fnmkun f f Hi attb 0 U.S. WAR BONDS PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LVII, NO. 49 N. C. Weekly Roundup RATION BOOKS You'll have to get your sugar and -coffee ra tion coupon book, War Ration Book No. I, on or before December IS or you can't get it at all, J K. Simmons, state OPA Saod ra tion specialist, said this week. Not only ia the book necessary for the purchase of coffee, Simmons warn ad, but it must be presented to local rationing boards around the first of tie new year in order to receive War Ration Book No. Z. TAR HBL SHIRTS North Car olina's male population will soon feel the effect of war on their shirts. Reason: WPB has ordered from two to three inches taken off the length of new men's and boys' shirts made after December IS. It will also hit pajamas, because new simplification orders prohibit fancy collars and other "pretty things". WPB said the new shirt order will save enough cloth to make more than 10,000,000 new shirts and the pajama simplification will save ma terial for about 2,200,000 pairs. COMMERCIAL VEHICLES GET GAS District office managers o North Carolina's ODT offices were informed this week that temporary transport rations of gasoline will "be available to operators of trucks buses, taxis, and other commercial vehicles which have not been is sued Certificates of War Neces stty. These operators may get gas rations from their local war ra tion boards after they have applied for the certificate of war neces shy provided it has not beer, re ceived. They will receive T ra tions on a temporary basis for the amount of gasoline they estimate fhey will require through Decern er 31. The gallonage will be de ducted from the gallonage allowed (under the ODT war necessity cer Jificate later. , 60,000 block and neighborhood leaders cooperating with the Civil ian Defense nutrition committee are carrying information about vol untary meat-sharing into homes throughout North Carolina. It is the first major assignment for the thousands of Civilian. Block Lead ers in North Carolina. AJR RAID TEST The day of scheduled . blackouts in North Caroling is over except under ex traordinary ' circumstances. Hence forth drills will be under exactjy she same circumstances that real air raids would be WITHOUT WARNING. North Carolina Civil ian Defense headquarters said tMs week that from now on it's the real thing. FALSE RUMOR Rumors spread ing over North Carolina that the fjowrnment will tax farmers five dollars for each hog produced and that a "government man" will come around to take all but two hogs were branded as FALSE by the North Carolina USDA War Board this week. There's nothing to such talk. FUEL OIL-r-After December 1 you cannot buy fuel oil including kerosene without a fuel oil ration coupon, Carl Lunsfbrd, state OPA fuel oil ration officer, said this wee. Revs. Morgan, Marchman Will Preach Next Sunday At Baptist Church Here The Rev. A. Rufus Morgan of St. Agnes Episcopal eharch, will preach at the Franklin Baptist church on Sunday at the 11 o'clock service. The congregation of St. Agrws church will unite in wor ship with, the Baptist congrega tion at this time. Mr. Morgan announces that the Jloly Conirrmnion service which is Lmally held , at 11 o'clock will be 7 JO a m., at St. ' Agnes church to -able him to accept the invi tation to unite w P''1 church moraSt servke and to pre1 f them. Rev j p Marchman of Dffiard, Ga.. will prea.- th 8 ,clof evening service - he P' church. Pvts. Henry and F.'?k Rabv re cently spent a 10-day ,r1wswith their mother, Mrs. Ella - of Franklin. At present they'1- " tioned at Nashville, Teren. SEND THE PRESS AND MACON IAN AS A CHRISTMAS PRESENT COURT OPENS NET MONDAY Judge F. Don Phillip To Preside; Civil Cases Begin Dec. 14 Macon county superior court will open Monday morning, De cember 7, with the Honorable F. Dan Phillips as the presiding judge. On the criminal docket there are many cases that were continued from the last term of court, most of them involving minor offenses. The case of the State against the Collins brbthers, arrested re cently on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon with - intent to kill on the late Tom Leach, wHl be tried. A manslaughter charge against Logan Bryson in connection with a wreck on the highway on the Cashiers road beyond Highlands will be tried. The civil court .will convene on Monday, December 14, with 28 cases on the docket. BONDS CARRY LOW INTEREST Refunding of County Debt Will Save Taxpayers $9,500 Annually Macon county refunding bonds in the amount of $724,000 sold in Raleigh on November 24 will re place all outstanding bonded in debtedness of the county, Guy L. Houk, county attorney, explained yesterday. This transaction was in pursuance of. a resolution passed by the Board of County Commis sioners on October 19, for the pur pose of reducing the interest rate being paid on the old bonds. The bonds are arranged to mature over a period extending to 1967-68. Mr, Hoak, who prepared tue It nancial statcmeitt ana other legal requirements preliminary to the is suance of the mew bonds, was pres ent m Raleieh last week when the bonds were placed on sale by the Local Government Commission. The old bonds have been called and will be paid through the Central Hanover Bank of New York City. The oresent rate of interest is thereby reduced from 425 percent to an average of 3.45 percent over a period of 25 years. Mr. Houk oin.ted out that this reduction was due to the favorable condition of the market at this time and the excellent cdndition of the county's finances. This reduction will mean a sav ing of approximately $9,500 a year to the. people of Macon cowwy on interest oayments for the next 25 years, said Mr. Houk, "a sum that can mean new schools, for in stance, and -other material bene fits." In 1937 the county's outstand ing indebtedness was $815,000, all of which was in default. Under the direction of the Local tov- ernment Commission this debt was refunded at the rate of 4.75 per mit Since then the county has met each installment and reduced the debt to the sum of $724,000. The refunding plan will go mto effect on January 1, 1943. Three Boys Arretted For Stealing Gas Deputy Sheriff John Dills ar rested three boys Monday evening, November 30, for stealing gas from the Otto school bus. They were Robert Cunningham, R. E. Rey nold and Madden McConnell, all of Smith Bridge township. They waived preliminary hearing before Justice of the Peace, C. M. Setser, and will appear before this term of Superior court. R. S. JONES LEFT SUNDAY FOR POSITION IN RALEIGH R. S. Jones, who has accepted the position of assistant to the Secretary of State in Raleigh, left Franklin last Sunday to assume his new duties on December L He will make his home with his sister, Miss Laura Jones. WEIMAR JONES VISITS TOWN Weimar Jones, city editor of the Asheville Citizen, spent part of his vacation last weekend wilh his mother, Mrs. George Jones. He left for the Great Smoky Moun tains on Tuesday. FRANKLIN, N. C, THE SHOTS . S. Trmury Dept. Macon Women Make Record Sales Of Bonds And Stamps Report For Week More Than Quota For Entire Month The women of Franklin made an outstanding contribution in their sale of bonds during Women-At-War Week, November 23-28. So great was the impetus given to bond sales in that period that the value of bonds sold exceeded the quarter set for the county by the U. S. Treasury for the entire month, in Franklin was $46,975, and war stamps sold amounted to $505.25. In Highlands the total maturity value of sales was $4,344.75. This makes a grand total of $45,319.75. The county's November quota was $29,700. Mrs. W. H. Sellers led in amount of bonds sold; Mrs. J. S. Conley coming in second and third. Oth ers came close behind, all worked hard and proved their salesman ship ability, as the total results show. "Sk. Booths were kept open in the Bank of Franklin, Franklin post office, Perry's and Angel's drug stores and the post 1 office in Highlands. Mrs. John Archer as chairman organized the bond sale in Frank lin ana Mrs. W, C. Newton in Highlands. Mrs. Florence Sherrill was vice-chairman assisting Mrs. Archer with the organization of the county. Mrs. J. E. S. Thorpe and Mrs. Allan Brooks were chair men of the booths in Franklin. All her co-workers agreed that Mrs. H. H. Gnuse carried perhaps AERIAL GUNNER Roy C. Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Grant, of Nafltahala, has won his silver gunner's wings. -- Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Hurst of West's Mill have recently heard from their son, Pvt. Weaver M. Hurst who is stationed somewhere overseas. -- Pvt. George C. Gray, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S .Gray, Is stationed at GulfpoTt, Miss. His address is 631 TV S. S., Light B, Gulf port, Mil. t " Men In Service I in If II iSjBBTik4aBJ I .3k I Hr 3 aw bBJV ' I Bff THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 142 THAT HELP Courtesy Sheboyan Press, WSStljj the heaviest and most difficult job that of handling the finances keeping records and checking all bonds and stamps with the sales women on one hand and each day checking with the bank the amounts received. For doing this work efficiently she deserves spe cial mention. Besides the chairmen above men tioned, the following women sold bonds: Mrs. W. H. Sellers, Mrs. Harley Lyle, Jr., Mrs. T. W. Angel, Jr., Mrs. William Swan, Mrs. J S. Conley, Mrs. A. B. O'Mohundro, Mrs. R. S. O'Mohundro, Mrs. Tom Porter, Mrs. Gilmer Jones, Mrs. Sam Mendenhall, Mrs. I. S. Con ley, Mrs. Zeb Conley, Mrs. Emory Hunnicutt, Mrs. Carl Tysinger, Mrs. W. C. Perm, Mrs. H. E. Churfch, Mrs. John Wasilik, Jr., Mrs. J. C. Davenport, Mrs. Roy Bes hears, Mrs. Jack Sanders, Mr. W. A Rogers, Mrs. James E. Perry, Mrs. John Ray, Mrs. Alf Higdon, Mrs. Joe Setser, Mrs. Reba Tessier, Mrs. Carl Slagle, Mrs. Pearl Hunt er, Mrs. Marie Stewart, Mrs. John Bulgin, Mrs. H. H. Hirsch, Mrs. E. C. Soper, Mrs. Katherine Henry, Mrs. Fred Palmer, Mrs. Henry Slagle, Mrs. Charles Brad ley. 4-H Club Sold Stamp Members of the 4-H Clubs sell ing stamps were Myra Slagle, Ja Setser, Emma Lu. Hurst, Dorothy Houston and Jessie Lea Downs. High school girls selling stamps Saturday afternoon were Merrily Brooks and Elizabeth Wasilik. The list of women taking part in Highlands is reported by Mrs. H. G. Story ore the Highlands page. HAROLD SLOAN ORDERED TO ACTIVE DUTY Atlanta, Ga, Nov. 28. Head quarters Fourth Service Command announced the following Air Corps enlisted reservists have been order ed to active duty today: Harold Thomas Sloan, Jr., Franklin, N. C, to the Air Forces Classification Center, Nashville, Tenn, - BILL BRYANT IN MOROCCO Word has been received by Miss MayBelle Bryant that her brother, Pvt. William P. Bryant, has ar rived safely in Morocco, North Africa. He was previously station ed with the headquarters company of the Signal Corps at the Orlando Air Base, Orlando, Fla. Bill com mented in his letter on the simi larity of the 'climate in Morocco and that of central Florida, JAMES PORTER'S GLEE CLUB ON THE AIR Pfc. James Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Porter, who is with the Army Air Corps "some where in Alaska", and who is an accomplished musician, was on the air last Thanksgiving with ' a na tionwide audience over NBC. In his spare time from duties in the headquarters postal service of hi! division, he has trained, a glee club of 20 voices which gave several vocal numbers on the Aimy pro gram at 6:30, EWT. Mr. and Mrs. Porter would like, to know if any radio in this vicinity heard this program. (OwHaeii Or Faff Ma) 18-Year-Old Male Citizens To Register In December 68 MEN LEAVE NEXT MONDAY Will Go To Camp Croft For Second Physical Examination The following men have been called to leave Monday, December 7, for Camp Croft, S. C, for sec ond physical examination and pos sible induction. Volunteers: Thomas Louie Crun kit-ton, John Mark Ledbetter, Woodrow Willard Dillard, Samuel Cee Ferguson. Draftees : L. M. Johnson, James Oliver Beale, Allay Roland Peek, James Henry McKinney, Grady Montgomery Holland, Everett G. Mason, William David McClure, George Belton Waldroop, Albert Nathan Pennington, Robert Wood row Wild, John L. Angel, Ralph Monroe Henson, Joe Gleen Mead ows, John Riley Wilson, Lee Tra vis- Dryman, James Ray William son, Ed Green, Toliver Barnett Wilson, Spencer Hall Bryson, George Harvey Roper, Everette Alexander Owenby, Tracy Morris Barnard, Charles Edwin Johnson, William Hunter McGuire, Tom Lee Brown. . Robison Cruso Fouts, Homer Miller, Richard Calvin Holt, Lewis Cunningham, Luther Williams, Howard Marshall Cunningham, James Boyd Cole, Troy Forrest Justice, Clyde James Vaughn, John Joseph Whiteside, John Lewis Scroggs, James Theodore Rogers, Glenn Thomas Smith, Albert Hop kins. Robert Bell, Robert Lee Saunders, Edward Patterson, Got don Lowell Ledford, Elmas H. Hen- son, William Douglas Holser.back, Isaac Nutton Keener, Dewey Watsel Holland, Joseph Andrew Dills, J. D. Reese, Harvey Edwards, Dewey Vinson Liner, Walter James Young, Claude B. Burrell, John Harry Potts, Frank L. Crisp, John Wiley Lenoir, Claude Frank Dills, Lyman Frederick Emory, Henry Herman Wilkes, Harley West, James Austin Raby. Men transferred from other boards to go in our December 7th call: Thomas Bates from Walhalla, C. ; Edwin Thomas Stiles from Clayton, Ga.; Samuel Willard Hig don from Spencer, Mass. Soldiers' Mail ATLANTA GA., Nov. 30.-To prove that he believes letters from home are essential, Uncle Sam now says that even though a soldier is in the midst. of a combat zone he will get his mail along with other Class I supplies, such as food, medicine and other combat items, postal authorities have announced. This is the inauguration of the first large scale test of mobile postal service in the war, and will be carried out for the duration. To this purpose a complete Army organization accompanied the American Expeditionary Force to North Africa, and postal facilities were established almost as soon as landing were effected. So ef fective is this service that letters are already being received in the United States from the combat ronrs. Dean Trimble Addressed Methodist Rally Dean H. B. Trimble of Emory University, Atlanta, was the guest preacher at the Franklin Metho dist church at the morning and evening services last Sunday. The occasion was a rally of the Meth odists of Franklin, and of the churches of the Macon and Frank lin circuits. Dr. W. L. Hutchins, of Waynes viHe, district superintendent,, pre sided at both services. Revs. Philip L. Green and J. C. Swaim were also in attendance with members of their congregations, Dean Trimble brought two elo quent messages on the subject of the need for God in our lives at this time, in the morning service; and continuing this theme in the eyening with emphasis on the need of carrying the message of the Gospel to the world. The following facts are taken from the printed program of the day's services in connection with the work of the Methodist churches in Macon county: There are 24 churches with 1880 member in th county, Uit rear the rtUtd $2.00 PER YEAR Dates, Places Announced By State Hdqrs. Of Selective Service The following information has been received from State Head quarters of Selective Service: "The registration of male citi zens of the United States and other male persons, who shall have attained the eighteenth anniver sary of the day of their birth during the periods indicated below, shall take place in the United States between the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. on the days hereinafter designated for rheir registration as follows: (a) Those who were born on or after July 1, 1924, but not after August 31, 1924, shall be registered on any day during the week com mercing Friday, December 11, 1942 and ending Thursday, De cember 17, 1942; (b) Those who were born on or before September 1. 1924. but not after October 31, 1924, shall be registered on any day during the week commencing Friday, Decem ber 18, 1942, and ending Thursday, December 24, 1942; (c) Those who were born on or after November 1, 1924, but no: after December 31, 1924, shall be registered on any day during the period commencing Saturday, De cember 26, 1942, and ending Thurs day, December 31, 1942; (d) During the continuance of the present war, those who were born on'' or after January 1, 1925. shall We jgjstered on the day thev attain the eighteenth anniversary of the kjof their birth ; pro vided, that if such anniversary falls on a legal holiday, their reg istration shall take place on the day following that is not a Sun day or legal holiday." Places of registration will be posted at Local Board Office, Court House and Post Office in Franklin ard at Pojst Offices in various sections of the county and in next weeks paper. Kerosene Users Required To Register On Saturday, December 5 Every user of kerosene will be required to register for fuel oil Cation, according to an announce ment made yesterday by Dr. W. c.. turr, chairman of the rationing board. The places are Franklin high school, and the Highlands high school, and the time Saturday, December 5, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. Dr. Furr refers all readers to the "N. C. Roundup" column on this page for other important in formation and news concerning ra tioning regulations. Impoater Enjoying Hospitality Of Macon Co. Jail Macon county had the exper ience of arresting a traveling would-be swindler last week in the person of one, Lawrence Lowdermilk, who hails from Ben ton, Term., according to John Dills, deputy sheriff, in whose custody he now resides in the county jail. Mrs. Eloise G. Franks, county welfare superintendent, learned from some of the stranger's at tempted victims that Lowdermilk, impersonating a Washington rep resentative, was promising old age pension recipients and families with boys in service or about to be drafted, that he would be able to have pensions increased and boys released or not drafted, as the case may be. All this was to be accomplished for a consideration anywhere from two to five dollars, according to Mrs. Franks' infor mants. The man is being held for in vestigation on the charge of ob taining money under false pre tenses, after Sheriff A. B. Slagle checked with the FBI office h Charlotte, who advised the cul prit's return to his home in Ten nessee where he is due to appear before the draft board on De cember 11. He was reported by Mr. Dills on Wednesday as still enjoying the hospitality of Macon county, on account of having suf fered a nervous breakdown since he was put in jail. $5.30 per capita, with the giving of the congregations on the in create each year. s

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