TT PAGE SIX THE FRANKLIN PRESS AND THE HIGHLANDS MACONlAtf THURSDAY, DECEMBER Angel Hospital Trustees Elect Two New Members Excellent Financial Report By R. S. Jones, Secretary A meeting of the board of trus tees of the Angel Hospital, Inc., was held in the form of a dinner at the Kelly Tea Room, 'am Fri day evening, November 27. Two new members, Dr. J. E. Perry and John Archer, were elected to the board. Others present were the other members, A. B. Slagle, H. W. Oab.e and R. S. Jones, and members of the hospital staff. Guests of the meeting included Drs. W. A. Rogers, H. T. Horsley and J. H. Fouts. R. S. Jones, secretary to the hoard, reported oji the work done by the hospital since March 12, 1940, at. which time it became af filiated with the Duke Endow ment. Citing the accomplishments, he mentioned specifically the fol lowing : 29,000 patient days of care; the installation of a new $6,500 T-ray machirife:' the erection of an $11,000 addition: the purchase of $3,500 in mew equipment, and the purchase of a very substantia sum n! War Bonds by the hospital and its employees. , Mr. Jones also remarked on the excellent financial condition of the hospital in addition to the im provements made. In fact, he re market, "should lean times come the hospital would be able to operj ate for a period of two years without any income whatsoever . It was emphasized that the hos pital, being a non-profit institu tion, could only use any profits accumulated in the care of pa tients. Mr. Jones, who left for Raleigh on December 1, will retain his po sition as a member of the board. In appreciation of his untiring ef forts i,n behalf of the institution he was presented a War Bond by the staff. Classifications As Announced By Local Board Last Week . Local Officials Attend' Employment Meeting Held At Bryson City The meeting arranged by the Bryson City office of the U. S. Employment Service last . Friday evening at Bryson City was at tended by the following people from Franklin : Carl S. Slagle and Miss Edith Maxwell, representing Farm Security Administration ; Sam Mendenhall, farm agent; Mrs. Hel cne Fort, WPA an trs.. Eloise G. Franks,-superintendent of Pu' lie welfare. , R. T. McKeithcin, manager of .the Bryson City --office which serves four counties ir this area stated the purpose of the meeting as an effort of the office to in form the local communities of the activity of the service in relation to community problems and the war effort. Benton Bray, statistician of Ral eigh, gave facts concerrang local labor supply and Sidney F. Marsh assistant state director, discussed labor problems of the employer in essential and non-essential indus try, and how the department car,' help him. Mr. McKeithen and his assistant, John M. Bennett, are in Franklin every Monday and Tuesday, at the Agricultural building to serve this county. Gospel Singing At Asbury Church The regular first Sunday after noon singing will meet with the Asbury Metliodist church in Otto, at 1 :30 p. m., December 6. All gospel singers and persons interested in gospel singing are urgently requested to bring their choirs, quartets, etc. John M. Holt is in charge of the singing, and aH. who . enjoy hearing good gospel singing are invited. TV 99 war time Winter Service Complete Coverage 15 Performance Points Join our factory recom mended program to be ready for this first WAR-TIME WINTER. Come in and satisfy yourself our complete winterizing of 45 per formance points helps ycu get more miles from your car, your en gine, your tires. SEE US TODAY! CITY GARAGE Earl English Roy Masbbum Phone 137 Franklin, N. C The Local Board lias announced the following classifications and re classifications of registrants:. In A-l,. James Edwin Guffey, Robert Preleau Stanfield. , The following were changed from 3-A to 1-A: Charles Emmett Rop er, Don Owenby, Jess willard Pendergrass, Odae Owenby, Frank Boone Brock, Lawson Haskel Owenby, Claud Pendergrass. From 1-A to 3-B, Charles Avery Cabe, Jr. From 1-A to 3-A, Edward Charles Day, Jerdy Wilburn Pass more, Oscar Woodrow Passmore. From, 3-A to 3-B, Ward Earnest McNeal, William Corbin Hawkins. From 4-F to 1-A, eb Welch. The following were rejected at the Induction Station' and placed in 4-F: John Leonard Holbrook, Willard Richardson Pendergrass, .Fred Wilburn. Hastings, Charles William Norton, Irvin Andrew Crane, George Warrem Teem, Ros- coe Jenkins, Arnold Pendergrass, Meldrum Raymond Williamson. The following were placed in 1-C following their induction : Charles Avery Clouse, Daniel Burero Gar land, Joseph Benson Morgan, Grady Bates, Hoyt Dickey Led ford, Wilborn Boyce Hodgin, Har ry Welch, Zollie Hamilton Buch anan, C. L. Potts, Frank George Hastings, Ferd Allen DeHart, John. Alexander Bryso,n, Carl Ralph Evans, James Raleigh Norris,. Earl Nelson Seagle, Robert Hoyt Led ford, Loyd Monroe Bradley, Wood row Wilson Shook, John Marshal Jones, Gene Adams Taylor, Floyd Earl Gibbs, Crawford Doyle Bur gess, Walter Josepn Hopkins, Chletis David Casaway, Robert Olin Evanis, Victor Franks, Rob ert Garland Quilliams, Raletgh Ver.non Rowland, Orin , Wayne Day, Grady Thomas Brendle, An drew Theodore Raby, Weaver Wykle, James Gordon Cook, Wil liam Elmer Nichols, Thomas Fred rick Vinson, Willard Lon McCoy, Hayes Eugenie Crisp, Alex Leonard Dills, Joe Lawrence Henry, Dallas Rowland, George Turner McPhe.r son, Ralph Weimar Penland, Wil liam Troy Shields, John R. Allen, Charles Harold Martin, J. H. Oliv er, Clyde Leslie Chastairr, Tyle Gay' Roper, Wayne Major Mc Dowell, Ural Keil ;McConnll, James- Frank McCall, William Dewey Gunnin. Classified Advertisements WANTED Girl to do general housework. Private room in good home. Write Wylma Holland, Canton, N. C, Box $92 Tel. 2617 , : - D3 ltp FOR RENT-One five-room house with bath, hot water heater. One apartment, steam heated, furn ished or unfurnished. See W. C. Burrell at Burrell Motor Co. 029 tfn November 19, 1942 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Application is being made to His Excellency the (Sqvernor of North Carolina, for a parole in behalf of Sam Cunningham. AH persons interested are invited to forward their approval or protest. SAM CUNNINGHAM By T. D. Bryson, Jr., Attorney N19-4tc DIG- WANTED To buy one dressed hog, weight around 200 pounds; fifty fresh hams;, six heifer calves, three to six months old. Write description and price to Box 577, Highlands, N. C. FOR RENT A six-room house witH garden in the country. . t , Miss Mayberl Moody, N26 tfrt Franklin, N. C rvis. osvua i nave on nand a good supply of dry lumber for building all kinds of furniture in my shop. See me for lowest prices. J. L. Tippett. D3 ltp JUST ARRIVED Boys' and girls' plaid wool jackets, zipper and mackinaw styles ; women's and children's wool sweaters; women's and misses' all wool, silk-lined overcoats like new. Heavy wool Army blankets. Grade A men's Army shirts and work coats. Come soon, they're selling fast! ECONOMY SHOP Mra. Teaaier, Prop. At The Theatre FOR SALE Saddle and work horses. See George Hunnicutt or Phone 1303. D3 ltp FOR SALE Good shredded corn shucks, choice Timothy hay, feed oats, cotton seed meal ; dairy, chicken and hog feeds; also fresh pork and new ground corn meal. Ray Groc. & Feed Co. D3 It BICYCLE The first person reaching me with $30 gets my bicycle. It is 8 months old, has three good tires, headlight, bell, basket, lock. Call 5905 or 122. ' D3 It FOR RENT 3 Apartments, close in. One with automatic heat. See O. C. Bryant. N19 tfn WANTED Will pay good prices for corn, wheat, onions, hams, chickens and eggs. Ray Groc. & Feed Co. aD3 It WANTED Will pay cash for good used alarm clock. G rover Jamison D3 It FOR RENT One furnished bed room, steam heat. Phone 192. D3 ltp L Men In Service (Continued From Page One) -- Lieut. Louis Manning, of the Army Signal Corps, fiqrmeraly am engineer with the Nantahala Pow er and Light company, is visiting Mrs. Manning during a brief fur lough. Mrs. Manning is a teacher in the Franklin high school. He will leave on Friday for his new sta tion at Camp Murphy, Fla. -- Clayborn Pattqn of the U. S. Navy, spent the wekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carry" Pat ton. He has completed a course in radio at Auborn, Ala., and ex pects to soon be assigned to a ship as radio operator. -- Pvt. Blaine Moffitt recently spent a seven-day furlough with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Moffitt of Franklin. He had been in serv ice two years and is now stationed at Camp Forest, Term. -- Pvt. Bert Hall, son of W. G. Hall of Franklin, was home on a six- day furlough. Pvt. Hall is stationed at Fort George G. Meade, Md. Cpl. Joseph M. Dalton. son of Grady Dalton and the late Mrs. Dalton, is now stationed some where in Australia. He is the grandson of Mrs. J. J. Conley. WANTED Cars and Trucks WE ARE PAYING CASH FOR LATE MODEL CARS, PICKUPS & TRUCKS Good Tires Not Essential DUNCAN MOTOR CO. V SALES SERVICE Remember Pearl Harbor This Republic melodrama holds suspense and interest for all types of theatre-goers. It combines skill fully government released films of actual events with action material filmed for the picture with a re markable result in realism and thrill to the last shot. The setting is a Philippine Army post just before and during the Jap attack on Pearl Harbor. Three soldiers, a girl, an innkeeper, a vnnan, Japanese invasion troops and the sinkirjg of an enemy ship by an American flying a Japanese plane, all unite for a high grade entertainment. ' ' ', ' Holiday Inn An Irving Berlin musicale pro duced by Paramount with Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire, with the latter dancing with Marjorie Rey nolds and Virginia Dale assures the lure of this picture. Bing Crosby provides entertainment in the rustic inn of the play of the kind he is famous. He sings 11 of 14 songs by Irving Berlin in the production and Fred Astaire shows eight new dance routines. , Just Off Broadway Micheal Shayne tops a series of adventures, excelling most of the others in plot and humor. A social ite, a night club singer and a girl reporter figure in the trial of the socialite, while the other two dis cover a third murder in their mid night meanderings. Moonlight Masquerade . For Owl Show This is a Republia comedy-drama A mixture of business and matri mony, with a,n imposter who fig ures so as to make everything turti out all right furnishes entertain ment and suspense. The Owl show is over by 12 o'clock. CLYDE SANDERS BUYS TICK-TOCK CAFE Clyde Sanders has bought the Tick-Tock Cafe formerly operated by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Potts. The cafe will be known as Clyde's Cafe. Mr. Sanders' friends will be glad to know he is well again after a recent illness. Mrs.. E. B. McCoIIum returned Wednesday from visiting her sister, Miss Maiude Hodge, of JohnsOn City, Tenn. National Forest Timber For Sale Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, Franklin, North Carolina, up to und not later than 2:00 p. m., January 4, 1943, and opened immediately thereafter for all the live timber marked or designated for cutting, and all merchantable dead timber located on an area embracing about 1150 acres within the Lower Nantahala River Sawtimber Unit, Nar.tahala River Watershed, Macon County, Nantahala National Forest, North Carolina, estimated to be 192 M feet, more or less, of yellow poplar, (northern red oak, sugar maple, black cherry, white ash, basswood, cucumber, white oak, birch, red maple, chestnut oak, black oak, scarlet oak, buckeye, beech, but ternut, and silverbell. No bid of less than $10 per MBM for yel low poplar; $9 for northern) red oak, sugar maple, black cherry, white ash, basswood, and cucum ber; $7 for white oak; $5 for birch and red maple; $3 for chest nut oak and black oak; and $2 for scarlet oak, buckeye, butter nut, silverbell, and beech will be considered. $250 must be deposited with each bid, to be applied on the purchase price, refunded or retained in part as liquidated dam ages according to conditions of sale. The right to reject any and all bids reserved. Before bids are submitted, full information con cerning the timber, the, conditions of sale, and the submission of bids should be pbtained froin the Forest Supervisor, Franklin North Carolina. D3 2tc D17 N. P. Norton Joins Sea Bees Of Naval Service N. P. Norton returned Wednes day from the Naval Recruiting of fice in Charlotte where he was sworn in with the rank as st class seaman in the Sea Bees, and is awaiting call to active duty. He enlisted in Asheville the week be fore. i AT FIRST . fjO-V-v sign of a MmK m mm USE 666 666 TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE DROPS Give Old Hose For Parachutes The merchants of Franklin are cooperating with the Woman's .Salvage Division of Macon county in the collection of discarded hose by placing boxes and posters in their stores where worn out silk and nylon hose may be left. The public is asked to donate all worn and discarded, washed wo men's hosiery. Silk is needed for the production of gun powder bags. Nylon is reclaimed for the produc tion of parachutes. No sorting or grading of hosiery is required of -those donating. The following merchants are hosiery collection depots in Franklin : Sanders' Store. Pendergrass' Store, Joe Ashear, The Variety Store. Frances Shop, E. K. Cunningham & Company, Poliakoff, and Miss Sarah Gilders' Store in Highlands. Mrs. Florence S. Sherrill, chair man of Woman's Salvage Division, is again urging all homemakers to save waste fat, tin cans, and worn out hose for the war effort. Any one wishing further information re garding the salvaging of these ma terials are asked to contact Mrs. Sherrill at the Agricultural build ing or call telephone No. 106, The Ideal Christmas Gift That Lasts Through the Year p "urlf? You Can Send THE FRANKLIN PRESS and The Highlands Maconian To Men In The Service for LESS than HALF PRICE . 90 a Year Other Subscriptions . . ... $2.00 a Year "V- We send a Christmas card in your name to the recipient of Gift subscriptions. Semi Us This Order Form: Enclosed find $ PUaaa send Tha Franklin Praas and Tha Highland, Maoonien To (Service Man or Woman) - To (Regular Subscription) ,,,,, , t , As M U -TH A CON EATRE- WHERE WHOLESOME ENTERTAINMENT COSTS SO LITTLE WEEK DAYS-3:45 .,7:30 . 9:30 SATURDAYS Continuous 1 :00 P. M. to 12:00 Monday and Tuesday, December 7th and 8th HT.Il!Wlf:F,f.lfJi mm. M1W rM DONALD At BARRY . vv f7 ' AM ALAN CURTIS ' Wmf. MyjNZf ?J W Wednesday and Thuraday, December 9th and 10th 77 Full Address te$$M?7ai "UnilnAV" nr unni Jl mgSjmmw wMl Moririe Rynid HtVHl Virginia Dais Walter Abel Friday. Decamber Iltk "JUST OFF BROADWAY" Uoyd Nolan, Marjorie Weaver With: Alao No. 4 "Captain Midnight" Na Addra. a mmmm Saturday, October 12 til Double Feature Program Roy Rot1"". George Gabby Hay.e. In "MAN FROM CHEYENNE" And Preston Foster. Lynn EWi la "SECRET AGENT OF JAPAN" Alao Chapter 11 "Don Window of tfc. Noay- OWL SHOW Start at 10:50 Out a 12:00 Batty Kama la "MOONLIGHT MASQUERADE" COMING SOON! -SPRINGTIME IN THE OF MANHATTAN' "WHITE CARGO" )j BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS 1