Our Job b to Save MAKE EVET. Dollars Buy War Bond Every Pay Day PAY DAV WAR I TaBOND day SrOP WINDING HH LWMtf PROGRESS! YE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LVH, NO. 23 FRANKLIN, N. C THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1942 $1.50 PER YEAR 7 1 : . MACON VOU ON ALL CANDIDATES Democratic Nominations County And State Offices There was lively interest through . oat the county in the primaries held last Saturday. Full official re turns of polls according it pre cincts are given below. Candidates unopposed in the pri mary were Dr. .W. A. Rogers for representative, W. W. Edwards of Highlands and C. W. Blaine of Franklin Route 1, for county com missioners, John H. Dalton for county surveyor and G. O. Wal lace for coroner. Incumbent Win Ed B. "Whitaker of Bryson City won the renomination over A. L. , P&nland of Hayesville tor state senator of the 33rd senatorial dis trict and John M. Queen of Way nesville was renominated solicitor Baxter C. Jones of Bryson City, of the 20th judicial district over This was a close race in Macon coumty. For sheriff, A. B. Slagle was re-nominated for a third term, defeating Fred Calbe, and Harley K. Cabe was again nominated Clerk of Court, defeating Frank I. Murray. Gus Leach, chairman of county Board of Commissioners won over j. a. mmore, ana uic entire Board of Education was re nominated with the exception of Gene Crawford. The fifth member will be E. B. Byrd, all being sub iect to the appointment recom mended to the next session of the Legislature by the Macon county representative. New Nominee Lake V. Shope won the nomi nation for Register of Deeds over C. Tom Bryson, who is serving at the present time to complete the term of Lester Arnold who se cured leave to join the Navy. Mr. Bryson has previously served th. county for several terms in this office. This conttest was close .1369 to 1120, the race going to a young man who had offered him self for office for the first time. ' U. S. Senate Race J. W. Bailey, present U. S. Senator, won over his opponent, Richard T. Fountains former lieutenant-governor of the state. Re publican candidates voted on in the primary were Sam J. Morris who won over Stoner W. Klutz. All these nominations are now subject to the vote in the general election in November when the duly nominated Republican candi dates and the Democratic candi dates will be voted upon by these parties. There were only ton absentee ballots cast by voters who are in military service; Franklin, 6; Elli jay 3 and Smith Bridge, 1. , You either learn from experiences or never recover from them. Official U. S. Treasury War Bond Quotas for June v,r5SiV imrt,tmm '111.500 ,M, lmniiiiS j TlAVii!iilT4M ; ( j wSSkfr1 Y: WUmnnum IWvVl uMOr.200 AiiiranJtfirvC- uW ,, V?A I.MlllC'X-S V NATIONAL ICUD QUOTA The above map of the country shows the War Bond Quota by states for the month of Jane totalling 1810,000, 000. Everybody every pay day Is expected to Invest at least ten per cent of his Income In War Bonds to sid In financing America's offensive against the Axis powers. The ultimate quota for the nation will be on a basis of one billion dollars per month effective In July. This sum is necessary to provide for all-out production of planes, guns, ships and munitions adequate to arm our fighting men with the tools necessary to win the war. Scientists say that a good grade of rubber can be made frbm dan delioas. If this be true, a rubber factory on our front lawn this spring can solve the tire shortage. War Bond Sales For May Nearly Treble County Quota Chm. Cabe Reports Sales At Franklin And Highlands War Bonds sold through the Franklin and Highlands banks and postoffices during the month of May have almost trebled the quota set for Macon counity, as reported by Henry W. Cabe, chairman of the War Bond drive. Mr. Cabe states that the total amount sold through the post office to be approximately $2,000, which added to the amount sold by the Bank of Franklin amounted to $21,818.75. George Anderson, chairman for Highlands reported $10,000 in round numbers to be the amount sold by the Highlands bank and postof- fice. This total for the cotinty amounts to $31,181.75. which -ixceeds the quota of $11,700 by$MCU8.75. This represents all "E", "F" and "G" bonds. Mr. Cabe expresses his appre ciation as chairman for the co operation and response of all who assisted in the pledge campaign and all who have purchased bonds. In terms of supplies for the men at the front in this war, the peo ple of Macon have made this token of their support of the war effort in terms of their work and their dollars. Mr. Cabe also stated that the town of Highlands deserved special recognition for the wholehearted response which has been made by the community. Newsmen Carl Goerch and Bob Erwin Visit Franklin Carl Goerch, editor of "The State", a weekly magazine publish ed in Raleigh, and Robert A. Erwin, North Carolina journa list now living in Washington and writing a weekly column, "On The Tar Heel Front In Washington", were Visitors in Franklin lasi week. These live newspapermen came to find out more about us, to look at our scenery and breathe our air. However, they were not solely on pleasure berut. Trey were here on business-the business of telliing, in snappy manner, what they find here which may be of interest to their thousands of readers. Mr. Goerch was looking for high lights of Macon history and local color with which to embellish an article which he intends to publish in his magazine at an early date. Mr. Erwin arranged to have his columns or parts of interest to this section, covering especially the do ings of the official family of Tar Heelia in Washington, to appear in this newspaper. This week we are introducing "Or The Tar Heel Front," or as much as we have space to print this news ' column which comes every week. COf c. Members Have Responded Liberally To Support Of Activities To AAA Farmers About Phosphate One car of AAA phosphate has been received this week and will be delivered to the first farmers who call for it How Macon County Voted in Democratic Primary L CANDIDATES g g WjS M ; Bj 5 FOR U. S. SENATE Bailey 137 108 Fountain 29 30 FOR STATE SENATOR Penland 62 Whitaker 53 41 FOR SOLICITOR John M. Queen 53 53 Baxter Jones 115 82 FOR SHERIFF A. B. Slagle 49 46 Fred D. Cabe 119 101 FOR CLERK COURT Harley R Cabe 80 98 Frank I Murray 76 42 FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS C. Tom Bryson t 57 144 Lake V. Shope 110 14 FOR CHM. COMMISSIONERS Gus Leach 109 96 J. B. Elmore 5 23 FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION C. G. Moore 105 69 Gene Crawford 68 63 Mrs. Jim S. Gray 37 49 Lee Mason 76 33 Frank Browning 107 58 J. E. Cabe 78 53 E. B. Byrd 91 S3 ;. R. PbilUpf 7i 62 V bo Jg u te C5 E I 6 o I 18 134 11 32 12 6 70 78 10 130 18 32 16 103 15 57 23 121 5 44 26 124 6 37 19 115 3 39 19 153 144 3 11 31 8 126 105 10 100 50 19 183 61 6 93 111 15 118 127 9 88 46 24 209 110 0 56 61 13-54 40 12 227 138 11 169 8 90 97 60 3 5 7 4 6 4 96 36 73 45 100 112 10 111 4 135 8 150 78 7 96 128 9 128 70 6 53 12 116 15 210 11 124 6 140 38 96 61 70 $7 40 10 14 44 38 38 65 14 40 36 49 31 44 10 39 28 0 33 37 37 10 21 41 5 9 29 20 27 43 4 39 6 22 24 18 23 20 24 13 17 28 28 12 17 bo .5 J .S o 3 slap ffl O fa H 45 168 721 1,788 8 51 223 549 28 86 476 1,092 22 105 433 971 33 93 606 1,299 20 132 441 1.115 25 120 654 1,451 28 100 399 980 31 67 571 1,413 21 159 470 976 21 102 470 1,120 34 129 607 1,369 21 75 720 1,494 26 146 250 729 34 126 706 1,434 21 83 446 1,005 3f 53 441 911 20 162 261 748 41 103 561 1.265 31 80 564 1,273 38 125 625 1,280 28 76 608 1,257 Renewals and new memberships are included in the following list of citizems and, business establish ments who have subscribed to the support of the Chamber of Com merce for this .season. The mem bership committee has been en couraged by the liberal response of voluntary assessments which have been assumed by the present membership. Individuals interested in thiscom inur..ity effort and ttau who m profit through its activities are re quested to call at the information booth and become members. The larger the membership, the more useful can the chamber of com merce be to the town and county. The Board of Directors aflid the secretary, Lee Guffey, invite addi tional memberships so that service may be extended. List Of Members Towm of Franklin, Riverside Inn (Mrs, W. ' H. Sellers), Zickgraf Hardwood Co., Farmers Federation, Cagle's Cafe, Better Beer Co., Ray Grocery and Feed Co., Bamk of Franklin, City Market (E. W. Long), Bryant Furniture Co., Build ing & Loan Ass'n., Stewarts Esso Stations Perry's Drug Store, Angel's Drug Store, Roy F. Cunningham Store, Dixie Store, Swafford's Market, Franklin Hardware Co., Duncan Motor Co., E. K. Cunning ham & Co., Sanders 5 & 10 Store, Sanders' Store, Macon County Sup ply Co., Nantahala Power & Light Co., Western Carolina Telephone Co., Henry West Grocer, Baldwin & Liroer, S. & L. Store, Macon Theatre, Kelly's Tea Room, The Tavern, Dixie Hall, Munday Hotel, Pool Room, Potts Cafe, Jones and Jones, Joseph Ashear, Addkngton Dairy, J. B. Pendergrass, C. L. Pendergrass, Frances Shop, Frank lin Terrace, Franklin Lodge and Golf Course. M. Blumerothal, Pearl's Beauty Shop, Paul Carpenter, Dr. J, L. West, Dr. F. M. Killian, Dr. Furr, J. H. Stockton, T. W. Porter, E. J. Whitmire, G. Zickgraf, Ray Swan son, T. Walker, C. Martin, Coca Cob Bottling Co., Nehi Bot tling Co., Lee Woods, John Ed wards, Love Lady Music Co., Glen Holt, Sylva Laundry, Dr. Edgar Angel, Macon Furniture Co., Dil lard & Co., Sinclair Filling Station, Mashburn & English, Morgan Bros., Hotel Bryson, Grover Jamison Panorama Courts, Harley R. Cabe, C Tom Bryson, The Franklin Press, Reeves Hardware Co., Nan tahaka Creamery, Mrs. John B. Henry, Mrs. G. G. Watkins. Home Canning Sugar To Be Rationed Monday. June 15 USO Campaign Committee Will Report Friday Night John Archer, secretary of the Macon county committee of the Unitel Service Organization, said today that so far as could be de termined, the USO drive is pro ceeding successfully. The first meeting was held May 22 for the purpose of organizing the drive, and plans have beein made for a meeting on Friday night, June 5, when all of the workers are i expected to report their results to the committee. From all indications the responses have beera encouraging. J. E. S. Thorpe, chairman of USO of the county, has appointed the following workers : Mrs. C. N. Dowdle, Mrs. John Archer, the Rev. J. L. Stokes, the Rev. Hubert Wardlaw, Mrs. Her bert E. Church, Mrs. Lester S. Conley, Benny McGlamery, Clyde Gailey, Robert R. Gaines, Mrs. Richard S. Jones, Mrs. James A. Suttors, Mrs. Dan Bryson, Mrs. C. D. Baird, Jr., and E. J. Whitmire, for Franklin. Wilton H. Cobb and Frank B. Cook, Highlands ; Mrs. Henry Slagle Cartoogechaye ; Wiley Clark, Cul lasaja; Miss Nora Moody, Iotla; W. W. Sloan, Nantahala, and Clyde West, West's Mill. Wins Wings nSeLP' Lieut. James D. Patton, son of R. A. Patton. who was recently graduated as a flying officer at Randolph Field, Texas, in the larg- :st class of fighter flyers to tream fourth to every continent under the sun." Men In Service Mr. Ralph Morgan Joins Force At Perry's Store . Mr. Ralph Morgan, brother of the Rev. A. Rufus Morgans has accepted a position as pharmacist with Perry's Drug Store. Mr. Morgan has; been a registered Pharmacist for a number of years, and has held a responsfcle posi tions in Spruce Pine, N. C, and elsewhere. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McGuire in Charlotte, April 22, a daughter, Elisabeth. Pvt. R. S. Sloans who has been tationed at Camp Wheeler, Ga. since his enlistment, has been trans ferred to the officer's training school at Fort Bragg. He is with the 9th Division, 39th Irafantary. Allen Ordwav of the Medical Corps, U. S. Navy, who has been spending a ten-.day furlough with his narents. has returned to the Naval Supply Depot, Brooklyn. Pvt. Robert Hawks, Jr., son of Mrs. Jane Hawks, of Aguose, N. C, is at the Training Center, Ft: Knox, Ky., where upon graduation he will go into the Armed Forces to become a Technical specialist. W. W. Wilkie, A. M. M., Caba- ness Field, Corpus Christi, Texas, has recently been advanced to a higher rating as mechanic in the Air Corps. Jesse McCracken, son of Mrs. Lula McCracken of Holly Springs last week joined the Armed forces. Pvt. Grady Carver who has been stationed in Florida for several months, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Carver of Holly Springs with his bride. Pvt. Howorl E. Barnarl, who has been stationed at the Barrage Bal loon Center, Camp Tyson, Tenn., has been transferred to Haw thorne, Calif. Mack Setser of Marine Barracks, Parris Island, S. C.,- spent last week with his family here. Willard B. Sanders, son of Mrs. Marion Sanders of Route 2, is now stationed in Trinidad, B. W. I. Gus G. Baldwin, of" tJle firm BalKvin & Liner, who is stationed at Fort Cutter, Mich., in a tank Registration Will Again Be Handled By School Teachers of County Registration for sugar for home canning will be reld on Monday, June 15, 1942, at the following lo cations: Courthouse, Franklin ; lotla school, Union school, Maple Springs school, Otto school, West's Mill school, Oak Grove school, Higdon ville school, Pine Grove school, Holly Springs school, Watauga school, Burningtown school, Oak Dale school, Slagle .school, Allison Watts school, Gold Mine school, Highlands school, Scaly school. The hours of registration will be from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., Eastern War Time. Registration will be held on one day only. Persons failing to regis ter on June 15 will not receive home canning sugar, as no further registration will be permitted until after August 1, 1942. One person and only one person will be perriiitted to register for each famjly unit. War Ration books for each mem ber of the family must be pre sented at time of registration. It will be necessary tor each ap plicant to furnish accurate infor mation as to number of quarts of fruit canned by the family unit during the year 1941. If you have not been issued War Ration Books, the OPA urges you to register June 15 for your home canning sugar. Dr. W. E. Furr, chairman of the rationing board, states that all will be given due consideration, impar tially within the regulations issued by OPA. Teacher To Be Registrar The following letter has been issued to all teachers of the county: To All Teachers of Macon County Schools : . Registration for sugar for home canning andj.preserving will be held on Monday. June 15, 1942. The teachers have been request ed by the Office of Price Admin istration to handle this registra tion as they have handled previous ones. In order, therefore, that we may go over the instructions and ac quaint ourselves with the regula tions, 1 am asking each teacher to meet with me at the Courthouse on Friday morning, June 12, at 10 a. m., a,t which place and time full instructions, as well as all nec essary forms, will be delivered. We will also discuss the location at which you will serve on registra tion day. Please do not let anything inter fere with your presence at this meeting. Yours truly, G. L. Houk Supt. Macon County Schools June 3, 1942 All-Stars Win , Over Murphy In Game at Hayesville The Franklin All-Stars went into a tie for first place in the Smoky Mountain baseball league Sunday by taking both ends of a twin-bill from Murphy 9-8 and 3-1. Murphy was all set to celebrate a victory in the first game when tbey tallied twice in the last inn ing to put them two runs ahead, but the All-Stars salvaged two runs in their half to tie it up and then went on to score the de ciding run in the extra inning. "Curve Ball" Buie won his ' third game with no losses for the sea son. In the second game, "Little Phil" McCollum chunked em past the parade of Murphy batters to the tune of four hits, anl then slapped out a triple with the basses load ed to win his own game. "Georgia" Elliott punched out three for six to pace all the All Stars, while Crawford led Murphy's attack with three for seven. Franklin goes to Hayesville Sun day for a double-header. LEAGUE STANDING Won Lost Ave. Franklin 4 2 666 Murphy 4 2 666 Bryson City 3 3 500 Hayesville 1 5 166 destruction battallion, is now at home on a short furlough. Lieut. Louis Manning, who left here a few weeks ago to enter the service, is now at Harvard Uni versity where he is taking a spe cial three months course in radio and electronics.