w PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LVII, NO. 24 FRANKLIN, N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1942 $1.50 PER YEAR Subscription Campaign WUl Begin Next Week Fr ranklin Territory To Be Covered By Group Ut Young People Tlie Frart4clin Press anil The Highlands Maconian will begin a campaign to increase its circula tion in the town of Franklin and the immediate vicinity next wee :k. Five of Franklin's most capabl young people just out of school will divide the town into five tcr- ritories and will visit subscribers and non-subscribers. They are Vir ginia Bryant, Cell Bryant, Marian Carr, Betty Horsley and Lane Porter. Many new people have moved in to the community during the pasi year whom the xjaper would like to welcome as new subscribers. Now that -Macon county men are leaving in increasing .numbers to join the armed forces, and both men and women are leaving home for war production jobs, the county newspaper has an .increasingly im portant task las the only medium through which scattered families and friends may keep in touch. This The Press wishes to do for those at home and Macon citizens .scattered all over the world. The paper is already going to practic ally every state in the Unio.n and to many foreign countries. Mail to men in foreign service is sent either to New York or San Fran scisco, and forwarded. A large number of newsirapers, weeklies and dailies', have already raised their subscription rates.-This paper hopes to be able to cafeJ-y on with out increasing ilA ytfy rate oi $1.50 and 90 cn$fot ilpen in the service. ' The young people doing this work will 'receive a commission for their wor "aitd VilL ahjdV receive a V3r 6&iiftamps after If .oove certain quotas. The element of a CQaJgtfc alMftCagJ their worK ana aaa zesi iu wen success. The grand prize for the greatest number of subscriptions and renewals obtained will be a $25.00 War Bond. Dr. Killian Joins Army Dr. Frank Killian, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, lias been commissioned captain in the Army Air Corps, and called into active service. He has already left to take up his duties at Morris Air Field, Charlotte. However, Dr. Killian's office will be open for a month, it is announced, with his secretary, Mrs. Fred Grant, in charge. After that anyone may communicate with Mrs. Killian, who will remain at their home in Franklin. teir Home in rinuium. pl. !-.. !, k'.llinn from practice here, where he served ,not only this viciuity, but neighboring communities as a specialist, in his .1 lit". liJ-" Ui -I-' m.. I field will do mucli to mane me llu ' ' . . I people realize the losses tney must 2 i t", ..... mi i cr war De prcpaitu l'j ,..- conditions. There is , no doctor hear- er than Waynesville who has equip- . . ment for the specialized practice to (rM, -Vf ear nose and throat. The riennle realized they were fortunate to have so etole a pnysician vu their midst, and his absence win oe v.: :.J t,ic general UT. ivilldll itv.vi.vv. ..... c. i l ,,i,Uvillc Kv. H CU L . 31. . , I College of Mcdicineand post grtio- - mm . I uate work in New York ; first com ing to Franklin as house physician at Angel hospital in 1932. He mar ried Miss Sallie May Taylor of Kentucky, who was laboratory tech nician at Angel hospital. For a while he practised it Hayesville. his home, where his father is a physician, and Kainhaw Springs. Later, he pursued his studies as a specialist at Tulanc University Medical college, New Orleans re turning to Franklin in 1937 and establishing his office. Mbt Cora Kimsey Pate On Cartoogechaye Miss Cora E. Kimsey, 72, died at her home on Uiper Cartoo gechaye early Sunday morning. She had been ill for 12 years but her condition did .not become crit ical mtil a week ago The daugh ter of the fate Dr. Calloway and Harriet Ledford Kimsey, she was a We long resident of Macon county. Sht Ms a member of the Maiden Chapel Methodist church. Surv iving'her includes a sister, Miss Laura Kimsey. Funeral services were held at the t Maiden Chanel Mtthodis church at 10:30 o'clock with the Rer. J. C Swaim pastor in charge. Burial was in the church cemetery. Men Leave Middle of June To Enter Military Service Orders to renort have been mail- ed to the men who will leave for induction into military service e about the middle of Jure. lney .are Rucene Henrv Williams, who will be inducted from a board in Cali fornia, Harvey Richard LaBoone, a volunteer. James Ivan Roland, Melvern James, William Weimar Sloan, Dock Bates, Leone! Elmore Mead ows, Lawrence McDowell Pattott, Frwin William Patton, George Harold Dalryrnple, Harold Colum bus Cabc, Lester Nevile Kamey, Elmer Rich Williamsan, Daniel Sylvester Vinson, Raleigh Lee Shook Herbert Edwin Wright, Charles Henry Jones, Arthur How ard Cross. Elmer William Talley, Jesse Lewis Leather wood, Wade Hampton Childers, Fred Donald Dalton, Leslie LeRoy Johason, Bert Mozeley Hall, Ellis Floyd Y.otince, Carlyle Shepard, Reuben Hemrv Callahan. Vester Anderson, Leslie Arthur Reese, Elisha Mar ion Fox, Marshall Wilsom Donald son, Glen Thomas Smith, Kelly Edward Houston, Basil Medrith Peek, J, B. McCall. Harold Eugene Enloe, who was to have gone in this call, volun teered and left on Sunday, June 7. With him was Charlie Wymer Slagle, who also volunteered and has been accepted in the Army. Kalnh Woodrow Cunningham and Clyde Patterson, who were trans ferred from other boards will leave with this group. FRANKLIN WINS ELLIOT STARS All-Stars Take Loop Lead To Make lop In League The Franklin All-Stars won ilw.ir third and fourth straight games Sunday and are now perched an top of the Smoky Mountain l.oauue as a result ot their double win over Hayesville by the score of 3-2 ahl 10-3, while Murphy and Bryson City were splitting a twir.. biill at iBryson City. George "Iron Horse" Elliott hitt ing in his 8th straight game, wa easily the star of the game. The lugging ceutcrfielder drove in tne --. , Uvm.nini? run in the 11th Mining ot ... a the first game by slapping a liner over second base, and than hit a single and a triple in the .second game 10 ioau u.c . ... .,, ft u .1.1.. ... , ..l, t,,c ... over 11 innings and struck out U men in the first game. T i ......... , 1 1 1 1 , . ii rf- Hall in me c.uu &., "-- Buie won his fourth .straight game with ,no loss for the season, by Keeping iivc hi- am sinning jui m Snn.lav for a twin-bill with Mur j nliv Moguls and will then play at . w - J jioinc ior me ucm w j- . I . I ..... 1 ,.1 .Ml 1 V i i r nv is in M.A..Mm wvv, v..... one game behind Franklin, and the All-Stars will have to win at least one game to stay on top. Box Score - 1st game Franklin 100 OtX) 000 11 3 6 2 Murphy 010 000 000 10 2 0 1 2nd game- Kranklin 010 W Murphy 003 0000 League Stonding- W L FmaUin 6 2 Murphy 5 3 Bryson City 4 4 Hayesville 1 7 10 7 1 3 5 4 A 750 625 500 125 Dr. Stokes On Vacation No Morning Services Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Stokes acd small son have left for a two weeks' vacation. Dr. Stokes stated before leaving that there would be no morning services at the Kranklin Methodist church on Sun day 14 and 21. He expressed the wish that members of his congre gation worsrip at other churches during his absence. Rummage Sale By Methodist Class F. S. Johnston Bible Gass will VinM a rummaee sale on Saturday June 13, in front of the old bank Picture Story LIBERTYgJkoR DEATH D0NT TREAD , PRE-INDEPENDENCE FLAGS Depicted above are banners carried by American patriots when they first took up arms in 1775. At the left is the blue flag: with its white crescent which was nailed to the staff at Fort Moultrie by Sergeant Jasper. In the center is the Rattlesnake Flag of the Virginia minute men at Culpeper. At the right is one of the New England pine tree flags. THE FIRST STARS AMD STUPES This is the first Stars and J Stripes. The Continental Con gress on June 14, 1777, resolved: ("That the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, red and white; that the Union be thirteen stars, ! white in a blue field, representing a new constellation." According to legend the five-pointed stars were designed by Mrs. Betsy Ross. Flag Day To Be In U. S. A. Sunday. June 14 Bill Moore Appeals To All To Display The Flag Flair Dav will be celebrated through the nation this year with special patriotic exercises. It has been announced that President Roosevelt will address the nation in a fireside talk during the day. The oeonle of Franklin have not been in the habit of displaying the flag at their homes and places of business but indications are that the custom is growing. Last year the mcnev raised for the Fourth of July celebration, which has al ways been a big evemt for the town and countv. was sutticient to erect a flag pole on the Confeder ate square and to buy a flag. The Boy Scouts have been requested to raise and lower tms nag eacn dnv. now that the country is at war, instead of flying it only on special days. Kver since the lans attacked Pearl Harbor, our townsman, Bill USO BENEFIT BUNCO PARTY Will Be Given At Kelly's Inn Next Saturday Evening V hnnco nartv has been announc ed for the benefit of the Macon cour..ty qrota for the United Serv ice Organization by the committee i i T . I, A rC in charge, -Mrs. ian diju, W S lones and Airs. H. E. Church. It will be held at Kelly's Ian on. Saturday evening, June 13. Prizes of Defense stamps will be given for two door prizes and a third door prize will be a suOscnption to The Franklin Press ana me Highlands Maconian. Other defense stamp prizes will be given for the high and low scores. Hie hckcis ,..;tt lw rents. Punch and cookies will be served, and the public is cordially invited to attend. On the following Saturday eve- Lnins, June 20, a USO, Benefit bridge party has Deen arrangeu iu he oiven at Kellv's Inn also. There will be prizes and refreshments. All prizes for both attairs are At a dinner erven to the USO workers, by the chairman, J. t. Thorpe, last Friday evenings jonn Vrriwr treasurer, reoorted that -090.16 had been raised to date of the muntv's auota ot $800. Work- ore nresent at the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. John Arche Rev. Hu bert Wardlaw, Mrs. Henry siagie, Miss Amanda Slagle, Clyde Uailey. Mrs. H. E. Church, Mrs. Lester Conley, Mrs. R. S. Jones, Mrs. J. A Sutton, Benoy McQamery, Mrs. Dan Bryaon, Mrs. C D. Baird, Jr., nH F I. Whitmire of Franklin. W. W. Sloan reported from Nan- tahab, and Wilton H. Cobo, frank B. Cook and Stacy Russell repre sented the workers of Highlands. of V. S. Flag LIBERTY TREE ITJf 1 ANAPPCALTO COD ON ME nmnt stabs and stripes With the admission of Vermont and Kentucky to the Union two stars and two stripes were added to the flag following an Act of Congress in 1794. It was a flag of 15 stars and 15 stripes over Ft. McHenry that inspired Francis Scott Key to write "The Star Spangled Banner." Congress in 1818 restored the original number of strinea. I Celebrated Moore, has raised his flag outside the door of E. K. Cunningham and Company. Speaking of this Mr. Moore said, "This flag went up when the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor and it is going to fly there every day until we whip them." He spoke of the towns where every business house had the stars and .stripes waving above the door, and expressed the hope that more would adopt the custom here. "It would make the boys who are fightircg under the flag all over the world feel mighty good to know we are honoring the flag as they are," said Mr. Moore. "We ought to do everything we can do to help," he added. Next door Thad Patton has giv en his entire window for the dis play of blue priruts showing meth ods for bomb protection brought back from the Fire College by Chief Carl Tysinger, of the fire department last week. These citi zens, voiced the sentiment of many others that all should better real ize what this war will' mean be fore it ends. '- Fifth Registration On June 30 The fifth registration for Se lective Service will be held Tues day, June 30, 1942. The places of registration will probably be fewer than in the February and April registrations asthe numb er of expected registrants is estimated to be around four hundred, and these boys are young, being between the ages of 18 and 21. The places of registration and registrars will be announced at a later date. Panorama Court To Close Dining Room Due to the tire and gas situa tion the dining room at Panorama rmirt will be closed for jthc pres ent. Mr. Cagle states that his cot tages will remain open the year round. Mrs Cagle will be in charge. Mr. Cagle wili assist his brother, Gus Cagle, in the manage ment of the Cagle Cafe in Murphy. Draft Board Moves To Bank Building The offices of the Lacal Draft board will be changed from the Asher BuHdiing to the New Bank Building. This change will take nlace Friday morning, June 12, lin Fire Department, attended the C of C Plans Dinner For June 23 There will be a dinner meeting of the Franklin Chamber ot Com merce in the American Legion Hall, ait 7:30 d. m.. Tuesday. June 23. All members are urged to be nresent. This meeting will be open to the public and those who are not mem ben are invited to attend. Coweeta Experiment Station To Get $17,237 For Project Men In Service P. F. C John. W. Corbin, son of Mrs. J. J. Corbin of Higdonville, is stationed in Boston, Mass. on Coast Guard dufy with the Ma- Rrvan't MrClure. sora of Mrs. C. H. McClure, who is stationed at Camp Stewart, Ga., was home for last weekend. Austin Jacobs of the U. S. Navy has been at home on a seven day furloueh. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Jacobs of Aquone, arad has been in the service for seven months. This was his first visit home since last October. Corporal Hugh A. Johnston, son of Mrs. T. I. Tohnstoni has been amnointed to the Officers' Candi date School of the U. S. Army, and is now stationed at the Surf- side Hotel, Miami, Fla. After com pleting his training period there, he will be commissioned a second lieutenant. Two sons of Mr. A J, Mash- burn of Route 4, are in the service. Johnnie, 21, has been recently pro moted to Cortoral. He is stationed with the 614th Coast Artillery, Bat- terv C. Anti-Aircraft division, Fort Randolph, Canal Zone. His brother, Pvt. Ben Leef Mashburn, is station ed at Batterv F. 1st Coast Artil lery, Fort Sherman, Canal Zone. The two brothers enlisted the same dav. both volunteers, and arrived in Panama at the same time. P. F. C. Kenneth Cruse, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cruse, is home on a seven-day furlough. He is sta tioned at Camp Gordon, Augusta, Ga. Pvt. Tames Perry Cruse, Ken neth's brother, has finished his course in gunnery at Camp Wal lace, Texas, where he was with tne Amti-Aircraft Coast Artillery, and has been transferred to Camp nul- en, Texas. Robert L. Bvrd. son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bvrd of Franklin, has recently been promotel from Pri vate first class to th rank ot Corooral. according to an announce ment by the authorities at the Army Air Forces Proving Ground, Eglin Fifld, Fla. Corporal Byrd has been in the army since July 23, 1941. Carl Green, of the U. S. Army, stationed at Fort Bragg, is spend ing a ten day furlough at his home, at Broadway. Private Gordon Southard is lo cated at Camp Walters, Texas. Harris La Favette Sanders, en rolled in the United States Mari time Service April 25 and was transferred to the Resident Radi Scbool, Gallups Island, Boston, Mass. He is the son of Mr. ana Mrs. J. L. Sanders of Prentiss. A resident of Prentiss and a gradu ate of the Franklin high school. Rillv Sutton, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sutton, along with Cky- bourne Patton, son of Mr. ana Mrs. Carey B. Patton, and Gerald Rotrers. son of Mrs. Tom Moore, were among the 2 N. C. boys who were inducted into the Unit ed States Navy, Sunday afternoon, June 7. They were volunteers and took their oath in Asheville, and left immediately for Norfolk, Va to begin their training. James Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Porter has been trans ferred to Dayton, Ohio from Fort Dix, N. J. W. H. Mashburn left Wednes day for Befanar, N. J. Lieut. Edwin G. Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Young, Route 2, Franklin, and Lieut. Ernest A. Simmons, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Simmons, Lilling ( Con tinned on Page Six) Improvements to be Made By WPA To Employ 24 Men RALEIGH, June 8 The most important center of research in water resources conservation main tained by the United States For est Service in the eastern United States, the Coweeta experiment forest near Otto in Macon Coun ty, will be greatly improved un der a project approved today by State WPA Administrator C. C. McGinnis. The WPA project will entail an expenditure of $17,237, and it will provide employment for 24 men. The specific work to be done will be installing stream gages, water table wells, and soil pits, treating water sheds, apparatus for meas uring silts in debris basins, per forming erosion control work and providing other technical improve ments to assist the technical staff of the Appalachian Experiment Station in the operation and im provement of hydrological research facilities. A F. Weaver, Jr., WPA Dis trict Manager in Asheville, anti cipates commeniceing the project on June S. The WPA workers to be employed will be transferred front the project operating for forest fire prevention work in the same experiment forest. Bomb Exhibit By Fire Chief Tysinger In Macon Furniture Window Carl Tysinger, chief of the Frank lin Fire Department, attended the Fire College held for North Caro lina officers and members of lire departments in Asheville last week where he received his certificate on completion of the prescribed course. J. C Crisp also attended some of the classes. Mr. Tysinger brought with him an interesting blue print exhibit of types of demolition bombs used in this war. The exhibit is on display in the show windpw of the Ma con Furniture company, which Mr. Patton has kindly allowed. The ex hibit will remain until Monday, and the interest of the public is in vited by the local fire department. The blue prints show different types of bombs used, including aer ial iparachute incendiary bombs, and the effect upon the target. State iFire Marshall, Sherwood Brockwell, hi giving instruction what to do in case of a bombing raids' said that no city or town in North Carolina is safe in case bombing planes come. On account of the large hydro electric plants in this vicinity, it is foolhardy to suppose that Frank lin and other towns are not in danger, he told Mr. Tysinger. Social Security Representative'at P- O. Thursday, "June 18 A representative of the Ashe ville field office of the Social Security Board will be at the Post Office, Room 103, in Franklin, N. C. on Thursday, June 18, 1942. at 1:00 p. m. E. W. T. Wage earners who have worked in a job covered by the Social Security Act since Dectmber 31, 1936, and have attained age 65, may be eligible to file claim ior themselves, their wives, or minor children, whethtr they have an ac count number or not. Surviving relatives of deceased workers, such as widows, chldren, or parents, or if none of the above, persons who have paid funeral expenses, may be eligible to file claim. In addition, persons who have need of social security account numbers or other information per taining to the Act are invited to meet this representative at the time and place mentioned. Mrs. T. J. Johnston Appointed Librarian ' At a meeting of the Franklin Public Library executive commit tee on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Thomas J. Johnston was unani mously elected librarian, according to an announcement made after the tneetinng by the chairman, Miss Lassie Kelly. The library will be open during hoars posted every. day except San day and Monday. Mrs. Johnston began work on Wednesday, June 10.

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