for Health and Morale Vital Part of National Defense Effort By Ethel Norton, B.S., M.A Health Director, Central Y. W. C.A., New York The success of the defense effort depends not only on increased pro duction but also on improving in dividual health and morale. The average worker throughout the country loses ten work days each year because of illness. This is an enormous economic loss to industry as most of this time is lost because" of common colds or other ailments which can be pre vented by following simple health rules. ' ' Faulty nutrition, lack of daily exercise and fresh air are respon sible for many of these ills. The Selective Service has brought to light the high percentage of young men with poor teeth arid other physical defects due in great meas ure to inadequate of faulty diet. The Deputy Director of the Selec tive Service System reported at the National Nutrition Conference held in May, 1941, that thirty-eight per cent of the young men were found to be unfit for general military service. This means that just as many young women in the same age group are below par physically and unfortunately the percentage of physical disability increases in direct ratio to age. The United States has the high est standard of living in the world yet the great majority of the peo ple are not getting the proper foods. The. result is preventable illness, towered morale and a low level of community health. The cost of foods has little or no rela tion to their health-building prop erties. It is a matter of choice and preparation of foods, yet the aver age diet is deficient in foods with the correct amount of vitamins and mtherats for health. It is a sad commentary that many young men have been introduced to a varied diet in the army for the first time in their lives though they may have come1 from localities where vege tables and fruits were cheap and j?'-'.i.V..; Every individual must have six" essential vitamins daily and cer tain minerals such as calcium, iron and phosnhorus. These six vita mins, A, Bi. B, C, D. and PP. and the minerals, work hand-in-hand to keep the body in health. The modern way of insuring proper nutrition is a supplementary ' diet of vitamin and mineral concentrate Recent Bride ! HIP Mrs. Marshall Cunningham, who, before her marriage in Napolean, Ohio cvn November 20, was Miss Virginia Zachary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hal .Zachary. Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham reside in Ponti ac, Mich. ANGEL HOSPITAL Mrs. Jack Hall of Highlands, is doing well following an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Frank Phillies of Rainbow Springs, was discharged from the hospital Wednesday toiipwing an operation. Mrs. Bill Swan, who had an operation -for appendicitis on Tues day, is doing nicely. The condition of Clvde Houston. of Franklin, who had an ope ation for appendicitis on Sunday, is re ported as satisfactory, Mrs. Kate L. Hauser. a member of the nursing staff, who under went a serious operation last Sat- u day, is reported to be doing well. Rnrn to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mann, a boy. on Tuesday, Jan. 6th. Both are doing well. Mrs. A. C Raby, of franklin Rt 3, who had an operation on Sunday, is reported to be in a satisfactory condition. . Mr. F ank Tones and twins, of Nantahala, are all reported to be in a satisfactory condition. The condition of Harold Cook. son of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus. Cook of Route 2, who was operated on for acute appendicitis Wednesday, is satisfactory. West's Mill By MRS. B. J. HURST Mrs. Darrell Queen has beer on the sick list but is slowly improv ing. Aunt Nannie Allen who has been very sick is much better. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Raby of Greenville,' S. and Mr. and Mrs. George Frady of Hazelwood have returned to their homes after a visit with their father, A. L Raby. and Mrs. Raby. Misses Vonnie and Vallie West were home- for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roper have returned from Asheville after spending Chriitmai it their ion ' A Ethel Norton, B.S M.A tablets taken regularly as a health precaution and body builder. Vic tims of serious nutrition deficien cies should consult a physician, of course, but the normal adult can keep well and in health with a daily diet which includes one pint of milk, one egg in some form, one serving of meat or cheese, two or three servings of vegetables,, two or three servings of fruits, one serving of whole grain cereal, fortified bread, butter, and six to eight glasses of water and other fluids. The supplementary vitamin and mineral diet is by way of addi tional health insurance. Good posture and daily exercise to keep the body in condition are possible for every man and woman. Men are learning the advantage of daily exercise in the army. Women can go to their local Y- W C. A. and not only learn to do simple exercises but also get a physical check-up by Y W C. A. physicians. They can learn how to use their hodies properly in doing their Tiousehoid rmJil..2. order to mini mize fatigue and prevenf physical defects caused by improper pos ture. The Civilian Defense program calls for good health, pro T nu trition, participation in community games and exercise. Let's all con quer the common cold and pre ventable illness in the interest of 'National Defense. .Paul, who is in a hospital there. While in Asheville, they visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rickman. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McLean were home for Christmas. Mrs. sAHie Crawley spent the weekend in Franklin visiting friends and relatives. The Gibson boys of Winston Salem visited their grandmothers at Christmas. Master ' Bryan Hurst went to town Tuesday; Mrs.. Darrell Queen has been very sick but is reported to b improving.. Verkm Bradley stationed in Vir ginia; has been visiting home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Sheffield of Canton and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Downs of Ridge Crest visited Mr. and Mrs. Grover Sheffield last Sunday. ' Mrs. W. C. Clarke and daugh ter have been visiting in this sec tion. Miss Freda Potts has gone to Bryson City. .The Christmas pageant at Snow Hill church was enjoyed by a large crowd, also the music. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Carter .and children of Jackson county spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Carter of West's Mill. We are in deep sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sheffield in the loss of their six motnths old baby. M r. and Mrs. Charles Matlock are visiting their parents and rela tives here. , 1 Mr. and Mrs. Will Elmore and Miss Mary H. Elmore spent the holidays with their parents. Cowee school gave an interest ing Christmas program under the leadership of E. G. Crawford and Misses McCoy and Brendle. Mrs. J. West was in town Mon day. Miss Freda Potts is visiting home folks Christmas. Miss Katherlyn Dalton visited relatives in this section Sunday. Mrs. Callie Bryson visited her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Downs re cently. - Rev. George Cloer was in this community on business last Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Walton Smith and daughter, Dee Ann, returned to Charlotte, after spending several days here with Mrs. Smith's par ents; Mr. and Mrs. S. C Leather man. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Sheffield and daughter, Joan, of Clyde, spent the holidays with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Potts and two sons of Skeenah spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Jueen. Mr. and Mrs. Chace Tatham and daughter spent the weekend with Mrs. Tatham's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rickman of Brevard, spent the holidays with their parents. Charles Owens and J. L. West who are attending Brevard college, spent the holidays with their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Matlock and O. E. Matlock of Marietta. Ga, j spent the Weekend with their par ent. Kill Vonnlt West who ii teach ing in Bryson City spent the. holi days wrth her mother. Roger Rickman of the Marines spent a week with his parents. Wade Dietz of Fort Bragg, spemt the week with his parents. . James Potts, of High Point, spent several days' with his cousin Frank Bryson. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Fouts and children of Iotla visited Mrs. Fouts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rickman recently. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Leather man and small daughter, of De troit, spent the holidays with Mr. Leatherman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Leatherman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matlock of Winston-Salem, . returned to their home after a week's visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.. B. Matlock and Mrs. J. M. Morrison. . Mr. and Mrs. W. C Sheffield and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shef field, attended the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sheffield's small daughter in Haywood county last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Davis of Brevard, spent the weekend with Mrs. Davis parents, Mr. ard Mrs. J. R. Holbrooks. Freda Potts, who ' is attending school in Bryson City, spent the holidays with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Potts. Mrs. Carr Rickman, of Ohio, is spending a month visiting her grandmother, Mrs. J. M. Morgan, and other relatives. Oak Dale By LOUISE ROPER The Oak .Dale vouni? neonle cave a Christmas Program at the Oak Dale Baptist church, Wednesday night, December 24. At the end of the program Santa Claus entered and took the presents off the Christmas tree. Lillie R.mer' Tx-misp Roper and Ruth Rickman delivered tne gitts. line pastor, Rev. R. W. Williams im&Z a. short talk. A large crowd attended. " Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Star.nes, Clearance ale OF Women5 lioes Group No.-2 $3.00 Suedes, Leather and Gaberdines Ties and Pumps Suedes, Leather and Gebardines E. K. Cunningham & Co. "The Shop of Quality" Equipped With Good Tires 1 1941 Ford Super Deluxe Fordor Se dan, with heater $850 11931 Chevrolet Special Deluxe Two Door Sedan, 16,000 Actual Miles -$850 .1 1940 Ford Deluxe Tudor, Radio and Heater $775 11940 Ford Vz-Ton Pickup $450 11936 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan $275 DUNCAN MOTOR CO. YOUR C7 DEALER Franklin, N. C Harvey Roper, Lee Bryant and Cora Roper, all of Kannapolis, spent the Christmas holidays here with home folks. ( Marvin Roper returned to his work in Georgia Monday. Kermit Bateman returned to Mt. Holly Sunday. Prellia Crawford who is staying at Franklin spenit a few days with home folks. Frank . Ledford of Fort Bragg OOC camp spent several days at home. . Miss Ruth Pickman has gone to spend some time with her sister in Georgia. Clarence Crawford spent the weekend at home, then returned to Mt. Holly where he is employed. Mrs. Moses' son Howard is in the U. S. Army at Honolulu. Farmers, "Plow deep while slug gards sleep, and you'll have corn to sell and keep." C WHAT MAKES y&H W. J WUR CAKES SO WQi WHAT GWES THEM W SUCHGO0OrlM0R?J YTMAKKTHm) RUMFORO'S MY FREE: Write for Rumford's new book let, full of Ideas to make your baking better. Address: Rumford Bakine Pow it.'.:. Box A, Rumford, Rhode Island. Group No. 1 $2.00 4&

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