SOCIAL ACTIVITIES and COMINGS AND GOINGS PENLAND-R1CHARD Mrs. j. C. i>anu.6ion announ ces the marriage her niece, Mies Eoro'iiy Fioreid Pciiland on November 13, 1943, in the Sacred Hi art Church, Niagara, \V:SiO 1 sin, to First Lieutenant Harold Richard. The wedding was preformed by The Very Reverend K'line and the double ring ceremony was used. Mrs. Chaunc Hcckings, sister of the groom, was maid c 1 honor a> d Mr. Louis Froze ser ved as best man. The bride wore a lovely white victory wedding gown ar.d f n };er ti p veil held in 'place with orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of talisman's ri ses and baby breach. Immediately after the ceremony a reception wa? givo.v at the home of tihe groom'? parentis. Mr. and Mrs. Marce! Richard. The table was exquisite with its three tier weeding cake. It was beautiifully decorated with a mina'.ure bride and groom which was used on tSie wedding cake of the groom's parents. Immediately after the recep tion they left for Chicago, Illin ois, and Washington, D. C. Mrs. Richard is the attractive daughter of Mr. H. R. Penland and the late Mrs. Penland of Franklin. She is a graduate of the Franklin High School and the Frar.'klin Commercial school. She was employed at the Quar termaster "Depot, Charlotte. North Carolina for the eighteen months prior to her marriage. Lt. Richard was educated in the Niagara High School and the University of Wisconsin. For two yean; he has been stationed at Camp Mackall, before sailing for overseas service. Mrs. Richard is living with her at* and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Justus, Washington, D. C., and holds a responsible position with the U. S. War Finance De partment, U. S. Army. On June 19, 1943, Mrs. Rich ard received a commendation from Col. C. W. Woodward, com ma ' .'der of the Quartermaster Depot at Charlotte for "splendid work you have done during your connection with the preparation of the inventory report ? Due to your extreme devotion to duty and your working without re gard to hours, this Depot was the firat the country to submit the first phase of the Inventory report to the Office of the Quar termaster General." TALLENT-CLYATT Mrs. W. C. Clyatt of Terra Ceia. Fla., has announced the marriage of her daughter. Merle Virginia, to Cpl. Gus L. Tallent of Drey Field Army Air Base. The wedding was solemnized on Friday, March 10, at the Bap tist parsonage, Bradenton, Fla., with Rev. A. Judson Burrell offi ciating. The bride was attired In a sol dier blue two-piece suit trimmed In red fox fur with 'black acces sories. Her corsage was of gard enias. Mrs. Tallerrt's only attendant was Mrs. Quinton Perry. She wore a green wool fur trimmed suit with brown accessories and corsaage of red roses. Carter J. Clyatt, brother of Wie bride, attended dpi. Tallent as best man. Those attending the wedding were members of the family and a few close friends. Mrs. Tallent was born on Terra Ceia Island and has lived there all her life. She attended Pal metto High School. Cpl. Tallent, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Tallent was born In Franklin and attended Franklin High School. Before entering the service he was employed by U. S. Naval Powder Factory and Experimental Station at Indian Head, Maryland. Opl. and Mrs. Tallent will re side at the home of the bride's mother ait present. DISTRICT CONVENTION B.T.U., APRIL 7 AND 8 The B.T.U. convention for the Bryson City District, will be held at the Franklin Baptist church, on Friday and Satur day, April 7 and 8. The pro gram will begin at 2:30 Friday afternoon. All Baptist churches with B.T.U.'s are urged to send delegates. The friends of A. R. Higdor? arc glad to see him home again, looking hale and hearty, after ?pending two months in Florida v recuperating from Illness. Recent Bride Mrs. James V. Beeco, the for mer Miss Dorothy MtiMahan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roose evelt McMahan of Gay. The couple were marred on March 10, and are living in Knoxville, Tenn. Red Cross Naws SURGICAL DRESSINGS Roll Of Honor For Sur gical Dressings The following members of the Red Cross have completed the required number of hours In surgical dressings for the roll of honor for week ending March 24, 1944. Mrs. W. V. Swan. Mrs. M. R. Whi taker. Mrs. John Waslllk, Jr. I Mrs. W. W. McConneU. Mrs. Allan Brooks. Mrs. H. H. Onuse, Jr. Mrs. Guy Houk. Mrs. Prank Hlgdon. Mrs. E. B. DeHart. Mrs. George Dean. Mrs. J. D. Alsup. Mrs. R. M. Rlmmer. Mrs. E. A. Schilling. Mrs. Pearl Ward I Mrs. L. H. Page. CORRECTION In my notice in the press of Mar. 16 I meant instead! of be ing 6 years old that I went to 9ohool ait Hickory Kr.oll to 6 different teachers each teaching only one term and that Mrs. Sal Jie Watson of Knoxville, Tenn., is the only one still living ao.d she seeing my article in the Press, wrote mc a nice long let ter last week. John H. Thomas. MINISTER'S CONFERENCE AT RAFTIST CHURCH, APRIL 3 The minister's conference of all denominations of Macon county, will be held at the Franklin Baptist church at 10:30 a. m., on Monday, April 3. MISS LANDRUM ON COLLEGE HONOR ROLL Miss Emogene Lar.dr u m, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Landruri, a sophomore at the Woman's College of the Univer sity of No.t'h Carolina, Greens boro, is one of the students to make the honor roll. Miss Lan drum arrived this week to spend the spring holidays with her family. Personal Mention Ray N. Moses spent last week on his farm near Kiser ohurch and returned to his Job in GoldS boro last Saturday. Mrs. Zeb Conley attended the Western North Carolina Confer ence of the Woman's Society of Christian Science at Hickory from the 21 to 23rd of March. Mrs. Thad Patton spent last week ord .with her sister, Mrs. Robert Reid in Atlanta. Ga. Mrs. Butdell Chapman of At. lanta spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee FLOSSIE OF BELMONT VIEW ? Left to right: Ralph Coarsev, manager Riegledale Guernsey farm, Trvon' Georgia; Charles F Don egan. president Florida Guernsey Breeders Association; A. B. Slagle, Belmont View Farm, Macon coun ty; son of X. W. Green, who purchased Flossie from A. B. Slagle. Heads Local Eastern Star Mrs. Beth Ouffey, recently installed as worthy matron of Nequassa chapter No. 43 of the Order of the Eastern Star at the Masonic hall In Franklin. Mrs. Ouffey succeeds Mrs. Ann Higdon. B. L. McOlamery was installed at the same time as worthy patron. Miss Elizabeth Slagle, past district deputy grand matron, presiding as installing officer. Tallent. She is employed at the Firestone Tire and Rubber Com pany, Aircraft Division in At lanta. Mr. and Mrs. Hansel Bennett of Newport News, Virginia hare been visiting his parents. Mrs. Paul Bryson is visiting relatives in' Wa.vnesville. Roger Wells has returned to Newport News, Va., where he is employed in defense work. Mr. ar.