In th,e District Court of the Un ited States of America for the Western District of 5?orth Caro lina. Asheville Division. Civil No. 4 32. United States of America v. 43.54 Acres of 1-and in Macon County, North Carolina, R. S. Jones, et al. Notice of Action by Publication of Summons. To: The devisees, heirs at law or other unknown successors in title of W. B. Cruse, or W. B. Crews, or Wil liam B. Crews, Mtaor>n County, N. C., the devisees, (heirs at law or other unknown successors in title of Robert C. SJagle, Macon County, N. C., and all other per sons whomsoever who have, or claim to own any estates or in terests in the fee or otherwise in and to tfhe premises described in the petition filed in this cause and described in this notice, and any and all heirs and devisees of the several parties above named, whose names and addresses are unknown, and all and singular their heirs, husbands, wives, de visees, executors, administrators, representatives, alinees, successors and assigns, of each and every of them; and all unknown owners, lienors, or claimants, having, or claiming to have, any right, title, estate, equity, interest or lien; and all occupants, lessees, users, holders and owners of and claimants to any rights of easement or prescrip tion in, over, across, or through said lands, or any part thereof; you will please take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the District Court of the United States for the West ern District of North Carolina, at Asheville, N. C., that summons has been duly issued out of said Court, and petition filed therein asking for the condemnation of the lands described in the said petition ami hereinafter described that you, and each of you are necessary and proper parties to the just and final disposition of Chic action ; that said action has been instituted by the United States Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina, for the purpose of the appropriation and condemnation by judicial process, for the public use and benefit of the United States of America, of rhe lands described in said petition and herein below described, under and by virtue of the provisions of the Weeks Law, Act of Congress of March 1, 1911, Chap. 1#> (36 Stat. %1) Title 16, Sections 513, 521, 553, and 563 of U. S. C. A., and according to the method and procedure prescribed in tihvc Act of Congress of August 1, 1888 (25 Statutes 357 (30 U. S. C. A., Sec ?t ion 257, 258 and 258-a) ; that the hinds proposed to be condemned and appropriated by the plaintiff United States are described sub stantially as follows: Tract No. 713a, apparent and presumptive owner being K. S. Jones, contain ing according to survey 43.54 acres, situated in Macon County on the waters of White Oak Creek, a trib utary of title Nantahala River, more particularly described by metes arid bounds in the petition in this proceeding filed with the Cleric of the United States District Court at AsheviHe, Buncombe County, N. C. ; you and each of you are hereby notified to be and ttp.pear at the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, in the United States Courthouse Building at Asheville, Buncombe County, N C., not later than (10) days from and af^er the completion of service of ibis summons by publication for (4) successive weeks, and answer or demur to the petition or com plaint herein filed by the abov.e named petitioner in tlhe office of the said Qerk, and you are fur ther notified .that if you fail to apipear or demur or answer said petition or complain t within the time specified <he petitioner will apply to the Court /-> r the relief demanded in said petition ; witness die Honorable E. Y. Webb Judge of the District Court for the West ern District of North Carolina, this the 15 day of April, 1943. J. Y. Jordan, Clerk. By : O. L. McLurd, Deputy Clerki A22-4tc? M13 VARIETY MEATS AID IN WAR MENU PLANNING Kinds Li ve?!?W (beef, coif, pork, lamb) j Heart . ff. f, coif, pork, omb) 'Tongue |(b?cf. calf, la.'nb) j TripeiS* (b?ef) SweetbrecSsS* ((beef, calf, lomb) Broihs^ (beef, caffTporv lamb) Characteristics* Calf, lamb, pork livers more tender than beef. Calf and lamb liver* milder In flavor than pork and beef. Calf, lamb and pork kidneys more tender, of milder flavor thon beef. Veal and lamb kidneys sometime* cut with chop*. Beef heart i* least ten der but all hearts must be made tender by proper cooking. May be purchased pickled, corned, or?~ic?'?d. Make ten der *>y pioper cook i>-V ?o'? and lamb ! usually purchased ready *? Krve. rust omi second stom .?>? i.f beef. Plain and noneycomb, latter , p.-f?.od. Purchased fre?h, pickled or cnmed. Make tender br p'oper cooking. Divided intotwo partsi Heart ano Ihroat sweet breaJs. Tender and delicot* in flexor. Vary tenfhr and d?U cot* In flavor. Food Valu* Richest mm* of Iron. High in phosphorus, A and B vito min?, quality protein. Soma vitamin 0. Rich sourc* o I iron, phosphor us. Good sourc* vitamin A. E* c*ll*nt for B vi tamins, quality protein. Rich tourc* of iron and phot phorut. E*e*i l*nt for B vita mint and qual ity protein. Good source of iron.photphor u>, B vitamin* and quality proMn. Goodtouroof quality pra Ma Goedwuroof riboflavin (vit. Bf) and quality , I, .I - ; . pwPO. Goodaouraof iron, phosphor us, 6 vitamins and quality plO??i? 1 b*.f - 10 lb. 1 aM -*/, lb. I pork ? 3 lb. I tomb ? I lb. I bMf- I lb. 1 coif - % lb. I pork- <U lb. I Iamb ? % Ik 1 bMf- 4 lb. I coM - Yi Ik icfcjfe I M-3% lb. I calf - 1% lb. 1 porlc ? * IK. 1 lamb ? % ^ i- 7 k am ? b> *fc. This handy chart on variety meat* Is designed to assist the houaewlle In solving her wartime meat proto LAND EXCHANGE NOTICE Don Witherspoon has applied for exchange under Act of March 3, 1925' (43 Start. 1215) offering 70 acres, more or less, of land in Cherokee County, North Carolina, on waters of Beaverdam Creek, and described in Deed Book 132, [na?e 8, records of Cherokee Coun ty, North Carolina, in exchange for slumpage worth $350.00, more or less, on national forest land in Macon County, North Carolina, on watershed of Bryson and Factory Branches, being tTact No. 20-1 ac quired from Macon Lumber Com pany. Persons claiming said prop erties or having bona fide objec tions to such application must file their protests with the Regional Forester, Glenn Building, Atlanta, Georgia, within ten days after the last publication of this notice. A22-4tc? A13 NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA MACON COUNTY Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale vested in the undersign ed trustee by a deed of trust exe cuted by J. T. Cabe and wife, Daisy Cabe, dated the 14th <tay of January, 1932, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina, in Book No. 31, page 572, said deed of trust having been executed to secure certain indebtedness therein set forth, and default in the payment of said indebtedness having been made, I wiH on Wed nesday, the 12th day of May, 1943, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Franklin, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described land : A certain tract or parcel of land, situated in Smithbridge Township, Macon County. ! North Carolina, bounded on the South by 'Dave Stockton and L. K. Moffit lands and on the West by the Mcpherson heirs Celebrating the Resurrection of The Prince Of PEACE This Eester, in the throes of the moat devestating" wa# known to mankind, wa again commemorate the fteiurrec* tion of the Prince of Peace. Hit true foloweri, the weiM over, will in this sacred seeson, rededicate their Eve* ta the winning of the war and a peace that shall kfie^tjn j blessings of Jh? bw Freedwc ? ?? ll onpU/' BRYAN li c7u+uSia? 7/emu HF SERVES BEST WHO SERVES MOST PHONE 106 ? NITE PHONE 20 lema. The variety mm at* teerv lng of special mmMmUm |mM, they an hlfb In "c ji nlut ud mt land's, on the North by W. C Ledbetter's land and bounded by State Highway No. 285 on the East, containing 45 and three-iourths acres. This 12th day of Apr*. 1941 SAM J. MURRAY, Trustee. A15 ? 4tc ? M6 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sle vested in the un dersigned trustee by a deed of trust executed by George W. Tuy lor and wife, Exie G. Taylor, dated the 18th day of November, 19(01 and recorded in the office of Reg ister of Deeds for Maoon County, North Carolina, in Book No. 37, page 403, said deed of trust hav ing been executed to secure cer tain indebtedness therein set forth, and default in the payment of said indebtedness having been made, I wiB on Thursday, the 13* day of May. 1943. at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Franklin, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described tend : A tract or pared ai land, situate in Nantahala Township, Macon County, North Caro lina, and described as fotknrs: Two tracts of land, one con taming 5 acres and the other contains Id acnes, adjoining the bnds of A. F. Owenby and the Lee Owenby heirs and J. E. Wilson and others. This 13th day of A?riL 19*3. GILMER A JONES, TVostee. A15? ito-M6 NOTICE OF SUMMONS I North CuoIm. Matna Canty. tm tka ?ii|. I hi Cawt Mm B. SblaMa, W E?*ata? of J. M. Pwim aarf IwtA Dawaaaa va. Nattia Enai aW HUWl Nia ??> Eaw, Et A1 The defendant, Norman Evan*, will take notice tfmt an action entitled as above hat bean cotn me need in the Superior Court of Macon County, North Carolina, for the purpose of selling the lands of petitioner's intestates in which the defendant, Norman Evans, has an interest, and is a proper tarty thereto. It is further ?<tr?d by the Court that (he defendant, Norman Evans, to required to atppaar at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon Couaty, North Carolina, at his office in Franklin, North Carolina, on the 2flth day of April, 1943, and ans wer or demur to the petition of the petitioner, or the relief de manded in said petition will be granted. This Mill day of March, 19M. A. R. HIGDOH, Clerk Superior Court, Macon County, North Carolina. \l-4te? AJJ In Australia, tea is rationed at the rate of oat ounce every two weeks to each consumer. .It, (our 4 to 6 3 to 4 1 to J ?A to I 12 to 16 2 to 3 2 to 3 I 12 to 16 3 to 6 2to 4 2 to 3 Preparation^ BraiM, fry or broil. Stew, braise, broil or ?irind for oavn or poltiw. Broke, (tuff and brail*, ? tow or grind for foavet or pottiec. Simmer in tootonod walor until tondor. Re move ikinj ?erve at de sired. Pro-cook in water to make toad or. Then broil, fry or ? - DfXJIW. Pro-took in water to kelp keep and make firm. Broil, fry, braise or cream. Pro-cook in water to kelp keep and make firm. Then scramble, fry or cream. National Forest Timber For Sale Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, Franklin, North Carolina, up to and not later than 2 p. m., May 10, 1943, and opened immediately thereafter, for ali liv,e timber marked or designat ed v for cutting and aJl merchanta ble dead timber located on an area embracing about 135 acres within the Berry Greek Unit, Little Ten nessee River Watershed, Macon County, Nantahala National Forest, North Carolina, estimated to be 92 M feet, more <*r less, of yellow poplar, northern red oak, basswood, white as*h, white oak, black oak, chestnut oak, black birch, scarlet oak, and black walnut sawtimher. No bid of less than $12.00 per M feet for yellow j>oplar, $9.00 for northern red oak and white oak, $8.00 for basswood and white ash, $*.00 for black oak, $3.00 -for chest nut oak, birch and scarlet ctalc, and $30.00 for black walnut will be con sidered. $200 must ,acco?rvi>any each bid, to be applied on the purchase price; refunded, or retained in part as liquidated damages, according to conditions of sale. The right to reject any and .ail bids reserved. Before bids are submitted full in formation concerning the limber, the conditions of sale, and submis sion of bids should be obtained from the Forest Supervisor, Frank lin, North Carolina. A8 ? 2tc ? A22 ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Having qualified as administrator ? of Harvy A. Russell, deceased, late of Maoon county, N. C., this is to notify all persons having chums against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 20th <fafv of March, 1944, or phis (notice will be plead in bar of recovery" All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle ment. This 20th day of March, 1943. J. D. RUSSELL, M25 ? 6tp ? A29 Administrator. Food is so scaxce in Chtaa thant it is not rationed among civilians. | Brush Burners Urged To Take Care By Dep't Of Agriculture Farmers clearing kuid for new ground, or otherwise burning brush in connection with spring planting, were urged to use extreme care to prevent forest fires, Joseph C. Kircher, Regional Forester of U.S. Forest Service appealed to land owtvexs to cooperate with State and Federal Protection Agencies i? reducing the number of forest fires resulting from carelessness. According to Forest Service offi cials a large number of destruc tive forest, fires have already oc curred this spring as a result of careless brush burning. In addi tion to destroying timber, farm liomes and equipment, the smoke from these fires have slowed avia tion and artillery training pro grams. Valuable hours of man power have been lost in controll ing fires, where fire crews w,ere drawn from military camps and war industries. As a result of the seriousness of this situation F. B. I. Agents and military authorities are inves tigating a number of thes,e fires, tnd federal charges will be insti gated tmder the sabotage act. Offi cials pointed out tint the instruc tion of war vital timber or endan gering of military .establishments will be classed as sabotage where the fire results from either care lessness or malicious intent. A reasonable amount of care will eliminate these fires, Kircher, em phasized. Brush should be burned only on windless days ? stacks of brush should be kept small. Before burn ing, a fir,e line should be plowed or raked around the area burned, plenty of help with tools to con trol any spot fires should be avail able. Last, but not least, the ashes should kept wet down to pnevent sparks from blowing the ashes after the workers leave the field. AT FIRST ^ 70V? CY666 6M TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE MOPS THE 2 ?L9 WAR L0AN DRIVE IS ON! on. Lets WIN this war! rt ?? AmHIm** war. Hit would not tewmlittriaf. "Bw we woa't Iom it," you may say; liaww, brother ? in this world nothing's (art, anlaaa you make it to. Thia month it't up to ua here at home to do our part, and then some, to make Victory aurar? and quicker! To do it, we've got to had Unci* Sam 13 billion extra dollars. It iaa't easy? hot war isn't easy and Vic tory isn't cheap. It takes money? and more mooey ? to buy planes, ships, tanks, guns and a million other things our boys must have to deliver that final, paralyzing knock nt pooch. And it's a whale of a lot easier for us at home to land our money than for our boys to fight through the hardships and dangers of deserts, aw amps, jungles, ice-fields and aaUafcntd aeaa! Just think! Every extra bood jrw h?f ?? help provide the weapon! to tare the lira* ' of many American boys! Isn't that alone worth every effort, every economy you can make? You bet it is! i There are 7 types of U. S. Government securities to meet the needs of every parse. They offer the finest investment in the world ?liberal interest, plus securities guaranteed by Uncle Sam himself. A volunteer worker for the 2nd War Loan Drive may visit you soon. Welcome this unselfish patroit? and buy all the bonds you can. But don't wait for that calL Go today? to your bank, investment dealer, broker, post office or bond booth and invest to your uttermost limit. Even if it hurts, it's nothing compared to the agonizing impact of a bayonet thrust, a flesh-tearing torpedo fragment or a bone-crushing ballet. So dig deep, brother, and do it NOW! Tktrt or* 7 dtftrtn* tyfiii oj U. S. Govtrnment neurit its? choose tbt ones host suited for ymt THEY GIVE THEIR LIVES .. .YOU LEND YOUR MONEY! This Advertisement la Sponsored by Western Carolina Telephone Co.

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