Highlands Highlights MRS. H. a 3TORY Church Services 1 ^ BAPTIST CHURCH R ??. H. M. Alley, Pfitor 10:00 a.m. ? Sunday school. 1 1 :00 a.m. ? Sermon ,7: 00 p. m.? B. T. 0. 8:00 p. m. ? Sermon PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10:00 a.m. ? Sunday School. 11:20 a.m. ? Sermon. 7 :00 p. m. ? Christian Endeavor. METHODIST CHURCH R*v. J. S. Higgint, Pastor 10:00 a.m. ? Sunday school. 11:00 a.m. ? Sermon. 2:30 p.m. ? Clear Creek, Creek, preaching. EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION Rev. A. Rufut Morgan, Rector 10 a. m. ? Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.? Holy Communion and sermon by Rev Wm. Baker. Official Figures Given Third War Loan Drive The official figures at the close of the third war loan drive here show Highlands has more than doubled . its $30,000 quota, with a total of $60,050. This amount includes maturity cash sales of $4,006.80 made by the children of Highlands school during the last five days of the drive. As a reward for their splendid work In the drive, W. C Newton, principal,, gave a free matinee showing of "Bam bi" for the entire school at the theatre Tuesday afternoon. While the figures show that the purchasers were vitally In terested in doubling the $30,000 quota, much credit Is due the chairman, Charles J. Anderson, and Miss Ruth Carter, head of the woman's division, together with her able assistant, Mrs. Elliott Cazlarc, for their untir ing efforts. The thanks of the chairman and his co-workers go to the bond purchasers for their whole hearted support, as well as to all who helped with the drive. SATULAH CLUB RECEIVES MEMBERS* Ah Interesting meeting of the Satulah club was held Friday afternoon in the club rooms, with Mrs. A. C. Holt, president, presiding. One of the main items before the club was the buying of war bonds. Several new members were received into thee club, and study courses planned for the winter, under the supervision of Mrs. Annie Westbrook. PORTRAIT PAINTER AND OTHER8 PURCHASE HIGHLANDS HOMES Mr. and Mrs. Upton Ewlng of Coral Gables, Fla., are building on their lot on the ridge at the west end of Oak Street, pur chased from Mrs. Nellie Cleve land West! Mr. Ewlng Is an artist, specializing in portrait [tainting. He and Mrs. Ewlng have been spending the summer at the Potts House. Other Potts House guests who have pur chased property here this sum mer include Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Montgomery of Delray Beach, Fla., a building site on Cullasa Ja Drive; Mr. and Mrs. D. A Wooding, of Winter Park, Fla., residential property in the city limits; Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Og lesby, a cottage on Cullasaja Drive, built and formerly owned by Mr. at.4. Mrs. J. C. Blanch ard, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Munroe of 8arasota, Fla., who purchased the du Blgnon summer home on Mirror Lake. CHRISTENING SERVICES FOR ROSEMARY FLEMING Christening services for Rose mary Louise Fleming, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fleming of Hendersonvllle, were held at the Presbyterian manse in Brevard on September 27 by the Rev. Ashby Johnson, who performed the wedding cere mony of Mr. and Mrs. Fleming two years ago. Mrs. Fleming, the former Miss Virginia May Edwards, was a student at Bre vard college at that time. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Grover D. Edwards. Charles L. Roynton Paaaea In California News has been received here of the death of Charles L. Boynton, 79, at his home In Lodl, Calif., on September 13. Mr. Boynton la well remembered as one of Highlands earlier set tlers. He was associated with the lata Prof, T O. Harbison In botanical work In Western North Carolina. Mr. Boynton w u an unite of Mm Thoi 0. Hifbl m Franklin Rotarians Entertained At King's Inn Hear Special Speaker Rv A. Magulre of Orlando, Fla., was principal speaker at the Rotary luncheon at King's Inn last week when the Frank lin club was entertained by Ma yor W. H. Cobb, 8. C. Russell, R. R. King and J. Harvey Trice. Mr. Magulre compared Western North Carolina and Florida as vacation lands? the one summer, the other winter. He said that this section is the most beauti ful In the state and the most Interesting to tourists. Bureaucracy was the principal theme of Mr. Maguire's talk. He stressed the Importance of pro tecting the home front as well as the foreign front, comparing some of the present day situa tions with many of the Ideas expressed in Thomas Jefferson's statements. About fifteen club members were present for the occasion. Invited guests not members of the club were Charles C. Wood, and Frank B. Cook, of High lands and 8. A. Murray of Mi ami, Fla. ,t * Personal Mention u 4 Mrs. John A. Russell has clos ed her summer home on Mir ror Lake and left Sunday to Join Mr. Russell at their winter place In Orlando, Fla. She will stop for a short visit in Ander son, S. C., and in Atlanta. Going down with Mrs. Russell were her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Ledbetter, who had been visiting here for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright and son, Anthony, of Gaines ville, Fla., are visiting Mr. Wright's mother, Mrs. S. A. Wil soq and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wright of Greenwood were weekend guests of their mother. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walden left Tuesday for Birmingham, Ala., where they will spend the whi ter. The continued serious illness of Mr. S. T. Marett at his home here is regretted by his many friends. A niece, Mrs. Mattie Al len, of Fairplay, S. C., is spend ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. Marett. Miss Edna Phillips, eldest dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Phillips, left last week for Bre vard College, where she will be a member of the freshman class. Since her graduation from high school last spring. Miss Phillips has held a position in Highlands Drug Store. Lt. and Mrs. W. O. Soder quist of Albany, Oa., have been visiting Mrs. Sodersuist's moth er, Mrs. Guy Paul. Mr. Soder quist received his commission as second lieutenant in gradua tion exercises last week at the Southeast army air force train ing center. Turner Field, Alba ny, Oa. Dr. Lindsey Olive of the Uni versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, arrived last week to. do research work on rusts at the Weyman Memorial Lab oratory. The work is being done on a scholarship given by Miss Minnie D. Warren. Miss Grace Lusk, who has been a guest at the home of Miss Ruth Carter for the past sever al weeks, left Sunday for a short visit in Clayton with Mrs. John Deadwyler and her sister, Miss Lula Smith. Miss Lusk will also stop in Atlanta for* a visit before returning to Lakeland, Fla., for the winter. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Sar geant of Haverford College, Pa., have been spending a week here at their cottage on East Main street, enjoying the autumn col oring. They expect to return home Friday. Dr. and Mrs. Sar gent had as their weekend guest, Dr. Thelma Howell of Wesleyan College, Macon, Oa. Miss Maxlne Talley returned Tuesday from a weekend visit in Jacksonville. Fla. She accom panied Carter Talley on a trip down for his wife and two children who have been visiting Mr*. Talley's mother, In Jack sonville for the put two weeks. BUY IT- or -SELL IT through CImiiM wlumn I OUR DEMOCRACY? ? byM.t Even though you've sought and bought, KEMEMOEK. THAT OUK gOYS HAVE FOUGHT AND FOUGHT AND THEY'RE GOING TO KEEP RIGHT ON FIGHTING UNTIL THEY WIN. BACK THE/R. ATTACK W/TN EXTRA WAR BONDS TH/S MONTH. Navy Recruiter In Highlands, Oct. 8 F: O. Carver, Jr., Navy recrui ter, will be In Highlands on Fri day, October 8, lor the purpose of recruiting for the Navy. He also wishes to see 17-yearlolds, candidates for the Seabees, and women Interested in the Waves. He was in Franklin Thursday. LANDINGS ARE GETTING TOUGHER In a letter to a friend, vivid ly describing the American in vasion of Italy at Salerno, Wil liam J. Forsythe, Chief Photo grapher's Mate, U.S.C.G., said: "These amphibious landings are getting monotonous in a ghastly sort of way They're getting tougher as we go along, and don't let anybody kid you that the United ' States isn't paying a price for such places as Sicily and Salerno. Of course the radio reports and newspaper head lines sound very encouraging to the folks back home, but there's a lot of American boys getting killed but I suppose that's the price of war:" NOTICE OF SALE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY North Carolina, Macon County. Pursuant to an order of the Macon County Board of Educa tion, I will sell the following described property at the Court house door in Franklin, North Carolina, at the hour of 12:00 noon on Monday, November 8, 1943, to the highest bidder for cash: OAK GROVE SCHOOL PROPERTY TRACT NO. 1: Beginning on a white oak, the North west corner of No. 2, divis ion of John Morrison, de ceased, land ruris N 20 W 7 poles to a stake; }hen S 84 E 14 poles to a stake; then S 10 E 11 poles to a stake; . crossing the line of No. 2 at 7 poles; thence N 84 W 16 poles to a stake in the line of No. 2; thence N 11 E 4 poles to the BEGINNING: Containing 1 acre, more or less. TRACT NO. 2: THE WEST'S MILL SCHOOL PROPERTY All the land described In a deed from T. C. Bryson and wife to the Macon County Board of Education, . dated November 30, 1943, and registered in Book RR at page 430 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Caro lina, and also all the land described in a deed from H. R. Morrison and wife to the Macon County Board of Education, dated January 21, 1938, and registered in Book B-5 at page 443 In the Of fice of the Register of Deeds for Macon . County, North Carolina. A deposit of five (5%) per cent will be required of the last and highest bidder at said salt G. L. HOUK, ? Supt, of Macon Coun ty Public Schools. There U no tubitlhiu for a WAR BONO Km#