THURSDAY, NOV. 26, 1M2 THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACON IAN PACE THREE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and COMINGS AND GOINGS ITEMS FOR THIS COLUMN PHONE 24 JONES-MONTGOMERY Miss Doris Montgomery and Claude Jones of West Brookfield, Mass., ' were married at Warl, Mass., November 7. The bride is the daughter of "Mr. and Mrs. Hughie Montgomery. She wore a wedding dress of blue and whtte accessories. Claude Jones, formerly of Gneiss, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Jones of Ellijay. He is an em ployee of the Perkins Machine company of West Brookfield. j. i FAMILY HOLDS REUNION The Ctisp family of Murphy and Franklin held a reunion this week, when members who lived in the West came home for visits. The first day 'was spemt in Murphy last Sunday with- the father, K. A. Crisp. The entire family then came to Franklin spending Monday with Mr. "and Mrs. J. C. Crisp and their two young daughters. L. H. Crisp, 3rd assistant engi neer in the 0. S. Transport serv ice, with .his bride from Portland, Oregon, who is on furlough, were present and are spending their honeymoon with' relatives. Miss Katherine Crisp, who made, many friends in Franklin during her residence here, came from Cali fornia to attend the reunion. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Crisp of Brysoh City, and Mrs. R. L. Manning also attended. Personal Mention Births A daughter, Linda Jean, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bur rell, on November 13 in Angel hospital. Mrs. Burrell was former ly Miss Jean Moore. A daughter, Judy Carol was born to Mr. and Mrs. Blair R. Price of Baltimore, Md., in Angel hospital on November 9. Mrs. Price was formerly Miss Maxine Higdon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Higdon of this county. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Finney of Baltimore, Md., announce the birth of a soii Jack Higdon, in Angel hospital on November 16. Mrs. Fin ney is also the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Higdon. Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Walker of Andrews, a son, Wil liam Pitt Walker, Jr., in Angel hospital on November 16. Mrs. Walker was Miss Myra Stribling. A sons Richard Candler, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mont Sut ton in Angel hospital on Novem ber 18. WHAT YOUR 10 WILL DO r - - " 1 iy the war JJdJ helo control inflation mi nd qives you a sound investment Camp Branch By MISS DELLA GRANT Miss Vertie Morgan who is stay ing at Franklin was visiting her mother, Mrs. Dora Morgan, here Sunday. Mrs. Ida Mason and family have recently moved from this section to Cartoogechaye. Amos Grant made a business trip to Franklin Saturday. He was ac companied by his sons, lack and Gene. Sam Owenby and sor.i from Kob binsville, were visiting relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer I'assmore from Fairview, were visiting at Tom Mack's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Passmore announce the birth of a daughter on Friday, November 8th. Gneiss By Mr. F. E. Mashbura Mrs. Lee Keener has bee,n dis charged from the Angel hospital where she has been treated for blood poison in her right hand. She and the two children plan to join Mr. Keener in Alexandria, Va., at an early date. Mrs. Lorenze Moses of Ellijay spent the weekend visiting rela tives in Georgia. .Miss Anna Lee Mashburn has gone to Trainirsg Center, Greenville. Arnold Wilson of Otter Creek, taught for Miss Leach during the sickness and death of her brother, Tom Leach. V. S. TVeeuuo Courtesy Konsat City Star. Misses Dewell and Ida Pauline Elliott left Monday for the NYA Training Center, where they will take the course in radio communi oations after which they will be transfe.rxed to a government center ous sr- ni: k. i . -.. ' Miss ing Evelyn Angel, who has bee at; Cecil's Business College ed Seville, has finished her cc&i, kid plans .to enter a TV A train . g school December 1. A' Miss Charlotte Conley returned 'home last Friday after a four weeks' visit to relatives and friends at Greenville, S. C. ftnrn tn Mr anrt 1 rc PMicnn 7 a -r i 1 1 : : .' - I T i-: Mr. and Mrs. Proileau Shope an nounce the birth of a daughter at their home on Franklin, route 2, on Tuesday, November 17. Farmers Misses Louise Murray and Lu cille Reece spent the weekend with their parents. They are attending the NYA training center at .New bridge. Dorothy Sloan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sloan, is to sing with the Glee Club at W. C. U. N. C. in a series, of five concerts to be given on the campus. Mrs. T. W. Angel, Jr., left Tuesday for a week's -visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Carmichael. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Tallen.t came in Sunday from Gastonia to t with, , .their daughter, Mrs, Ishmael Brooks, who was ill, but i$ much, improved. Mr. and Mrs. Tallent have been working i,n Gas tphia for the last two months "JeWell Tallent, their son is liv ip with his sister, Mrs. Brooks, ift the Leach apartment. , - In their practice aerial lessons over the Gulf of Mexico, Gunnery students at the Harlingen Army Gunnery School fire ammunition that has been dipped in lithio graphic iraki The resulting circle as the bullet passes through the tatget aids it crediting hits. A carpenter named Mr. Ml Hit the nail on the head when he Mid "The Bonds I am baying Will help 'em keep , flyin' And bomb all the Axi guys deadr A daughter, Betty Lois, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dalton at their home in the West's Mill community on Wednesday, Novem ber 11. . Now Have Chance To Get Gov't Wheat For Feed On Thursday, November 5, a daughter, Laura Blanche, was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle Smith at their home in Burningtown township. A son, Fred Ervin, Jr., was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Campbell at their home on Franklin, route 3, on Sunday, November 1. Annie- Ruth, a daughter, was born to' Mr. and Mrs. Garland Shepherd at their home on Frank lin, route 4, on October 29. On October 28, a son, Kenneth Vance, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Co-burn Hold,n at their home near Iotla Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cabe, Jr., announce the birth of a son, Jackie Wilson, at their home in the West's Mill community on Oc tober 22. A son, William Clyde, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nicholson at their home on Cartoogechaye on Tuesday, October 22. Henry Everett, a son, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lafayette Cabe at their home in Franklin township on October 21. A son, Roger, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harlie Jones of Flats, on November 7. Mr. and Mrs. U. C. Owens of Cullasaja announce the birth of a daughter at Angel Clinic November 20. - Born to, Mr. and Mrs. -Robert Patterson of Prentiss a son on November 22, at Angel Clinic. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Henderson announce the birth of a son, at Angel hospital, November 19. Honor Roll Of Otto School Honor Roll for the third month of the Otto school is as follows: First Grade: James Buchanan, Doyal Henson, Bruce Taylor, Jean ette Cabe. Second Grade: Howard Carpen ter, Jimmie Norton, Burnice Cur tis, Catherine McCall. Third Grade: Billie Kinsland, Mildred Browr Kathrine Curtis. Fourth Grade : Roy Brown, Charles Cabe, Agnes Carpenter, Dudley Conley, Harold Norton, Carl Norton, Dorothy Rogers. Fifth Grade : Beatrice Buchanan, Keneth Holt. Sixth Grade: Jewel Norton, Wil lie Kate Burrell. Seventh Grade: Marie Shope, Willie Curtis, Gyneth Henson Dorothy Cunningham, Adaline Cun ningham. Eighth Grade : Betty Jean Foster, Leneta Stiles, James Patterson, Ray Vanhoolc, Harvey Bell, and George Wiggins. FUEL OIL Nov. 30 Purchase of fuel oil without ration coupons extended to this date. This applies only to those who have not received their books. Coupons must be turned over to the dealer as soon as re ceived. About Dec. 1 (depending on lo cality) Current fuel oil heating period ends. However, coupons for this period are valid until December 13 to 19 certain mmtt. . Farrpers ' of Macon 'county .now have the opportunity of securing Governriient wheat for feed. Farm ers who will feed wheat to live stock and poultry will make a valuable contribution to the war effort. Wheat is a good feed crop and the; Government is making it available at a price which makes it economical for farmers to feed. Wheat has slightly more feed value than corn and at the present price it is cheaper feed than corn. Since meat, poultry and dairy products are the farm commodities most needed, farmers make a double ef fective contribution to the war pro gram when they use this surplus wheat to produce greater amounts of these products. Farmers who are now selling whole milk to help i,n the war ef fort should take advantage of this opportunity so that an increased milk flow may be secured. A suggested dairy ration for milk production would be, crushed corn 200 pounds, coarsely ground; wheat 200 pounds, cotton meal 100 pounds, salt. 5 pounds. This ration feed with good hay should pro duce milk at a very low cost. The present price for this wheat is one dollar per bushel. This price may advance slightly. Orders for this wheat must be placed at the county agent's office. The money for the wheat will Macon Boys Enter NYA Training Seven Macon county boys left Franklin Monday morning to enter the NYA training center at Wil mington; Victor Catway, Franklin; Wayne VanHook, Route 2; Rufus C. Ray, Route 2; Roy Mack Cabe, Prentiss ; Warren J. Ellar, James D. Younce, and Eugene R. Conce of Aquome. Many more boys and girls are urgently needed by war industries. Tuesday, December 1, a special bus will leave Asheville for Scot land Neck. This is for girls only and a supervisor will travel with them. The training offered is in aircraft woodworking. Those who successfully complete the course will be transferred to the raew aircraft plant at Burlington. Girls from Macon county will leave Franklin an the noon bus Mon day. They will be guests at the Asheville NYA center Uratil Tues day morning. Mrs. Ordway will be at the Agri cultural Building Mondays, Tues days and Saturdays, 10 to 2, to re ceive applications from both boys and girls for admission to any one of the ten training centers in Northt Carolina. The only expense borne by the trainee is the fare from Franklin to Asheville. Mrs. Margaret Ordway, super visor of the Maco,n division of the NYA, was in this section last Thursday soliciting new members for the National Defense Program. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gran made a business trip to Murphy last Saturday. be accepted with the order. Each farmer must furnish his own sacks. This wheat can be used only for feed. ' Farmers desiring feed for hogs, cattle or poultry should take ad vantage of this opportunity. i GLIDDEN REFLECT-O-LITE 3 i t m i SOYA PROTEIN PASTE PAINT Enough To Paint Average Size Room For Only 1 Gal. Paste Make Tfc O 9 K m! GAL. I 4 i 1ft Gal. of Paint QUART .70 eUmok 1Uu Ch Vol e No after odor - ma in " Oriw to touch Umfty cvn "- Woat iwb off o hxX, - no brush m. n rmm Mint quietly - rMOy to bnnh . h faw Oaaat qwduy I Gom m Sko Goom Grmm-- GewMiwwor 0O tiled FRANKLIN HARDWARE CO. TM MTTm WALL WISH Burningtown By MARGIE DUVALL We are sorry to report that Bobby Welch "suffered a broken arm caused by a fall from the Burningtown bridge. Collidge Morgan of Tellico was visiting in this section Sunday. A box supper will be held at the Burnimgtown school house, Sat urday night, November 28. The public is invited to attend. Bene fits will go to Baptist church. Mrs. H. G. Duvall visited her mother in Topton Sunday. We are glad to report that Miss Lois Srnith is home from Greenville. Jim Hughey, Bob Gaines, Grady Duvall and Judge Mooney are get ting ready for a deer hunit in Pisgah Forest. We are sure that the rationing of meat will not in terfere with us Macon county peo ple when they return home. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Amnions spent the weekend with their son Harrison, who is recovering from double pneumonia in an Army hos pital in Georgia, Harrison, before education, was one of Ellijay's leading farmers. He had a splendid crop in which his homefolks har vested for him. Thus doing their bit, for they also had their own farm work to carry on. Miss Lucy Mashburn is home after completing her sophmorc year at R. G. N. C, Rabun Gap. Ga. Did- you read the account of this school in last week's "Time"? Ray X. Moses of Flats made a business trip to Asheville this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Higdon of North Brookfield, Mass., have been spending their vacation with relatives in Macon county. Mrs. Higdon works in a dressmakers shop. Mr. Higdon is ar. employee of the Perkins Machine Shop in Massachusetts. George Moses is now at his home on Ellijay convalscing from sore throa.t, after many days spent in Angel hospital.- Mr. arid Mrs. Erskirc Wiley and two small sons, and Mr. Wil ey's parents, all of Highlands, were shopping in Franklin recent ly. The Messrs. Wiley are car penters on a defer.fse job in South Carolina. The Indian summer period for the past few days has been a real blessing to farmers who are short of help. Greetings from Macon County ot all Macon men in Service. Every where or land, on sea; in the air God bless you is our prayer. Student Gunners at the Har lingeen Army Gunnery School have an average age between 21 and 22 years. ROAST TURKEY DINNER AND ALL THE TRIMMINGS THANKSGIVING AND OVER THE WEEK-END CAGLE'S CAFE "War-Time" Winter Service Come in for Complete Inspection ET MORE from your tires, more from your engine, more from your car, use our factory-recommended WAR-TIME WIN TER SERVICE. Complete tune up of 45 per formance points. Come in and! check how specialized "know-how" plus scientific equip ment plus inspected replacement parts can save money, get you more miles. SEE US TODAY! CITY GARAGE Roy Mashburn Phone 137 L. E. English