Highlands Highlights MRS. a C. STORY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. H. M. Alley, Pastor 10:00 a.m. ? Sunday school. 1 1 :00 a.m. ? Sermon 6 :30 p. m.? B. T. U. 8 p. m. ? Sermon. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. T. Bridgman, Minister 10:00 a.m. ? Sflnday school and Bible classes. 11 :00 ia.m. ? Worship service and sermon. 6:30 p. m. ? Christian Young People's League. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. J. S. Higgins, Pastor 10 a. m. ? Sunday School, High lands. 10 a. m. ? 'Preaching, Norton. 11 ?*. in. ? Preaching, Cashiers. 2:0 p. m. ? Preaching, Glwville. EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION Rev. A. Rufus Morgan, Rector 10 a. m. ? Sunday School. 11 a. m. ? Service by Bishop Ciribbin. MEN LEAVE TO JOIN ARMED FORCES Carey Reece, left Sunday for Camp Croft at t er a sev.em-duy fur lough here following his induction in the navy. Others leaving at this time for Fort Bragg, were Herman Norton, som of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Norton ; Toliver Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barnette Wilson and James Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Riley Johnson. Frank McCall returned Monday to Ft. Benning, Ga., after a fur loug'h here. Arthur McCall, adopt ed son of Mr. land Mrs. Miller Henry, has also returned to his post of duty following a furlough. HIGHLANDS SUB ZERO WEATHER AND LIGHT SNOW The weekend sub-zero wte'her, accompanied by a light snow Sat urday night? was a very sudden change from the long spell of springlike weather Hightamds had been enjoying. Different sections of the community reported ther mometer readings of from six to fourteen degrees below zero Sun avis has been confined to his home for several (lays due to an axe cut in his leg which required a number of stitches at Angel hospital. Mr. Davis was preparing a place to stack a small amount of lumber at his home, when th,e 'hatchet slipped and made a deep gash above his knee. He expects soon to be back to his daily horseback riding. Miss Charlotte B. Elliott re turned Friday after spending two months in Melbourne, Fla., with her aunt, Miss Marie Huger. Miss Huger stopped over in Brevard, where she will be with a nephew for a few week*. ? After several weeks' visit with an invalid friend in Griffin, Ga., Miss Rebecaa Nail has returned to her home on East Main Street. A recent announcement of in terest here is that of the marriage of Miss Betty Jane Trice of Bir mingham, Ala., to Lupton Rain wiater of Pensacola, Ffa., and Highlands, on January 30, at th? Rainwater home in Pensacola. The February meeting of the women's missionary meeting of the Baptist church will be held at the home of Mrs. S. T. Marett on Saturfay afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Town&end will be pleased to know that Mr. Town send has recovered sufficiently to leave the hospital and thai he nmd Mrs. Townsend are now at the Atlanta Athletic CVub. Edwin Watkins of Westminister, S. C, was the weekend guest of his Uncle tand Aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cobb. ? ? State Medical Society Urge* Better Conditions For Mental Hospitals 1 GOLDSBORO, Feb. 10? Dr. Don ?!eH B. Cobb, President of the ?Medfeal Society of tfhe State of North Carolina, l?as issued the following statement with regard *o the proposed setting up of a central supervising board for hos pitals for the mentally sick: "Some months ago the committee appointed by Governor Broughton to investigate the Morgan ton State Hospital made its report, ft was found that North Carolina, who prides itself on many things, was forty-fifth among the forty-eight states in .the amount it spends for the oarc and treatment of the helpless insane. Certainly this is something of which we cannot be proud. "Acting upon .the recommenda tions of the Governor's investigat ing oommittee, a bill has been introduced in the legislature to set up a North Carolina hospitnl board of control to supervise rtie Morgantmn, Raleigh and Gildsboro Hospitals and the Cafcwell Train, ing School in Kinston. "Physicians of North Carolina endorsed the recommendations of this investigating committee and they a re in accord wifh the idera of setting up a central state sup ervising board. Success of such a central governing board depends entirely upon how it is *et up and who oon?titute? its memberi. MEETS FRENCH CHIEF ? Gen. Henri Honore Giraud, North African high commissioner, with President Roosevelt at Casablanca conference. mrs. an Sel ogden PASSES IN LOS ANGELES Elias 2J. White of La Verne? Calif., a former resident of High lands, has sent the following notice which will be of interest to many in Highlands 'amd Macon county. Mrs. Ansel R. ("Lulu") Ogden passed away in Los Angeles on the 4th day of February, 1943. Mrs. Ogden was th.e eldest of S children of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Kelsey, so inseparably connected with the early history of High lands. Of the 3 children who made their homes in the fair W.est only one, a daughter, now survives. S. T. Kelsey, Jr., died in Los Angeles 3 years ago at the age of 70. Two sons, Harlan P. Kels,ey and Dr. Harry E. Kelsey. S. T. Kelsey amd C. C; Hutch inson are remembered and honor ed founders of the town of High lands. Mr. Kelsey alome, however, stayed with us utvtil rhe scene of his sacrificial labors was an assur ed success. The sturdy pioneers of our coun try who pushed their way north and south and west built a great nation. No wilderness was too dif ficult, mo , prairie too boundless, no forest too dense and interminable for them to penetrate and subdue. We, likewise, cherish the memory of Mr. Kelsey and Mr. Hutchin son who liv.ed and dwelt among us. They were tmde of the same stuff. "The creation of this t*nrd will, in all probability, determine the administration of mental institu tions and the care of mental p.i tients in Norfh Carolina for t'he next quarter of a century. During recant yeears a marked change has occurred in the general atti tude toward mental sickness. In quite a few states laws have Keen drifted and hoards hiave been set tin in accord with the viewpoint of modern psychiatry, tt?H mental illness is a medical problem and is as susceptible to prevention, treatment and cure as human sick ness in general. "The recommendations of the Morgan ton Investigating Committee and the creation of an efficient central , board cannot accomplish all that is needed for the incar cerated and helpless mentally sick. There must also be a reawakening of official and individual state wide interest in these most unfort. imate individuals. Every effort should be made to prevent men Ml sickness and, top, to return as many of the mentally sick as. possible to a useful place in So ciety. "In the betterment of existing conditions the Medical Profession is intensely interested and it de sires to work with .the Governor in this effort to make Phe caire of mental patients something of which the State of North Carolina can be very pfoud." An 82-year-old Galesville, Wis., mechanic, with a single machine in hi* home, tums out parts for naval ordinance as a war produc tion subcontractor. "Today I met a girl who hud never been kissed." "I would like to meet her." "You're too late now." He (at the , phone) : "I want to, insert a notice- of the birth of my twins." Girl (at newspaper office) : "Will you repeat that, sir?" He: "Not if I can htlp it." National Forest Timber for Sale The National Forest Timber de scribed below will be sold by public auction to tie held at the office o general, water rations aTe identicaJ. BUY UNITED STATES WAR BONDS AND STAMPS ORDER OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Macon County. In Tba Superior Court Anne Holt Richard C. Holt . It appearing to the undersigned Clerk Superior Court of Macon County, North Carolina, from the affidavit of Anne Ho]tt tlhe plain tiff 'in the above entitled action, that the defendant cannot after due diligence be found ijn the state, and that the plaintiff has a good cause of action against the de fendant, and it fur/lier appearing that said defendant , has departed from the state with intent to de fraud his creditors and to avoid the service <*f summons: It is, therefore, ordered by the Court that notice of this action be advert ised in the* Franklin Press, a paper most likely to give notice to the deferiduJit, Rich- ? ard C. Holt,, once a week for four successive weeks, which said notice shall state the nature and purpose of the action and require the def.emdant to appear within thirty days in the office of the Clerk Superior Court of Macon County, North Carolina, and ans wer or demur to. the complaint filed vn this action. This 12th day of February, 1943. A. K. HIGDON, Clerk Superior Court. F18-4tc? Mil AIR CORPS KATE ! Has Lieut. Harry gone nuts? llo ? he's just celebrating four helpings ol Kate's newest oren triumphs ? chocolate cake, walnut cookies, made with Rumford Baking Powder. Try Rumford. Also send for new booklet, chock-full of recipes and ideas for better baking. FREE: Um Romford's Timely Rvcipe Material. Write today ? Rumford Baking Powder, Box E, Rumford, Rhode Island. "America has furnished to the world the character of Washing ?on and if Amarican institutions have done nothing else, that elone entitles them to the respect of mankind." ?Daniel Webster. c7um?/ioJI 76ma HE SERVES BEST WHO SERVES MOST PHONE 106 ? NITE PHONE 20 Fun* rala of dignified direction and xn*morabl* b*auty at pricM in Wip ing with a iamilv'a wish**. Farmers!! Repair Your Machinery Ev?ry old piece fixed up will help win the War. SAM NAVE, Machinery Expert, will be at the Franklin Ware house all day on February 19 r to help in ordering parts. Bring in old parts, so correct num bers can be taken off. BRING YOUR REPAIR TROUBLES TO SAM NAVE ! FARMERS FEDERATION